Setup and Installation

Setup and Installation

Table Of Contents:


This portion of this chapter provides information about how to set up and install certain Hirsch security devices. (Information about older devices which have been discontinued is still available in the DIGI*TRAC Systems Design & Installation Guide.)

This portion does not cover installation instructions for any devices not manufactured by Hirsch/Identiv. For installation instructions on non-Hirsch devices, refer to the installation manual for that specific product.

General Connection Rules and Procedures

When installing or working with Hirsch by Identiv controllers, line modules, or input/ output devices, follow these rules:

  • Locate the controller in a safe and secure area. They are often installed in electrical rooms, telephone equipment rooms, or closets. An environmentally managed room is not required if the temperature ranges don’t exceed the controller’s specifications.

  • Make sure the power is off at the main circuit breaker before installing or connecting any part of the physical access control system.

  • Make sure the building’s electrical system is properly grounded. This means the building wiring should be connected to ground via a pipe embedded in the earth – not grounded to a conduit or left completely ungrounded.

  • Connect power last (primary AC input lines) after all other devices have been installed, wired, and connected.

  • Follow cable specifications for the controller, reader, line module, and lock installation exactly. This will minimize any related cabling problems. Major cable manufacturers make cable that meets Hirsch’s specs of common, low-voltage, noise-resistant cable.

  • Cable splices can cause trouble. Fortunately, most installations should have cable runs that are short enough, or straightforward enough, to allow unspliced runs. Make sure you measure your runs and order sufficient cable for unspliced runs. If splicing is required, solder the splices together, rejoin the shielding the best you can, and restore (heat shrink) the cable insulation. Make all terminations accurately and neatly to prevent any ‘whiskers’ from shorting between lines at terminal blocks and connectors.

  • Label each cable run and each individual wire. Make sure you don’t cross cables at splices or junctions. Color-coded cable makes life easier and assures straight through connections.

  • Carefully lay, tie, and dress cables when they enter the controller, power systems, and reader mounting boxes. There are a number of different types of cable ties and holders with self-adhesive backing that can make your installation neat and professional.

  • Always allow for service loops, especially in the reader boxes. Don’t make service loops too long in the controller cabinet, because too much cabling can get in the way when closing the door.

  • Wherever possible and available, install the controllers on the building’s emergency power circuits.

Tools and Equipment

No special tools and equipment are required for installing Hirsch systems. However, installing electric locks or strikes can require unique cutters, jigs, and fixtures for steel frames or doors. If the door and frame condition on any specific job are difficult, consider subcontracting the lock work to a qualified industrial locksmith who has experience in similar situations.

Connecting the Power Supply for an Mx or Mx-1-ME Controller

This topic applies to an Mx or Mx-1-ME controller, which has a metal enclosure and an internal power supply. For an Mx-1 controller, see “Supplying Power to an Mx-1 Controller”. Locate the controller near a dedicated AC power source. A 15-Amp circuit with isolated ground is required. Make sure the building(s) and corresponding electrical system(s) are properly grounded.

The controller’s internal power supply is a dual range, auto-sensing, switching power supply, which means it senses whether the power source is 110V or 230V AC and adjusts accordingly; however they do require different harnesses, as indicated in Table 1-18. To protect the controller, a dedicated circuit breaker is recommended.

Do not power other equipment from the system’s power supply or standby battery pack. Doing so may cause intermittent operation, product damage, and void the manufacturer’s warranty. Also, do not tap any power source for other than its intended use.

To Connect the Power Supply:

  1. Remove the protective cover next to the power supply, by removing the two hex screws and washers which are attached to bolts on the bottom of the controller’s metal enclosure. The terminal block for the controller’s power is revealed:

Figure 1-58: Controller Power Connections

2. Remove the lower center knock-out from the back or bottom (as required) of the controller enclosure, and install the power conduit to it. Examine the connector leading from the terminal block into the power supply. The color of the connector indicates the voltage range for which this controller is configured.

Table 1-18: Internal Controller Power Supply

AC Power


AC Power


90 – 130 V, 50/60 Hz
180 – 260 V, 50/60 Hz

Black connector and harness

White connector and harness

Figure 1-59 shows the connections that will already be made when you remove the protective cover.

Figure 1-59: Factory Wiring Connections to the Controller’s Terminal Block

3. Pull the power cable through the knock-out hole, and strip the wires.
The following figure shows the wiring scheme for the controller’s terminal block.


