START 00 * NN #
0 | All Commands |
1 | System Commands |
2 | Program User commands |
3 | Auto-Program User Commands |
4 | Program Multiple ID User Commands |
5 | Program Control User Commands |
6 | User Management Commands |
7 | Print Users Without Codes Commands |
8 | Printer Users With Code Commands |
9 | Time Control Commands |
10 | Access Zone Commands |
11 | Control Zone Commands |
12 | Duress Commands |
13 | Alarm/RQE Commands |
14 | Expansion Alarm Commands |
15 | Keypad/MATCH Commands |
16 | Relay Commands |
17 | Expansion Relay Commands |
18 | Report Commands |
19 | Remote Site Management Commands |
20 | Print System Setups and Status |
21 | Maintenance Commands |
22 | Glossary |
A printout of each or all of the Command Categories may be generated from the controller's permanent memory. Automatic Context Sensitive Help prints the correct syntax for any individual Command whenever a programming error is made.
START 00 * 2 #
Prints Program User Commands
START 00 * 11 #
Prints Control Zone Commands
Related CMDs:
π CMD 88 – Print System Setups and Status
CMD 01 - Change System Code
The system code controls ScramblePad access to programming mode.
The system code may be set to any available 3-8 digit code and is permanently assigned to User 0. It is factory set to 123 on system start up. It is important to protect the security of your system by changing the system code to a code of your choice at system start up. The longer the code the greater the security. A 7- or 8-digit code is recommended.
There is a system code reset button on the controller board which, when depressed for 5 seconds, will return the system to a system code of 123. This is the only method available to return to a system code of 123 as command 01 will not allow programming a Code to 123.
If the system code is not changed from 123 to a new code, you will receive the following warning on the system printer once every four hours:
Warning! System CODE is 123!
In addition, if the system code is still set to 123 when Programming Mode is active at a ScramblePad, both yellow LEDs blink in unison. Once the code is changed, only the second yellow LED blinks whenever you enter Programming Mode.
DO NOT hold the controller's reset button down more than 5 seconds if it does not work. Holding the button down for 30 seconds will cold start the controller and erase all programmed information from memory
Further restriction of programming may be implemented through the command 02, add password.
START 01 * 66402139 #
Changes SYSTEM CODE To 66402139
Related CMDs:
π CMD 35, 36, 38*8, 330 – Print User, Users, or Family of Users with Codes
CMD 99 – Quit Programming
Adding and Changing Codes
CMD 02 – Add Programming Pass/word
CMD 13*0 – Change User Codes
CMD 90*2#/97*6 – Enable/Disable Master Code Reset
Keypad Setups
CMD 03*3 – Change Reader Function (Programming)
CMD 403 – Change Selected Keypad / MATCH Functions From Host
START 02 * PASSWORD Level * User Number * Code #
1 - System Code PASSWORD
2 - Executive PASSWORD
3 - Supervisor PASSWORD
4 - Operator PASSWORD
5 - Service PASSWORD
Passwords control ScramblePad access to programming mode. Passwords enable five levels of programming command restriction. Each level is only able to use certain programming commands according to the password level assigned to the operator's user number when added to the system. Any number of users may be assigned to any level. Each authorized operator is logged onto the system when programming mode is entered. Only one operator may be logged on at a time. For each command’s allowed password levels, refer to “Command Index In Numeric Order With Password Level”. The five password levels are defined below:
Password Level | Restrictions |
| All Commands |
| All Commands Except Passwords |
| All Commands Except Setups |
| All Except Setups & Add or Print Users With Codes |
| All Setups & Print Status, No User Commands |
Table 4-1: Password Levels
Passwords are assigned to Access Zone 65. This allows Programming Command entry 24 hours a day, any day. CMD 12 may be used to restrict the use of any Password to the times and days of any specified Access Zone.
START 02 * 1 * 1 * 17964484 #
Add SYSTEM CODE Password As User 1 With Code 17964484
START 02 * 4 * 2 * 49173068 #
Add Operator Password As User 2 With Code 49173068
START 02 * 5 * 3 * 88629174 #
Add Service Password As User 3 With Code 88629174
123 System code for User Zero (0).
Related CMDs:
π CMD 35, 36, 38*8, 330 – Print User, Users, or Family of Users with Codes
CMD 99 – Quit Programming
Changing and Deleting Codes
CMD 01, 13*0 – Change System (User 0) Code
CMD 13, 325 – Change Any Keypad User Code; Change User’s Function
CMD 16, 23 – Delete Any User, Range of Users
Keypad Setups
CMD 03*3 – Change Reader Function (Programming)
CMD 403 - Change Selected Keypad / MATCH Functions From Host
START 03 * NN * 1/0 * Address 1-8 [* Address 1-8] #
1 Scramble
2 Silent
3 Programming
4 Control
5 Access
6 Status Request
7 Passback Entry
8 Passback Exit
9 Passback Internal
10 Passback Unrestricted – External
11 Expansion Alarm Access
12 Red LED ON
13 Green LED ON
14 Yellow LED 1 ON
15 AC Fail = Yellow LED 1 Blink
16 Set Green LED while relay is active
17 Set Green LED during door delay
18 Use keypad numeric LEDs as annunciator
19 Allow User Count Display
20 Code Tamper Disables User
21 Silent Code Tamper
22 Deny Codes Under Duress
23 Flash Yellow LED 1 during control delay
24 Latching Code Tamper Rule
25 Sequential Code Tamper Rule
26 Sequential Code Tamper Rule #2
27 ScramblePad DS47 is 980313 or similar: "digits in the wrong order"
28 Timed Passback Rule
29 Visitor/Escort Rules – Visitors Must Be Accompanied by Escort
30 Visitor/Escort Rule #2 – Visitor can go first, wait for visitor
31 Visitor/Escort Rule #3 – Escort code toggles Vis/Esc mode
32 Use Keypad Numeric LEDs to display Visitor Count
1 ON
To change the function of any ScramblePad/MATCH Reader:
Select the function number, such as 1 for display Scramble.
Select 1 to turn the function ON or 0 to turn it OFF
Select the ScramblePad/MATCH Reader Addresses to be changed.
ScramblePad/MATCH Readers are selected by entering 1 through 8 in the first set for Addresses 1 through 8, and by selecting 1 through 8 in the second set for Addresses 9 through 16.
If no Addresses from either set of 8 are being changed, enter a 0 (zero).
For example, pressing:
START 03 * 1 * 0 * 1 * 0 #
changes scramble feature to OFF (normal pattern) for ScramblePad 1.
Each ScramblePad keypad can be set to scramble a normal digit pattern. ScramblePad keypads will not scramble in Programming Mode.
Each ScramblePad Keypad may operate in silent mode. ScramblePad/MATCH Readers may be set to not accept various types of Codes such as Programming (ScramblePad only), Control, or Access Types. ScramblePad Keypads may be set to not accept a status display request. The Status Display Request allows a User to request the Status of any Relay or Line Module Input from any ScramblePad Keypad.
Functions 1, 2, 3, 6, 12, 13, 14, and 15 apply to ScramblePad Keypads only.
To operate the status request, press:
This results in a display of the status of the Relay and Alarm input associated with the ScramblePad Keypad address from which the request was entered.
For example, requesting the status at ScramblePad 1 displays the status of Relay 1 and Alarm 1.
To request the status of any other point, press:
START * Point_ID_Number #
For example, pressing
START * 8 #
from ScramblePad 1 displays the status of Relay 8 and Alarm 8 at ScramblePad Keypad 1. If you press
START * 01 #
from ScramblePad 1 it displays the status of Expansion Relay 1 and Expansion Alarm 1, if either or both are installed.
The status request LEDs can indicate these conditions:
LEDs | Status Request |
No LEDs | Input masked & enabled. |
Yellow 2 | Input masked & enabled. Door open. |
Yellow 2 + Tone | Input masked & enabled. Line fault. |
Yellow 1 | Input disabled. |
Green | Input masked & enabled. Relay energized. |
Green + Yellow 2 | Input masked & enabled. Door open. Relay energized. |
Green + Yellow 2 + Tone | Input masked & enabled. Line fault. Relay energized. |
Green + Yellow 1 | Input disabled. Relay energized. |
Red | Input enabled. Unmasked or door grant in progress. |
Red + Yellow 2 | Input enabled. Unmasked or door grant in progress. Door open. |
Red + Yellow 2 + Tone | Input enabled. Unmasked or door grant in progress. Line fault or Door forced/open. |
Red + Green | Input enabled. Unmasked or door grant in progress. Relay energized. |
Red + Green + Yellow 2 | Input enabled. Unmasked or door grant in progress. Door open. Relay energized. |
Red + Green + Yellow 2+ Tone | Input enabled. Unmasked or door grant in progress. Line fault or Door forced, Door open. Relay energized. |
LEDs can also be configured to indicate delay conditions. For example, 03*17*1 sets the keypad/MATCH to flash its green LED while the door delay period is counting down. The door delay is set by CMD 280. Similarly, 03*23*1 sets the first yellow LED to flash while the timer is counting down the control delay time. The control delay time is set by CMD 281.
For Passback and Occupancy Violation to work, ScramblePad/MATCH Reader addresses must be defined as Entry, Exit, Internal or Unrestricted (No Passback Status).
An internal ScramblePad/MATCH Reader will only grant access if the user has been detected as inside the secure perimeter after coming through an entry ScramblePad/ MATCH Reader. Once the controller detects the same user has exited through an exit ScramblePad/MATCH Reader, any attempt to use that user's code or card at an internal door will be denied and reported as a passback violation.
To link a ScramblePad/MATCH Reader to an expansion line module input for access-by- alarm control, select number 11.
ScramblePad can be set to always keep the Red, Green and Yellow LED 1 status indicators on.
AC Fail can be set to blink Yellow LED 1, if required.
CMD 03*27 provides for limited compatibility with certain older DS47 revisions.
START 03 * 3 * 0 * 1234578 * #
Change Programming Capability OFF to ScramblePad keypads 1 2 3 4 5 7 & 8.
START 03 * 7 * 1 * 34 * #
Change Passback Entry Address ON to Keypads/MATCH Readers 3 & 4.
START 03 * 8 * 1 * * 34 #
Change Passback Exit Address ON to Keypads/MATCH Readers 11 & 12.
START 03 * 23 * 1
Enable the First Yellow LED to flash during a specified control delay period.
