

The list of doors configured based on the controllers added to the system are displayed.

This table describes each of the menu items and fields.


Access Action Menu displays the actions that can be performed. 

  • Momentary Access: Use this feature to mask an alarm and momentarily open a bundled door. The door will only remain open for a specified number of seconds before it automatically relocks. This feature is particularly useful when the operator needs to give a visitor or employee access to a door when they do not have valid card or code access.

  • Unlock: This function causes the relay associated with a door to unlock and stay unlocked until a relock command is issued.  

  • Relock: Relock reverses the effect of unlock and returns the specified door to its normal (default) operation.

  • Toggle Lock: This function causes the relay associated with a door to toggle between its ON and OFF states.


Control Action Menu displays the actions that can be performed. 

  • Trigger: This function activates a door relay or general-purpose relay for a specified period. After the timer times out, the relays/outputs are returned to their default resting states.

  • Mask: Mask turns off the reporting of all alarms from any of the line module inputs for the specified door. Masking does not prevent the reporting of line trouble, such as shorts or open line conditions.

  • Un Mask: Unmask restores the alarm reporting from all inputs defined for the specified door.

  • Momentary Mask: Momentary Mask momentarily turns off the reporting of all alarms from any of the line module inputs for the specified door. The door will only remain masked for a specified number of seconds before it is automatically unmasked.

  • Suppress Operate: The Suppress Operate function temporarily overrides (suppresses) only the Operate during time zone function, so that you can prevent access to the general public during unusual situations such as the receptionist or security guard not being present.

    • Personnel with the proper credentials can still be granted access through the door. When the situation has been resolved, you can return the door to its normal "Operate during time zone" mode using the Suppress Operate Release function.

  • Suppress Operate Release: The Suppress Operate Release restores the Supress Operate function to its normal state.

  • Force On: Forcing On a door actuates the relays associated with that door.  The relay continues to be actuated until released by the Force On Release function.

  • Force On Release: Force On Release returns the door that was actuated by the Force On condition to its default resting state.

  • Force Off: Forcing Off a door disables the relays associated with the door.  This control is particularly useful for x-ray rooms or laboratories where no access is granted during an examination or experiment.

  • Force Off Release:  Force Off Release returns the door that was actuated by the Force Off condition to its default resting state.

  • Lock Down: Locking Down a door disables the selected relays (output) associated with that door. This is particularly useful for those facilities where absolutely no one is allowed within an area for a specified time.


Note: The Lock functions – Lock Down, Lock Down Release, Lock Open, Lock Open Release – have the highest priority and will override the lower-priority Trigger and Force control codes as well as the lowest-priority Momentary, Unlock, and Relock access codes.


  • Lock Down Release: Lock Down Release returns the door that was actuated by the Lock Down condition to its default resting state.

  • Lock Open: Lock Open a relay (output) actuates the selected relay (output) associated with that door.  This is particularly useful for facilities where everyone can enter or exit an area for a specified time, such as during an emergency.

  • Lock Open Release: Lock Open Release reverses the Lock Open command and returns the selected relay/output to the next highest condition currently in effect.


Select or Right Click on a door so the Action Menu activates and displays the actions that can be performed.

  • Edit: Allows you to edit the door settings.

  • Rename: Allows you to change the name of the door (up to 32 characters).


Click the link to know more about Pagination functions.


Displays the current name of the door (up to 32 characters).

Search & Sort Arrows

Click the Link to know more about the Search & Sort Arrows button functions.


Displays the unique address as assigned by the system.


Displays the door status (Secure, Unlocked, Masked, etc…).

Reader Interface Entry Reader

Displays the reader interface selected for the entry door reader.

Reader Interface Exit Reader

Displays the reader interface selected for the exit door reader.

Door Properties dialog

The General tab of the Door Properties dialog looks like this:

Door Name

Enter a descriptive name for this door (up to 32 characters). The more descriptive the better, such as 'Front Door' or 'Lab Door'.


Entry Reader Only

Click this radio button to indicate that this door only includes an entry reader.  No exit reader is required at this door.

Entry & Exit Readers

Click this radio button to indicate that this door includes both an entry and exit reader.

An Exit Reader tab is added to the Door Properties dialog, like in this example:

If you specify this door to be an entry and exit door the exit reader is removed from the readers folder and is automatically associated with the default entry reader. 

For example, if you select this option for a door that includes Reader 01, then it is automatically associated with exit Reader 09.


Changes automatic relocking.  Auto-relock automatically relocks the electric lock and re-arms the door position switch, without waiting for the door access time to expire.  It also allows extended access times, to accommodate users who require more time than usual to pass through the door. In order for this feature to operate doors must be supervised using DTLM/MELM and door contacts.

