When Running a Report, I get an error stating: "Busy: Restore operation currently in progress"

When Running a Report, I get an error stating: "Busy: Restore operation currently in progress"

Velocity Report Manager creates an entry in the Velocity database under a table called MiscProperties. The entry it creates is called ArchiveLogServerStatus, if this entry already exists, Velocity thinks that the archive is being attached already. This entry gets cleared when the Report Manager is gracefully shut down, but if it is not shut down, the entry could be left in SQL and cause the issue.

To fix this issue, follow the steps below:

  • Open the Velocity Database, open Tables, then open MiscProperties Top 200 Rows

    • Once in MiscProperties, find the row labeled ArchiveLogServerStatus, and delete it

    • Save changes and exit SQL, then re-run the report