Enrollment Tab

Enrollment Tab

The Enrollment tab provides the most important functionality. The page enables you to combine a Credential and Person (photograph optional) to create an access privilege for each user.

By default, the available columns are Last Name, First Name, Middle Name, and Updated. If needed, the columns can be changed by clicking on the gear iconimage-20240506-130706.png

Please refer to Configure Column Headers for more details. 

Person Information

To access the Person Information screen click on the person row from the person list. This is where basic details about a person are entered.

The Credential(s) associated with this person are listed in the Credentials section (top table), and their person information is listed below. You can click the "<-Person Groups…" back link in the top left to return to the main list.


This is a read-only field generated by the system. Each person's record has a unique ID.

Record Last Updated

This is a read-only field generated by the system indicating the date (MM/DD/YYYY) and time when this record was last updated.

Name (First, Middle, Last)

  • If required, select a prefix for this person from the picklist. 

    • Options include: Mr., Mrs., Ms., and Dr.

  • Type a first name for this person (up to 32 characters). This is a required field.

  • If required, type a middle name or initial for this person (up to 32 characters).

  • Type a last name for this person (up to 80 characters). This is a required field.

  • If required, select a suffix for this person from the picklist. 

    • Options include: Jr. and Sr.


A maximum of 10 tabs can be configured and used to place UDF 15 - 999 across the 10 tabs. This configuration needs to be done within the Velocity application. 

By default, only tab 1 is used with UDF 15 - 36.


This tab allows you to add the person to one or more groups. Person Groups need to be created within the Velocity application.

Additional Images

The Additional Images tab appears after the Person Information is added and saved.

This enables qualified operators to include more than one image for each person. This image can show side views or additional front views of the enrolled person as well as other identifying images.

Before you can access any additional images, you must first define the user placeholders in the User Defined Fields option within the Velocity application. 

Additional Notes

This tab provides a free-form large text field, organized by category, that can be used for site specific purposes related to individuals. 

Additional Notes are similar to UDFs but are intended for larger free-formatted text that is easy to read and edit.

Before you can access any additional notes, you must first define the Note Categories in the User Defined Setup - Additional Notes Tab in Velocity. If there aren't any Categories configured, the user won't be able to write notes.


The Photo field displays the photo of the person. 

The Edit Photo options are:

  • Upload Photo: Allows you to select and upload an existing photo file.

  • Capture Photo: Allows you to view a live image, capture the photo and show a preview of your photo after taking a snapshot from a webcam.

  • Remove: Allows you to delete the current photo image.


The signature field allows you to import a signature image of file type: .jpg, .jpeg, .png or .bmp

Delete Person

Click this button to delete this person from the system, a confirmation dialogue box will appear asking you to confirm your selection.

Undo Changes

Click this button to undo the most recent change.

Update Via Smart Card

Select the Person record from the Enrollment list and click the Update Via Smart Card button, which will redirect to the PIV Enrollment window to scan and update the person information. To know more please refer to PIV Enrollment

Apply Changes

Click this button to save changes.

Person Groups

Use the dropdown arrow to select All available groups, Everyone, or a defined person group from the list. Based on the group selection, the bottom panel will show the list of people assigned to that group.

Search in this group

The Search in this group field allows you to search for any enrolled person based on first, middle, or last name in the selected Person Group. The Search screen looks like this.

The search results, by default, will show 10 records and appear instantly as you begin to type. The results are displayed as last name, first name, middle name, as shown below. 

Pressing Enter in the Search results will provide a filtered list within the Enrollment tab.

Depending on the user's role, the default option will be the first available Person Group. If we need to do a wider search we recommend using the "All AvailableGroups", where all the Person Groups available for the user's role will be merged in one person list for searching in all groups. 

The search results can be configured to display between 5 - 50 within Settings | Enrollment tab.

Advanced Search

When you click Advanced Search, the below window appears.

This window includes the following fields and buttons:


This picklist provides a list of field names from the Person Information which you can use to search on.

For example, if you want to search for a person by their last name, you would select the Last Name option from the “Field” picklist.



Supply the first and second elements of the search argument you want to use for searching the person database.

(First Search Field Argument)

  • is: The person you are searching for is the second element.

  • is not: The person you are searching for is not the second element.

The possible values for the second element appear in this picklist and vary depending on your “Field” selection:

(Second Search Field Argument)

  • equal to: The person you are searching for has a value that is identical to the selected field value.

  • less than: The person you are searching for has a value less than that you specified in the 'Value' field.

