Expansion Inputs

Expansion Inputs

Most controllers do not possess enough base inputs to monitor all the alarms a large facility has.  To increase the number of alarms that a controller can monitor, we provide a line of expansion input boards (also called alarm expansion boards) such as the AEB8, that can be installed in the controller to provide additional connections (expansion inputs) for alarms.

The points on the base Model 16 appear as expansion inputs.

This table describes each of the menu items and fields.

Action image-20240516-102102.png

Select or Right Click on an expansion input so the Action menu activates and displays the actions that can be performed.


Click the link to know more about Pagination functions.


Displays the name for this expansion input (up to 32 characters).

Search & Sort Arrows

Click the Link to know more about the Search & Sort Arrows button functions.


Displays the unique address as assigned by the system.


Displays the expansion inputs status (Secure, Alarm, Open Circuit, etc...).

Normal State When Secure

Displays the normal state when secure (Normally Open or Normally Closed). 

Line module

Displays the type of module connected to this input (DTLM/MELM 1, 2, or 3).


Displays whether the expansion input is enabled or not.


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