Encrypting AMS lite traffic on PRIMIS


  • /var/opt/viscount/etc/env

  • /var/opt/viscount/etc/freedom.jks (on the master Primis server: Keystore containing the self-signed certificate)


On the master Primis sever

  1. Update the Primis configuration:

    vim /var/opt/viscount/etc/env

  2. Insert this line at the beginning of the file


  3. Find the line specifying ENGINE_DAEMON_OPTS and add the following options at the beginning

    -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/var/opt/viscount/etc/freedom.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=keystore_password

    After the change, the line should look like the following:
    ENGINE_DAEMON_OPTS="-Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/var/opt/viscount/etc/keystore.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=keystore_password ${ENGINE_DEBUG} …

  4. Find the line specifying DSR_DAEMON_OPTS and add the following options at the beginning

    After the change, the line should look like the following:

  5. Restart Primis

    systemctl restart engine tomcat viscount-dsr

On the replication Primis sever

  1. Update the Primis configuration:

    vim /var/opt/viscount/etc/env

  2. Insert this line at the beginning of the file


  3. Restart Primis

    systemctl restart engine tomcat


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