SQL Express Database Size Limitation

Current Microsoft SQL Express 2019 has a per database size limitation of 10GB. A licensed copy of SQL Server does not have a these size limitations, but it is still important to keep the size of the Velocity database manageable.


  • You can review if you have SQL Expressed or Licensed version of SQL Server by going to SQL Server Management Studio > Connect > Right-click on the SQL instance > Properties.

  • Review the size of the Velocity database. Open SQL Server Management Studio > Connect > expand databases folder > Right-click on Velocity database > Properties.

The size of the Velocity database will be listed. The available space will also be listed. Available space can be used to reduce the size of the database by shrinking the Velocity database.

  • Shrink Velocity database. Right Click on Velocity database > Tasks > Shrink > database

  • See available free space before shrinking. Press okay to shrink.

  • Review which tables are using the most disk space. Right-click Velocity database > Reports > Standard Reports > Disk Usage by Top Tables.

  • See the Top tables by Data (KB)

  • Velocity by default will archive Events and Alarms monthly to keep the size of the database manageable. Review the schedule and last run for this task. Go to ID Button > System > Velocity Scheduling Agent.

  • Velocity systems reaching the 10GB size size limit frequently will either need to increase the frequency of the archiving task to keep fewer days in the active Velocity database or upgrade to licensed copy of SQL Server to avoid size limitations.

  • If there are constant runaway alarms in your Velocity system causing the increase in used disk space, those alarms will need to get address individually.