Who’s Inside Tab

When an emergency occurs in an area or building, you need to know immediately who is inside a designated area and manage the swift movement of those people to a safe area. We can edit the Zones a credential passes through inside Doors under Entry Reader > Logic > Passback Zones. After configuration, we can see in real-time how the credentials move from Zone to Zone in this section.

Who’s Inside


Hide Empty Zones


Toggle between hiding zones that are currently empty and show all zones. When you Hide Empty Zones, you simplify the screen, making it easier to see and manage. Click to Show Empty Zones.

Generate HTML Report

Click this button to generate an HTML page showing the latest Who's Inside information.  This page is displayed in the default Web browser. The Web page looks like this: 

You can print (Ctrl + P) this page.

Start Zone Refresh

Start Zone Refresh will start polling by the Who’s Inside engine. All controllers are queried as to their current status and the most recent status of each zone is returned.

Suspend Zone Refresh

Suspend Zone Refresh will stop polling by the Who's Inside engine. This halts the screen refresh, which enables the operator to focus on investigations of specific lines and problems.


Click this expand view to view the menu tabs along with their names. Users can click on the tabs from the menu bar to view the information.

Click this collapse view to hide the menu bar, giving extra space to view the information. Hovering over the mouse on the icons will display the name of the respective tabs.

Zone List Search

Use this field to enter the name of the zone, from the search result click on either one of them to go directly.


Displays all users in all Zone Groups.

Globalized Zone Groups

Contain groups of globalized controllers organized by Port (legacy RS-485 Global IO) or Networked Global IO Group name.

Custom Zone Groups

Contain a single built-in group and custom-defined zone groups.

Shared Zones

Contains 256 system-wide Shared Zones that map zones from Custom Zone Groups and Globalized Zone Groups


Selecting a credential or multiple credentials with the checkbox gives you two options:

  • Forgive credentials: Select or right-click on the credential from the right panel, and click Forgive Credentials so that the user doesn’t have to go through the process of reissuing the credential.

  • Display credentials: It will show you the credential badge and the Credential ID and Description of the credential. You can multi-select credentials and view them in the group: 


Move to

Select or right-click on a credential to enable the move to action button and let you move the credential to the Globalized Zone Groups or Custom Zone Groups.

Configure Column Headers

For more details refer Configure Column Headers.

Search and sort

Click the Link to know more about the Search & Sort Arrows functions.


Click the link to know more about Pagination functions.

Add Custom Zone Group

  1. To add a New Custom Zone Group, right-click on the Custom Zone Groups folder and click “Add New Custom Group”. 

  2. It brings up an Add Custom Zone Group window, as appears below.


  3. Enter the name of the new Add Custom Zone Group (up to 100 characters).

  4. Select the Controllers from the Does not contain panel and use the down arrow button to move them to the Contains panel. 

  5. Use the up arrow button to move the Controllers from Contains to Does not contain pane, in case you decide to remove the Controller from this group.

  6. Click the Save Changes button.

  7. Expand the Custom Zone Group folder to view the newly added Custom Zone Group.


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