Figure 1-60: Wiring Scheme for the Controller’s Terminal Block

The typical color coding for the wiring is:

  • Ground = Green

  • Neutral = White (or Blue)

  • Hot = Black (or Brown)

4. Attach the power wiring to the appropriate connector, and tighten the screws until secure. Spade lugs or ring tongues are recommended.
5. Replace the protective cover.

Connecting Wires to the Controller Boards

Connecting wires to a controller board is accomplished by attaching the appropriate wires to the correct terminal blocks. Terminal blocks located on expansion boards, ScramblePads, and MATCHs are removable, while those located on the controller board itself are not. For instructions on wiring a specific controller, refer to “Wiring to the Controller”.

To Connect Wires to Terminal Blocks on the Controller Board:

  1. Punch out the knockout(s) through which you plan to route the wires. Primary AC power cables are typically brought in through the bottom or lower back of the enclosure; all other cables (including low voltage power runs) are brought in from the top or sides. Those other cables must be separated from the AC power input wires and the standby battery pack’s wires by at least 0.25 inches.

2. Route the wires in their conduit or sleeve through the knockout hole. The wire/cable should always be protected; don’t route a bare cable through the knockout hole.

3. Loosen the screws on each terminal block you plan to use.

4. Remove insulation from the end of the wire and insert the specified wires into the green connectors, as shown in Figure 1-61, “Connecting Wires to the Connector Slots”.

  • If this is a ScramblePad or MATCH terminal, connect four wires and the shield. ScramblePad/MATCH input connectors have five slots available: G (Ground), +(Plus Voltage), A (Data A), B (Data B), and S (Shield). Always observe polarity.

  • If this is a line module terminal, connect two wires and the shield. Input connectors,such as from the DTLM, have three possible slots available marked HI, LO, and S. Always observe polarity: HI must go to HI; LO must go to LO. The shield connects to the S terminal of the controller but floats at the line module.

  • If this is an output line, connect two wires. Output relays, which control electric strikes, magnetic locks, or audible alarms, have three possible slots available marked NO (Normally Open), C (common), and NC (Normally Closed). Connect one wire to the common slot and the other to either the NO or NC slot, depending on whether the device’s state is normally open or normally closed.

For more information about which wires to connect, refer to the installation instructions for the specific device.

Figure 1-61: Connecting Wires to the Connector Slots

5. Tighten the screws until the wire is securely fastened in the slot.
6. Repeat this process for each wire you need to connect.

Connecting Expansion Boards

The capabilities of an Mx or Mx-1-ME controller can be expanded using the many expansion boards designed for use with them. (The Mx-1’s compact plastic case does not have room for any expansion boards.)
All expansion boards are mounted on the left side of the controller enclosure. If more than one board is installed, use the supplied standoffs to stack them. You may stack up to five expansion boards in each enclosure.
To install the board, you must perform these steps:

  1. Configure the expansion board by setting jumpers and DIP switches.

  2. Remove the power from the controller.

  3. Mount the board in the controller’s enclosure.

  4. If this is an AEB8, REB8, RREB, SNIB2, or SNIB3 board, connect the board to its assigned inputs/outputs. If a SNIB2 or SNIB3 board is included, make sure it is mounted on top.

  5. Restore power to the controller.

Mounting and Connecting Expansion Boards to the Controller

Because of the space limitation, make sure you connect an expansion board to the EBIC5 cable before you mount the board in the box.
To mount and connect an expansion board:

  1. Turn all system power off, remove connectors to the standby battery, and then remove
    connectors to the AC power.

  2. Configure the board by setting jumpers and DIP switches.

  3. Connect the first (bottom) expansion board to one end of the EBIC cable, as shown in Figure 1-63. The first expansion board is the one that mounts to the left inside enclosure wall. Each board is shipped with its own EBIC5 Expansion Board Interface Cable. The EBIC5 connects up to five boards. If an acceptable cable is already in your system, save the new cable as a spare.

  4. Mount the bottom board to the left inside of the controller’s enclosure wall. Use standoffs to secure the board to the studs mounted on the enclosure, as shown here.

Figure 1-62: Securing a Board Using Studs and Standoffs

5. Connect the second board to the second EBIC5 cable connector.
6. Use the standoffs to connect the second expansion board to the first board, as shown in Figure 1-62.
7. Follow the procedure in the preceding steps until all the expansion boards are mounted. The topmost (last) board is mounted to the controller with screws rather than standoffs.
8. Connect the other end of the cable into the connector on the upper left side of the controller board, as shown in Figure 1-63.

