ScramblePad and MATCH Interface Installation

ScramblePad and MATCH Interface Installation



In order to install a ScramblePad, you must:

  • Install the Mounting Box – instructions on how to install the correct mounting boxes, determine the correct mounting height for each device, and the dimensions of each ScramblePad mounting box.

  • Set up the ScramblePad – instructions on how to set ScramblePad DIP switches to assign each an ID.

  • Wire the ScramblePad – detailed instructions on how to wire the ScramblePad to a controller.
    Each of these tasks is discussed in this section.

Installing the Mounting Box

Each ScramblePad must be installed in a mounting box. The available mounting boxes are shown in Figure 1-83.

Figure 1-83: ScramblePad Mounting Boxes

The Universal Mounting Kit (UMK) is designed for use with the MB2. The UMKS is designed for use with the MB2S.

Some of the mounting boxes—like the MB1, MB3, and MB8—are designed for flush mounting, meaning the box is embedded in the wall. Other boxes—like the MB2, MB2S, MB4, MB9, and MB20—are designed for surface mounting, which means the box is attached to and juts from the wall. However, when used with the UMK, the MB2 becomes flush, semi-flush, or handicap mountable.

The MB2S is designed specifically for the DS47LScramblePad and DS47L-SPX ScrambleProx. When used with the UMK or UMKS, the MB2S becomes flush or handicap mountable.

The MB20 is used for mounting a keypad and magstripe reader side-by-side (dual technology). This box also enables you to install both a magstripe and prox reader at the same door, if you so choose. This entails installation of the ScrambleProx in the keypad position.

The MB5 is used for parking and other outdoor operations. It can be surface-mounted on a wall or, for parking applications, can use either the MP35 or MP41 mounting post. To determine how much space you’ll need for the mounting box, study the dimensions for each box as shown on the following pages.

Figure 1-84: ScramblePad Mounting Boxes Dimensions - MB1, MB2, & MB2S

Figure 1-85: ScramblePad Mounting Boxes Dimensions - MB3, MB4 & MB8

Figure 1-86: ScramblePad Mounting Boxes/Posts Dimensions - MB5, MB9, MP35, and MP41

Figure 1-87: ScramblePad and Reader Mounting for MB20

Selecting a Mounting Height

Select the correct mounting height for the construction conditions at each door. If it isn’t right, the ScramblePad will be difficult to use properly.

Figure 1-88 shows how the ScramblePad mounting height differs according to the angle of viewing.

Figure 1-88: ScramblePad Height Adjustment

If users of the ScramblePad or MATCH are handicapped, pay particular attention to the height of the box. Most states require strict compliance with conditions of the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) in addition to many local and regional code requirements. Consult the local codes for exact height requirements.

Each box requires slightly different instructions for mounting.

Installation instructions for each box and kit are provided on the following pages.

Installing the MB1

To Mount the MB1:

1.Determine the height which is correct for this location. Refer to “Selecting a Mounting Height”.

2. Use the template included with the MB1 to locate the best possible position for the box. You can also use the template to trace an outline on the wall.

3. Cut a hole in the wall matching the dimensions provided for the MB1 in Figure 1-84 on in section “Installing the Mounting Box”.

4. Locate and pull the cable up to the hole.

5. Thread the cable through one of the holes in the MB1.

6. Insert the MB1 into the hole until it is flush with the wall. Make sure that the wall anchors on top and bottom of the box fit inside the wall.

Figure 1-89: Installing the MB1

7. Turn the wall anchor screws (located at the upper right and lower left) until the box is firmly secured.

8. Install the ScramblePad. Refer to “Setting Up a DS47L ScramblePad/ScrambleProx”.

Installing the MB2

To Surface Mount the MB2:

1.Determine the height which is correct for this location. Refer to “Selecting a Mounting Height”.

2. Use the conduit hole at the back of the MB2.

3. Hold the back box up to the wall at the intended location and outline the holes at the back of the mounting box on the wall surface. There are six screw holes and one conduit hole.