NN | Function | Initial State |
1 | Scramble | ON |
2 | Silent | OFF |
3 | Programming | ON |
4 | Control | ON |
5 | Access | ON |
6 | Status Request | ON |
7 | Passback Entry | OFF |
8 | Passback Exit | OFF |
9 | Passback Internal | OFF |
10 | Passback Unrestricted | ON |
11 | Expansion Access | OFF |
12 | Red LED ON | OFF |
13 | Green LED ON | OFF |
14 | Yellow LED 1 ON | OFF |
15 | AC Fail = Yellow LED 1 Blink | OFF |
16 | Set Green While Relay Active | OFF |
17 | Set Green Flash During Door Delay | OFF |
18 | Use Keypad Numeric LEDs as annuniciator | OFF |
19 | Allow User Count Display | OFF |
20 | Code Tamper Disables User | OFF |
21 | Silent Code Tamper | OFF |
22 | Deny Codes Under Duress | OFF |
23 | Set First Yellow Flash During Control Delay | OFF |
Related CMDs:
π CMD 88*11 – Print Keypad/Match Setups and Status
π CMD 188*3 – Print Setup Changes for Keypad/MATCH
CMD 17 – Define Standard Access Zone
03*3 –Programming Functions
CMD 01, 02 – Add or Change Programming Codes
03*4 – Control Functions
CMD 45 – Define Standard Control Zone
03*7, 03*8, 03*9, 03*10 –Passback Functions
CMD 46 – Change Passback Mode
CMD 146 – Disable Passback and Occupancy Control During Time Zone
START 05 * NN #
(v7)START 05 * NN [* 1/0] #
1 Disable Relay State Changes
2 Disable Internal Events
3 Disable External Events
4 Disable Transactions
5 Disable Time Zone State Changes
6 Disable Time Zone Relay Control State Changes
7 Disable Time Zone Input Masking State Changes
8 Print All
9 Input State Change
1/0 (v6.6 only)
1 Enable mode listed above (05*8*0# now disables all)
0 Disable mode listed above (05*8*1# now enables all)
Disable Relay State Changes | turns off the reporting of relay state changes and will conserve printer paper and buffered event storage. Effective with v6.6, a cold-started controller will have relay state changes enabled as the factory default. You can use 05*1*1# to enable it, and 05*8# or 05*8*1# will still turn on every mode. CMD 05*1*1# will enable relay state changes and will also send the current relay states to the host if the host has logged on with CMD 198*6. CMD 05*9*1# will enable input state changes for all enabled inputs, and will also send the current input states to the host. |
Disable Internal Events | turns off the reporting of automatic time generated events, when Time Zones Start and End, and Relay State Changes. |
Disable External Events | turns off the reporting of Alarm, AC, Box and Address Tamper alarm restorals, On-lines and Installation Errors, UPS restoral, Alarm Secure, line trouble clear, Passback Violations and printer on-line. |
Disable Transactions | turns off the reporting of all Code generated transactions, but not alarms. |
Disable Time Zone State Changes | turns off the reporting of Time Zone activation and deactivation. |
Disable Time Zone Relay State Changes | turns off the reporting of Time Zone-driven relays and their change of state |
Disable Time Zone Input Masking Changes | turns off the reporting of Time Zone-driven input masking changes |
Print All | reenables reporting of all changes and transactions. Also reenables printing of access and RQE Grants for CMD 06 |
Input State Change | enables reporting of input state changes. This affects all alarm inputs and expansion inputs at once. The default is disabled. See also CMD 98*33. |
Velocity S*NET Protocol | enables reporting of the Velocity SNET protocol. The default is disabled. The normal method for enabling v7.0 protocol is logging on with CMD 198*6. |
Command 05 disables the reporting of any selected items to the local printer, to the remote serial printer and to the Host PC if the controller is networked.
Use the optional argument (1/0) to enable or disable the specified reporting mode. If this argument is not used, disabled (0) is assumed except for 05 * 8.
Most users disable Relay State Changes.
START 05 * 1 #
Disables Reporting Of Relay State Changes
START 05 * 2 #
Disables Reporting Of Internal Events
START 05 * 3 * 1 #
Enables Reporting Of External Events
START 05 * 8 * 0 #
Disables reporting of all Changes
05*1*1 - Enable Relay State Changes [v6.6]
05*2*1 - Enable Internal Events
05*3*1 - Enable External Events
05*4*1 - Enable Transactions
05*5*1 - Enable Time Zone State Changes
05*6*1 - Enable Time Zone Relay Control State Changes
05*7*1 - Enable Time Zone Input Masking State Changes
05*9*0 - Disable Input State Change Reporting
05*10*0 - No MOMENTUM-compatible SCRAMBLE*NET Protocol
05*11*0 - No v7.0-compatible SCRAMBLE*NET Protocol
Related CMDs:
π CMD 88*23 – Print Reporting Setups
π CMD 188*4 – Print Setup Changes for Reporting and Duress
Reporting and Printing Setups
CMD 06 – Disable printing of grants on selected doors
CMD 105, 106 – Disable Device or Disable Reports During Time Zone
CMD 107, 90*2#/97*1 – Daily Report Printing On/Off
CMD 109 – Invalid Code/ID Reporting Mode
START 06 * N * DOORS #
(v6.6 and earlier)
START 06 * 1 * DOORS(Access) * DOORS(RQE) #
1 Access
CMD 06 disables the reporting of granted access by door. The reporting of granted RQEs may also be selectively disabled by door.
This command enables/disables reporting for all of the doors at once.
To re-enable reporting of grants, set the doors to 0 (none) for either or both functions or enter CMD 05 * 8 #.
Command 06 disables the reporting of grants to the local and remote printer.
To disable grant reporting on doors 5-8 and enable grant reporting on doors 1-4, use 06*NN*5678#.
In v7.0, both grant-disable masks can be set with one command. In v7.0, the Access Grant reporting masks have also been moved to the readers/keypads – see CMD 403. The RQE reporting mask option sets the “log” time zone to 0 or 65 in the corresponding ACBs 65 through 72, see CMD 461. Using these commands will let you enable/disable a specific door or reader's grant reporting without affecting the other doors/readers.
START 06 * 1 * 1 #
Disable Reporting Of Granted Access On Door 1
START 06 * 2 * 1234 #
Disable Reporting Of RQE Grants On Doors 1 To 4
START 06 * 1 * 1234 * 5678 #
Disable Reporting of Granted Access on Doors 1-4, and RQE Grants on Doors 5-8. [v7.0]
Related CMDs:
π CMD 88*23 – Print Reporting Setups
π CMD 188*4 – Print Setup Changes for Reporting and Duress
Reporting and Printing Setups
CMD 05 – Reporting Modes
CMD 105, 106 – Disable Device or Disable Reports During Time Zone
CMD 109 – Invalid Code/ID Reporting Mode. Command 06 disables the reporting of Grants to the local printer, the remote printer and to the Host PC, if the controller is networked.
START 07 * Duress Digit #
A Duress Alarm is generated whenever an authorized Code is used along with its duress digit if the Duress Alarm Mode is set to on. The default duress digit is set to 9; however, any digit, 1-9, can be added to any or all of the user codes in the system when they are either manually or automatically generated for the first time, if CMD 09 is set to ON (the default setting is OFF).
Determine whether the duress feature will be needed so that all Codes have duress digits when they are initially added to the System.
Different duress digits may be assigned to individual Users or groups of Users by changing the duress digit before adding a new User or generating a group of Users.
To add or change duress digits to existing Codes, see CMD 14.
START 07 * 3 #
Change Duress Digit to 3
Related CMDs:
π CMD 88*2 – Print System Information
π CMD 188*4 – Print Setup Changes for Reporting and Duress
CMD 08 – Change Duress Alarm Mode
CMD 09 – Generate Codes With Duress Digit
CMD 14 – Add or Change Duress Digit for User or Range of Users
Adding Users
CMD 10, 15, 19-22, 40-42, 44, 313, 314, 315, 320-322 – Add Users
CMD 18 – Change Keypad Code Length for Auto-Generation
START 08 * N #
0 OFF (disable)
1 ON (enable)
The feature is turned OFF on system start-up so that no reporting occurs. This means that even though duress digits have been assigned, they do not work unless the Duress Alarm Mode is enabled.
A Duress Alarm is reported as a User Under Duress on the printer and trips the Duress Alarm Relay.
START 08 * 1 #
Change Duress Mode to ON
Related CMDs:
π CMD 88*2 – Print System Information
π CMD 188*4 – Print Setup Changes for Reporting and Duress
Duress Setups
CMD 07 – Change Duress Digit
CMD 09 – Generate Codes With Duress Digit
CMD 14 – Add or Change Duress Digit for User or Range of Users
Alarm Setups
CMD 261 – Define Alarm Actions
START 09 * N #
0 NO (disable)
1 YES (enable)
Generate Codes with duress digits must be set to ON for Users to have duress capability. Any digit, 1-9, may be added to any or all of the User Codes in the System when they are either manually or automatically generated for the first time. It is important to decide if the Duress feature will ever be desired so that all Codes have duress digits initially assigned.
To add or change duress digits to existing Codes, see CMD 14.
START 09 * 1 #
Generate All Codes With Duress Digit
Related CMDs:
π CMD 88*2 – Print System Information
π CMD 188*4 – Print Setup Changes for Reporting and Duress
Duress Setups
CMD 07 – Change Duress Digit
CMD 08 – Change Duress Alarm Mode
CMD 14 – Add or Change Duress Digit for User or Range of Users
Adding Users
CMD 10, 15, 19-22, 40-42, 44, 313, 314, 315, 320-322 – Add Users
START 10 * User Number * Code * Access Zone#
An Access Code momentarily unlocks a door. The door unlock time is set with CMD 80 and can be set from 1 second up to 8,100 seconds (2 hours and 15 minutes). If the door time is set to 0 (zero), Access Codes will cause the relay to toggle on and off on successive code entries.
Each User is assigned a user number from 1 - 999 (1-4000 or 1-16,000 with an optional MEB/CE Code Expansion Board Installed) for reference during programming. When the System printer prints each code transaction it prints the time, date, User Number, Reader and door numbers and the result of the code entry, granted or denied.
Each Access User is assigned a unique 3- to 15-digit code or is issued a card. The Access Code is the combination of numbers the user actually enters on the ScramblePad keypad to unlock the door. The card is used in a MATCH Card Reader to unlock a door. Several related codes or cards may be assigned to the same person to perform other command and control functions.
If Duress Codes are used, Command 09, Generate Codes with Duress Digit, must be enabled before any Codes are added to the controller's memory.
Each Access User must be assigned to an Access Zone. Access Zones determine the access authority of a group of Users. An Access Zone is defined with a Time Zone and a set of valid doors. (See CMDs 17, 24 and 117.)
Access Zone 65 authorizes access “Always to All Doors.”
Access Zone 0 (Zero) restricts access, “locks out,” all Users in that Zone, to “Never, No Doors.”
START 10 * 124 * 14291 * 65 #
Add User 124 with Code 14291 To Access Zone 65
Related CMDs:
π CMD 32 – Print First Available User Number
π CMD 35, 36, 38, 330 – Print User, Users, or Family of Users with Codes
Adding Users
CMD 15, 19-22, 40-42, 44, 310-315, 320-322 – Add Users
Changing and Deleting Users
CMD 11-13, 325 – Change User(s) Codes, Zones, and/or Functions
CMD 16, 23 – Delete Any User, Range of Users
Duress Setups
CMD 07, 09 – Change Duress Digit, Generate Codes with Duress Digit
CMD 14 – Add or Change Duress Digit For User or Range Of Users
Access Zone Setups
CMD 17, 24, 117 – Define Standard Access Zone (1-64)
CMD 204 – Define Master Access Zone (66-127)
START 11 * User Number * Code * Access Zone #
Redefine enables the Programmer to change any or all of an existing Access User's parameters.
Each field must have data entered when this Command is used. In order to lock out an individual User without changing any other information associated with that User, use this Command and set the Access Zone to 0 (Zero) or use Command 12.
START 11 * 124 * 14291 * 0 #
Redefine User 124 To Access Zone 0 - No Access
Related CMDs:
π CMD 35, 36, 38, 330 – Print User, Users, or Family of Users with Codes
Adding Users
CMD 10 – Add Keypad Access User (IDF 1)
CMD 314 – Add Access User with Code & Card (IDF 6)
Changing and Deleting Users
CMD 12, 13, 325 – Change User(s) Codes, Zones, and/or Functions
CMD 16, 23 – Delete Any User, Range of Users
Access Zone Setups
CMD 17, 24, 117 – Define Standard Access Zone (1-64)
CMD 204 – Define Master Access Zone (66-127)
START 12 * User Number * Zone (AZ or CZ) #
Change Any User Access Zone or Control Zone allows an Operator to change a User's Access or Control Authority.
