How do I change the Application Role Password?

Velocity uses an application role to connect to SQL. SQL uses its own authentication for application roles, meaning that the application role, with permissions and password, are stored in the database. The software must provide the correct password for the application role it is trying to use. Velocity stores the password as an encrypted value in Windows.

If the password in Windows is not the same as what is stored in SQL, the application cannot connect to the database and will generate this message:

This password is set initially in either Velocity Installer or Velocity Settings.

TIP: Try the default password: i5X9FG42

The steps to troubleshoot are:

  • Open SQL Management Studio and connect to the instance of SQL that contains the Velocity Database

  • Open Velocity in SQL, then Security, Roles, Application Roles, Velocity Users

  • In Velocity Users, the user can change the password

  • Select OK to save

  • Then right-click and run Velocity.exe as administrator to register the password.

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