Command Definitions (101-199)

Command Definitions (101-199)



START 103 * N * 1/0 * Address 1-8 [* Address 9-16] #



1       Channel 1 Card Reader LED Reversed

2       Channel 2 Card Reader LED Reversed

3       Physical Tamper

4       Card Reader LED follows Local Relay

5       Card Reader ScramblePad Sharing

6       DTA Externally Powered, allow keypress to activate LCD Unit Backlight

7       DTA Backlight ON continually

8       DTA Display Threat Level


1      ON

0      OFF

Address 1 - 8


Address 9 - 16 (optional)



This command controls several functions of the MATCH Reader Interface Board (MRIB) or the card readers attached to the MRIB. The factory setup for the reader status LED is to be normally off and to momentarily turn on when a card is read. This command allows the status LED functions to be reversed.

The MRIB can detect when the bezel of its mounting base is removed and can report the bezel OFF as a physical tamper alarm on the system printer, on the tamper alarm relay, and on the host PC, if installed. The factory setup for physical tamper is OFF. This command enables tamper reporting to be changed to ON.

When you enable Card Reader ScramblePad Sharing, it allows a ScramblePad or reader to use both reader types in the same dual technology setup. Ordinarily, a ScramblePad is only allowed to recognize one reader type at a time; however, some companies must provide access for employees who possess either a mag stripe card or a prox card in addition to a code. This feature enables employees to enter their code then swipe either their prox or mag stripe card to gain access.

There are several new options added for the DTA (DIGI*TRAC Annunciator). These enable backlighting and display threat levels.


START 103 * 1 * 1 * 1 * 0 #

Changes Card Reader Address 1 LED on Channel 1 to ON


Channel 1 & 2 reader LED not reversed

Physical Tamper disabled

Related CMDs:

CMD 88*12 – Print Match Setups and Status

CMD 188*3 – Print Setup Changes for Keypad/MATCH

CMD 03 – Change Selected Keypad/Match Functions

CMD 104 – Enable CARD/CODE-Only At Dual Technology

CMD 403 – Change Selected Keypad / MATCH Functions From Host [v7.0 and later]



START 104 * NN * Address * Time Zone #



1       Reader On Channel 1

2       Reader On Channel 2


This command enables the use of a card only at a dual technology reader during the specified time zone. This is often used at a card-only entry during normal working hours and at a dual (card + code) entry after hours. This command enables use of Card Only on either the entry or exit (Channel 1 or Channel 2) readers, or both.

To disable the use of card-only mode and return the reader to dual at all times, reenter the command with time zone 0.

For a list of available ID formats and their behavior, refer to Table 3-7 on page 3-24.


START 104 * 1 * 1 * 1 #

Enable Card Only at the Entry Reader of Channel 1 During Time Zone 1

START 104 * 1 * 1 * 0 #

Enable Dual Always and Disable Card Only at any time on the entry reader of Channel 1


None. No Dual readers will read Card Only.

Related CMDs:

CMD 88*12 – Print Match Setups and Status

CMD 188*3 – Print Setup Changes for Keypad/MATCH

CMD 03 – Change Selected Keypad/Match Functions

Time Zone Setups

CMD 52, 54, 154 – Define Standard, Master, Grand Master Time Zones

Adding Users

CMD 312, 313, 315 – Add Users, IDF 4, 5, 7.



START 105 * Device * Time Zone #



1     Printer

2     SNIB


This command allows the printer and/or SNIB to be disabled during the specified time zone. This reduces the quantity of printouts which occur during high activity periods, or during any time period that printed records are not required.

Disabling the printer prevents all transactions from being logged to the printer and to the controller's internal memory buffer.

The SNIB can be disabled during specified times to disable network communications to and from the specified controller. If the network is active when the SNIB is disabled, communications will remain active until the S*NET host PC logs off the network. Logging back on will not be allowed until the SNIB is enabled at the end of the specified Time Zone.

To re-enable any device, re-enter the command and specify Time Zone 0 for that device.


START 105 * 1 * 1 #

Disable Printer During Time Zone 1

START 105 * 1 * 0 #

Reenable Printer to Always Print


Printer Always Prints

SNIB Always Communicates

Related CMDs:

CMD 88*3, 88*4, 88*14 – Print Standard, Master, Grand Master Time Zones

CMD 88*23 – Print Reporting Setups

CMD 188*4 – Print Setup Changes for Reporting and Duress

Reporting and Printing Setup

CMD 05 – Reporting Modes

CMD 06 – Disable printing of grants on selected doors

CMD 106 – Disable Reporting During Time Zone

CMD 107, 90*2#/97*1 – Daily Report Printing On/Off

CMD 109 – Invalid Code/ID Reporting Mode

Time Zone Setups

CMD 52, 54, 56 – Define/Clear Standard, Master Time Zones

CMD 108 – Time Zone Control of Modem



START 106 * Report Type * Time Zone #


Report Type

1     Transaction Reporting

2     Event Reporting

3     Grant Reporting


This command disables all code & RQE transaction reports, granted and denied, from reaching the system printer, or the host PC, if the controller is networked. All events, internal and external, can also be disabled during the specified time zone. Grant only transactions can be disabled during the specified time zone. Any denied transactions continue to be reported.

Disabling these reports prevents them from being logged to the printer, buffer, and Host PC.


START 106 * 2 * 1 #

Disable printed events during Time Zone 1


None are disabled. All report.

