Event Viewer Tab

Event Viewer Tab

The Event Viewer is a read-only screen displaying all events detected by the Web Client as they occur throughout the monitored systems. An Event Viewer screen within the Web Client looks like the one below.

You will notice that there is a vertical scroll bar enabling you to scroll up or down through a list of all currently recorded events. Events are color-coded by Event Type.

The columns that describe each event are described below:

Host Time

The date and time this event occurred as recorded by the Velocity host.

Controller Time

The date and time this event occurred as recorded by the controller reporting the event.

This value will be different from the Host Time only if the controller is located in a different time zone, or if there is a delay between the time the event occurs on the controller and the time when it is received by the host.


A brief description of the event. This should supply a message indicating what the event was.


The unique address assigned to this event. This indicates the exact point where the event took place.

Event Type

The type of event that occurred.

Many different types of events are tracked by the system; DIGI*TRAC External, DIGI*TRAC Internal, Software, Communications, Port, Controller, and so on. For more about this, refer to Event Types.

Event ID

The ID associated with this event.  Each event has a unique Event ID.

Configure Column Headers

For more details refer Configure Column Headers.

Event Types

Click on the Filter Events By Type field so that the dropdown list of the available Event Types appear. Select one or more Event Types; the Event Viewer will only display the chosen filter events. The columns that describe each event type and ID range are mentioned below.

Event Type

Event ID Range



1001 - 1099

An event generated by the software.


2000 - 2033

An event based on the type of access.


9001 - 9099

An event recorded within the device, such as a time zone change or a database correction.


4001 - 4099

An event was recorded at the attached device.


5001 - 5999

An event that triggers an alarm, such as a DOTL or entry delay error.


8600 - 8750

An event that triggers when a programming mismatch or is not configured correctly.


7000 - 7047 

An event based on Xbox type. 


8001 - 8499

An event that does not fit into any other category.


8501 - 8599

Events specific to the port, such as a port socket or port offline error.

Suspend scrolling of Events

In some situations, you may need to suspend scrolling temporarily. Doing so freezes the Event Viewer at the current spot and stops displaying new events. 

Some reasons for suspending scrolling are:

  • Events are happening faster than the operator can monitor

  • An important event occurred and the operator wants to freeze the screen at that point

To temporarily Suspend/Resume scrolling:

  1. Right-click anywhere within the Event Viewer screen and click Suspend scrolling.
    This feature is available on all the tabs where the Event Viewer is displayed. Please refer to the Settings→Events tab for more information.

    The background color on the screen changes (unless the normal and the suspended color values are the same), and the Event Viewer stops displaying new events until you Resume scrolling.

  2. To Resume scrolling, right-click anywhere on the Event Viewer screen and click Resume scrolling.

Suspended scrolling is a temporary setting that is not saved and will revert back to scrolling when you refresh or go in and out of the Event Viewer tab. Events are not lost while scrolling is suspended; their display is just postponed. The Event Viewer caches any new events in a queue, and when scrolling resumes, these cached events are displayed in the Event Viewer at a rapid rate.

Custom Filters

Custom Filters are predefined combinations that the Events can use to sort which events are actually shown. Custom Filter can sort by one or more system components. Only specified components or event types are displayed in the Events tab.

The fields, buttons, and panes on this page include:

Filter Group

Click in this drop-down and either select one of the currently defined filter groups or enter the name of a new filter group.

The default is <None>.

To create a new filter group, select <New>.


In the Filter Group dropdown, select an available filter. When we do, the "Rename" button on the right will be enabled. Click on it, and a new dialogue box will appear where you can enter the new name for the selected Filter Group.


Click this button to delete the currently displayed Filter Group.  

Select Filter Type


Limit: Only the criteria selected will be shown in the Event Viewer

Click this radio button to limit the display for this Filter Group to the filter elements selected below.

Exclusion: The selected criteria will NOT be shown in the Event Viewer

Click this radio button to exclude from display for this Filter Group all the filter elements selected below.

Criteria Builder

Use one or more of these fields (up to a maximum of seven fields) as filtering elements.  Simply click the combo box and select an element from the pull-down list.  Each element must be previously defined.


The Port to which the system is connected.  Select the appropriate port from the drop-down list.

The default value is N/A.  Only those Ports currently defined for this system appear in the list.


The Xbox to which the system is connected. Select the appropriate Xbox from the drop-down list.

The default value is N/A. Only those Xboxes currently defined for this system appear in the list.


The Controller to which the system is connected. Select the appropriate DIGI*TRAC or Mx controller from the drop-down list.

The default value is N/A. Only those Controllers currently defined for this system appear in the list.


The Event type that the Event Viewer should use to filter. Select the appropriate event from the drop-down list.

The default value is N/A.  Only those Events currently prescribed for this system appear in the list.


Click the Add button to include the selected elements into the definition for the displayed Filter Group.

The filtering elements appear in the Selected Criteria pane.

Selected Criteria

Selected Criteria pane

When you click the Add button, a description of the new Criteria is displayed in this pane.


Click the Delete button to delete a selected filter description from the Selected Criteria pane.

Configure Custom Filters

  1. Click the Events tab and select the Configure Filters button.

  2. Custom Filter modal appears as shown below. Only Operators with appropriate permissions can add Custom Filter Group. Operators without appropriate permissions will not be able to add Custom Filter Group and the fields will be grayed out.

  1. At the 'Filter Group' field, select <New> from the drop-down list.

  2. In the Filter Type section, select either:

  • Limit:  Only the criteria selected will be shown in the Event Viewer.

  • Exclusion: The selected criteria will NOT be shown in the Event Viewer.

  1. In the Criteria Builder section, select the components/elements you need to either include or exclude (depending upon your selection in Step 4).

  1. Click Add.  The new filter appears in the Selected Criteria panel.

  1. To add more filter criteria, repeat Steps 4 - 6.

  2. When you're finished, click Save Changes, Filter Group Name dialogue box appears, enter the name of this filter group, and click Save and the criteria for the new filter group are saved.

  1. To create more Filter Groups, repeat Steps 3 - 8.

  2. When you're finished, do the following:

  • Save Changes: This will save the currently displayed Filter Group with the filters.

  • Save and Close: This will Save and Close the Custom Filter Group. To apply the filter group to the Event Viewer, Click the Custom Filter box to select the predefined Custom Filter. Once it is added, the Filter icon is displayed, indicating a filter applied. The name of the applied filter is displayed as shown below.

  • Cancel: Clicking this button will throw a popup warning box with options.

  • Yes: Click this button to save changes.

  • No: Click this button to ignore the changes made.

  • Cancel: Click this button to return to the Custom Filter screen.

To apply the Custom Filter you need to Save your changes, and go back to the Event Viewer to apply the desired filter. An operator can assign a different filter per Event Viewer when showing it on different tabs.

Configure Column Headers

  1. Use the Configure Column Headers gear icon to select which columns appear and in what order in the Event Viewer.

  1. By default, all column headers will be checked.

  2. Check/uncheck the boxes of the columns you want to display/hide.

At least one column must be checked, and you are prevented from unchecking all columns.

  1. You can reorder the columns by holding the + symbol and dragging it to the desired location.

  2. When you're finished, click Save Changes.


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