Typical Connections for Mx Controller

Typical Connections for Mx Controller


Like DIGI*TRAC Controllers, the Mx controller can connect to a number of input and output devices. For details, see the following topics:

When referring to those topics, note that the layout of the terminal blocks of an Mx Controller (as shown in Figure 2-2 in section “MX Controller Main Board”) is different from the layout of the terminal blocks of the DIGI*TRAC M2 or M8 Controller.

All interconnecting devices must be UL Listed, low-voltage Class 2 power limited.

Wiring for a Door

For each door, an Mx controller provides the following terminal blocks:

  • A 3-pin Door Input terminal for analog inputs such as multi-state alarm inputs from the line modules.

  • A 3-pin Door Relay terminal for two-state outputs such as magnetic locks and electric strikes.

  • A 5-pin MATCH terminal for connecting ScramblePad keypads or readers through the MATCH2 Reader Interface. These are digital circuits which support daisy-chain connections to multiple devices on the same circuit.

  • A 6-pin Wiegand terminal for directly connecting a reader or keypad which has a Wiegand interface.

Previously for each door, you had to use either the 5-pin MATCH terminal or the 6-pin Wiegand terminal, depending on your needs:

  • For basic access control applications that only need an entry reader on a door, you could use the 6-pin Wiegand terminal to directly connect the Mx controller to a reader or keypad which has a Wiegand interface (without a separate MATCH2 board).

  • For a more advanced access control application that needs both entry and exit readers on a door, you had to use the 5-pin MATCH terminal to connect the Mx controller to a MATCH2 interface board or ScramblePad reader.

Starting with the Velocity 3.6 SP2.1 release and the CCM/CCMx firmware release, on an Mx-2 or Mx-4 controller where Wiegand terminals are available from unused doors, some of those available terminals can easily be used for exit readers. For more information about this feature, see “Connecting Exit Readers to Unused Wiegand Terminals on Mx-2 or Mx-4 Controllers” . (For wire runs longer than 500 feet, you still must use the MATCH2 interface.)

To avoid possible damage to your Mx controller, make sure it is powered off before you add or remove a reader connected to a 6-pin Wiegand terminal.

The following diagram shows the logic of the typical wiring for a door supervised by an Mx controller, with a card reader wired to a MATCH2 board which is wired to the 5-pin MATCH terminal for a door.

Figure 2-5: Typical Door Wiring Example for an Mx Controller

If you are using a reader or keypad which has a Wiegand interface, you can use the 6-pin Wiegand terminal block instead of the 5-pin MATCH terminal block, as shown in the following diagram.

Figure 2-6: Wiegand Door Wiring Example for an Mx Controller

Always refer to the actual wiring diagram provided with the specific reader that you are installing.

Connecting Exit Readers to Unused Wiegand Terminals on Mx-2 or Mx-4 Controllers

The Mx controller provides only one Wiegand terminal per door. Before the Velocity 3.6 SP2.1 release and the CCM/CCMx firmware release, if you wanted to have a door with a Wiegand exit reader, you had to connect that reader through a MATCH board. Now on an Mx-2 or Mx-4 controller where Wiegand terminals are available from unused doors, some of those available terminals can easily be used for exit readers. The following table shows the mapping of the 8 Wiegand terminals for the Mx-8, Mx-4, and Mx-2 models.


Usage on Mx-8

Usage on Mx-4

Usage on Mx-2


Usage on Mx-8

Usage on Mx-4

Usage on Mx-2

Wiegand 1

Entry reader for Door 1

Entry reader for Door 1

Entry reader for Door 1

Wiegand 2

Entry reader for Door 2

Entry reader for Door 2

Entry reader for Door 2

Wiegand 3

Entry reader for Door 3

Entry reader for Door 3


Wiegand 4

Entry reader for Door 4

Entry reader for Door 4


Wiegand 5

Entry reader for Door 5

Exit reader for Door 1

Exit reader for Door 1

Wiegand 6

Entry reader for Door 6

Exit reader for Door 2

Exit reader for Door 2

Wiegand 7

Entry reader for Door 7

Exit reader for Door 3


Wiegand 8

Entry reader for Door 8

Exit reader for Door 4


On an Mx-8 controller, the Wiegand terminals are all dedicated to entry readers. So when you use this feature to add Wiegand exit readers on an Mx-2 or Mx-4 controller, if you later decide to upgrade that controller to an Mx-8 model, you will need to rewire each Wiegand exit reader to use a MATCH board.

Wiring Diagram for the TS-8010 Reader

The following wiring diagram shows how to connect a TS-8010 reader to a Wiegand terminal on the main board of an Mx controller. It includes the connections for an electric lock and a door contact.

Wiring Diagram for the TS-8110 Reader

The following wiring diagram shows how to connect a TS-8110 reader to a Wiegand terminal on the main board of an Mx controller. It includes the connections for an electric lock and a door contact.