On Open

Select this radio button to relock and unmask (re-arm) when the door is opened. This is the Default setting.

On Close

Select this radio button to relock and unmask (re-arm) when the door is closed.


Select this radio button to disable the auto-relocking feature and use the door timers.


Enable two person rule

Check this box to enable the 2-person rule feature for this door.

Report door open too long when unlocked

Check this box to continue receiving door open too long (DOTL) alarms even when this door is unlocked.

Extended Access Timers (minutes)

Extended Access Override Time

Use the spin control buttons to specify the number of minutes this door can allow extended access before overriding. 

The range is from 0 - 1440 minutes. 

The default value is 0.

Extended Access Warning Time

Use the spin control buttons to specify the number of minutes this door allows for a warning interval during extended access.  This causes the ScramblePad to beep a warning and optionally trigger an ACB from the warning event.

The range is from 0 - 15 minutes.  

The default value is 0.

Photo Call-Up


Select the Badge Template you want to display every time a credential goes through this door. The photo object associated with each credential pops up for the number of seconds specified in the Delay field.

Only those Badge Templates currently defined for this system appear in the drop-down list.  The default value is <None>, indicating that no template appears and Photo Call-Up is not enabled.  To display a photo as part of your credential data, you must select a Badge Template that includes a photo object.

This Badge Template selection overrides any selection you might make on the General Preferences page.  If no Badge Template is specified here, then the Badge Template selected on the General Preferences page is used.


This only applies to the Velocity thick client application.

The Entry Reader | Setup subtab of the Door Properties dialog looks like this:

Reader Name

Velocity supplies a default reader name, such as Reader 01.

If you need a better name, enter a short name for this specific reader.  Make it descriptive enough to locate the reader within this door environment.

Reader Interface

Select the type of interface which is used by this reader.

  • Choose MATCH/DS47 Reader Interface when the reader is wired through a MATCH Reader Interface Board (MRIB), or is a DS47 reader with MRIB capability. 

Mx-1 controllers do not support this interface.

  • Choose Onboard Wiegand Interface when the reader is wired directly to an available Wiegand terminal on an Mx controller.

  • Choose RS485 Interface when the reader is wired to an RS-485/OSDP terminal on either an RS-485 Readers Expansion Board (RREB) or on an Mx-1 controller.  When this value is selected, additional options appear in an RS-485/OSDP group (as explained later in this table).

  • Disabled means there is no reader attached at this address.

The value selected for this option also determines the set of options that appear on the Card Reader Setup page.

Disable reader above this level

Select the threat level for this door, above which the door's reader is disabled no matter who is attempting to use it.

Select the value you want between 0 - 99, where 0 indicates that no threat level is sufficient to disable the connected reader.

The default is 99 - Level 99.

Disable CCOTZ above this level

Select the threat level for this door, above which the door's reader disables the Card/Code-Only During Time Zone feature designated in the 'Enable card-only access during TZ' field in the Logic tab.

Select the value you want between 0 - 99, where 0 indicates that no threat level is sufficient to disable this feature.

The default is 99 - Level 99.

Reader Type

Choose the appropriate RS-485 reader model.  Your choices are:

  • TS

  • TS-Keypad

  • TS-Scramblepad

  • TS - SF.3

  • TS (PIV-Auth)

  • Veridt (PIV-Auth), for the Veridt Stealth Dual reader

  • Veridt (PIV Auth + Bio), for the Veridt Stealth Bio reader

The value chosen here affects the choices available in the lower assurance level drop-down list on the Logic tab.

OSDP Address

The correct value for this field depends on the reader's manufacturer, and whether the reader is used for entry or exit.  For example:

  • An Identiv reader's address should be set to 0 when it is the door’s entry reader, and set to 1 when it is the door’s optional exit reader. 

  • A Veridt reader's address should be set to 1 when it is the door’s entry reader, and set to 2 when it is the door’s optional exit reader.

(Values 3 through 126 are not used; a unique address is derived from the RS-485 port number on the RREB in a particular controller).

Note that when an Identiv uTrust TS Government reader is used as an exit reader, it must also include a jumper wire (For an Identiv uTrust TS Government reader with terminal connections, connect a jumper wire between P1.1 and P1.4.  For an Identiv uTrust TS Government reader with pigtail wire connections, connect the orange wire to the black wire).

The Open Supervised Device Protocol (OSDP) is a standard adopted by the Security Industry Association (SIA).  OSDP is a secure bi-directional protocol that replaces the traditional Wiegand protocol, and manages the communication between access control panels and card readers (or other peripheral devices).

Update Reader Firmware button

This button only appears when the RS-485 Interface value is selected for the Reader Interface option and the selected Reader Type is one of the available TS readers by Identiv.

Click this button to initiate the firmware update process for this TS reader.