When adding expansion boards to a controller with a memory expansion board already installed, do not disconnect the EBIC5 cable from either the memory expansion board or the controller; otherwise, the controller lose its data and will need to get re-downloaded.

Figure 1-63: Connecting Between Expansion Boards and a Controller Board

If a SNIB2 or SNIB3 expansion board is included in the stack, this should be the last (topmost) board installed. For detailed expansion board setup instructions, refer to the specific expansion board later in this chapter.

Connecting Wires to Expansion Boards

If you are installing an AEB8, REB8, RREB, SNIB2, or SNIB3 board, you must also connect the board to its assigned input/output wires. Unlike the controller board, expansion boards use terminal blocks that detach from the board; otherwise, these are similar to the controller board’s terminal blocks as to how wires are connected.
To Connect Wires to the Expansion Board Connector Blocks:

  1. Turn all system power off, remove connectors to the standby battery, and then remove connectors to the AC power.

  2. Punch out the knockout in the controller enclosure where you plan to route the wires. Either route these wires through the same opening used for controller board connections, or knock out a new opening for wires going to the expansion boards.

  3. Route the wires through the opening.

Don’t run wires or cables through a knockout without a sleeve or conduit.

4. Loosen the screws on each connector plug you will be using.

5. Remove (strip) insulation from the wire and connect the specified wires into the green connectors at the required slots, as described in Step 4 in section “Connecting Wires to the Controller Boards”.

6. Tighten the screws until the wire is securely fastened in the slot.

7. Push the green connector into the appropriate socket until it locks into place. The connector and socket are designed so there is only be one way to plug it in.

Figure 1-64: Plugging in Terminal Blocks on an Expansion Board

8. Repeat this procedure for each wire you need to connect.

Controller Installation

This section provides general information about installing Mx series controllers.

Controller Set Up

Mx controllers can be ordered with either SNIB2 or SNIB3 functionality.

  • SNIB2 functionality is provided by a daughterboard on the main board, with associated DIP switches that must be configured before installation. For information about setting those DIP switches, refer to “Configuring the Integrated SNIB2”.

  • SNIB3 functionality is provided by the SNIB3 expansion board. For information about setting its DIP switches, refer to “Setting the DIP Switches on a SNIB3”.

Mx-1 and Mx-1-ME controllers have integrated SNIB3 capability, with associated DIP switches that must be configured before installation. For information about setting those DIP switches, refer to “Configuring the Built-In SNIB3”.

Mounting an Mx or Mx-1-ME Controller

The Mx-1 controller is packaged in a compact plastic case. Its light weight and small size provides flexibility when deciding where to install it. The Mx and Mx-1-ME controllers are packaged in a traditional metal enclosure.
To Mount an Mx or Mx-1-ME Controller:

  1. If it makes the job easier, remove the controller door by lifting it straight up off its hinges.

  2. Punch out the knockouts needed for the conduits and cables. In most installations the top entry knockouts are used for conduit and cable installation. Side entry knockouts may be more convenient for expansion boards. Bottom or back knockouts are recommended for power cabling. For an illustration of this principle, see Figure 2-3, “Cable Inlets of the Mx Controller’s Enclosure”, in section “Separation of Circuits”.

  3. Use the three keyhole mounting holes along the top of the controller cabinet to hang the controller. Holes are 4¾ inches (12cm) apart.

4. Because the controller cabinet is too narrow to mount on a pair of wall studs, use the center keyhole to catch a stud. Use molly bolts or similar hardware in the other two keyholes to secure the cabinet to the wall. Use the bottom mounting holes for further mounting security.

Wiring to the Controller

This section provides general information about wiring components to an Mx series controller.

  • For more information about wiring various components to an Mx controller, see the Mx Quick Installation Guide sticker on the inside of the controller enclosure’s door, Figure 2-2, and “Separation of Circuits”.

  • For more information about wiring various components to an Mx-1 controller, see the Mx-1 Quick Installation Guide provided with the controller, Figure 3-2, and “Separation of Circuits”.

  • For more information about wiring various components to an Mx-1-ME controller, see the Mx-1-ME Quick Installation Guide sticker on the inside of the controller enclosure’s door, Figure 3-2, “Separation of Circuits”.

During operation, the Status LEDs that reside on the Mx and Mx-1-ME controller boards can prove useful in diagnosing problems that may occur. For more information, see “Controller Status LEDs on the Mx-1-ME”.

