Data Installation

Data Installation


If a separate system is used for the Velocity database, then install a licensed edition of a supported version of Microsoft's SQL Server version (2017 or later) on that system. Then, you will install the Velocity Data to include the Velocity database information.

The Data installation needs to be done on the computer where you want the Velocity database installed because the Velocity Installer cannot recognize a remote computer during this installation.

If the standard installation procedures fail, please see the “How To” article on Velocity Advanced Split Database Installation.

  1. Make sure you are logged onto Windows as an Administrator

  2. Run the Velocity_Installer_3.8.6(build-3.8.6.xxx).exe file:

    • If you have a Velocity 3.8.6 installation DVD, insert it into your DVD drive, and the auto-start feature should automatically start the Velocity Installer

    • If you downloaded the file to install Velocity 3.8.6, use Windows Explorer to navigate to the file folder and double-click on Velocity_Installer_3.8.6(build-3.8.6.xxx).exe

  3. After the Velocity Installer’s Welcome (or splash) screen appears, click Next

  4. On the resulting End-User License Agreement page, select the “I agree to the terms in the License Agreement” option to continue or “I do not accept the License Agreement” to exit the setup. If you want to print the EULA, press the Print button. When finished, click Next.

  5. Select Data at the Install Options screen, then click Next

  6. At the resulting Welcome page of the Attach Database wizard, click Next
    The Attach Database wizard is tightly integrated with the Velocity Installer, so its pages appear within the Velocity Installer window.

  7. Please select the I Agree... option, then click Next on the End User License Agreement page of the Attach Database wizard

  8. Click Next in the System Inspection screen

  9. At the resulting SQL Server Options screen, select the existing SQL Server instance you will use to manage the Velocity database, then click Next

  10. At the resulting Application Network and Security screen, the Velocity Installer detects whether this computer is a member of an Active Directory domain or is a local server and selects the correct authentication option:

    • If the Local machine accounts option is selected, go to Step 11

    • If the Active Directory option is selected, select the Domain or Organization Unit (OU) whose accounts Velocity can use

    • You can select the Advanced Authentication option to designate that instead of using Velocity’s default user groups and user names for authentication, you will be using custom ones. (Some government agencies must do this as an additional security measure.) Before selecting this option, read the “Custom Active Directory User and Group Names Setup” section of the Velocity Installation Guide.

  11. Enter a password for the VelocityServices account in the first 'Password' field and confirm it in the first 'Confirm' field

  12. Accept the [Default] password in the second ‘Password' and 'Confirm’ fields unless you require a different SQL Server password
    If you change this password, all Velocity clients connecting to this server will be prompted for the password to access the Velocity database.

  13. The Velocity Installer detects whether this computer has multiple network interface cards:

    • If there is only one network interface card, go to Step 14

    • Select the network you will use from the 'Device Network' drop-down list if there are multiple network interface cards

  14. Click Next

  15. When the Prerequisite Gathering Complete screen appears, review the displayed information about the various program components that either will be installed or are already installed, then click Next

  16. If necessary, the Installing Prerequisites screen appears, and the installation of the required database software proceeds. Follow the onscreen prompts.

  17. After all the prerequisites are installed, the Installation Complete screen appears like in this example:

  18. Click Close
    The Velocity Data server installation is complete, so you can proceed to install the Velocity Server and then install the Velocity Clients.

Note: Make sure that the SQL Server Browser Service is Started on the SQL Database Server so the Velocity Server and Velocity Client installations can locate the database server.

For a flowchart of the installation process, refer to the Installation Flowcharts.

New Velocity installations come with a 90-day demonstration license. You will have to contact Identiv to:

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