4. Drill as many of the screw holes in the wall as are required to secure the box. Insert screw anchors, if desired.

5. Pull the conduit through the conduit wall hole, then thread to the MB2 conduit hole.

6. Put the MB2 in position and screw it to the wall.

7. Continue with the ScramblePad installation. Refer to “Setting Up a DS47L ScramblePad/ScrambleProx”.

Installing the MB2S

To Surface Mount the MB2S:

1.Determine the height which is correct for this location. Refer to “Selecting a Mounting Height” .

2. Hold the back box up to the wall at the intended location and outline the holes at the back of the mounting box. There are six screw holes and one conduit hole.

3. Drill out as many of the screw holes as required. Insert screw anchors, if desired.

4. Pull the cable through the larger hole then thread through MB2S conduit nut.

5. Put the MB2S in position and screw it to the wall.

6. Continue with the ScramblePad installation.

Refer to “Setting Up a DS47L ScramblePad/ScrambleProx”.

Installing the MB2SL

To Mount the MB2SL:

1.Determine the height which is correct for this location.
Keep in mind that a sloped box is intended to be viewed from an angle either above or below the reader/keypad position.
Refer to “Selecting a Mounting Height”.

2. Hold the back box up to the wall at the intended location and outline the holes at the back of the mounting box. There are six screw holes and one conduit hole.

Figure 1-90: MB2SL Box

3. Drill out as many of the screw holes as required. Insert screw anchors, if desired.
4. Pull the cable through the larger hole then thread through MB2SL conduit nut.
5. Put the MB2SL in position and screw it to the wall.
6. Continue with the ScramblePad installation.

Refer to “Setting Up a DS47L ScramblePad/ScrambleProx”.

Installing the Universal Mounting Kits

The Universal Mounting Kit (UMK) works with the MB2 to provide three different configurations:

  • Flush

  • Semi-Flush

  • Sloped (Handicap)

The Universal Mounting Kit Shallow (UMKS) works with the MB2S to provide two different

  • Flush

  • Sloped (Handicap)

The MB2S and UMKS are only suitable for the DS47L-series ScramblePad and ScrambleProx, because the older DS37L-series ScramblePad is too deep for the MB2S. Each configuration is shown in Figure 1-91:

Figure 1-91: UMK/UMKS Configurations

To Mount the MB2 and UMK:

1.Determine the height which is correct for this location. Refer to “Selecting a Mounting Height”.

2. Use the template in Figure 1-92 to cut the wall hole for the UMK/UMKS.
For the Flush or Semi-Flush UMK/UMKS adaptor, use the solid lower line. For handicap mounting using the tilted UMK/UMKS adaptor, select the dotted lower line.

The UMKS does not use the Semi-Flush configuration.

3. Attach the left and right brackets to the faceplate flanges for flush, semi-flush, or handicap mounts using the 6/32 nuts as shown in Figure 1-93.

4. For flush and semi-flush face plates only, use the ¼” faceplate insert below the MB2/ MB2S for a proper fit.

5. Mount the faceplate-bracket assembly to the wall as shown in Figure 1-91. Use the wall backnut brackets and the tamper-proof screws.

6. Route the ScramblePad cable from the controller or MATCH Reader Interface Board through the MB2/MB2S backbox.

The MATCH Reader Interface Board is included in the DS47L or DS47L-SPX package, so there is no need for an MRIB cable; however, there may be a cable to a reader.

7. Mount the MB2 or MB2S into the faceplate using the 8/32 screws.

8. Continue with the ScramblePad installation. Refer to “Setting Up a DS47L ScramblePad/ScrambleProx”.

Figure 1-92: UMK/UMKS Template (dimension in inches)

Figure 1-93: Installing an MB2 in a UMK/UMKS Faceplate

Installing the MB3

To Mount the MB3:

1.Determine the height which is correct for this location. Refer to “Selecting a Mounting Height”.