This Command is especially useful for disabling or locking out any User by changing their Access Zone to 0 (Zero). This Command is also frequently used to change new and unissued Users, kept in the controller's memory, to a specified Access Zone upon issuance to a new employee. In systems with Dual Technology Readers and Multiple ID Users, Command 12 is used to disable the Keypad Code ID Only from working at the Dual Technology Door.
START 12 * 45 * 0 #
Change User 45 To Access Zone 0 (No Access)
START 12 * 663 * 1 #
Change User 663 To Access Zone 1
Related CMDs:
π CMD 35, 36, 38, 330 – Print User, Users, or Family of Users with Codes
Adding Users
CMD 10, 15, 19-22, 40-42, 44, 313-315, 320-322 – Add Users
Changing and Deleting Users
CMD 11, 13, 325 – Change User(s) Codes, Zones, and/or Functions
CMD 16, 23 – Delete Any User, Range of Users
START 13 * User Number * Code [* Duress] #
Change any User Code allows an Operator to change a User's Keypad Code whenever required.
If duress is enabled, use this feature to change a user's keycode and duress digit. If you specify a duress digit of 0, it will disable the duress option for that user.
If the system's duress options were changed since this user was added, you'll need to specify the desired duress digit; otherwise it will change it for you.
If a user has been defined
without Duress, then later Duress is enabled and a duress digit is set
with one duress digit and the system duress digit is later changed
then changing that user's keypad code will also automatically update their duress digit to the current setting.
START 13 * 6 * 298165 #
Change Code for User 6 to 298165
START 13 * 200 * 201 * 1 #
Change Code for User 200 to 201 and specify 1 as the extra duress digit for that user
Related CMDs:
π CMD 35, 36, 38, 330 – Print User, Users, or Family of Users with Codes
Adding Users
CMD 10, 15, 19-22, 40-42, 44, 313-315, 320-322 – Add Users
Changing and Deleting Users
CMD 11, 12, 325 – Change User(s) Codes, Zones, and/or Functions
Duress Setups
CMD 07, 09 – Change Duress Digit, Generate Codes with Duress Digit
CMD 14 – Add or Change Duress Digit for User or Range of Users
START 14 * Duress Digit * User #
START 14 * Duress Digit * First User * Last User #
This command enables the operator to add or change the duress digit, or remove it (if you specify 0), for the designated user or users. If changing a user's duress digit would create a code conflict, the user's keycode and duress digit are left unchanged and a report is generated describing the conflict.
This command only affects those IDF 1 & 6 users affected by CMD 13.
START 14 * 1 * 298165 #
Add or Change the Duress Digit for User 298165 to 1.
START 14 * 2 * 201 * 205 #
Add or Change the Duress Digit for users 201 through 205 to 2.
Related CMDs:
π CMD 35, 36, 38, 330 – Print User, Users, or Family of Users with Codes
Adding Users
CMD 10, 15, 19-22, 40-42, 44, 313-315, 320-322 – Add Users
CMD 13 – Change Keypad User Code (IDF 1 & 6)
Changing and Deleting Users
CMD 11, 12, 325 – Change User(s) Codes, Zones, and/or Functions
Duress Setups
CMD 07, 09 – Change Duress Digit, Generate Codes with Duress Digit
START 15 * N * User Number * Code * Access Zone #
1 Unlock
2 Relock
3 Extended Access
4 Visitor Access
5 Escort Access
An Unlock Code unlocks a door until manually relocked by a Relock Code or automatically relocked at the end of a specified Time Zone (Command 82). Unlock and Relock User Codes require separate User numbers and Codes from each other.
Consider assigning a Relock Code to Access Zone 65 to prevent time restrictions on relocking. In some cases a “common” Relock Code is posted at the door so that any User finding a Door unlocked can immediately relock it.
Extended Access is similar to ordinary access (see CMD 10), with an added feature: if PIN*NNN# is used for access instead of just PIN#, the relay fires for NNN extra minutes, or the door can be held open NNN extra minutes, or a combination of both. The maximum value of NNN is set per door, to a value of 0-1440.
Extended Access and Relay Priorities: In Hirsch's Relay Priority scheme, Extended Access falls between Access and Unlock. The "Clear Relay" function will clear an Extended Access (see CMD 082 for Clear Relay At End Of Time Zone; CMD 304 for Master Control Zone option 2, Clear Relays). If Extended Access is in progress, a regular "Access" will have no visible effect, because the relay is already energized. "Relock" has no effect on the Extended Access.
Extended Access and Auto-Relock: "Auto-Relock On Open" and "Auto-Relock Off" will have no effect on Extended Access; in this instance, Extended Access behaves more like Unlock, i.e. you can open and shut the door as many times as you like. "Auto-Relock On Close" will clear Extended Access; in this instance, Extended Access behaves more like Access.
Visitor Access assigns a person visitor status, indicating the access zone and code the visitor can use. This enables a visitor to enter a restricted area when accompanied by an enrolled escort. The Visitor must be enrolled using this command for a specific access zone. Under the default Visitor/Escort Rule #1, an escort must enter his access code first, then specify the number of visitors that are accompanying him/her before the Visitor can enter the assigned code. Only the number of visitors specified by the escort at the keypad/ reader are allowed access.
Escort Access assigns a user escort status, meaning that the escort can enter a restricted area with a specified number of visitors. The escort must enter the PIN specified here followed by the number of visitors he/she is escorting, in this form:
START [Escort Code] * [number of visitors] #
For example, START 1234 * 4 # indicates that the escort has four visitors to enter. Only the number of visitors specified can enter the area, beyond which access is denied.
START 15 * 1 * 400 * 82341 * 4 #
Add Unlock User 400 With Code 82341 With Access Zone 4
START 15 * 2 * 401 * 82342 * 65 #
Add Relock User 401 With Code 82342 With Access Zone 65
START 15 * 4 * 331 * 331 * 2 #
START 15 * 4 * 332 * 332 * 2 #
START 15 * 4 * 333 * 333 * 2 #
Adds three Visitors, identified as Users 331 through 333, that can enter Access Zone 2 using PINs 331 – 333
START 15 * 5 * 221 * 221 * 1 #
START 15 * 5 * 222 * 222 * 1 #
Adds two Escorts, identified as Users 221 and 222, that can enter Access Zone 1 using PINs 221 – 222
Related CMDs:
π CMD 32 – Print First Available User Number
π CMD 35, 36, 38, 330 – Print User, Users, or Family of Users with Codes
π CMD 88*17 – Print Detailed Relay Status Only
Adding Users
CMD 10, 19-22, 40-42, 44, 310-315, 320-322 – Add Users
Changing and Deleting Users
CMD 11-13, 325 – Change User(s) Codes, Zones, and/or Functions
Duress Setups
CMD 07, 09 – Change Duress Digit, Generate Codes with Duress Digit
Controlling Relays
CMD 82 – Time Zone Control of Relay
Access Zone Setups
CMD 17, 24, 117 – Define Standard Access Zone (1-64)
CMD 204 – Define Master Access Zone (66-127)
Defining Readers
CMD03 – Change Selected Keypad/MATCH Functions
START 16 * User Number #
Delete any User erases the User record from the database and makes both the User Number and Code available for reuse.
To track the use of a Code of a former employee do not Delete it with this Command. Use Command 12 to change its Access Zone to 0. This will produce a printed record of any access attempts by the disabled User's Code.
START 16 * 124 #
Delete User 124 From System Memory
Related CMDs:
π CMD 35, 36, 38, 330 – Print User, Users, or Family of Users with Codes
Adding Users
CMD 10, 15, 19-22, 40-42, 44, 310-315, 320-322 – Add Users
Changing and Deleting Users
CMD 11-13, 325 – Change User(s) Codes, Zones, and/or Functions
CMD 23 – Delete Range of Users
START 17 * Standard Access Zone * Time Zone * Doors [* Doors] #
Doors/Readers, Associates specified Doors (and corresponding Readers)where, for example, 125 means Doors 1, 2, and 5 which assumes the association of corresponding readers 1, 2, 5, 9, 10, and13
Access Zones are one of the most important features defined in a DIGI*TRAC controller. Access Zones serve as a method to organize users controlled by your controller into groups who share the same access authority. Furthermore, Access Zones enable the rapid change of access authority for entire groups of users with a single programming command.
Access Zones answer these three questions: Who, When, Where.
Who | Every Access User is assigned to an Access Zone. All Users within that Zone have the same access authority. |
When | Each Access Zone is assigned one Time Zone. A Time Zone controls the starting time, ending time and days of the week, including Holidays, on which access will be granted to members of the specified Access Zone. |
Where | Each Access Zone is assigned a set of Doors. This determines through which Doors members of the specified Access Zone can gain access. |
CMD 17 defines Standard Access Zones for one time zone and all doors. Define Standard Access Zone requires the selection of a time zone and a set of doors assigned to one of 64 available access zones. Access Zone 0 is preassigned as “Never - No Doors” and Access Zone 65 is preassigned as “Always - All Doors”.
AZ 0 and AZ 65 cannot be changed or deleted.
Special Applications:
Expansion Alarm Inputs can be assigned to a Standard Access Zone. This enables these Alarm Inputs to be accessed, or masked, by the same Access Code issued to a User to access a door. It also enables assignment of Individual ScramblePad Keypads to Alarm Inputs for discreet alarm zone masking by alarm zone control. Alarm Control Codes, under Command 42, enable any alarm input to be masked from any ScramblePad Keypad.
Command 201 will be phased out in Version 7.0.
Standard Access Zones 1-64 are undefined in a new System. (In other words, "Never - No Doors" until they've been defined otherwise.)
These Zones may be defined for use in establishing the "Who, When and Where" controls for proper access management.
CMD 17 automatically assigns the same time zone to each door of a standard access zone. CMD 24 requires the programmer to specify a time zone for each door of an access zone when door-by-door time zone control is required. CMD 117 allows a time zone to be set for a specified door without affecting the time zone of any other door.
Master Access Zones are available consisting of up to 8 Standard Access Zones combined and assigned to a group of users. This enables enhanced access control capabilities over large multi-building sites or in special secure environments with special access programs and areas such as cleared conference rooms.
In Version 6.6.0, Access Zones are arranged individually by reader, using the second ‘Doors’ variable to specify a different set of doors corresponding to Readers 9-16. CMD 124 has been added to facilitate this.
START 17 * 1 * 1 * 125 #
Define Standard Access Zone 1 as Time Zone 1 and Doors 1, 2, and 5 (including Readers 1, 2, 5, 9, 10, and 13.
START 17 * 2 * 3 * 45 * 6
Define Standard Access Zone 2 as Time Zone 3 for Readers 4, 5, and 14.
START 17 * 7 * 8 * 0 * 78
Define Standard Access Zone 7 as Time Zone 8 for Readers 15 and 16 only.
There are two pre-defined Access Zones in the system:
Access Zone 0 (zero) | "Never - No Doors" This Zone may be used to maintain unissued IDs in the System for immediate assignment whenever required. With an Access Zone of 0, they are not able to be used. Whenever an ID is to be issued, all that is necessary is to use CMD 12 to change this User from AZ 0 to a defined Access Zones with the required access authority. Access Zone 0 may also be used to "lockout" a User. |
Access Zone 65 | "Always - All Doors" and "All Readers" This Zone is useful to rapidly assign to any Access User who has the authority to enter any area, any time of any day. The only disadvantage of using Access Zone 65 is that its times, days and doors are not changeable. |
Related CMDs:
π CMD 88*5 – Print Standard Access Zone Setups
π CMD 188*5 – Print Setup Changes for Standard Access Zones
Access Zone Setups
CMD 24 – Define Standard Access Zone (1-64), 1 Time Zone Per Door
CMD 117 – Define Standard Access Zone (1-64), 1 Time Zone, Specified Doors
CMD 124 – Define Standard Access Zone, Readers 1-8 or 9-16 only
CMD 204 – Define Master Access Zone (66-127) CMD 249, 349 – Tag/Alert Access Zone
Time Zone Setups
CMD 52, 54, 56, 154 – Define/Clear Standard, Master, Grand Master Time Zones
Add/Change/Print Users
π CMD 33 - Print Users Given Access Zone
CMD 10 - Add Access User
CMD 11 - Redefine Access User
CMD 12 - Change Any User Access Or Control Zone
CMD 15 - Add Unlock/Relock User
CMD 19 - Auto-Add Access User
CMD 20 - Auto-Add Access User
CMD 21 - Auto-Add Multiple Access Users
CMD 22 - Auto-Add Multiple Access Users
DIGI*TRAC has the capability to automatically add a single access user and code or to add multiple access users and codes.