For the Mx-1 controller, see “Status LEDs on the Mx-1”.

Connecting Line Module Inputs

The typical line module input features a connection between a Door Contact or Alarm Sensor, an RQE button, a line tamper, and the Controller. The Controller uses a line supervision module device called a line module to supervise the input circuit. It should be located as close to the door contact or alarm sensor as possible.

  • The DIGI*TRAC Line Module (DTLM) uses terminal blocks for connections.

  • The Miniature Embedded Line Module (MELM) uses flying leads. The MELM is normally small enough to fit inside the monitored device.

Figure 1-65: Typical Line Module Input Connection

To Connect Line Module Inputs to the Controller’s Line Module Input Terminals:

  1. Turn all system power off, remove connectors to the standby battery, and then remove connectors to the AC power.

  2. Run the HI, LO, and Shield wire from the Line Module to the Controller.

  3. Punch out the knockout(s) in the enclosure through which you plan to route the wires. Typically cables are brought in from the top.

  4. Route the wires through the knockout hole.

5. Loosen the screws on each connector block you plan to use.

6. Remove excess insulation from the wire and insert the specified wires into the green
connectors at the required slots, as shown in Figure 1-61.

7. Connect the HI, LO, and shield wires at the controller.

8. Connect the HI and LO wires at the line module. Make sure you observe polarity: HI must go to HI; LO must go to LO.

The line module connected to an input terminal block on the Controller is automatically assigned the door ID to which it is connected. For example, if a line module is connected to the Door 1 terminal block, it is associated with the ScramblePad/MATCH assigned an ID of 1 or 9; a line module connected to Door 2 is associated with the ScramblePad/ MATCH assigned ID 2 or 10.

The ID of a ScramblePad/MATCH is not associated with the terminal block to which it’s connected; IDs for ScramblePads/MATCHs are assigned by their DIP switches, and are independent of their physical connection to the Controller board. For example, a ScramblePad assigned an ID of 3 on an M2 Controller can be connected to the Door 2 terminal block and still control the relay for Door 3. However, connecting the proper ScramblePad/ MATCH to the same group of Door Terminals as the associated line module input makes troubleshooting much easier.

For more about installing and wiring Line Modules, refer to “Line Module Installation”.

Connecting Outputs

The typical output requires a connection between an output device (such as a door lock/strike) and an output relay on the controller board. An example of such a connection is shown in this figure.


Figure 1-66: Typical Output Connection

To Connect Outputs to the Controller:

  1. Turn all system power off, remove connectors to the standby battery, and then remove connectors to the AC power.

  2. Run the control wires (N.O. or N.C. and Common) from the Output device to the Controller.

  3. Punch out the appropriate knockout(s) in the enclosure to route the wires. Typically, output cables are brought in from the top.

  4. Route the wires through the knockout hole.

5. Loosen the screws on each terminal block to be used.

6. Remove excess insulation from the wire and insert the specified wires into the green connectors at the required slots, as shown in Figure 1-61 in section “Connecting Expansion Boards”.

7. Connect the two wires. N.O. connects to N.O., N.C. to N.C., and C to C. Never connect to both NO and NC. An output device is either Normally Open or Normally Closed, but not both.

To determine which set of contacts to connect to (N.O. or N.C.), refer to the device’s installation manual. The choice is usually determined by the type of lock it is.

8. Install MOV suppression at the lock end. If this is a DC lock, you can use a diode instead. Use a 1A, 400V diode.
Many locks come with suppression included. Make sure your lock does not have built-in suppression before adding an MOV or diode to the circuit.

The terminal block to which the device is connected determines the device’s ID assignment. For example, if an electric strike is connected to Door 2, it is associated with ID 2.
If connected to Door 1, it is associated with ID 1.

Connecting ScramblePad and MATCH Interfaces

The traditional MATCH input on an Mx controller features a connection between a ScramblePad keypad or MATCH Interface and the controller. An example is shown in Figure 1-67.

Figure 1-67: Typical ScramblePad/MATCH Input Connection

To Connect ScramblePad/MATCH Interfaces to an Mx Controller:

  1. Turn all system power off, remove connectors to the standby battery, and then remove connectors to the AC power.

  2. Run the black, red, green, white, and shielded wires from the DIGI*TRAC connectors on the back of the ScramblePad or MATCH (MRIA or MRIB) to the corresponding terminals on the Mx Controller’s MATCH terminal blocks.
    Terminals are color-coded as shown in Table 1-19:

Table 1-19: ScramblePad/MATCH Wire Color to Terminal Designation

Wire Color

Terminal Designation

Wire Color

Terminal Designation














3. Punch out the knockout(s) in the Controller enclosure to route the wires. Typically ScramblePad/MATCH cables are pulled in from the top.