2. Drill or knock out a hole in the MB3 back box for the conduit.

3. Place the MB3 backbox against the wall in the selected location and outline the device.

4. Using the outline, cut a hole in the wall.

5. Pull the appropriate cable up and out of the wall.

6. Attach the spacer plate to the back box with 4 screws as shown in Figure 1-94.

7. Attach face plate to spacer plate as shown in Figure 1-94.

8. Pull cable through knockout and insert assembled MB3 into the wall hole.

9. Secure to the wall with 4 bolts.

10. Continue with the ScramblePad installation. Refer to “Setting Up a DS47L ScramblePad/ScrambleProx”.

Figure 1-94: Installing the MB3

Installing the MB4

To Mount the MB4:

1.Dermine the height which is correct for this location. Refer to “Selecting a Mounting Height”.

2. Knock out the hole in the back of the MB4 back box for the conduit.

3. Place the MB4 backbox against the wall in the selected location and outline the four bolt holes at the back of the box and the knockout.

4. Using the outlined holes, drill five holes in the wall. If required, insert screw anchors into bolt holes.

5. Pull the appropriate cable out of the wall and thread through knockout in back box.

6. Attach the back box to the wall with 4 bolts.

7. Attach face plate to the back box with 4 screws as shown in Figure 1-95.

8. Continue with the ScramblePad installation. Refer to “Setting Up a DS47L ScramblePad/ScrambleProx”.

Figure 1-95: Installing the MB4

Installing the MB5 and MP35/MP41 Mounting Posts

The MB5 can either be surface-mounted or post-mounted. Both installations are discussed here.
To Mount the MB5 on a Wall:

1.Determine the height which is correct for this location. Refer to “Selecting a Mounting Height”.

2. Place the MB5 backbox against the wall in the selected location and outline the four bolt holes and the conduit hole at the back of the box.

3. Using the outlined holes, drill five holes in the wall. If required, insert screw anchors into bolt holes.

4. Pull the appropriate cable out of the wall and thread through knockout in back box.

5. Attach the back box to the wall with 4 bolts.

6. Continue with the ScramblePad installation. Refer to “Setting Up a DS47L ScramblePad/ScrambleProx”.

To Mount the MB5 and MP35/MP41 Mounting Post:

1.Determine the height which is correct for this location. Refer to “Selecting a Mounting Height . The MP35 is 35 inches high while the MP41 is 41 inches. Both mounting posts are 12½ inches deep. Both bases are 5 inches x 6 inches.

2. Place the mounting post in the position required. Outline the post base bolt holes on the ground.

3. Drill the bolt holes into the ground. Because this is usually concrete, asphalt, or some other hard material, be sure to use the appropriate drill. If required, use bolt anchors.

4. Pull the cable to the appropriate location. This can require laying down conduit beneath the surface (before the concrete is poured) or cutting existing concrete/ asphalt and laying down a new cable.

Alternatively, lay metal pipe and conduit across the surface; however, this is not as secure or weather-resistant.
5. Thread cable up through mounting pipe.
6. Bolt the mounting post into place.
7. Pull cable through hole in back of the MB5.
8. Join MB5 to the mounting post with four bolts.
9. Continue with the ScramblePad installation. Refer to “Setting Up a DS47L ScramblePad/ScrambleProx”.

Figure 1-96: Mounting the MB5 and Mounting Post

Installing the MB8

To Mount the MB8:

1.Determine the height which is correct for this location. Refer to “Selecting a Mounting Height”.

2. Drill or knock out a hole in the MB8 back box for the conduit.

3. Place the MB8 backbox against the wall in the in the selected location and outline the device.

4. Using the outline, cut a hole in the wall.

5. Pull the appropriate cable out of the wall.

6. Attach the spacer plate to the back box with 4 screws as shown in Figure 1-97.

7. Attach face plate to spacer plate as shown in Figure 1-97.

8. Pull cable through knockout and insert assembled MB8 into the wall hole until it is flush against wall.

9. Secure to the wall with 4 bolts.

10.Continue with the ScramblePad installation. Refer to “Setting Up a DS47L ScramblePad/ScrambleProx”.

