Installation and Configuration
In order to successfully install the ATM Data Capture Plug-in, you will need the following:
IP address of each ATM
IP address of ATM transaction server (if known, will improve plug-in performance)
ATM Data Capture Plug-in Package, sent by 3VR Orders (mail_orders) with the order confirmation email. Includes the following files:
ATM Data Capture plug-in file: Plugins.AtmDataCaptureTransaction-Release-1.0.0.xxxxx-7.0.3pg
Network troubleshooting file: NetworkCaptureSupport.3pa
A network hub, or, if the network switch is capable of port-mirroring, a mirrored port that will be connected to the VIP Appliance’s secondary NIC. See the network diagrams on page 5 for more information.
A VIP Appliance with two network adapters (primary and secondary) is recommended. If you intend to install the plug-in on a VIP Appliance with only one NIC, see Appendix A.