4. Route the wires through the knockout hole.
5. Loosen the screws on each connector block to be used.
6. Remove excess insulation from the wire and insert the specified wires into the green connectors at the required slots, as shown in Figure 1-61 in section “Connecting Expansion Boards”.
7. Connect the five wires to the appropriate ScramblePad/MATCH terminal blocks: G (Ground), + (Plus Voltage), A (Data A), B (Data B), and S (Shield). Always observe polarity.

For more about connecting to the ScramblePad, refer to “ScramblePad Installation”. For more about connecting to the MATCH, refer to “MATCH Interface Installation”.

The ID of a ScramblePad/MATCH is not associated with the terminal block to which it’s connected; IDs for ScramblePads/MATCHs are assigned by their DIP switches and are independent of their physical connection to the Controller board. For example, a ScramblePad assigned an ID of 3 on an M2 Controller can be connected to the DOOR 2 terminal block and still control the relay for DOOR 3. However, connecting the appropriate ScramblePad/ MATCH to its associated line module input makes troubleshooting much easier.
If two ScramblePads are installed at the same door – one for entry and the other for exit – they can share the same terminal block connection; however, the ScramblePads must have different IDs. The Controller’s firmware recognizes that IDs 1-8 are for entry, and IDs 9-16 are for exit.

Resetting the Controller

In addition to the connectors and LEDs on the controller board, there is also a reset button.

  • On an Mx controller, the Reset button is located at the lower left corner of the main board.

  • On an Mx-1 controller, the Reset button is located near the top along the left side of the main board (as shown in Figure 3-2 in section “Components of the Mx-1 Controller”).

  • Because the main board of an Mx-1-ME controller is rotated 90 degrees counter clockwise (as shown in Figure 3-1 in section “Components of the Mx-1 Controller”), its Reset button is located near the left along the bottom side of the main board.
    This button performs three types of reset, depending on how long you hold down the button, as shown in Table 1-20 below.

Table 1-20: Reset Switch Functions

1 second

Resets any active alarm relay. Clears the alarm buffer.

5 seconds

Resets System Code to 123. Resets ScramblePads to original programming parameters.

30 seconds

Resets System. Clears all memory and returns all values to factory default.

The normal procedure for using the reset button is:

  • Press the button for 1 second if you have a problem that won’t clear within a few minutes. All alarm conditions in the alarm buffers will be deleted and any alarm relays that are currently active will be turned off and reset.

  • Press the button for 5 seconds to reset the system code to the factory default of 123.

  • Press the button for 30 seconds if a major and persistent problem occurs. This resets the entire controller, clears all Controller memory, and returns all settings to the original factory default values. Only do this as a last resort.

  • You can also use this option on a new system. Many installers will perform a cold start before they begin programming a new system. For more about controller cold starts, refer to “Hardware Cold Start Procedure”.

Upgrading the CCM

On DIGI*TRAC controllers, the Command and Control Module (CCM) is easily removed and replaced. The upgrade procedure required for a CCM varies according to its version number. To determine the version number of the current CCM on this controller:

  • If there is a firmware version label on the CCM, it can only show the version that was originally installed. To determine the currently installed version of the CCM firmware on a controller, right-click on that controller in the system tree of the Administration module in Velocity’s main window, and select Properties from the pop-up menu. The CCM Firmware version is displayed in the Firmware Revision
    section on the General tab of the resulting Controller Properties dialog:

  • Specify the Date, Time, Version Number printout by issuing Command 88*1 in the Diagnostic Window.

Preparing For Update

Before removing and replacing the CCM, you must first print out all setups, ACBs, and Codes so that you’ll have a complete blueprint of the controller’s configuration. To do this:

  1. If you don’t have a printer attached to the controller, obtain an 80-column dot-matrix parallel printer and plug it into the printer parallel connector on the side of the cabinet.

