Time Zones

Time Zones

Time Zones are one of the most basic units of a system. Each Time Zone contains:

  • Name

  • Start Time (where 00:00 = midnight)

  • End Time (where 24:00 = midnight)

  • Days of week (1 - 7 days + H)

  • Holiday schedules (1 - 4 schedules)

There are three types of Time Zones you can define:

The week starts on Monday and ends on Sunday.  The week can include a holiday.

Time periods defined by the starting and ending time can be set to a full 24-hours or any limited set of hours.  Each STZ also includes up to seven days-of-the-week during which access (or some other activity) is granted for the specified hours-of-the-day. STZs can include holidays.

  • If holidays are included in a time zone, access is authorized for all people assigned a Door Group with the specific STZ whenever the system's calendar detects a scheduled Holiday date.

  • If Holidays are not included in a Time Zone, persons with that STZ are denied access whenever the system detects a scheduled Holiday for the entire day

  • If you check the H day cell for a specified Time Zone and indicate one or more schedules, the Time Zone is active (door unlocked) even during the Holidays included in the selected schedule.

  • If you do not check the ‘H’ cell for that Time Zone, then the Time Zone is inactive during selected holidays (door locked).

In addition, there are Master Time Zones (MTZ) and Grand Master Time Zones (GMTZ) which support the grouping of Standard and Master Time Zones for flexibility.

Master Time Zones are used when:

  • A Time Zone must extend past midnight

  • Multiple start/end times occur on a single day

  • Different start/end times occur on different days

Grand Master Time Zones (GMTZs) are compilations of Standard and Master Time Zones and are used when a large or irregular block of time must be specified.

Adding Standard Time Zones (STZ)

  1. In the Device Control tab, expand the Velocity Configuration tree to display the Time Zones folder.

The In-Use square shaded in Yellow refers to the Time Zones that are assigned and used by a function within the system like a Door Group or a Door. The Not referenced by any controller square shaded in Orange refers to the Time Zones that are not being used or assigned to any functions like a  Door Group or door. The two grey Time Zones (<Always> and <Never>) are the default system Time Zones and cannot be modified.

  1. Click the Add Standard Time Zones button. The Add Standard Time Zones window appears.

The STZ window contains the following fields:


Type a descriptive name for the STZ, such as 'Standard Work Week' or 'Shift 2' (up to 50 characters).


The beginning time for this Time Zone.

To set the start time:

Click the 'Start' field.  The time you enter is based on a 24-hour clock in which 00:00 is midnight.


The ending time for this Time Zone.

To set the end time:

Click the 'End' field. The time you enter is based on a 24-hour clock in which 24:00 is midnight.

End time cannot be less than the Start time.


Days of the week for which this STZ's time interval applies. Check each day that applies for this Time Zone.  A check mark appears.


If you check ‘H’, it means the Time Zone is in effect during selected holiday schedules.

If you do NOT check ‘H’, it means the Time Zone is in effect EXCEPT during selected holiday schedules.

1 2 3 4

The holiday schedules that apply to this STZ.

If you checked ‘H’, the STZ is in effect even during the holiday schedules you check in these columns.  If you do not check ‘H’, the STZ is in effect except during the select holiday schedules.  You can assign one or more holiday schedules to each STZ.

Save Changes

Button allows you to save changes and exit.


Button allows you to discard changes and exit.

Adding Master Time Zones (MTZ)

  1. In the Device Control tab, expand the Velocity Configuration tree to display the Time Zones folder.

  2. Click the Add Master Time Zones button. The Add Master Time Zones window appears.

The MTZ contains the following fields:


Type a descriptive name for the MTZ, such as 'Standard Work Week' or 'Shift 2' (up to 50 characters).

Standard Time Zones

The STZs during which this MTZ is in effect.

To select STZs for this MTZ:

  1. Click in the first available row and select the STZ from the list.

  2. Select more STZs as required for this MTZ by selecting a different row.

Save Changes

Button allows you to save changes and exit.


Click this button to discard changes and exit this window.

Adding Grand Master Time Zones (GMTZ)

  1. In the Device Control tab,  expand the Velocity Configuration tree to display the Time Zones folder.

  2. Click the Add Grand Master Time Zones button. The Add Grand Master Time Zones window appears.

The GMTZ contains the following fields:


Type a descriptive name for the GMTZ, such as 'Standard Work Week' or 'Shift 2' (up to 50 characters).

Master/Standard Time Zones

The STZs and MTZs during which this GMTZ is in effect.

To select STZs or MTZs for this GMTZ:<