  • greater than: The person you are searching for has a value greater than that you specified in the 'Value' field.

  • between: If you select a UDF that is defined as a date type, you can use this term. Two combo boxes appear into which you can enter the range of dates between which you want to search.

  • starting with: The person you are searching for has a value that starts with that you specify in the 'Value' field.

  • like: The person you are searching for has a value that is similar to the selected field value.

For example, if you specified a value of 'Smith' in the 'Value' field, Enrollment Manager searches for a value like 'Smith' such as 'Smithon' or 'Smithers'.

  • within: If you select a UDF that is defined as a date type, you can use this term. Three combo boxes appear: two boxes enabling you to determine the range of your search and a box specifying the period (e.g. an hour, 12 hours, a year) for which you are searching.

If you select either less than or greater than as a second search argument, a check box appears to the right of the second search argument picklist.

or equal to: This checkbox will appear if you select less than or greater than in the second search field argument. Check this box to indicate that the search term is actually less than or equal to, or greater than or equal to.

Search field

Variable field


After you have selected an option in the 'Field' combo box and the required options in the 'Function' fields, one or more panes or combo boxes appear below the argument combo box. Click the search box to type as you begin typing, and suggested results will appear below the search box, if one of the suggested results is the item you need, simply click on it to be taken to it directly.

Click the variable field box to use the drop-down list to select the component directly.

Depending on the size of the database there might be a delay in retrieving and populating this list.

Value Field

Enter a value for this search in this text window. The functions you selected above apply to this.

If your selected argument is “is equal to”, all values relevant to this Value Field appear. For example, if you specified Last Name in the 'Field' picklist and is equal to in the 'Function' picklist, all relevant last names appear in this field. Click to select one or more values relevant to your present search.

If you have selected either between or within as your second search argument, two new text fields appear like in this example:

If you specified an like condition and are trying to find a variation of the value you entered in the 'Value' field, use any of several wildcards including %, _, [ ], and [^].


Click this button to add this element. If you edit the argument after it is added, the button changes to Update.

Search Results Window

All added arguments are displayed in the Search Results Window. If more than one argument appears here, then additional conditions, like AND or OR are added here.

Apply Search

Click this button to begin the search on all the groups. 


Click this button to close the search and return to Enrollment.

Find Credential

When you click the Find Credential, the below window appears.

The Find Credential looks for specific credential information by entering data for the following fields:

Credential ID

Selecting this radio button allows you to search on the unique Credential ID number of a particular person's credential.

Card Stamp Number

Selecting this radio button allows you to search on the Card Stamp Number field if populated within the credential. This is not a mandatory field so it might not be used.

The card stamp number is the number that appears printed on the card.

Match Code

Selecting this radio button allows you to search on the MATCH field of a credential. If you are using PIN only credentials then this field will be blank. 

Card Data

Selecting this radio button allows you to search on the Data field of a credential. 

PIN Code

Selecting this radio button allows you to search on the PIN code of a credential. If you are using Card only credentials then this field will be blank.

Apply search

Click this button to search the database for the specified credential.

Contains criteria

This checkbox is activated while selecting Credential Stamp Number, Match Code and Card Data. It is grayed out for Credential ID and PIN Code. We can input partial information if we don't remember the full number and apply a search.

Search Results table

After doing a search with any of the previous criteria, we will see the available credentials that match the criteria. The available column information will depend on the user personal Column Configuration in Unassigned and Guest Credentials by clicking on the gear icon image-20240506-154809.png.



This lists the associated Settings, Preview Badge, and Print Badge of the associated credentials. Refer to Credentials and Preview Badge and Print Badge for more details.


This is a read-only field displaying the unique Person ID associated with this person.


This is a read-only field displaying the unique Credential ID associated with this credential.

Last Name

This is a read-only field displaying the last name of the person associated with this credential.

First Name

This is a read-only field displaying the first name of the person associated with this credential.


This is a read-only field displaying the ID Format associated with this credential.


This is a read-only field displaying the type of function associated with this credential.


This is a read-only field displaying the description given to this credential.


This is a read-only field displaying the current status of the credential.

Issue Status

This is a read-only field displaying your Current Issue Status for this credential.

Expires On

This is a read-only field displaying the date\time when the credential will expire.  

Last Access

This is a read-only field displaying the date\time of the last access granted for this credential.

Last Door

This is a read-only field displaying the name of the last door where this credential had an access-granted transaction.