  2. Enter programming mode at a ScramblePad connected to this controller. Enter these commands:

To Print Out:


To Print Out:


All users with Codes


for versions 6.3.0 – 6.3.11

38 * 1 #

for versions 6.4.0 – 6.4.3
without expansion boards
with MEB/CE4
with MEB/CE16

38 * 1 * 0 * 999 #
38 * 1 * 0 * 4094 #
38 * 1 * 0 * 16382 #

for versions 6.5.0 – 6.6.27

36 * 1 * 999 #
36 * 1 * 4095 #
36 * 1 * 163834 #

All setups

88 * 0 #

All commands programmed in


for version 6.5.0 – 6.6.27

188 * 0 #

All ACBs

260 * 0 #

After the update, you should request the same printouts so you can compare the two. Because of electrical charges and computer chips, it’s always possible that your configuration will change unexpectedly. These printouts are your template, enabling you to reconfigure the controller, if required, and restore it.

Removing and Replacing the CCM

After you’ve documented the configuration, it’s time to change the CCM. Most of you will have to replace the old CCMs (V6.x) on your Hirsch controller boards with the new V7.0 CCMs.

To upgrade your CCM to V7.0:

  1. Ground yourself by touching the controller enclosure or power supply to remove any potential static electricity.

2. Turn all controller system power off by removing connectors for both AC power and the standby battery.
a. Disconnect the DC battery.

b. Disconnect the main power to the controller.

c. Remove the AC fuse located on the power supply in the lower left corner of the enclosure.

3. Locate the CCM.

The CCM is a separate daughter board like the two shown in these M1N and M2 examples:

Figure 1-68: CCM Upgrade

4. Carefully remove the old CCM.
a. Remove the screws anchoring the CCM circuit board.
b. Grab the CCM circuit board by the edges. Pull it up and away from the controller board.
Normally you should be able to perform this operation with your fingers.

5. Find the RAM memory chips which are located, in most cases, just to the right of the CCM socket on the controller board.

  • If the memory chip is soldered, continue with step 6. The new memory chips onboard the new CCM will assume the duties of the old chips.

  • If the memory chip is not soldered, remove it.

6. Install the new CCM daughterboard.

a. Grab the new CCM circuit board by the edges and align the CCM connector with the mating connector on the controller board. The CCM has a male D connector and can only be installed in one orientation.

b. Press the CCM down until it is firmly seated.


Figure 1-69: CCM Module and Controller Board Socket

7. Reconnect the AC power then the standby DC battery.
The LEDs on the controller board alternate ON and OFF in different patterns while the controller performs a startup and self-test procedure. After the startup has finished, the lights should appear in their normal pattern. Refer to “Troubleshooting” for more information.
The line printer will print out some information including a header block showing the new CCM’s version number.

8. Print out a new list of configuration values and compare them to the old values.
Reprogram any functions that require it.

9.You’re now finished. For information about troubleshooting potential problems with CCM updating, refer to “DIGI*TRAC Troubleshooting Guide”.

Expansion Board Installation

Set up and installation for each of the expansion boards available for an Mx series controller is explained on the following pages.

Memory Expansion Boards Installation

The MEB/CB64 and MEB/CB128 boards provide an Mx or Mx-1-ME controller with enhanced capacity to store events and codes.

Figure 1-70: Memory Expansion Boards (MEB/CB128 and MEB/CB64)

Memory Board Setups

Memory expansion boards do not require any setup before installing.

Memory Board Mounting & Wiring

To install any of the memory expansion boards:

  1. Turn all system power off and remove connectors for both AC power and the standby battery.

  2. Install the board on the supplied standoffs and connect the EBIC cable, as described in “Connecting Expansion Boards”.

Because a memory board only communicates with the controller board, it has no inputs or outputs other than the EBIC cable. After a Memory Expansion Board (MEB) has been installed, removing it will instantly delete all codes or logged history records. Furthermore, a cold restart will be required, which will erase all additional information in memory and require complete system reprogramming or restoration from a backup.

Alarm Expansion Board (AEB8) Installation

The AEB8 is an 8-input Alarm Expansion board where each input is supervised like the inputs on the Controller Board.
A Line Module is required for each input. For more about the Line Modules, refer to “Line Module Installation”.

AEB8 Setup

The AEB8 has four jumper positions in the middle of the board which control board addressing:


Addresses 1 - 8 (factory default for first AEB8)


Addresses 1 - 8 (factory default for first AEB8)


Addresses 9 - 16 (for second AEB8)


Addresses 17 - 24 (for third AEB8)


Addresses 25 - 32 (for fourth AEB8)

AEB8 Mounting

To install the AEB8 expansion board(s):

  1. Turn all system power off, remove connectors to the standby battery, then remove connectors to the AC power.

  2. Install the board on the supplied standoffs and connect the EBIC5 cable as described in “Connecting Expansion Boards”.