This feature is most often used on system start up when there are no users or codes in the controller memory. The controller has a true random number generator which will create a unique keypad code for an unused user number or range of numbers. It may also be used as a convenient and secure way to add a single new user to the system whenever required.
CMD 18 is used to establish the code length for any auto-generated codes (CMDs 19, 21, 22). The longer the code the greater the security. Seven-digit codes are the factory default setting and are recommended and are easily memorized because of their similarity to phone numbers.
Whenever an Operator Auto-Adds codes, DIGI*TRAC will print them as they are added. This list must be audited before the codes are issued for use. Some codes that are randomly generated may not be acceptable for use, such as 1234567 or 1111111. These are valid randomly generated codes but are insecure. They can be edited with CMD 13 or deleted and re-auto-generated. It is also possible for independent Controllers to auto-generate identical codes. The shorter the code the greater the chance of having duplicate codes. Longer codes are recommended.
START 18 * Length #
(Version 6.6 and earlier)
START 18 * Length * [Card Length] #
(Version 7)
Allowed length for the auto-generation of keypad (PIN) codes.
Card Length
This option is available in Version 7.0 as a convenient method of formatting user code record printouts, using CMD 36 etc. Acceptable values are 8, 10, 12, 14, 16.
Keypad codes can be auto-generated in any uniform length from 3-15 digits long and will be printed with Codes showing.
Secure these printouts.
The length may be changed for each auto-generation of keypad codes.
The code length defined by this command will be used as the default length when the program attempts to deduce an IDF 4 user's original keycode (where IDF 4 = card code & dual code). The code length default value is factory set to 7 digits and the card length is 8 digits.
This command is used with all auto-generate commands including CMDs 19, 21, and 22.
The ‘Card Length’ option is available as a convenience for formatting user code record printouts. (CMD 36, etc.) Valid values are 8, 10, 12, 14, 16.
START 18 * 8 #
Auto-Generate Codes 8 Digits Long
START 18 * 12 * 10
Set the PIN length to 12 digits and the card length to 10 digits
Code Length = 7 digits
Card Length = 8 digits
Related CMDs:
π CMD 88*2 – Print System Information
π CMD 35, 36, 38, 330 – Print User, Users, or Family of Users with Codes
π CMD 188*4 – Print Setup Changes for Reporting and Duress
Adding Users
CMD 19 – Auto-Add Access User, Random Code
CMD 21 – Auto-Add Multiple Access Users, Random Codes, Next Available User Numbers
CMD 22 – Auto-Add Multiple Access Users, Random Codes, Specified User Numbers
Duress Setups
CMD 07, 09 – Change Duress Digit, Generate Codes with Duress Digit
CMD 19: ADD ACCESS USER - KEYPAD CODE ID ONLY (Define User Number and Auto-Gen Code)
START 19 * User Number * Access Zone #
The Programmer may add a specific User and have the Controller auto-generate a unique Keypad Code for that User.
START 19 * 291 * 3 #
Add User 291 To Access Zone 3 and Auto-Generate Code
Related CMDs:
π CMD 32 – Print First Available User Number
π CMD 35, 36, 38, 330 – Print User, Users, or Family of Users with Codes
Adding Users
CMD 10, 15, 20-22, 40-42, 44, 310-315, 320-322 – Add Users
CMD 18 – Change Keypad Code Length for Auto-Generation
CMD 20 – Auto-Add Access Code, Next Available User Number
CMD 21-22 – Auto-Add Keypad Access Users (IDF 1)
CMD 21 – Auto-Add Multiple Access Users, Random Codes, Next Available User Numbers
CMD 22 – Auto-Add Multiple Access Users, Random Codes, Specified User Numbers
Changing Users
CMD 11-13, 325 – Change User(s) Codes, Zones, and/or Functions
Duress Setups
CMD 07, 09 – Change Duress Digit, Generate Codes with Duress Digit
Access Zone Setups
CMD 17, 24, 117 – Define Standard Access Zone (1-64)
CMD 204 – Define Master Access Zone (66-127)
CMD 20: ADD ACCESS USER - KEYPAD CODE ID ONLY (Auto-User Number, Specify Code)
START 20 * Code * Access Zone #
The controller will select the next available User Number for a Programmer specified Code.
The Programmer may check to see if a selected Code is available or has already been issued with Command 37.
START 20 * 55712 * 1 #
Add User With Code 55712 To AZ 1 And Auto-Add User Number
Related CMDs:
π CMD 35, 36, 38, 330 – Print User, Users, or Family of Users with Codes
π CMD 37 – Print User given Code
Adding Users
CMD 10, 15, 19-22, 40-42, 44, 310-315, 320-322 – Add Users
CMD 18-22 – Auto-Add Keypad Access Users (IDF 1)
CMD 19 – Auto-Add Access User, Random Code
CMD 21 – Auto-Add Multiple Access Users, Random Codes, Next Available User Numbers
Changing Users
CMD 11-13, 325 – Change User(s) Codes, Zones, and/or Functions
Duress Setups
CMD 07, 09 – Change Duress Digit, Generate Codes with Duress Digit
Access Zone Setups
CMD 17, 24, 117 – Define Standard Access Zone (1-64)
CMD 204 – Define Master Access Zone (66-127)
START 21 * Number of Users * Access Zone #
Multiple users may be added by specifying how many Users are desired.
The controller will skip over any existing Users as it auto-adds new users.
START 21 * 100 * 1 #
Add 100 Users To AZ 1 And Auto-Add User Number
Related CMDs:
π CMD 35, 36, 38, 330 – Print User, Users, or Family of Users with Codes
Adding Users
CMD 10, 15, 19-22, 40-42, 44, 310-315, 320-322 – Add Users
CMD 18 – Change Keypad Code Length for Auto-Generation
CMD 19 – Auto-Add Access User, Random Code
CMD 20 – Auto-Add Access Code, Next Available User Number
CMD 22 – Auto-Add Multiple Access Users, Random Codes, Specified User Numbers
Changing Users
CMD 11-13, 325 – Change User(s) Codes, Zones, and/or Functions
Duress Setups
CMD 07, 09 – Change Duress Digit, Generate Codes with Duress Digit
Access Zone Setups
CMD 17, 24, 117 – Define Standard Access Zone (1-64)
CMD 204 – Define Master Access Zone (66-127)
Users & Codes From Specified User Number)
START 22 * Starting User Number * Number of Users * Access Zone #
Multiple users may be added by specifying the starting user number and the number of users.
The controller will skip over any existing users as it auto-adds new users.
START 22 * 500 * 25 * 1 #
Add 25 Users To AZ 1 Auto-Add User Numbers & Codes Starting At User Number 500
Related CMDs:
π CMD 32 – Print First Available User Number
π CMD 35, 36, 38, 330 – Print User, Users, or Family of Users with Codes
Adding Users
CMD 10, 15, 19-21, 40-42, 44, 310-315, 320-322 – Add Users
CMD 18 – Change Keypad Code Length for Auto-Generation
CMD 19 – Auto-Add Access User, Random Code
CMD 20 – Auto-Add Access Code, Next Available User Number
CMD 21 – Auto-Add Multiple Access Users, Random Codes, Next Available User Numbers
Changing Users
CMD 11-13, 325 – Change User(s) Codes, Zones, and/or Functions
Duress Setups
CMD 07, 09 – Change Duress Digit, Generate Codes with Duress Digit
Access Zone Setups
CMD 17, 24, 117 – Define Standard Access Zone (1-64)
CMD 204 – Define Master Access Zone (66-127)
START 23 * Starting User Number * Ending User Number #
Multiple users may be deleted by specifying the range of user numbers to be deleted.
All users within the specified range will be deleted from the controller memory making these user records available for reuse.
START 23 * 25 * 50 #
Delete User 25 Through User 50
Related CMDs:
π CMD 30, 31, 33, 34 – Print User, Users, Users by Zone, or Family of Users Without Codes
π CMD 35, 36, 38, 330 – Print User, Users, or Family of Users with Codes
Changing and Deleting Users
CMD 11-13, 325 – Change User(s) Codes, Zones, and/or Functions
CMD 16 – Delete Any User.
CMD 24: DEFINE STANDARD ACCESS ZONE 1-64 (One Time Zone Per Door/Reader)
START 24 * Access Zone * Time Zone For Door 1 *
Time Zone For Door 2 *
Time Zone For Door 3 *
Time Zone For Door 4 *
Time Zone For Door 5 *
Time Zone For Door 6 *
Time Zone For Door 7 *
Time Zone For Door 8 #
Use this command to define a Standard Access Zone in which only one time zone is assigned per door. This enables access by time zone on a door-by-door basis. Each door in a Standard Access Zone can be restricted by any of the available time zones. For example, entering Time Zone 0 for a door restricts all access at that door
In this command it is not necessary to define the Reader/Door number. DIGI*TRAC knows that the first delimiter after the Access Zone number is Reader/Door 1, the next delimiter is Reader/Door 2, and so on.
This command enables you to define time zones for Doors 1-8. In other words, the same TZs are assigned to both sides of the door: this means both readers 9-16 and readers 1-8 are defined.
Each door must have a time zone value assigned. When a door is not authorized in an access zone, enter Time Zone 0 in that door field. Command 117 allows one or more time zones to be changed for a specified door without affecting the time zone setting of any other door(s).
Refer to Command 17 for a convenient method to add Standard Access Zones with 1 Time Zone For All Doors.
CMD 24 defines readers 1-8 and readers 9-16 enabling you to use the same set of eight time zones, if only eight are specified.
For the M2 Controller, only 4 door times will be accepted.
START 24*10*65*0*1*5*0*0*0*0#
Define Standard Access Zone 10 To Time Zone 65 On Door 1, TZ 0 On Door 2 5 6 7 & 8, TZ 1 On Door 3, TZ 5 On Door 4. As you can see from this example, DIGITRAC assumes that the first delimiter after the Access Zone number is Reader/Door 1, the next delimiter is Reader/Door 2, and so on.
AZ0 = Never – No Doors
AZ65 = Always – All Doors
Related CMDs:
π CMD 88*3, 88*4, 88*14 – Print Standard, Master, Grand Master Time Zones
π CMD 88*5 – Print Standard Access Zone Setups
π CMD 188*5 – Print Setup Changes for Standard Access Zones
Access Zone Setups
CMD 17 – Define Standard Access Zone (1-64), 1 Time Zone, Selected Doors
CMD 117 – Define Standard Access Zone (1-64), 1 Time Zone, Specified Doors
CMD 124 - Define Standard Access Zone, 1 Time Zone Per Reader
CMD 204 – Define Master Access Zone (66-127)
Time Zone Setups
CMD 52, 54, 56, 154 – Define/Clear Standard, Master, Grand Master Time Zones
Holiday Setups
CMD 57 – Define Holiday
START 30 * User Number #
Use this command to print a single user record stored in a DIGI*TRAC controller’s user database by entering the user number.