This is a read-only field displaying whether or not the credential is set to generate a tag alarm.


This is a read-only field displaying whether or not the credential is set to generate an alert notification.


This is a read-only field displaying the Stamp number given to this credential.


Click the link to know more about Pagination functions.

Add Credential

To assign a new credential to a person:

  1. Click the Enrollment tab and select the person to whom you want to assign a credential to.

  1. From Credentials, click the Add Credential button. Select a Default or existing Credential Template or Click the Add Credential option. The Credential Properties window appears.

General Tab in Credential Properties

General Tab


General Tab



This is a read-only field.  The system generates this unique ID number for each credential created. This is also known as the Credential ID. 

Link to

Check this box to link this credential to a Credential Template specified in the picklist. This means that if this Credential Template is changed, the credentials associated with this template also change.

A pop-up confirmation box will appear asking you to confirm your action.

If this box is not checked, this credential is independent of any Credential Template.

Badge Template

From the drop-down list, select the Badge Template you want to associate to this credential.

Only those Badge Templates already defined and associated with your Role are displayed in this drop-down list. Badge Templates are created from the Velocity application using Badge Designer.


Enter a brief description for this credential (up to 50 characters).


Select one of the available IDFs from the drop-down list. 

The default is, 1 - Keypad

The options are:

  • 0 - Badge Only

  • 1 - Keypad

  • 2 - Card

  • 3 - Dual

  • 4 - Card+Dual

  • 5 - Keypad+Dual

  • 6 - Keypad+Card

  • 7 - Keypad/Card/Dual


If you select any card IDF option (card, dual, card+dual, keypad+dual, keypad+card, or keypad/card/dual) from the IDF field, this section is activated.


Select from the drop-down list the type\format of card this is. 

The default is, Std 26-Bit Wiegand

The options are:

  • Std 26-Bit Wiegand

  • Std 27-Bit Wiegand

  • Std 28-Bit Wiegand

  • Std 29-Bit Wiegand

  • One-Field ABA

  • Special 1 - 30

  • Passthrough

  • Special 32 - 37

  • Octal passthru

  • Special 39

  • 200-bit FASCN

  • 200-bit

  • 37-Bit Wiegand hex

  • 37-Bit Wiegand NP hex

  • Octal to Hex

Stamp #

This optional field is most often used for record-keeping. This is the number that is printed on the card (normally on the backside). 


Type the data appearing on this card. This is for manual registration only, use an enrollment station if one is connected. This number is often the same as the hot stamp number. If you are not swiping this card to generate a MATCH number, this field must be filled in order to generate a MATCH number.  Please refer to your card provider for these details.


Do one of the following:

  • Enter numbers in the 'Data' field (hit Enter key), and Velocity automatically generates a MATCH number for this field.

  • Type in the MATCH number from the cross-reference list.

  • Swipe the new card through the attached enrollment station. The field is automatically populated.

  • This is usually an 8 - 16 digit number, but it is a 32 digit number for a 200-bit card.

Activation /Expiration Date



The date and time when the credential will become active.


The date and time when the credential will no longer be active.  If the person possessing the credential attempts to use this credential after the expiration date, the system will deny the attempt.

If you want to activate this feature and change the date that appears in this field:

  1. Check the 'Expire' box to the left of the field

  2. Click the button, the Set Expiration Dialog appears

  3. Specify the date and time; either a specific date or a UDF date

  4. Click OK

On Expiration

This field is activated when the 'Expire' checkbox is selected. Three options are available:

  • Disable - click this radio button to indicate that this card/code is disabled on expiration. The card/code is stored in the database and cannot be reused.

  • Delete from Controllers - click this radio button to indicate that this card/code is deleted from all controllers. The card/code is stored in the database and cannot be reused.

  • Disable and Unassign - click this radio button to indicate that this card/code is disabled and unassigned at expiration. The card/code is stored in the database and can be reused by selecting the credential from unassigned, assigning the unassigned credential to a person, then re-activating it.


If you select any keypad option -- including keypad, dual, card+dual, keypad+dual, keypad+card or keypad/card/dual -- from the IDF field, this section is activated.


Use the drop-down to specify how many digits this code must be. The range is 3 - 15 digits. The default is 4 digits.


Either type in a new PIN in the field or click Auto to automatically generate a PIN.


Click this button to automatically generate a new pin code.

Duress Digit

Use the drop-down to specify a duress digit for the credential. The available duress digits are 1 - 9. The default is 0, indicating that no duress digit is required for this code.

