Alarm Viewer Tab

Alarm Viewer Tab

Alarms provide the necessary instructions for further processing. The instructions are useful to the user as an operator/administrator on how to proceed, what process to use, or who to call for a specific alarm.

Viewing Alarm Instructions

  1. Click the Alarm Viewer tab, the Alarms and Acknowledged Alarms panel is displayed.


This panel contains the column details of each Unacknowledged Alarm.



From this menu the  user can perform the task of acknowledging individual alarms or all available alarms, and also be able to add Operator Notes. This removes the alarm from the Alarms panel and moves it to the Acknowledged Alarms panel.


The available alarm status icons are:

  • image-20240507-102225.png Refers to an unsecured alarm

  • image-20240507-102330.png Refers to a secured alarm



There are two different views to see the instructions.

Always have instructions displayed: In this method, the instruction notes can be viewed in the table to read the instructions related to this alarm. If the instruction is too long, a "see more" link which will redirect to the full instruction page.

No instructions displayed: In this method, the instruction notes will not be displayed, as in the table as shown below.

If you click on the instructions icon a full instruction page will appear with the full instructions.

This view depends on how an Administrator has their System Wide Settings configured in Alarm Viewer under menu settings

Operator Notesimage-20240507-103329.png

There can be multiple notes added to the same alarm by different users. By clicking on the operator note icon a modal window will show all available notes for this alarm with the most recent note on top of the list. For more details, please refer to Operator Notesimage-20240507-103351.png.

Operator Notes cannot be edited or deleted.


If you have checked Stack Alarms of similar type option in Settings→ Alarm Viewer → System Wide Settings, this column displays all occurrences of alarms for this device that are still unacknowledged. The earliest alarm is marked as 1 and each subsequent alarm is incremented.

This is a Global Setting for all operators, only Admins can change this.

Host Time

The date and time this alarm occurred as recorded by the Velocity host.

Controller Time

The date and time this alarm occurred as recorded by the controller experiencing the alarm. 

This value will be different from the Host Time only if the controller is located in a different time zone, or if there is a delay between the time the alarm occurs on the controller and the time when it is received by the Velocity host.


A brief description of the alarm. This should supply a message indicating what the alarm was.


The unique address assigned to this alarm. This indicates the exact point where the alarm took place.


The priority level assigned to this alarm. Initially, all alarms have the same level 1 priority.

Alarm ID

The ID associated with this alarm. Each alarm type has a unique Alarm ID.

Acknowledged Alarms

This pane contains the column details of each Acknowledged Alarm.



From this menu the  user can perform the task of clearing individual alarms or all available alarms and also be able to add Operator Notes. This removes the alarm from the Acknowledged Alarms panel.


The available alarm status icons are:

  • image-20240507-111422.png Refers to an unsecured alarm

  • image-20240507-111609.png Refers to a secured alarm


There are two different views to see the instructions.

Always have instructions displayed: In this method, the instruction notes can be viewed in the table to read the instructions related to this alarm. If the instruction is too long, a "see more" link which will redirect to the full instruction page.

No instructions displayed: In this method, the instruction notes will not be displayed, as in the table as shown below.

If you click on the instructions icon a full instruction page will appear with the full instructions.

Operator Notesimage-20240507-113226.png

There can be multiple notes added to the same alarm by different users. By clicking on the operator note icon a modal window will show all available notes for this alarm with the most recent note on top of the list. For more details, please refer to Operator Notes