START 30 * 12 #
Print User Record 12 Without the Code Showing
Related CMDs:
π CMD 31, 33, 34 – Print Users, Users by Zone, or Family of Users Without Codes
π CMD 32 – Print First Available User Number
π CMD 35, 36, 38, 330 – Print User, Users, or Family of Users with Codes
π CMD 37 – Print User given Code
START 31 * Starting User Number * Ending User Number #
Use this command to print a list of registered users by entering the starting user number and the ending user number.
START 31 * 10 * 15 #
Print User Records 10 Through 15 Without Codes Showing
Related CMDs:
π CMD 30, 33, 34 – Print User, Users by Zone, or Family of Users Without Codes
π CMD 32 – Print First Available User Number
?? CMD 35, 36, 38, 330 – Print User, Users, or Family of Users with Codes
π CMD 37 – Print User given Code
START 32 * Starting User Number #
Print the first available user above the specified user number. This helps the operator locate the next available user number above the user number specified.
START 32 * 500 #
Print First Available User Number 500 or Above
Related CMDs:
π CMD 30, 31, 33, 34 – Print User, Users, Users by Zone, or Family of Users Without Codes
π CMD 35, 36, 38, 330 – Print User, Users, or Family of Users with Codes
π CMD 37 – Print User given Code
Adding Users
CMD 10, 15, 19-22, 40-42, 44, 310-315, 320-322 – Add Users
START 33 * N * Zone Number #
1 Access Zone (0 - 127)
2 Control Zone (0 - 255)
Print users given access zone or control zone allows the listing of all users assigned to the specified Zone.
If Access Zone is selected (N = 1), the Zone Number can be in the range 0 - 127. As you can see, users of master access zones can be printed as well as users of standard access zones.
When a control zone is selected (N = 2), the Zone Number can be in the range 0 - 255. This means the operator can print users associated with master control zones (192 - 255) as well as standard control zones.
START 33 * 1 * 65 #
Print all users in Access Zone 65
START 33 * 2 * 35 #
Print all users in Control Zone 35
START 33 * 2 * 216 #
Print all users in Master Control Zone 216
Related CMDs:
π CMD 30, 31, 34 – Print User, Users, or Family of Users Without Codes
π CMD 32 – Print First Available User Number
π CMD 35, 36, 38, 330 – Print User, Users, or Family of Users with Codes
π CMD 37 – Print User given Code
Changing and Deleting Users
CMD 16, 23 – Delete Any User, Range of Users
Access Zone Setups
CMD 17, 24, 117 – Define Standard Access Zone (1-64)
CMD 204 – Define Master Access Zone (66-127)
Control Zone Setups
CMD 45, 304 – Define Standard, Master Control Zone
START 34 * NN * Starting User Number * Ending User Number #
1 All Users
2 Momentary Access
3 Unlock / Relock
4 All Access
5 Control
6 Lock Down / Lock Open
7 Alarm Mask / Unmask / Cancel / Entry & Exit Delays / Deadman
8 Passwords
9 Users Inside
10 Tagged Users
11 Alerted Users
Families of users may be printed by selecting the desired group from the list. Only users of that type will be printed in the report.
User Family Number 9, Users Inside, will print a list of those users currently within the passback perimeter. This requires that the controller be using the passback feature with ScramblePad/MATCH Readers defined as entry and exit using Command 03 or 403. If passback is not enabled, the controller will list users as UNK, Unknown, passback status.
START 34 * 2 * 0 * 999 #
Print All Momentary Access Users
START 34 * 9 * 0 * 999 #
Print All Users Currently Inside Passback Perimeter
Related CMDs:
π CMD 30, 31, 33 – Print User, Users, or Users by Zone, Without Codes
π CMD 32 – Print First Available User Number
π CMD 35, 36, 38, 330 – Print User, Users, or Family of Users with Codes
π CMD 37 – Print User given Code
Changing and Deleting Users
CMD 16, 23 – Delete Any User, Range of Users
START 35 * User Number #
Use this command to print a user record with the code showing from the DIGI*TRAC controller's user database by entering the User Number.
Secure these printouts since they show the user’s entry/exit code
START 35 * 468 #
Print User Record 468 With Code Showing
Related CMDs:
π CMD 30, 31, 33, 34 – Print User, Users, Users by Zone, or Family of Users Without Codes
π CMD 32 – Print First Available User Number
π CMD 36, 38, 330 – Print Users, or Family of Users with Codes
π CMD 37 – Print User given Code
Changing and Deleting Users
CMD 11-13, 325 – Change User(s) Codes, Zones, and/or Functions
CMD 16, 23 – Delete Any User, Range of Users
START 36 * Starting User Number * Ending User Number #
Use this command to print a sequence of users. This sequence is defined by entering the starting user number and the ending user number. Each user is printed with their code showing.
Secure printouts created with CMD 36 since they show the user’s entry/exit code.
START 36 * 200 * 225 #
Print User Records 200 Through 225 With Codes Showing
Related CMDs:
π CMD 30, 31, 33, 34 – Print User, Users, Users by Zone, or Family of Users Without Codes
π CMD 32 – Print First Available User Number
π CMD 35, 38, 330 – Print User or Family of Users with Codes
π CMD 37 – Print User given Code
Changing and Deleting Users
CMD 11-13, 325 – Change User(s) Codes, Zones, and/or Functions
CMD 16, 23 – Delete Any User, Range of Users
START 37 * Code #
(Only works for IDFs 1, 5, 6, 7)
START 37 * Code * Card #
(Only works for IDFs 3–7, Version 6.6 and earlier)
START 37 * 0 * Card/Code #
(Only works for IDFs 2–7, Version 7)
Use this command to determine the user number for users who only knows their keypad codes, not their user numbers.
In V6.6 or later, this command can also be used to look up dual users by specifying both card and code. This only works for IDFs 3 - 7.
In V7.0 or later, if a Code or Card of ‘0’ (one digit) is specified, the controller will look for a following argument indicating the card-only or code-only user number. This feature is only available for IDFs 2 - 7.
START 37 * 27256 #
Print User Record For Code 27256
START 37 * 0 * 0567 #
Print User Record For Card 0567
START 37 * 27256 * 0567#
Print User Record For Dual User who possesses both code 27256 and card 0567
Related CMDs:
π CMD 30, 31, 33, 34 – Print User, Users, Users by Zone, or Family of Users Without Codes
π CMD 32 – Print First Available User Number
π CMD 35, 36, 38, 330 – Print User, Users, or Family of Users with Codes
Changing and Deleting Users
CMD 11-13, 325 – Change User(s) Codes, Zones, and/or Functions
CMD 16, 23 – Delete Any User, Range of Users
START 38 * N * Starting User Number * Ending User Number #
N (family)
1 All Users
2 Momentary Access
3 Unlock / Relock
4 All Access
5 Control
6 Lock Down / Lock Open
7 Alarm Mask / Unmask / Cancel / Entry & Exit Delays / Deadman
8 Passwords
9 All Users, Sorted By Code (before V7.0)
Families of users can be printed by selecting the desired group from the list. Only users of the specified type will be printed in the report with codes showing in the report’s Code field.
For versions prior to 7.0, N = 9 (All, Sorted By Code) will list all users by codes regard- less of the range specified. For Version 7.0 and later, the switch N = 9 is no longer sup- ported.
Secure these printouts since they show the user’s entry/exit code
START 38 * 5 * 0 * 999 #
Print All Control Users With Codes Showing
START 38 * 8 * 0 * 999 #
Print All Password Operators With Codes Showing
Related CMDs:
π CMD 30, 31, 33, 34 – Print User, Users, Users by Zone, or Family of Users Without Codes
π CMD 35, 36, 330 – Print User or Users with Codes
π CMD 37 – Print User given Code
Changing and Deleting Users
CMD 11-13, 325 – Change User(s) Codes, Zones, and/or Functions
CMD 16, 23 – Delete Any User, Range of Users
START 40 * N * User Number * Code * Control Zone #
1 Control Trigger
2 Force ON
3 Force ON Release
4 Force OFF
5 Force OFF Release
Control codes can operate any combination of relays simultaneously from any ScramblePad/MATCH reader as defined by a control zone. They can override all types of access codes and override each lower priority level control code. Relays can be set to trigger their control time momentarily from 1-8100 seconds, or toggled ON and OFF on consecutive trigger code entries (see CMD 81). To add a card relay control user use CMD 325 to con- vert a keypad relay control user to a card relay control user.
Relays can be Forced ON by a code and remain on until released by a corresponding Force ON release code. Relays can be Forced OFF (disabled) by a code and remain disabled until released by a corresponding Force OFF Release code.
Force OFF disables the Request To Exit function.
Consider assigning all release type control codes to a control zone with a time zone of 65, “Always”. This will prevent any unintentional time restrictions from keeping an authorized user from releasing a control condition that requires releasing.
START 40 * 2 * 650 * 73451 * 1 #
Add Force ON Code 73451 To User 650 And Control Zone 1
START 40 * 3 * 651 * 73452 * 2 #
Add Force ON Release Code 73452 To User 651 And Control Zone 2
Related CMDs:
π CMD 30, 31, 33, 34 – Print User, Users, Users by Zone, or Family of Users Without Codes
π CMD 35, 36, 38, 330 – Print User, Users, or Family of Users with Codes
π CMD 88*17 – Print Detailed Relay Status Only
π CMD 88*19 – Print Detailed Expansion Relay Status Only
Adding Users
CMD 10, 15, 19-22, 41, 42, 44, 310-315, 320-322 – Add Users
CMD 41 – Add Keypad Top-Priority Relay Control User (IDF 1)
Changing and Deleting Users
CMD 11-13, 325 – Change User(s) Codes, Zones, and/or Functions
CMD 16, 23 – Delete Any User, Range of Users
Control Zone Setups
CMD 45, 304 – Define Standard, Master Control Zone
Relay Setups
CMD 81 – Change Control Time of Relay
CMD 82 – Time Zone Control of Relay
CMD 85 – Change Operation for Selected Relays
CMD 86 – Change Relay & Alarm Operating & Reporting Modes
CMD 87 – Relay Triggers Control Zone
CMD 281 – Change Control Delay for Relay
START 41 * N * User Number * Code * Standard Control Zone #
1 Lock DOWN
2 Lock DOWN Release
3 Lock OPEN
4 Lock OPEN Release
Lock DOWN codes disable any relays in its control zone and prevent any lower priority codes from working or time zone initiated events from occurring. It will maintain the Lock Down condition until cleared by a Lock DOWN Release Code.
Lock DOWN disables the Request To Exit function.
Lock OPEN Codes actuate any or all relays and maintain them actuated until released by a Lock OPEN Release Code.
Consider assigning all release type control codes to a control zone with a time zone of 65, “Always”. This will prevent any unintentional time restrictions from keeping an authorized User from releasing a control condition that requires releasing.
Use CMD 325 to convert a card access code to a card top-priority relay control user.