Apply Changes

Click this button to save changes.


Click this button to discard changes and exit this window.

Set Expiration Date 

The expiration date in the General tab of the Credential Properties determines when the credentials become disabled.


Click to check this box if you want this credential to expire on a specific date and time. The date\time field to the right is activated.

At the date field, use the down arrow, to the right of this combo box to display a calendar. Select the month and day on which this card/code is expired. You can use the arrow keys to go side to side or up and down for values.

The current time is automatically supplied. To change this, click in the time fields and enter new values as required.

Expire on UDF Date

Click to select this radio button if you want this credential to expire on a date specified by a value in a UDF field. The time when the expiration takes place is always the end of the last minute before midnight (11:59 PM) on the date designated by the UDF.


Clicking OK returns to the Credential Properties General page. The expiration date you specified now appears in the 'Expire' field.

Functions Tab in Credential Properties

Function Category

From this drop-down list, select the function category for this credential.  

The categories include:

  • Access

  • Relay

  • Alarm

  • Password

  • Special

  • Function Group


From this drop-down list, select the function.  The options will vary depending on the Function Category selected above.

Door Group

If you select Access or Password from the 'Function Category' drop-down list, this combo box appears.  Select a Door Group from the list based on your Role permissions.


If you select Relay or Alarm from the ‘Function Category’ drop-down list, this combo box appears. Select the Controller that the specified Control Zone affects.

Control Zone

If you select Relay or Alarm from the 'Function Category' drop-down list, this combo box appears. Specify the Control Zone that specifies the relay(s) or input(s) and their behavior. Both Standard and Master Control Zones are included in this list.

Function Group

If you select Function Group from the ‘Function Category’ drop-down, this combo box appears. Select an existing Function Group from the list.


  • Alarm Cancel: Cancel all alarms within the specified zone. When you select this function, the 'Door Group' combo box appears. Select the door group to which this function applies.  The default is all doors, always.

  • Watch Log: Logs code entry for tracking guards on their appointed rounds. When you select this function, the 'Door Group' combo box appears. Select the door group to which this function applies. The default is all doors, always.

  • Time Log: Logs code entry for recording the arrival and departure times of time log code holders. When you select this function, the 'Door Group' combo box appears. Select the door group to which this function applies.  The default is all doors, always.

  • Deadman Timer: Starts a deadman timer at code/card entry.  If the timer expires before the employee's next code/card entry, an alarm is recorded. When you select this function, three combo boxes appear: Controller, Control Zone, and Time(Sec).

  • Indexed Command: If you select Indexed Command from the ‘Functions’ drop-down, this combo box appears which specifies several subfunctions.

    • Manual Holiday Table (1-4)

    • Manual UnHoliday Table (1-4)

    • Forgive all Users

    • Clear Code Tamper

    • Count Users This Side

    • Count Users Other Side

  • Set Threat Level: If you select Set Threat Level from the ‘Functions’ dropdown, this combo box appears. Specify the Threat Level range from 0-99.

Save Changes

Click this button to save the configurations made.


Click this button to discard and exit this window.

Limits Tab in Credential Properties



Apply Credential Management Globally in DIGI*TRAC

Check this box to indicate that the credential management limits specified here are shared amongst all controllers connected to the same Xbox. Before this feature can be applied, you must first check the 'Enable Global Credential Management' box on the Setup page of the Controller Properties dialog for each affected controller.

For example, if a person using this credential exceeds the use limit at one door, that information is shared with all other controllers on the same Xbox. This makes it impossible for the credential to be used at another door even if it is controlled by another controller.

Threat Authority

Use the drop-down to increase or decrease the Threat Level for this Credential. At the specified Threat Level, the credential is no longer honored, and access is no longer allowed.

The default is Level 00. This indicates that no threat level has been set for this Credential.

Day/Use/Absentee Limits


No Limit

Click this radio button to indicate that there are no limits for this Credential. This is the default setting.

Day Limiting

Click this radio button to specify that credentials expire after a specified number of days (a day is defined as running from midnight to midnight). 

Specify the days in the 'Day/Use/Absentee' field to the right. 

The range is from 1 - 255.

Use Limiting

Click this radio button to specify that credentials expire after a specified number of uses.

Specify the uses in the 'Day/Use/Absentee' field to the right. 

The range is from 1 - 255.

Absentee Limiting

Click this radio button to specify that credentials expire after a specified number of recorded absences.

Specify the absences in the 'Day/Use/Absentee' field to the right. 

