Service Control Manager

Service Control Manager

Velocity's Service Control Manager (SCM) provides an easy-to-use way to start or stop the various Velocity services. When the Velocity Service Control Manager (SCM) runs, its icon appears in the desktop tray at the lower right corner of the screen. Right-clicking on the SCM icon pops up a menu with commands to start or stop each service. For example:

The Velocity required services (which affect the SCM icon’s appearance) are:

  • Velocity Security Domain Service

  • Velocity DIGI*TRAC Network Service

  • Velocity SQL Writer

  • Velocity Cert Check Service (when the Federal edition of Velocity Server 3.6 SP2 or later is running in FICAM mode)

The following additional services are required if you install optional software components or integrations:

  • Velocity Web Service (for the optional Velocity Web Services Client)

  • Velocity Edge EVO Service (for the Edge EVO integration)

The Velocity Server Extension Service oversees the function of Velocity extensions, such as the Add-Ins option.

Although Add-Ins can be run on a Velocity client, Velocity's services run on the Velocity server. For this reason, specific tasks in the Scheduling Agent cannot be run on the client. For more about this, refer to the Scheduling Agent - Select Task Type topic in the Service Control Manager (SCM) section of the Velocity Online Help.

The Velocity CCTV Service controls the CCTV port, switcher, and camera operations.

Some additional services can appear in the SCM if your system includes specific optional integrations for video systems. The appearance of the SCM icon indicates which of the required services are currently running:





All of the required services for your system are running. A green arrow appears.

The Security Domain Service is running, but one or more of the other required services for your system is stopped. A red circle appears around a green arrow.

All of the required services for your system are stopped. A red square dot appears in place of the green arrow.

Wait until the arrow turns green before proceeding. This can take 30 seconds or more after a computer reboot.

If Velocity's SCM does not start automatically, click on the Windows Start button and select either Programs > Hirsch Electronics Velocity > Service Control Manager (for an existing system that was upgraded from 3.5) or Programs > Hirsch Velocity > Velocity (for a new installation). The Velocity services should restart automatically.

For more information about Velocity's SCM, refer to the help topics in the Service Control Manager (SCM) section of the Velocity Online Help.


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