Figure 1-97: Installing the MB8

Installing the MB9

To Mount the MB9:

1.Determine the height which is correct for this location. Refer to “Selecting a Mounting Height”.

2. Knock out the hole in the back of the MB9 back box for the conduit.

3. Place the MB4 backbox against the wall in the in the selected location and outline the four bolt holes at the back of the box and the knockout.

4. Using the outlined holes, drill five holes in the wall. If required, insert screw anchors into bolt holes.

5. Pull the appropriate cable out of the wall and thread through knockout in back box.

6. Attach the back box to the wall with 4 bolts.

7. Attach face plate to the back box with 4 screws as shown in Figure 1-98.

8. Continue with the ScramblePad installation. Refer to “Setting Up a DS47L ScramblePad/ScrambleProx”.

Figure 1-98: Installing the MB9

To continue with the ScramblePad installation, go to the next section: “Setting Up a DS47L ScramblePad/ScrambleProx”.

Installing the MB20

To Mount the MB20:

1.Determine the height which is correct for this location. Refer to “Selecting a Mounting Height”.

2. Place the MB20 backbox against the wall in the selected location and outline the four bolt holes at the back of the box as well as the central conduit hole in the middle.

3. Using the outlined holes, drill five holes in the wall. If required, insert screw anchors into bolt holes.

4. Pull the appropriate cables out of the wall through the large central conduit hole, then thread the cable through the large hole at the back of the box. These cables should service both the keypad and the reader.

5. Attach the back box to the wall with 4 bolts.

6. Before attaching the face plate, adjust the angle of the plate to your requirements. This is done by unscrewing and repositioning the four bolts and nuts that secure the adjustable box to the face plate.

7. Run the required reader cable through the large hole on the front plate.

8. Attach the face plate to the back box with 4 screws.

9. Install the ScramblePad as described in “Setting Up a DS47L ScramblePad/ ScrambleProx”.

10. Attach a reader to the right of the ScramblePad as described in your reader’s documentation.

Figure 1-99: Installing MB20

To continue with the ScramblePad installation, go to the next section: “Setting Up a DS47L ScramblePad/ScrambleProx” .

Setting Up a DS47L ScramblePad/ScrambleProx

After you install the mounting boxes, but before you connect the ScramblePad to the cable, you must first configure the ScramblePad.
There are ten DIP switches on the back of the DS47L-series ScramblePads.
These switches:

  • Assign the Address

  • Enable/disable the Tamper Alarm Function

  • Test the unit

To setup the DS47L-series ScramblePad/ScrambleProx:

1.Assign an address to the ScramblePad. Use the chart on the back of the unit to help you determine the correct ID setting.

Table 1-23: ScramblePad Door Assignment Settings



















1 (default)

1 entry






2 entry






3 entry






4 entry






5 entry






6 entry






7 entry






8 entry






1 exit






2 exit






3 exit






4 exit






5 exit






6 exit






7 exit






8 exit

In this binary addressing scheme, SW1 = 8, SW2 = 4, SW3 = 2, and SW4 = 1.

Assign up to a maximum of 16 IDs per controller. IDs do not translate into Doors. The maximum number of doors handled by a Hirsch controller (Model 8) is still eight, but the controller interprets 1 - 8 as entries and 9 - 16 as exits. In this way, you can assign two ScramblePads/MATCHs for each door. For example, assign ID 1 to the entry ScramblePad on Door 1; assign ID 9 to the exit ScramblePad at Door 1.

1.The controller to which the ScramblePad is connected must read the ID (address) from the ScramblePad before it can act, so it is important that this is set correctly.

If two ScramblePads have the same ID, the system will not operate properly. A flashing red LED on the front of the ScramblePad indicates duplicate ScramblePad IDs.

2. If required, enable dual readers by setting SW5 to ON. This enables the DS47L or DS47L-SPX to connect to a second reader for entry and exit applications.