START 41 * 1 * 652 * 73453 * 1 #
Add Lock DOWN Code 73453 To User 652 And Control Zone 1
START 41 * 2 * 653 * 73454 * 2 #
Add Lock DOWN Release Code 73454 To User 653 And Control Zone 2
Related CMDs:
π CMD 30, 31, 33, 34 – Print User, Users, Users by Zone, or Family of Users Without Codes
π CMD 35, 36, 38, 330 – Print User, Users, or Family of Users with Codes
π CMD 88*17 – Print Detailed Relay Status Only
π CMD 88*19 – Print Detailed Expansion Relay Status Only
Adding Users
CMD 10, 15, 19-22, 40-42, 44, 310-315, 320-322 – Add Users
CMD 40 – Add Keypad Control User (IDF 1)
Changing and Deleting Users
CMD 11-13, 325 – Change User(s) Codes, Zones, and/or Functions
CMD 16, 23 – Delete Any User, Range of Users
Control Zone Setups
CMD 45, 304 – Define Standard, Master Control Zone
Relay Setups
CMD 81 – Change Control Time of Relay
CMD 82 – Time Zone Control of Relay
CMD 85 – Change Operation for Selected Relays
CMD 86 – Change Relay & Alarm Operating & Reporting Modes
CMD 87 – Relay Triggers Control Zone
CMD 281 – Change Control Delay for Relay
START 42 * NN * User Number * Code * Control Zone #
1 Momentary Single Mask
2 Mask
3 Unmask
4 Cancel Entry Delay
5 Start Exit Timer
6 Mask Alarm and Cancel Entry Delay
7 Start Exit Timer and Unmask
8 Pre-Arm Status
9 Conditional Unmask
10 Partial Unmask
A Momentary Single Mask code momentarily disables the reporting of a single alarm condition from any of the line module inputs as defined by the code's control zone. This means that when this user function is used, it will mask the specified line module input for a single alarm actuation only. If the masking timer is still active when the specified line module input is tripped for a second or more times, it will report as a new alarm on that input. When a momentary single mask is used on a door associated input and the auto- relock function of the door is off, the mask will last as long as the door unlock time, no matter how many times the door is opened and closed during the masked time. If the auto- relock function is on, the door can only be opened and closed once or a new alarm will occur.
An alarm Mask code turns off the reporting of all alarms from any of the line module inputs as defined by the code's control zone. Neither type of mask code prevents line trouble alarm reporting, such as shorts or open line conditions.
An alarm Unmask code restores the alarm reporting of any input(s) as defined by the code's control zone. Consider assigning unmask codes to a control zone with a time zone of 65 to prevent time restrictions on the unmasking of masked line module inputs. To add a card alarm control user use Command 325 to convert a keypad alarm control user to a card alarm control user.
A Cancel Entry Timer code is used to cancel the entry delay timer and prevent the reporting of an alarm. An Entry Delay Timer can be used to control access to secure areas where the ScramblePad is located within the area.
A Start Exit Timer enables exiting the same secure area without tripping an alarm.
Mask Alarm and Cancel Entry Timer is a convenient combined user function that can cancel an entry delay and mask all interior line module inputs for general building occupancy, or just mask specified Inputs for occupancy of a specific area only, while other areas remain armed.
Likewise, Start Exit Timer and Unmask combines the start exit timer function with the unmask function and is often used to re-secure an entire building or only a specified area.
Pre-Arm Status—also known as ‘Test If Secure’ or ‘Check Secure’—tests all available inputs within the specified control zone and reports whether they are inactive (secure) or active (unsecured). If all inputs are secure, the ScramblePad flashes its green LED once for an access grant and twice for a control. If there are unsecured inputs detected, ScramblePad flashes its red LED and beeps—one beep for each active input.
Conditional Unmask—also known as ‘Unmask If Secure’—unmasks/arms all inputs in the specific control zone, but only if all inputs have been previously detected as secure.
Partial Unmask—also known as ‘Force Arm’ or ‘Arm Around’—unmasks all inputs in the specified control zone previously detected as secure. All unsecured inputs are left unarmed. When this condition is used, the ScramblePad flashes both the red and green LEDs, if some inputs are secure and other are not. Only the green LED flashes if all inputs are detected secure. For example, if the boss leaves the safe in his office open, you can arm what is ‘armable’ around it, knowing that the door to his office (containing the open safe) will be armed.
The three new alarm types—pre-arm status, conditional unmask, and partial unmask—check the status of all alarm points specified in their governing SCZ even if those inputs are disabled. For this reason, don’t include disabled alarm points in your SCZ.
START 42 * 1 * 301 * 3011 * 4 #
Add Momentary Alarm Mask Code 3011 To User 301 And Control Zone 4
Related CMDs:
π CMD 30, 31, 33, 34 – Print User, Users, Users by Zone, or Family of Users Without Codes
π CMD 35, 36, 38, 330 – Print User, Users, or Family of Users with Codes
Adding Users
CMD 10, 15, 19-22, 40, 41, 44, 310-315, 320-322 – Add Users
CMD 44 – Add Keypad Special Control User
Changing and Deleting Users
CMD 11-13, 325 – Change User(s) Codes, Zones, and/or Functions
CMD 16, 23 – Delete Any User, Range of Users
Alarm Inputs
CMD 110 Change Entry/Exit Delay for Alarm Input
Control Zone Setups
CMD 45, 304 – Define Standard, Master Control Zone
Relay Setups
CMD 40 – Add Relay Control User
CMD 41 – Add Top-Priority Relay Control User
CMD 81 – Change Control Time of Relay
CMD 82 – Time Zone Control of Relay
CMD 85 – Change Operation for Selected Relays
CMD 86 – Change Relay & Alarm Operating & Reporting Modes
CMD 87 – Relay Triggers Control Zone
CMD 281 – Change Control Delay for Relay
START 43 * N * User Number * Code #
1 Manual Holiday, Schedule 1
2 Manual Holiday, Schedule 2
3 Manual Holiday, Schedule 3
4 Manual Holiday, Schedule 4
5 Manual Non-Holiday, Schedule 1
6 Manual Non-Holiday, Schedule 2
7 Manual Non-Holiday, Schedule 3
8 Manual Non-Holiday, Schedule 4
9 Forgive All Users
10 Clear Code Tamper
11 Display This Side Users Count
12 Display Other Side Users Count
The first four variables (1 - 4) control the assignment of previously-defined holiday schedules to specific user numbers (credentials) using specific codes. Variables 5 - 8 essentially repeal assignment of holiday schedules to a user number using a specific code. Forgive all users provides a quick way to nullify any grant denials issued for a door and enables people to leave the area controlled by the door no matter what their grant status is. This is particularly useful for emergency procedures. Clear Code Tamper enables a user number with the proper code to clear code tamper alarms at a specific location. For example, if an specified operator or guard needs to reset a keypad, this can be accomplished using the assigned code. Display This Side/ Other Side Users Count enables a qualified user with the proper code to see how many people are within a particular area or outside of that area.
START 43 * 1 * 45 * 777 #
Add Schedule 1 holidays to User 45 using Code 777
START 43 * 9 * 505 * 2323 #
Forgive all users at the reader actuated by user 505 using Code 2323
START 43 * 1 * 45 * 777 #
Add Alarm Cancel Code 777 To User 45
START 43 * 4 * 505 * 23231 #
START 43 * 4 * 506 * 23232 #
Add both Start (User 505) and Stop (User 506) Deadman Timer Codes
Related CMDs:
π CMD 38 – Print Families of Users with Codes
π CMD 88 – Print System Setups
CMD 12 – Change Any User Access or Control Zone
CMD 40 – Add Relay Control User
CMD 41 – Add Top Priority Relay Control User
CMD 42 – Add Alarm Control User
CMD 45 – Define Standard Control Zone
CMD 81 – Change Control Time of Relay
CMD 301 – Add Expansion Point to Standard Control Zone
CMD 358 – Set Deadman Timer
START 44 * NN * User Number * Code #
1 Alarm Cancel
2 Watch Log
3 Time Log
4 Deadman Timer
An Alarm Cancel Code clears the controller's dedicated alarm relay outputs and causes the standard or optional expanded alarm buffer to print its contents. The standard alarm buffer holds approximately 1,500 of the most recent alarms. The optional expanded alarm buffer board holds an additional 2,000 of the most recent alarms. This code duplicates the effect of pressing the alarm cancel button on the controller board.
The Alarm Cancel function has a second function: activating the DIGI*TRAC Annunciator (DTA). When programmed, it enables an operator to activate the DTA by entering the correct user number and code.
A Watch Log Code entry is a logging code for tracking guards on their appointed rounds. A Time Log Code entry is a logging code for recording the arrival and departure times of time log code holders.
To add a card special control user use CMD 325 to convert a keypad special control user to a card special control user.
A Deadman Timer Code is a special control code used to track the safety and security of a user while a specific task is being performed. The use of “deadman timers” is common in many industrial applications such as railroads, refineries and other dangerous or hazardous locations.
Before the task is begun, the user enters a deadman timer code on a specified keypad which starts the deadman timer count down sequence. Once the task is completed, the user enters a different deadman timer code on a specified keypad to stop the count down. If the user is interrupted, delayed, or otherwise prevented from entering the stop code, the deadman timer will run out and cause a deadman expiration alarm to be reported on the system printer and on the alarm relay.
Deadman users must have at least two codes: one to start the timer and one to stop the timer. The timer for each code is set with CMD 358 for 0–65,000 seconds. The start time is set to the required number of seconds to complete the assigned task. The stop timer is set to 0 (zero) seconds to clear and cancel the deadman timer count down sequence.
Deadman Timer Setups can be printed by entering CMD 88 * 2 #. If deadman codes are used for a guard tour sequence a different Start Timer may be assigned to a code associated with a keypad. This allows the guard to enter a unique code per keypad in the tour thus varying the time allowed to travel between Keypads. For instance, a Code of 789-1 could be entered at keypad 1 and 789-2 at keypad 2. Each code could be assigned a different time based on the average travel time from keypad 1 to 2 and 2 to 3, etc.
Each Deadman user is assigned to a standard control zone. The standard control zone is used to define which keypads are authorized for the entry of the Deadman Codes. Since Deadman Codes do not affect line module inputs or relay outputs, no onboard alarms or relays are defined. Instead, authorized keypad locations are specified by using expansion points 1-16 in the control zone definition. See CMD 301. Use CMD 12 to assign a deadman user to the required standard control zone.
START 44 * 1 * 45 * 777 #
Add Alarm Cancel Code 777 To User 45. User 45 can activate an attached Annunciator by entering the code 777.
START 44 * 4 * 505 * 23231 #
START 44 * 4 * 506 * 23232 #
Add both Start (User 505) and Stop (User 506) Deadman Timer Codes
Related CMDs:
π CMD 30, 31, 33, 34 – Print User, Users, Users by Zone, or Family of Users Without Codes
π CMD 35, 36, 38, 330 – Print User, Users, or Family of Users with Codes
π CMD 88*7 – Print Relay Setups and Status
Adding Users
CMD 10, 15, 19-22, 40-42, 310-315, 320-322 – Add Users
CMD 42 – Add Keypad Alarm Control User
Changing and Deleting Users
CMD 11-13, 325 – Change User(s) Codes, Zones, and/or Functions
CMD 16, 23 – Delete Any User, Range of Users
Control Zone Setups
CMD 45, 304 – Define Standard, Master Control Zone
Relay Setups
CMD 81 – Change Control Time of Relay
Deadman Timer (44*4)
CMD 358 – Set Deadman Timer
START 45 * Standard Control Zone * Time Zone * Relays or Inputs #
A Control Zone manages the use of relay control codes and alarm control codes. A control zone consists of a time zone and any combination of available relays for output control, or inputs for alarm control.
There are 192 standard control zones available (0 -191). Control Zone 0 is predefined as “Never & No Relays - No Inputs” This allows control codes to be maintained in memory with a CZ of 0. Note that CZ 0 cannot be changed. To enable any control code user simply use CMD 12 to change the user's control zone to an appropriate control zone.
See CMD 301 for information on expansion inputs/relays. See CMD 304 for information on master control zones.
A defined control zone may be shared by relay control codes and by alarm control codes. Whichever code type is assigned to that zone, when entered, will affect the appropriate function. Relay control codes actuate a set of relays and alarm control codes mask/unmask a set of alarm points.
