

A Port can connect to the controller(s) in any of these ways:

  • Directly via either RS-232 or RS-485 protocol (depending on the type of SNIB).

  • Via a TCP/IP Network through a SNIB2 or SNIB3.

This table describes each of the menu items and fields.

Action image-20240516-034457.png

Select or Right Click on a Port so the Action menu activates and displays the actions that can be performed.


Click the link to know more about Pagination functions.


Displays the name for this Port (up to 32 characters).

Search & Sort  Arrows

Click the Link to know more about the Search & Sort Arrows functions.


Displays the unique address as assigned by the system.


Displays the Port status (Online/Offline (-)).

IP Address

Displays the IP Address assigned to the Port.

Network Type

Displays type of connection being used such as IPv4, IPv6 or Serial.


Displays the protocol type such as XNET, XNET 2 or XNET 3.


Displays whether the Port is Enabled or not.

Adding New Port

  1. In the Device Control tab, expand the DIGI*TRAC Configuration folder.

  2. Select Ports folder and Click the Add New Port.
    If no COM port is currently available, a pop-up message appears indicating this and you are defaulted to TCP/IP, click ok to continue.

Add New Port window will be display as below:

  1. In the 'Name' field, enter a new port name.

  2. Choose the Network Type from the available options;

  • Serial

  • IPv4

  • IPv6

Serial option is disabled, so choose IPv4 or IPv6 depending on your requirement.

  1. Select the Protocol from the available options;

  • XNET

  • XNET 2

  • XNET 3

  1. At the 'IP Address' field, enter a valid IP address for the SNIB2/3 connected (The IP Address can be tested by clicking the Ping button, if you get a popup message IP address is Invalid, please contact your network administrator to confirm the supplied IP address valid) or click Search to detect all networked SNIB2/3 using the controller’s MAC address or IP address as shown below.

    The Port Search screen will automatically start the search and give you a list of available ports to connect to. The default search method for SNIB2 and SNIB3 devices is done by UDP broadcast for IPv4 networks and UDP multicast for IPv6 networks. This list depends on how many SNIB2 or SNIB3 are connected to your network.  When the search is in progress, the results section becomes inactive. The user must wait for the search to complete (or) stop the search to select any SNIB2/SNIB3 from the results section. When the search is completed, or the user manually stops it by clicking the Stop Search button, the user can change the options to do another search.

  • Search Networks, Use the dropdown arrow to select one of the various networks listed (only if multiple network cards are used).

  • Include Global Broadcast: By default, the Include Global Broadcast checkbox will be enabled, and port search happens across all the available network adaptors listed in the Search Networks drop-down. If this check box is disabled, the port search occurs only within the selected network adaptor.

  • Network Type, Select the network type (IPv4 or IPv6) and click "Search." SNIB2 only supports IPv4, and SNIB3 supports both IPv4 and IPv6 modes. IPv6 network will only discover SNIB3 devices, and the discovery happens only through the primary network adapter used by the Windows Operating System.

  • Search Type, this field will be activated when you select IPv4 in Network Type.

    • Broadcast, Choosing this option will list out all the available controllers within the selected network. For discovering SNIB2, we recommend using the “Broadcast” option along with the “Enable Global Broadcast” option selected.

    • IP Scan, Choosing this option will activate the Search IP Range field, where you can enter the IP address ranges to search for controllers within the specified IP range. The IP Scan can also discover SNIB3 devices across different subnets. For example, the network adapter in can also search for 10.151.12.xxxx. However, performing an IP Scan over a different subnet of the network adapter chosen discovers only SNIB3's above v4.01.xxxx.

  • Search IP Range, IP scanning allows you to enter the values for each octet in the IP address: the first octet (1 - 255), the second octet (0 - 255), and the third octet (0 - 255). You can enter multiple subnet values by adding a comma or hyphen. When you specify more than one subnet value with a comma, the Addresses to Search value will also increase from 255 to 510. When you use hyphen, the Address to Search value will result in all the IP ranges between the specified subsets. The fourth octet is not specified as it searches all possible addresses (0 - 255) in this octet. For more details, click on the Examples button.

  1. Select the SNIB which you would need to configure so that the Edit SNIB button will be activated.

Edit function will allow you to change only Port number and Name fields if the DHCP is enabled. By unchecking DHCP you can edit all the available fields.

  1. Click the Update Port info to update SNIB settings and go back to the previous window.

  2. Click the Save Changes button and the Reset Encryption Warning pop-up box will appear to confirm your action.

  1. Click Yes to Reset the Encryption or No to exit the warning message popup. It will exit out of the Add Port window. 




Enter a name for this port (up to 32 characters).


Check this box to indicate the Port is currently active.

Reset Encryption

Resets the encryption on the host side ONLY for communication with the XNET 2 or XNET 3 Port.

Network Type

  • Serial: For Serial connected controller. Option is disabled if no serial ports are found on the server.

  • IPv4: An IPv4 address contains three periods and four octets.

  • IPv6: An IPv6 address has the following format: y : y : y : y : y : y : y : y where y is called a segment and can be any hexadecimal value between 0 and FFFF. The segments are separated by colons (:) not periods.


  • XNET: Stands for Xbox Network protocol. This adds an extra layer to the configuration; the Xbox (built into the SNIB2/3).

  • XNET 2: The Encryption key value is AES 128.

  • XNET 3: The Encryption key value is AES 256/TLS 1.2.

IP Address

Enter the IP Address for the SNIB2 or SNIB3 device.


Click this button to open the Searching dialog and detect all SNIB2 or SNIB3 devices on the Velocity Server local network.

This button is only active when you are configuring an IPv4 and IPv6 Network Types for XNET 2 or XNET 3 protocols.


Click this button to "Ping" the specified IP Address.

IP Port

Enter the port number for the device IP Port. 

The default is 10001.

Subnet Mask

Enter the subnet mask for the IP address being used.

Default Gateway

Enter the default gateway for the IP address being used.

Max Retry Attempts

Either enter a number (between 0 - 99) or use the spin buttons to indicate the number of retries attempts the server will make before it determines the connection is lost and it stops trying.

The default is 50 retries. (Zero ‘0’ indicates infinite retries).

Advanced Settings


Total Timeout Multiplier

Specifies the multiplier, in milliseconds, used to calculate the total time-out period for read operations.

The default value is 1 ms.

Total Timeout Constant

Specifies the constant, in milliseconds, used to calculate the total time-out period for read operations.

The default value is 50 ms.

Interval Timeout

Specifies the maximum time, in milliseconds, allowed to elapse between the arrival of two characters on the communications line.

The default value is 2 ms.

Save Changes

Click the Save Changes button to save this Port and exit out of the Add Port window.


Click this button to discard changes and exit this window.

Editing Port

To Edit a Port:

  1. Select or Right Click on a Port entry so the Action Menu activates to let you choose Edit.

The Edit Port window is displayed.

  1. Make changes in the available fields and click the Save Changes button to update the Port.

These changes do not update the SNIB2/3 settings as it only updates the settings on the host side.