Exported Evidence

Exported Evidence

How to validate exported evidence to prove in court that it was not tampered with after being exported from the 3VR.

When events and video are exported from the 3VR system, they are digitally watermarked using SHA-1 encryption. This watermark ensures that the exported evidence has not been tampered with, as modifying the file in any way will invalidate the watermark. For example, editing the date of the recorded video in an event xml file, or deleting frames from exported video clips and resaving the video, will produce an error if the evidence is run through the validation tool.


Use the Validation feature to verify that the contents of a 3VR event export folder have not been tampered by following the steps:

  1. Launch 3VR OpCenter and click the Search tab.

  2. Click the Validation sub-tab.

  3. Click on the right side of the File or Folder box to select the directory where the exported event xml file is located.

  4. Click Validate to begin the validation process.
    ”A message will be displayed indicating the result of the validation process: Folder validated with no errors or Authentication Failed:

  5.  Click Close when you are finished to return to the Validation tab.

Validating Exported Video in 3VR Evidence Viewer

Law enforcement agents can validate exported video in 3VR EvidenceViewer:

  1. Open the folder containing the exported evidence and double-click EvidenceViewer.exe

  2. 3VR EvidenceViewer will launch and automatically load the exported video contained in the same folder.

  3. The top-left corner of the EvidenceViewer application will display Validated for validated video.

  4. If validation fails, you will be shown a Validation Exception(s) error message:





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