The way in which the relay and/or input in this SCZ is used is determined by the Master Control Zone.
A Time Zone is only used to restrict the command when a Control Zone will be activated by a Card or Code. The Time Zone does not effect the triggering of a Control Zone by an input or an alarm
START 45 * 1 * 65 * 12345678 #
Define Standard Control Zone 1 With TZ 65 And All Doors/Inputs
CZ0 = Never, No Relays, and No Inputs
Related CMDs:
π CMD 88*3, 88*4, 88*14 – Print Standard, Master, Grand Master Time Zones
π CMD 88*6 – Print Standard Control Zone Setups
π CMD 88*16 – Print Master Control Zone Setups
π CMD 188*7 – Print Setup Changes for Standard Control Zones
Adding Users
CMD 40 – Add Keypad Relay Control User
Time Zone and Holiday Setups
CMD 52, 54, 56, 154 – Define/Clear Standard, Master, Grand Master Time Zones
CMD 57-59 – Define, Clear Holidays
Relay Setups
CMD 81 – Change Control Time of Relay
Control Zone Setups
CMD 301 – Add Expansion Line Module Input or Relay to Standard Control Zone
CMD 303 – Change Time Zone of Standard Control Zone
CMD 304 – Define Master Control Zone
CMD 345 – Clear Standard Control Zone
START 46 * N #
2 Report / Alarm / Deny Access
3 Report / Alarm / Forgive
4 Report / Deny Access
5 Report / Forgive
6 Occupancy Violation Report ON
7 Occupancy Violation Report OFF
The Passback Mode is off when the controller starts up. When the mode is set to on, pass- back violations will always be reported. They may also be set to trigger the alarm relay, deny access or grant access by automatically forgiving the violation.
In order to track the entry and exit of Users into and out of a secure perimeter, an entry and exit ScramblePad/MATCH reader must be installed on the controlled area and must be set with CMD 03 as entry and exit ScramblePad/MATCH readers. In addition, passback can control access to an internal area when properly set up. Access to internal areas will only be granted to a User once they have entered the secure area through an entry ScramblePad/ MATCH reader.
Occupancy Violation counts the number of users entering a secure area through an entry ScramblePad/MATCH reader and keeps a running total. As users exit from the secure area through an exit ScramblePad/MATCH reader, they are subtracted from the running total. Whenever the number of users inside reaches the minimum or maximum levels set with CMD 235, an occupancy violation alarm report is sent to the system printer. In addition, the controller reports the user number of the user who violated the occupancy rule. As long as the violation continues the alarm message will automatically repeat at 2 minute intervals. In order for occupancy tracking to operate properly one of the available pass- back modes must first be enabled. Other automated functions based on the occupancy count are available by using CMDs 235, 236 and 237.
START 46 * 2 #
Change Passback Mode to Report On Printer / Trip Alarm Relay / And Deny Access
Passback Mode OFF, Occupancy Violation Reporting OFF
Related CMDs:
π CMD 34*9 – Print Users Inside
π CMD 88*2 – Print System Information
π CMD 188*9 – Print Setup Changes for Passback & User Management
Passback Functions
CMD 03*7, 03*8, 03*9, 03*10 – Change Reader Functions (Passback)
CMD 47 – Forgive Access User
CMD 48 – Forgive Passback & Occupancy Count for All Users
CMD 146 – Disable Passback and Occupancy Control During Time Zone
CMD 235 – Change Occupancy Count Limits
CMD 236 – Trigger Control Zone on Change in Occupancy Count
Relay Setups
CMD 79 – Change Time For Alarm Relay
START 47 * User Number #
In the event of a passback violation and denied access, an operator may use a forgive an access user command, thus allowing the user's code to grant access and the controller to resume passback tracking.
START 47 * 56 #
Forgives user 56 one passback violation and grants access to reestablish user passback status as in or out.
Related CMDs:
π CMD 34*9 – Print Users Inside
Passback Functions
CMD 46 – Change Passback Mode
CMD 48 – Forgive Passback & Occupancy Count for All Users
START 48 #
Use this command to reset the status of all users having access to a passback/occupancy controlled area. Once this command is used, the controller automatically picks up the in or out location of every user the next time the user's code is used at a ScramblePad/MATCH reader. In addition, a forgive command resets the occupancy count of the passback/occupancy controlled area to zero.
START 48 #
Forgives all users one passback violation and grants access to reestablish all users passback status. Useful after building or area evacuation. Also sets number of users inside to 0 (zero), so the interior area should be unoccupied when this command is issued to insure an accurate inside user count.
Related CMDs:
π CMD 34*9 – Print Users Inside
Passback Functions
CMD 46 – Change Passback Mode
CMD 47 – Forgive Access User
START 49 * N * Starting User Number * Ending User Number #
0 Tag User NO (disable)
1 Tag User YES (enable)
2 Tag User NO (disable) (V6.5 and earlier)
Tagging a user causes the system to print a tag alert message and activate the trouble alarm relay whenever any tagged user's code is used at a ScramblePad/MATCH reader.
START 49 * 1 * 751 * 751 #
Tags user 751 to cause a tag alert alarm message on system printer and to trigger trouble relay
Related CMDs:
π CMD 30, 31, 33, 34 – Print User, Users, Users by Zone, or Family of Users Without Codes
π CMD 35, 36, 38, 330*10 – Print User, Users, or Family of Users with Codes
π CMD 260 – Print Alarm Action(s)
Tag and Alert Setups
CMD 149 – Alert User or Range of Users
CMD 249, 349 – Tag/Alert Access Zone
CMD 449, 549 – Tag/Alert Control Zone
Relay Setups
CMD 79 – Change Time For Alarm Relay
START 50 * MMDDYY * Day of Week #
MMDDYY/Day of Week
January 01
February 02
March 03
April 04
May 05
June 06
July 07
August 08
September 09
October 10
November 11
December 12
Monday 1
Tuesday 2
Wednesday 3
Thursday 4
Friday 5
Saturday 6
Sunday 7
Set date & day of the week. Setting the date and day of the week sets the controller clock- calendar for accurate access restriction, automatic event scheduling and transaction reporting on the system printer or on the SCRAMBLE*NET. The accuracy of all time controlled functions depends on this setting. Set date as Month Day Year: MMDDYY. Set day of the week number for the current day. This Command sets the time in each controller, not in the PC. DIGI*TRAC controllers assume the year is in the range 1990-2089.
START 50 * 010101 * 3 #
Set the Date to Wednesday, January 1, 2001, Wednesday
For CCM 7.0 and later, after a cold start, the controller clock defaults to midnight (0000), January 1, 2000. For CCM 6.6 and earlier, the clock defaults to midnight, January 1 of the year in which the CCM was programmed.
Related CMDs:
π CMD 88*1 – Print Date, Time, Version Number
π CMD 188*1 – Print Setup Changes for Date, Time, Version Number
Date, Time, and Holidays
CMD 51 – Set Time
CMD 57-59 – Define, Clear Holidays
Time Zone Setups
CMD 52, 54, 454 – Define/Clear Standard Time Zone
START 51 * Hour Minute (HHMM) #
Hour / Minute | Hour / Minute |
0000 = Midnight 0100 = 1 AM 0200 = 2 AM 0300 = 3 AM 0400 = 4 AM 0500 = 5 AM 0600 = 6 AM 0700 = 7 AM 0800 = 8 AM 0900 = 9 AM 1000 = 10 AM 1100 = 11 AM | 1200 = Noon 1300 = 1 PM 1400 = 2 PM 1500 = 3 PM 1600 = 4 PM 1700 = 5 PM 1800 = 6 PM 1900 = 7 PM 2000 = 8 PM 2100 = 9 PM 2200 = 10 PM 2300 = 11 PM |
Setting the correct time is critical for accurate access restriction, automatic event scheduling and transaction reporting on the system printer or Velocity. Also see CMD 50. Set time in 24-hour time.
START 51 * 0915 #
Set the time to 9:15AM
After cold start, the controller clock defaults to midnight (0000) January 1, 2000 for CCM V7.0 and later. For CCM 6.6 and earlier, the controller defaults to midnight, January 1 of the year in which the CCM was programmed.
Related CMDs:
π CMD 88*1 – Print Date, Time, Version Number
π CMD 188*1 – Print Setup Changes for Date, Time, Version Number
Date, Time, and Holidays
CMD 50 – Set Date & Day of the Week
CMD 57-59 – Define, Clear Holidays
Time Zone Setups
CMD 52 – Define Standard Time Zone 1-64
START 52 * Standard Time Zone * HHMM * HHMM * Days #
(Version 6.6 or earlier)
START 52 * Standard Time Zone * HHMM * HHMM * Days * [1234] #
(Version 7)
Start Time and Stop Time in Hours and Minutes
Days of the week you want to include in the time zone, where:
1 = Monday 5 = Friday
2 = Tuesday 6 = Saturday
3 = Wednesday 7 = Sunday
4 = Thursday 8 = Overrides Holiday Schedules
If a holiday is specified, you can use the next optional variable, [1234], to specify which one of four holiday options is designated.
If you specify Day 8 in the Days option, it overrides the holiday schedule. There are two ways to override a holiday schedule: selecting Day 8 when placing the days in the standard time zone (CMD 52) or selecting a 0 when defining a holiday schedule (CMD 57). This variable is only available for V7.0 and later.
Time zones are used to restrict the use of codes by time and by day when used to define an access zone. They are also used to control automatic events such as alarm masking and relay actuation for automatic unlocking and relocking of a door or set of doors when used to define a control zone.
Standard time zones are set up to have a start time, a stop time and a set of valid days, which may include any day programmed in the controller as a Holiday, Day 8.
Master time zones are defined with CMD 54. Master time zones can include up to 8 standard time zones. Master time zones allow “Super Users” with complex access authority and allow complex timing sequences for managing relays and alarms.
Grand master time zones allow up to 8 standard or master times zones to be combined for even more sophisticated time management functions.
See CMD 154. Time Zones 0, Never, and 65, Always, are available for use and cannot be changed.
Appendix A provides Worksheets to help you plan your controller setups, including time zone controls.
START 52 * 1 * 0730 * 1800 * 12345 #
Define standard time zone 1 as 7:30AM to 6:00PM Monday-Friday
START 52 * 2 * 0000 * 2400 * 8 * 2 #
TZ 2 is active during Holiday Schedule 2
TZ 0 = 00:00 to 00:00 No Days (Never)
TZ 65 = 00:00 to 24:00 All Days (Always)
Related CMDs:
π CMD 88*3, 88*4, 88*14 – Print Standard, Master, Grand Master Time Zones
π CMD 188*10 – Print Setup Changes for Time Zones
Access Zone Setups
CMD 17, 24, 117 – Define Standard Access Zone (1-64)
Control Zone Setups
CMD 45 – Define Standard Control Zone
CMD 303 – Change Time Zone of Standard Control Zone
CMD 305 – Define Time Zone for Master Control Zone
Date, Time, and Holidays
CMD 50, 51 – Set Date and Day of the Week, Set Time
CMD 57-59 – Define, Clear Holidays
Time Zone Setups
CMD 54 – Define Master Time Zone 66-129
CMD 56 – Clear Time Zone
CMD 154 – Define Grand Master Time Zone 130-149
CMD 454 – Define Master or Grand Master Time Zone
Alarm Setups
CMD 76 – Mask Alarm Input During Time Zone
Relay Setups
CMD 82 – Time Zone Control of Relay
START 54 * Standard Time Zone * Master Time Zone * Column 1-8 #
Time Zones restrict the use of codes to particular time periods for access zones or the automatic scheduling of an event when used to define a control zone. Most time zones include only one set of start times and end times and set of valid days. When more complex time controls are required, any combination of up to 8 standard time zones may be assigned to master time zones.