Related CMDs:

CMD 88*3, 88*4, 88*14 – Print Standard, Master, Grand Master Time Zones

CMD 88*23 – Print Reporting Setups

CMD 188*4 – Print Setup Changes for Reporting and Duress

Reporting and Printing Setups

CMD 05 – Reporting Modes

CMD 06 – Disable printing of grants on selected doors

CMD 105 – Disable Device During Time Zone

CMD 107, 90 * 2 # / 97 * 1 # – Daily Report Printing On/Off

CMD 109 – Invalid Code/ID Reporting Mode

Time Zone Setups

CMD 52, 54, 56 – Define/Clear Standard, Master Time Zones



START 107 * NN #



0  - OFF

1  - ON


This Command disables the automatic Daily Report of System Status that occurs every night at midnight. It also disables the Sunday Midnight System Status and configuration Report.

In v6.6 and later, the daily maintenance report no longer reports the system setups and status. Get these using CMD 88*0.


START 107 * 1 #

Enable The Daily Midnight Report


Daily Report Printing OFF

Related CMDs:

CMD 88*23 – Print Reporting Setups

CMD 188*4 – Print Setup Changes for Reporting and Duress

Reporting and Printing Setups

CMD 05 – Reporting Modes

CMD 90*2# / 97*1 – Disable Daily Report

CMD 106 – Disable Reporting During Time Zone



START 108 * NN * Time Zone #  (v6.6 and earlier)

START 108 * 1 * TZ1 * TZ2 * TZ3 * TZ4 # (v7)

The first command syntax applies to all versions. The second command syntax is only applicable to v7.0 and later.



1       Trigger Dialing Host

2       Postpone Dialing Host

3       Cancel Dialing Host

4       Disable Answering Host


This command is part of the Remote Site Management feature set. It enables time zone control of the modem at a remote site. The modem can be set to dial the host PC at the main site at the start time of a specified time zone. This selection can be used to automatically upload a remote site's buffered events and alarms on a daily or weekly scheduled basis. It can also be used to provide a level of “supervision,” or automatic check-in, ‘I'm OK’ message, between any remote site and the main site. The second selection can be used to delay any alarms or events from dialing the host until the end time of the selected time zone. The third selection will cancel any attempt to dial the host during the specified time zone and the fourth selection disables the controller from answering the host during the specified time zone.

In v6.6 the dialing modem stops attempting to contact the remote site after trying 255 times in succession. (A typical attempt takes 30-40 seconds; 255 tries takes 1 to 3 hours.) The modem will resume trying the next time something triggers its modem dialer logic, or the next day, whichever comes first; however, after 255 attempts it will stop again.

In v7.0 and later, you can specify up to four time zones as triggers for dialing the host.


START 108 * 1 * 5 #

Dial Host At Start Time Of Time Zone 5

START 108 * 4 * 1 #

Disable Answering Host During Time Zone 1

START 108 * 1 * 2 * 4 * 5 #

Dial Host At Start Time Of Time Zone 2, Time Zone 4, and Time Zone 5


None. No Time Zone control of modem.

Related CMDs:

CMD 88*23 – Print Reporting Setups

CMD 88*3, 88*4, 88*14 – Print Standard, Master, Grand Master Time Zones

CMD 88*24 – Print Remote Site Management Setups

CMD 188*4 – Print Setup Changes for Reporting and Duress

Modem Setups

CMD 193 – Set Host Phone Number(s)

CMD 194 – Select Tone or Pulse Dialing

CMD 195 – Change Host Call-Back

Time Zone Setups

CMD 52, 54, 56 – Define/Clear Standard, Master Time Zones

CMD 105* 2 – Disable SNIB During Time Zone



START 109 * NN #



1 ON


This command is used to track & record the occurrences of invalid code usage at each ScramblePad or card reader on the controller. An invalid code is one that does not exist in the controller's database or memory. In some installations, system managers are concerned over attempts to guess valid codes or the unauthorized use of an unreported lost, stolen, or unidentified card by either authorized users or unauthorized users. This feature can track these attempts by recording each use of an invalid code, which may be immediately followed by the use of a valid code. When this feature is enabled the actual invalid code entered will be printed out.

The ability to record invalid codes can illustrate if an orderly sequence or a random sequence of codes is being used in an attempt to discover a valid code. Likewise, it may disclose infrequent honest errors by authorized users during the code entry process such as digit transpositions or incorrect digit sequences.

When invalid codes are turned ON, it will display both invalid ScramblePad and MATCH codes.

Invalid Code Reporting can be used to determine a card's 8-digit MATCH code at a dual technology reader. Simply present the unenrolled card, then enter 000# at the ScramblePad. When the combination of card + 000 is denied by the controller, the card's MATCH code is sent to the host.

In v6.6, at a dual technology reader with “Invalid Code Reporting” enabled, an invalid card and code combination will result in the controller sending the card code to the host. In v6.6, when presented with an unenrolled card, will wait for a code and then looks up the resulting dual code in the database, even when in “Card/Code Only Mode” (CMD 109). This means that invalid code reporting doesn't take effect until after the dual code is rejected. “Invalid Code Reporting” can still be used to determine a card's 8-digit MATCH code at a dual technology reader. Simply present the unenrolled card, then enter 000# at the ScramblePad. When the combination of card + 000 is denied by the controller, the card's MATCH code is then sent to the host.


START 109 * 1 #

Changes Invalid Code Reporting To ON


Invalid Code Reporting OFF

Related CMDs:

CMD 88*23 – Print Reporting Setups