SNIB Discovery and Operation Over IP

SNIB Discovery and Operation Over IP

IP Communication is the recommended application from Identiv.

SNIB3 Ethernet Connection

Using Velocity to Configure a SNIB3 on the Same Subnet

If a SNIB3 is on the same subnet as the Velocity host, then you will configure it using Velocity.

To configure a SNIB3 which is on the same network subnet as the Velocity host:

  1. If you have not yet done so, install the SNIB3 board in the controller.

  2. If you have not yet done so, connect the controller to the network.

  3. In Velocity’s Administration window, double-click the Add New XNET Port item.

The resulting Port Properties dialog varies according to whether your network is using IPv4 or IPv6 addressing.

For IPv4 addressing:

For IPv6 addressing:

  1. On the Port Properties dialog:

  • If necessary, for the ‘Network Type’ select either the IPv4 or the IPv6 option.

  • For the ‘Protocol’, select either the XNET2 or XNET3 option.

  • Click the Search button.

The results depend on the options you specified for the Network Type and the Protocol. Here is an example for an IPv4 network:

Note that although the SNIB2 and the SNIB3 support dynamic IP addressing using the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) for both IPv4 and IPv6, Identiv strongly recommends using static or reserved IP addresses. For this reason, all SNIB2s and SNIB3s that have the value of Yes in the DHCP Enabled column should be changed to have assigned fixed IP addresses before they are added to the Velocity network.

To change the settings for one of the displayed ports, perform these steps:

  1. Double-click on an entry in the Searching dialog’s results table.

  2. In the resulting SNIB Configuration dialog, make the necessary changes

For example:

  • If you need to change the Port number from the default value of 10001, then make sure to stay within the range from 1024 to 32767. Outside of this range, SNIB3 cannot communicate with the Velocity host.

  • If you plan to assign a fixed address to this port, then clear the check box for the ‘DHCP Enabled (ignored for SNIB2)’ option.

  • When you are finished, click OK to close this dialog.

  1. Back in the Searching dialog, click on the appropriate row to select the desired SNIB3 board, and click OK.

Velocity starts communicating with the specified SNIB3, and its port appears in the Ports folder within the Administration window.


Configuring a SNIB3 on a Different Subnet

If a SNIB3 is on a different subnet than the Velocity host, you will configure it using the SNIB Configuration Tool.

To configure a SNIB3 which is on a different network subnet than the Velocity host:

  1. If you have not yet done so, install the SNIB3 board in the controller.

  2. If you have not yet done so, connect the controller to the network.

  3. If you have not yet done so, download the SNIB Configuration Tool to a PC which you will use to configure the SNIB3:

On that PC, download the SNIBConfigTool.exe file from the Identiv website. (Use your Web browser to go to the identiv.com/support page, click the Support: Hirsch Products link, click the SNIB3 - Documents and Downloads link, and click on the link to download the SNIB Configuration Tool.)

  1. Connect that PC to the same network subnet as the SNIB3 being configured.

  2. Locate and double-click the SNIBConfigTool.exe file. 6.On the resulting SNIB Hunt and Configure window:

  1. Select one of these options:

  • All Devices in network, to search for all SNIB2s or SNIB3s on this network subnet. (If a SNIB2 or SNIB3 is currently logged on, this utility will not detect it.)

  • Specific Device in network, to search for a specific SNIB2 or SNIB3 on this network subnet. If you select this option, enter a search term such as an IP address in the text field which appears after this option. (This option works for both IPv4 and IPv6.)

  1. Click the Search button.

  2. From the resulting list of previously-undetected SNIB2s or SNIB3s displayed in the Devices list, double-click on the entry for the desired SNIB3, so its information appears in the subsequent fields on this window.

  3. Enter the values required for this SNIB3 in the relevant fields.

For example:

  • In the Device_Hostname field, enter the SNIB3 name that the Velocity host will use to identify this SNIB3.

  • In the Device_Port field, enter the network port number for this SNIB3. If you need to change this from the default value of 10001, then make sure to stay within the range from 1024 to 32767. Outside of this range, SNIB3 cannot communicate with the Velocity host.

  • Enter the necessary IP address in either the Device_IP_Address field (for IPv4) or in the Device_IPv6_Address field (for IPv6).

  • If you follow our recommendation to use static or reserved IP addresses, then clear the check box for the Enable DHCP Mode option.

10. Click the Send to Device button, to send the updated values to this SNIB3.

11. Click the Search button again, to verify that the SNIB3 has correctly received the updated information.

12. Record this SNIB3’s device hostname, port number, and IP address. You will need this information to finish configuring the SNIB3 in Velocity.

13. When you are finished, click the Close button.

Assign a Remote SNIB3 to a New Port on Velocity

14. In Velocity’s Administration window, double-click the ‘Add New XNET Port’ item.

The resulting Port Properties dialog varies according to whether your network is using IPv4 or IPv6 addressing.

For IPv4 addressing:

For IPv6 addressing:

15. On the Port Properties dialog:

  • If necessary, for the ‘Network Type’ select either the IPv4 or the IPv6 option.

  • For the ‘Protocol’, select either the XNET2 or XNET3 option.

  • Click the Search button.

  • In the ‘Name’ field, enter the value you assigned as the Device_Hostname (when using the SNIB Configuration Tool).

  • In the ‘IP address’ field, enter the value you assigned as either the Device_IP_Address or the Device_IPv6_Address (when using the SNIB Configuration Tool).

  • In the ‘IP Port’ field, enter the value you assigned as the Device_Port (when using the SNIB Configuration Tool).

  • Make sure the ‘Enable this Port’ option is checked.

  • Click OK.

Velocity should then be able to find and monitor this remote SNIB3.


SNIB2 Ethernet Connection


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