

How do customers request 3VR SDK/API


Currently, the only SDK/API we have available is the Web Services SDK/API, for both 7.0.x and 7.2.x. There is some information we need to confirm before giving it out. When a customer requests the SDK/API, do the following:

  1. Ask the Professional Services/Integration Team if the customer requesting has permission to receive the SDK/API

  2. If you receive confirmation that the customer can be given the SDK/API, download the "3VR Mutual NDA Agreement" from the following link and email it to the customer as a PDF

  3. Once the customer sends back a signed NDA Agreement, you can send them a link to the SDK/API package, which can be found on the 7.0 Plug-ins and Links page (for the 7.0.x version) and the 7.2 Plug-ins and Links page (for the 7.2.x version).

If the customer wants the SDK/API but we do not have approval to provide it, please direct them back to their 3VR sales representative.

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