3. Specify whether the readers attached to Reader 1 and Reader 2 ports are Wiegand or ABA Track 2 Mag Stripe by setting SW6:
OFF = ABA Track 2 Mag Stripe
ON = Wiegand

4. Specify whether the readers attached to the reader ports are Insert or Swipe by setting SW7:
OFF = Swipe
ON = Insert

5. Enable the Physical Tamper Alarm by setting SW8 to 1 (ON). When ON, the ScramblePad/ScrambleProx can detect attempts to tamper with it. If tampering is detected, all LEDs on the face flash red and the ScramblePad is disabled.

6. Set SW9 and SW10 to enable two different test procedures.
OFF causes the LEDs to blink in sequence. All segments of each LED displays an 8.
ON initiates the switch test. All keys are tested.

7. Set SW10 = ON to enable test modes.
SW10 must be enabled before SW9 can run either test.

Wiring the ScramblePad

After you’ve set up the ScramblePad/ScrambleProx, it’s time to route and connect the cable linking the ScramblePad to the controller.
For more about powering a ScramblePad locally, refer to “Powering the ScramblePad Locally”. For more about powering a MATCH locally, refer to “Powering the MATCH Locally”.
To wire the ScramblePad to the Controller:

1.Connect cable runs from the controller to the access control points for each ScramblePad at each door (as shown in Figure 1-102).

Recommended cable for DS47L-series ScramblePads is 2-pair, stranded, twisted, shielded cable, either 22 AWG or 18 AWG. Overall shield or individual shielded pairs are acceptable. Color coded cable – black, red, green, and white – is recommended. Pair 1, black and red, provide power to the ScramblePad; pair 2, green and white, provide data communications between the ScramblePad and the Controller. Digital signals are sent to the controller from the ScramblePad over the cabling—cable must be protected from surges, spikes and noise normally found on electric lock cables.

For information about wiring distances and connecting entry/exit or dual technology ScramblePads, refer to Table 1-6 and Table 1-7 starting in section “ScramblePad/MATCH Inputs”.

Two ScramblePads at the same door can share the same cable.

2. Remove the green plastic connector from the back of the ScramblePad and loosen screws on all connector slots.

3. Insert each wire into the ScramblePad connector as shown in Table 1-24 and Figure 1-100:

Table 1-24: ScramblePad Connector Orientation


Wire Color/Type

Connects to this Controller Slot:


Wire Color/Type

Connects to this Controller Slot:
















Use Figure 1-100 to aid you with the cabling the DS47L-series ScramblePads.

Figure 1-100: DS47L-Series ScramblePad Setup and Wiring

SW5 - SW10 settings for the DS47 differ depending on the generation being used.

The most recent DS47 ScramblePad generation (firmware versions 980313, 980103, and 971102) is displayed in Figure 1-100 and also in Table 1-25:

Table 1-25: MATCH SW5 - SW8 Settings (Versions 980313, 980103, and 971102)






SW 5

SW 6

Reader Data Format



MATCH disabled. No readers can be attached.



ABA Track 2 Mag Stripe



Wiegand, 25-55 bit with parity. For prox card readers



Wiegand, 25-55 bit, without parity


OFF (default) = 1 card reader, ON = Reader 2 enabled (support 2 card readers)


OFF = No physical tamper, ON = Physical tamper enabled


SW 9




SW 10




Start State

Auto-Start. SW 5-6 must be set to support MATCH function when card reader plugged into the first connector. For more information, refer to “Auto-Start”



Manual Start.



Test Functions.

The previous DS47L ScramblePad (firmware version 971023 and 971024) settings are shown in Table 1-26:

Table 1-26: MATCH SW5 - SW10 Settings (Version 971023 and 971024)






SW 5

SW 6

Reader Data Format



MATCH disabled.



Mag Stripe (ABA format)



Wiegand Swipe. For prox card readers



Wiegand Insert/Reverse


OFF (default) = 1 card reader, ON = Reader 2 enabled (support 2 card readers)


OFF = No physical tamper, ON = Physical tamper enabled


SW 9




SW 10




Start State

Auto-Start. SW 5-6 must be set to support MATCH function when card reader plugged into the first connector. For more information, refer to “Auto-Start”



Manual Start.