The range is from 1 - 254.

Day/Use/Absentee Count

Use the spin control arrows to increase or decrease the number of days, uses, or absences the credential is allowed before it expires. The units specified here depend on the radio button selected:

  • If you select Day Limiting, the count is in days (1 - 255)

  • If you select Use Limiting, the count is in uses (1 - 255)

  • If you select Absentee Limiting, the count is in absences (1 - 254)

The default selection is No Limit and the counter value default is 1.

2-Person Rule

The following combinations of credential limits are valid at a 2-Person Rule enabled Door:

  • Normal: Click this radio button to indicate that the normal 2-Person Rule applies to the credential.  This person can access a 2-Person Rule-enabled door with any other person possessing a Normal, A/B Rule "A", or A/B Rule "B" designation.

  • A/B Rule A: Two-Person "A/B" Rule.  If one person has an A/B Rule "A" specified in the limits for their credential, they need to find someone with an A/B Rule "B" or a 'Normal' designation in order to unlock a 2-Person Rule enabled door.
    This is particularly useful for supervisor/trainee access privileges.

  • A/B Rule B: Two-Person "A/B" Rule.  If one person has an A/B Rule 'B' selected in the limits for their credential, they need to find someone with an A/B Rule "A" or a 'Normal' designation in order to unlock a 2-Person Rule enabled door.
    This is particularly useful for supervisor/trainee access privileges.

  • Executive Override: Two-Person Executive Override.  This allows the holder of this credential to override the 2-Person Rule.  It only takes this credential to unlock the door, even if the door normally requires two people.

Save Changes

Click this button to save changes.


Click this button to discard changes and exit this window.

Options Tab in Credential Properties




Check this box to indicate the credential is tagged. A tagged alarm will be generated at the host.


Check this box to indicate the credential causes an alert. An audible alert will be generated at the door.


Check this box to disable the credential. All actions from this credential will be denied.

Reader Control Groups

Select a Reader Control Group from this drop-down list to associate with this credential. 



Executive Override

Check this box to designate that this credential allows executive override.

Special Needs


Special Needs Time  Access Extension

Check this box to designate that this credential allows an unlock extension beyond the normal unlock interval for special needs, such as wheelchair access or large parcel delivery.

Before this feature is enabled, you must first specify intervals in the 'Special Needs Time Extensions' section of the Setup page of the Controller Properties.

Override Scramble Keypad Display

Check this box to bypass the scramble keypad display option set in the door/reader properties to override keypad scramble for the dual credential.

Current Issue Status



Enables an operator to document the current status of a credential.  This is particularly helpful if the credential has been lost, stolen, or destroyed for some reason.

Either type (up to 32 characters) or select one of the available status options from the drop-down list. The list options include:

●        Lost

●        Stolen

●        Destroyed

In addition to these default options, a qualified operator can also define new issue status conditions by defining one of the available Issue Control Reasons through the Components subfolder in the Customization Manager in the Velocity application.

Under the Components subfolder, select Enrollment Manager - Credential, then in the right panel, Item column, scroll down to the DefaultListItem and modify one of the defaults <Reserved for Issue Control Reason> values, as shown in the following example:

Print Control


Enable Print Control

Check this box to enable print control.  Print control is a feature that restricts the number of badges that can be printed using this credential.

A qualified operator can enable Print Control globally using Enrollment Manager Preferences from the Velocity application.


A read-only field indicating the number of attempts that were made to print the badge associated with this credential.

This count and the Confirmed count will be identical unless you check the Display print confirmation box below.


A read-only field indicating the number of badges based on this credential that were printed.  This number cannot exceed the prescribed Max field.

This count and the Attempts count will be identical unless you check the Display print confirmation box below.


Enter the maximum number of badges that can be printed for this credential.  Velocity will not allow either the Attempts or Confirmed counts to exceed the value entered here, unless the operator printing the badge is assigned to a role that allows overriding of print control.

A qualified operator can specify a maximum count globally using Enrollment Manager Preferences from the Velocity application.

Display Print Confirmation

Check this box to enable confirmation when a badge based on this credential attempts to print.  This means that whenever an operator prints a badge based on this credential, Velocity prompts the operator to indicate whether the badge successfully printed.

If the operator indicates that the badge did print properly, both the Attempts and Confirmed fields are incremented by one. If the operator indicates that the badge did not print properly, only the Attempts field is incremented.

Issue Control


Enable Issue Control

Check this box to enable issue control.