  3. If you are installing two or more AEB8s, it is recommended that you install the AEB8 set to J1 on top of the AEB8 set to J2 and so on.

  4. After each board is installed, connect the appropriate EBIC5 connector.

AEB8 Wiring

To connect inputs to this board:

  1. Turn all system power off, remove connectors to the standby battery, then remove connectors to the AC power.

  2. Punch out the knockout in the enclosure where you plan to route the wires. Either route these wires through the same opening you’re using for controller board connections, or knock out a new opening for wires going to the expansion boards.

  3. Route the wires through the opening or knockout.

  4. If it makes wiring easier, detach each green connector from the board as you need it.

  5. Loosen the screws on each connector plug you will be using.

  6. Remove insulation from the wire and connect the alarm wire to the designated pin on the green connector. If the device goes low to signal an alarm, connect the wire to the LO pin on the green connector. If the device goes high to signal an alarm, connect the wire to the HI pin on the green connector. For more about this, refer to “Connecting Wires to the Controller Boards”.
    If you need to, connect the shielded wire to the S pin on the green connector.

  7. Tighten the screws until the wire is securely fastened in the slot.

  8. Push the green connector into the appropriate socket until it locks into place. The connector and socket are keyed, so there is only one way to plug it in.

Figure 1-71: Connecting the AEB8

9. Repeat this procedure for each wire you need to connect.

RS-485 Readers Expansion Board (RREB) Installation

When installing an RREB, you will typically also be installing a SNIB3 (unless one was previously installed in your controller) as part of upgrading your traditional Velocity system to a FICAM-capable solution. Here is the general procedure for installing an RREB and a SNIB3.

  1. Power down the controller.
    a. Disconnect the battery backup power from the controller.
    b. Disconnect the AC power cables to the controller.

  2. If this is an existing controller which still has a SNIB or SNIB2 board installed, remove it.

3. If this is an existing controller which is wired to traditional readers that are being upgraded, disconnect the wires from the MATCH and/or Wiegand terminals (on the controller's main board).

4. If you are upgrading an existing system, there might be enough slack in the wire runs that you can reuse the existing wires. Otherwise, run the necessary wires from thenew readers to the controller.

5. Connect the appropriate wires to the male end of the RS-485 connectors, as shown in “Example Wiring Diagram for an RREB”. Here is a close-up diagram of an RS-485 connector:

6. Install the RREB on the supplied standoffs, and attach it to the next-to-last connector on the EBIC5 ribbon cable. When an Mx-2/4/8-S3OB controller is used, attach the RREB to the last connector on the EBIC5 ribbon cable. If you need more details, see “Connecting Expansion Boards”.

7. Plug the wired male end of each RS-485 connector that is used into the female end of the correct door’s port on the RREB.

8. Check whether your SNIB3 is a current version which includes surge protection, or whether it is the initial version (sold only to a few US federal government agencies) which did not include surge protection.

When using the initial version of the SNIB3 board (which has a serial number of the form SNIB3-S-nnnnn), surge protection must be provided for the master SNIB3 in each chain of connected controllers, using the Sankosha Guardian Net LAN-CAT5e-P+ surge protection device. For details, see “Providing Surge Protection for a Master SNIB3”.

9. Connect the 8-wire data cable between the RREB and the SNIB3, as shown in the following diagram.

10. Install the SNIB3 on the supplied standoffs, and attach it to the last connector on the EBIC5 ribbon cable, so it is the topmost board on this controller’s stack of expansion boards.

11. Route the incoming Ethernet cable through a knockout hole in the controller’s cabinet and connect it to the RJ-45 jack on the SNIB3 board (which is colored blue on the previous diagram).

12. Restore power to the controller.
a. Reconnect the AC power cables to the controller.
b. Reconnect the battery backup power to the controller.

13. At the Velocity host, use Velocity to configure the SNIB3, as explained in “Using Velocity to Configure a SNIB3 on the Same Subnet”.

Relay Expansion Board (REB8) Installation

To expand the output relay capacity of the controller, install the Relay Expansion Board (REB8). This board provides 8 additional 2-Amp (at 24VDC) Form C relay outputs.

