Reader Control Group (RCG)
Reader Control Groups enable a credential to achieve different actions when presented to different readers.
RCG allows the same credential, at different readers, to do different things.
RCG allows 16 Control Zones (one for each reader in a panel) to be defined per credential that can be triggered or otherwise used by the credential in addition to the credential's assigned (access or control) function.
For example, a visitor is attempting to leave a facility, the reader relay is triggered to activate a gate, an expansion relay is triggered to activate a drop box for the visitor card, and a third relay is triggered to activate a large LED in a different location.
This can be accomplished by defining a RCG for use by a visitor credential that specifies which specific readers (e.g., exit reader for main visitor entrance) will activate a drop box for visitor badges.
Action | Select or Right Click on a RCG so the Action menu activates and displays the actions that can be performed. |
Pagination | Click the link to know more about Pagination functions. |
Search & Sort | Click the Link to know more about the Search & Sort Arrows functions. |
Name | Indicates name of this Reader Control Group (up to 64 characters). |
Control Zone | Lists all available Control Zone for the selected controller. Select the one to be triggered when a credential is granted at the specified reader(s). Standard Control Zones (SCZ1 - SCZ191) are available. Master Control Zones (192 - 255) consists of a combination of Standard Control Zones and each capable of performing different access and control functions simultaneously. |
System Tree Panel | When ‘Display my network layout’ is checked (default) this view shows available controllers. In this view, the Available Reader Pane shows readers belonging to the selected controller. |
Available Readers Panel | All currently available readers (for either the selected controller or for the entire system) appear in this pane. The available readers for the entire system appear in this pane if the 'Display my network layout' box is unchecked. |
Select All | Click the checkbox to select/unselect all the doors displayed in the available Readers pane. |
Add | Click this button to include all readers checked in the Available readers pane as members of this reader group. All readers added here are moved to the bottom pane. |
Display my network layout | Uncheck this box to change the view to display all available readers in the system. Check one or more of these doors as needed to include them in the current door group then click Add. |
Selected Readers Panel | All readers selected from the Available Readers panel (checked and added) appear in this pane. |
Remove | Click this button after selecting a reader in the Selected Readers panel, to remove a reader from this Reader Control Group and return it to the Available Readers pane. |
Edit | Click this button after selecting a reader in the Selected Readers panel, to change its control zone. |
Save Changes | Click the Save button to save to configuration. |
Cancel | Click this button to discard changes made. |
Adding Reader Control Group
In the Device Control tab, expand the Velocity Configuration tree to display the Reader Control Group folder.
Click the Add New Reader Control Group button. The Add Reader Control Group window is displayed.
Enter a name for this Reader Control Group in the 'Name' text field (up to 64 characters).
In the 'Control Zone' drop-down, select a control zone that will trigger if access (or control) is granted.
At the 'Display my network layout' box, do one of these:
Check the box to display a list of controllers and associated readers
Uncheck the box to display a list of all readers in the system
Click to select the controller. All associated available readers appear on the right side.
Check the box of each reader you want included in this Reader Control Group.
To associate more than one control zone with the readers in this group, you can select only those readers using a specific control zone, then assign a control zone to those selections, and then add them to the group. After this is done, go back and select the next control zone and select the readers for which this zone is appropriate.Click Add. The selected readers appear in the bottom panel with their designated address, reader name, and control zone.
When you are finished, click Save Changes.