A read-only field indicating the number of times this credential has been issued. This figure cannot exceed the Max count you enter.


Enter the maximum number of times this credential can be issued. Velocity will not allow the Count field to exceed the value entered here.

Issue List 

A list of issues appears in this table. The first issue indicates the initial issue of the card.  Subsequent entries indicate that the credential was reissued.

Each issue is identified by its issue number, the reason for its issue, and the date of its issuance.  To review or edit an entry in this table, double-click on the entry and the Reissue Credential dialog appears.

Save Changes

Click this button to save your configurations made.


Click this button to discard and exit this window.

Person Groups

The Person Groups In Enrollment tab allows you to group people into logical units. Person Groups enable people to be placed in different role-controlled views. These views determine which persons a specific operator can see in Enrollment based on the operator's role. 

Adding People to Person Groups

  1. Select the Person Name from the list.

  2. Click the Groups tab. The Person Group(s) is displayed based on Role permissions.

  3. Select the checkbox of the Person Group you want this person to be part of and click Apply Changes. The added person is displayed on the left pane under the Person Group.


A credential is a compilation of vital security information associated with a person. The completed credential is a security profile unique to that person. Depending on the IDF selection, a credential is used with either a card, pin, or both.

  1. Click the Enrollment tab and select a person. The Credentials pane will list the credential(s) associated with this person.

The below table describes the list of fields and actions that can be performed on the Credentials pane:


This is the IDF option assigned to this credential.


This is a read-only field. The system generates a unique Credential ID number for each credential created.


Displays the function defined for the Credential.


Displays a brief description of the credential.


Displays the credentials status (Active, Disabled, etc...).

Issue Status

Displays the credentials issue status (Lost, Stolen, Destroyed, etc...).

Expires On

Displays the date and time when this credential will expire. If the person possessing this credential attempts to use this credential after the expiration date, it will be denied.

Last Access

Displays the last time stamp that the Credential accessed.

Last Door

Displays the name of the last door that the Credential accessed.


Specifies if the credential is tagged () or not (-).


Specifies if the credential is set to alert () or not (-).


Display the specific Stamp Number configured in this credential. This option is available to all IDF except 1 - Keypad

Drop-down lists the following options (you can apply this to an individual credential with right click as well:

  • Tag: Select this option to tag the specified credential. A check mark appears before the option. It can be deactivated at any time by re-selecting the checked option.

  • Alert: Select this option to alert the specified credential. A check mark appears before the option. It can be deactivated at any time by re-selecting the checked option.

  • Disable: Select this option to disable the specified credential. A check mark appears before the option. It can be re-enabled at any time by re-selecting the checked option.

  • Forgive Passback: Select this option to forgive any passback violation for this credential. The event appears in the Event Viewer.

This option is particularly useful in an emergency when a passback violation must be forgiven in order to get people out of a passback area as quickly as possible.

  • Override Code Tamper: This allows a credential that has been disabled because of code tamper to be reused. This event appears in the Event Viewer.

  • Reset Limit Count: Select this option to reset the limit count for this credential to the default value. The event appears in the Event Viewer.

This essentially gives an extension to the credential holder.

  • Force Download: Select this option to force an immediate download of this credential's information to the relevant controllers.

  • Assign: Only available if the credential is in the unassigned queue.

  • Unassign: Select this option to unassign this credential from the current person. The credential disappears from the Credential pane and is added to the Unassigned Credentials queue in the left column of the Enrollment pane.

  • Edit: Click this option to edit the Credential properties of the current person.

  • Delete: Select this option to delete the credential from the current person. A prompt appears asking you to confirm your choice. Click Yes and the credential is permanently removed from the system.

Preview Badge and Print Badge

After the required credentials fields are added (refer to Credentials for more details), the Preview Badge and Print Badge buttons appear in the Credentials panel as shown.

Although you can immediately print a badge from the Enrollment tab, it is often a good idea to preview it before you do. This can reveal any conflicts that might exist between the Badge Template you have chosen, the information that must appear on the badge, and the badge printer you are using.

The steps for previewing and printing the badges are:

  1. Click the Preview Badge button in Credentials and the screen appears as below.

After you click the Preview Badge, the screen appears as shown:

  1. Click the Print Badge button to print directly from the Print Preview screen.

Double-sided Badge Templates can be previewed and printed on both sides. Printers that support double-sided printing are used to print such badge types. Before printing a double-sided badge you can preview both sides by clicking the Flip Badge button as shown below.


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