

The Xbox provides a high-speed gateway from a Host PC to a network of DIGI*TRAC controllers.  The Xbox functionality is built-in to the SNIB2 and SNIB3.

This table describes each of the menu items and fields.

Action image-20240516-085740.png

Select or Right Click on a Xbox so the Action menu activates and displays the actions that can be performed.


Click the link to know more about Pagination functions.


Displays the name for this Xbox (up to 32 characters).

Search & Sort Arrows

Click the Link to know more about the Search & Sort Arrows button functions.


Displays the unique address as assigned by the system.


Displays the Xbox status (Online/Offline/-).


Displays whether the Xbox is Enabled or not.

Adding Xbox

  1. In the Device Control tab, expand the DIGI*TRAC Configuration folder.

  2. Select the Xboxes folder and Click the Add Xbox.

Add New Xbox window will be display as below:

  1. Use the drop-down arrow to select the Port that this Xbox will be linked to.

  2. Enter the name for this Xbox.

  3. Check the 'Enable this Xbox' option, If this Xbox is currently online and active.

  4. In the 'Address' combo box, use the drop-down arrow to select an appropriate address.

  5. Click Save Changes.  The new Xbox you added will appear in the Xboxes folder window.


Select a Port that you choose to assign to this Xbox.


Enter a name for this Xbox (up to 32 characters).

Enable this Xbox

Check this box to indicate that the Xbox is connected.


Select an address for this Xbox From the drop-down options list. 

The address range is 1 - 255.

Messages per poll

Use the spin buttons or enter a value indicating how many messages the Xbox is allowed to pass to the host server.

The acceptable range is 6 - 15 messages per poll.

The default is 15 messages.

Logoff time (seconds)

Use the spin buttons or enter a value indicating how many seconds without messages before the Xbox logs off and issues an alarm.

The acceptable range is 0 - 3600 seconds where 0 = never log off.  

The default is 10 seconds.


A read-only field indicating the revision number of this Xbox.

Save Changes

Click the Save Changes button to save this Xbox and exit out of the Add Xbox window.


Click this button to discard changes and exit this window.

Edit Xbox

To Edit a Port:

  1. Select or Right Click on a Xbox entry so the Action Menu activates to let you choose Edit.
    The Edit Xbox window is displayed. 

  1. In the Edit mode, you can make changes in all the fields except the Port field.

  2. Click the Save Changes button to update the Xbox.


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