REB8 Setup

The REB8 provides a set of jumpers (J1 through J8) to configure the address range assigned to these additional relays. The jumper is configured in this way:


Addresses 1 - 8 (factory default)


Addresses 1 - 8 (factory default)


Addresses 9 - 16 (for second REB8)


Addresses 17 - 24 (for third REB8)


Addresses 25 - 32 (for fourth REB8)


Addresses 33 - 40 (for fifth REB8)


Addresses 41 - 48 (for virtual sixth REB8)


Addresses 49 - 56 (for virtual seventh REB8)


Addresses 57 - 64 (for virtual eighth REB8)

Amongst other things, these jumpers can be used for elevator control - where each address corresponds to an individual floor. Jumpers J6 through J8 specify virtual relays.

The REB8 is also equipped with a master relay override DIP Switch. This switch can override all relays to either the ON or OFF positions.



Normal operating position.


Forces all 8 relays OFF so no system function can actuate the controller until the master override is OFF.



Normal operating position.


Forces all 8 relays ON so no system function will actuate the relays until the master override is OFF.

REB8 Mounting

To install the REB8 expansion board:

  1. Turn all system power off, remove connectors to the standby battery, then remove connectors to the AC power.

  2. Install the board on the supplied standoffs and connect the EBIC5 cable as described in “Connecting Expansion Boards”.

REB8 Wiring

To connect outputs to this board:

  1. Turn all system power off, remove connectors to the standby battery, then remove connectors to the AC power.

  2. Punch out the knockout in the enclosure where you plan to route the wires. Either route these wires through the same opening you’re using for controller board connections, or knock out a new opening for wires going to the expansion boards.

  3. Route the wires through the opening or knockout. If it makes wiring easier, detach each green connector from the board as you need it.

  4. Loosen the screws on each connector plug you will be using.

  5. Remove insulation from the wire and connect the specified wires into the green connectors at the required slots as described in “Connecting Wires to the Controller Boards”.

  6. Tighten the screws until the wire is securely fastened in the slot.

  7. If you detached the green connectors from the board in Step 3, push the connector into the appropriate socket until it locks into place, as shown in Figure 1-72. The connector and socket are keyed, so there is only one way to plug it in.

Figure 1-72: Connecting the REB8

8. Repeat this procedure for each wire you need to connect.

Secure Network Interface Board (SNIB2 or SNIB3) Installation

When installed, the SNIB2 or SNIB3 expansion board enables an Mx series controller to be programmed, monitored, and controlled from a properly-configured IBM-compatible host PC running the Velocity software. Communication is secured by Hirsch’s proprietary Hirsch Encrypted Standard (HES) protocol SCRAMBLE*NET network.

  • An optically isolated RS-232 port is provided on the original SNIB and the SNIB2.

  • An optically isolated RS-485 port (required for multi-drop or long hardwired connections) is provided on the original SNIB, the SNIB2, and the SNIB3.

  • An RJ-45 Ethernet port (which requires a host-to-master controller TCP/IP connection) is provided on the SNIB2 and the SNIB3.

The Mx controller can be ordered with either SNIB2 or SNIB3 functionality.

Installing the SNIB2

This section includes setup and installation instructions for the SNIB2.

To install the SNIB2:

  1. If necessary, download CCM 7.3.08 or later firmware to the required controllers.

For instructions about doing this, refer to “Firmware Updates > Updating CCM Firmware” in the main Velocity help.

2. Make sure each controller in the sequence shows the CCM version as 7.3.08 or later, and the BIOS as Version 7.2.19 or later.

If these version numbers do not appear, replace the controller’s CCM.

3. Remove the original SNIBs from each required controller.

4. Run the required network cable to the controller(s) with the master SNIB2s.

The Ethernet cable you are connecting to each master SNIB2 should be connected to the Velocity host through a hub or switch.
5. Run RS-485 cable downstream from the master SNIB2.

The run between the master SNIB2 and the second SNIB2 should be wired according to the instructions in “SNIB2 Cabling”.

6. Set the DIP switches on each SNIB2, which vary depending on whether it is the master, one in the middle, or the last one.

In general, use the settings shown in the following tables.































Master SNIB2:



all ON

Indicates this is the first/master SNIB2 (or the last one) in the run





The SNIB2 communicates with the Velocity host PC in XNET 2, using the encryption keys stored in memory


Return the encryption keys to their default settings. If this switch is set when the SNIB2 powers up or reboots after a firmware upgrade, the keys reset. This switch should be turned off after the LED patterns begin to light.

Because this is the master SNIB2, you must also ‘Reset Encryption’ on the Velocity Port settings. All downstream units must have