The most common use of master time zones is to define a time schedule such as Monday to Friday 8AM to 5PM and Saturday 8AM to noon. This requires two standard time zones to be defined. One to cover Monday to Friday and one to cover Saturday only. The two standard time zones are then added to one master time zone to achieve the required time control.
Another common use of master time zones is defining times that span or crossover midnight—for example, the weekday night shift (6 PM to 6 AM, Monday-Friday). This time period can be defined by a master time zone that includes the STZs 1800-2400 M-F and 0000-0600 T-S. Notice that Monday is not included in the second STZ but Saturday is, because weekday nightshifts usually end on Saturday at 6 AM and begin on Monday at 6 PM. Weekend nightshifts begin on Saturday at 6 PM and end Monday at 6 AM.
A master time zone is active when any of its standard time zones is active. A master time zone can be used in any command that calls for a time zone.
Appendix A provides worksheets to help you plan your controller setups including time zone controls.
START 54 * 1 * 68 * 3 #
Add Standard Time Zone 1 To Master Time Zone 68 In Column 3
START 54 * 2 * 68 * 4 #
Add Standard Time Zone 2 To Master Time Zone 68 In Column 4
Related CMDs:
π CMD 88*3, 88*4, 88*14 – Print Standard, Master, Grand Master Time Zones
π CMD 188*10 – Print Setup Changes for Time Zones
Access Zone Setups
CMD 17, 24, 117 – Define Standard Access Zone (1-64)
Control Zone Setups
CMD 45 – Define Standard Control Zone
CMD 303 – Change Time Zone of Standard Control Zone
CMD 305 – Define Time Zone for Master Control Zone
Date, Time, and Holidays
CMD 50, 51 – Set Date and Day of the Week, Set Time
CMD 57-59 – Define, Clear Holidays
Time Zone Setups
CMD 52 – Define Standard Time Zone 1-64
CMD 56 – Clear Time Zone
CMD 154 – Define Grand Master Time Zone (130-149)
CMD 454 – Define Master or Grand Master Time Zone
Alarm Setups
CMD 76 – Mask Line Module Input During Time Zone
Relay Setups
CMD 82 – Time Zone Control of Relay
START 56 * Any Time Zone #
START 56 * First Time Zone * Last Time Zone #
Any Time Zone may be completely cleared with this Command except TZ0 and TZ65. As an option, you can specify a range of time zones to clear.
START 56 * 44 #
Clears Standard Time Zone 44 To No Time - No Days
Related CMDs:
π CMD 88*3, 88*4, 88*14 – Print Standard, Master, Grand Master Time Zones
π CMD 188*10 – Print Setup Changes for Time Zones
Time Zone Setups
CMD 52, 54, 454 – Define Standard, Master Time Zones
CMD 154 – Define Grand Master Time Zone (130-149)
START 57 * Holiday * MMDDYY #
In Version 7.0, this command is obsolete but is retained for backwards compatibility. Use CMD 457*1 to add holidays to the current year and next year's "Holiday Table 1."
Any calendar date may be programmed to be a scheduled holiday. When the controller detects a holiday, it refers to its time zones to determine if any normally scheduled event, such as automatic unlocking, is to occur on a holiday or is to be skipped. Whenever a code is entered at a ScramblePad/MATCH reader it is also checked to see if it is authorized during a scheduled holiday or not.
The controller has two holiday controls available:
A list of up to 30 scheduled holidays by date.
A holiday day field which may be selected as valid when defining a time zone.
These two controls work in unison to perform special controls during scheduled Holidays.
If no holidays are defined, then normal access will be granted and automatic events will occur on each valid day of their respective time zones, even if on one of those days, the building is closed for normal business. If however, the controller's calendar detects a day as a scheduled holiday, then general access will be denied and automatic events will be skipped.
During closed business days it may be necessary for selected groups of users to gain authorized access to the area being controlled. This is accomplished by making the eighth day valid when defining the time zone that controls the group's access authority. Likewise, any special automatic events, such as outdoor security lighting controllers, may be switched on even during a scheduled holiday by making day 8 a valid day in their con- trolling time zones.
In Version 7.0 and later this command is obsolete for instructions sent from a host. Use CMD 457*1 to add holidays to current and next year’s “Holiday Table 1.” For instructions programmed from a ScramblePad, continue to use this command.
Holidays 31 & 32 are special. On the date specified for Holiday 31 the controller time will “Spring Forward 1 Hour” at 02:00 and on Holiday date 32 the controller time will “Fall Back 1 Hour” at 02:00 to allow for automatic compensation for daylight savings time, if required.
On Holiday 32, after the time falls back from 02:00AM to 01:00AM, there will be one hour of overlap in the recorded or printed history log for that date. There will be two one hour periods from 01:00 to 02:00 hours for that date.
V7.0 enables you to add a holiday wherever there's an open space in the holiday table by specifying a holiday number of 0. V7.0 also has unlimited holiday capacity for the current calendar year and for the next year following, including 30 additional slots to “pre-load” holidays for successive years, if needed. The theoretical maximum number of holidays at any one time, therefore, is 760 – 761 if there's a leap year involved.
V7.0 assumes years are in the range 1990-2089. To override this, use MMDDYYYY instead of MMDDYY. For example, 25 August 2063 could be specified as 082563 or as 08252063. (This is for historical reasons. If you cold-start an old controller and then immediately upgrade the firmware, it’s better to be five or ten years off rather than ninety- five.)
START 57 * 1 * 010101 #
Define January 1, 2001 As Holiday 1
START 57 * 2 * 010201 #
Define January 2, 2001 As Holiday 2
START 57 * 3 * 070401 #
Define July 4, 2001 As Holiday 3
Related CMDs:
π CMD 88*13 – Print Holiday Setups
π CMD 188*2 – Print Setup Changes for Holidays
Date, Time, and Holidays
CMD 50, 51 – Set Date & Day of the Week, Set Time
CMD 52 – Define Standard Time Zone
CMD 58, 59 – Clear Holiday, Clear All Holidays
CMD 90*4 – Manual Holiday
CMD 457 – Define Holidays from a Host
Time Zone Setups
CMD 52, 54, 56, 154 – Define/Clear Standard, Master, Grand Master Time Zones
START 58 * Holiday #
Use this command to remove a holiday from the holiday schedule so the controller will not go into holiday operation. As each holiday expires at midnight, it is automatically removed from the schedule.
In Version 7.0 and later this command is obsolete if issued from a host. Use the host CMD 457*0 to clear holidays from the current and next year’s list of holidays. If you are programming from a ScramblePad, continue to use this command.
START 58 * 12 #
Clear Holiday 12 To No Date
Related CMDs:
π CMD 88*13 – Print Holiday Setups
π CMD 188*2 – Print Setup Changes for Holidays
CMD 57 – Define Holiday CMD 59 – Clear All Holidays
CMD 90*4 – Manual Holiday
CMD 457 – Define Holiday(s) From Host
Time Zone Setups
CMD 56 – Clear Time Zone
START 59 #
(Version 6.6 or earlier)
(Version 7)
Year you want cleared including all four possible holidays.
Use this command to manually clear all holidays at once.
Version 7.0 enables you to clear an entire year's worth of holidays. All four holiday tables will be cleared.
START 59 #
This will clear all Holidays from the controller
Related CMDs:
π CMD 88*13 – Print Holiday Setups
π CMD 188*2 – Print Setup Changes for Holidays
CMD 57, 58 – Define, Clear Holiday
CMD 90*4 – Manual Holiday
CMD 457 – Define Holiday(s) from Host
Time Zone Setups
CMD 56 – Clear Time Zone
START 70 * Inputs #
A DTLM/MELM is required.
This command is not available on M16 and MSP controllers.
Line Module Inputs must be enabled to sense and report the status of the required line modules (DTLM/MELM) and the devices they monitor. All Line Module Inputs are Factory set to be enabled on controller start-up.
When a Line Module Input is set to operate and report as a Door it will report the following conditions:
βΎ Secure
βΎ Door Forced Open
βΎ DOTL Alarm (Door Held Open Too Long)
βΎ RQE Request Granted
βΎ Open
βΎ Short
βΎ Excessive Noise
βΎ Line Out Of Spec
βΎ Tamper (DTLM3/MELM3 Only)
When the line module input is set to operate and report as an alarm it will report Door Forced condition as an Alarm Open and a Door Open Too Long alarm will report as an Alarm Active Too Long. All other reporting remains the same.
When a Request To Exit (RQE) push-button or sensor is activated, it will mask the line module input for the door time. When a line module input is masked by a time zone or by an alarm masking code, or is masked when a relay is actuated by an access code, unlock code, time zone or control code, only the door forced or line module input report is masked. All other reporting remains active.
START 70 * 1234 #
Enable Line Module Inputs 1 2 3 & 4 To Report Alarms
Related CMDs:
π CMD 88*8 – Print Alarm Setups and Status
π CMD 188*12 – Print Setup Changes for Alarm & Sense Inputs
Adding Users
CMD 42 – Add Keypad Alarm Control User
Alarm Setups
CMD 71, 72 – Disable, Change Selected Line Module Inputs
CMD 73 – Change Selected RQEs (Request to Exit)
CMD 74 – Change Door-Open-Too-Long Interval
CMD 75 – Door-Open-Too-Long Active While Door Unlocked (Yes/No)
CMD 76 – Mask Line Module Input During Time Zone
CMD 170, 171 – Enable, Disable Expansion Line Module Input
CMD 270 – Change Line Module Type for Line Module Input
START 71 * Inputs #
A DTLM/MELM is required.
Any set of line module inputs may be disabled to prevent them from operating, or to prevent the reporting of a defective sensor, sensor cable or DTLM/MELM, until service is available. Disable all unused Inputs.
START 71 * 4 #
Disable All Alarm Reporting From Input 4
Related CMDs:
π CMD 88*8 – Print Alarm Setups and Status
π CMD 188*12 – Print Setup Changes for Alarm & Sense Inputs
Alarm Setups
CMD 70, 72 – Enable, Change Selected Line Module Inputs
CMD 76 – Mask Line Module Input During Time Zone
CMD 171 – Disable Expansion Line Module Input
START 72 * N * Inputs #
1 Normally Open (When Secure)
2 Normally Closed (When Secure)
A DTLM/MELM is required.
Alarm sensor inputs are usually normally closed switches when secure and open on alarm. They may be set to Normally Open for sensors whose contacts are normally open when secure, if required.
START 72 * 1 * 1267 #
Change Line Module Inputs 1 2 6 & 7 To Normally Open When Secure
Normally Closed
Related CMDs:
π CMD 88*8 – Print Alarm Setups and Status
π CMD 188*12 – Print Setup Changes for Alarm & Sense Inputs
Alarm Setups
CMD 70, 71 – Enable, Disable Selected Line Module Input
CMD 73 – Change Selected RQEs (Request to Exit)
CMD 172 – Change Expansion Line Module Input
CMD 270 – Change Line Module Type for Line Module Input
CMD 73: CHANGE SELECTED RQEs (Request To Exit)
START 73 * N * Inputs #
1 RQE Triggers Relay And Masks Alarm
2 RQE Masks Alarm Only
3 RQE Retriggers Relay And/Or Mask While Activated
4 RQE Triggers Relay And/Or Mask Once When Activated
6 RQE Triggers Relay and Masks Alarm Once When Activated (same as #1 + #4)
7 RQE Masks Alarm Only Once When Activated (same as #2 + #4)
8 RQE Triggers Relay and Masks Alarm While Activated (same as #1 + #3)
9 RQE Masks Alarm Only While Activated (same as #2 + #4)
A DTLM/MELM is required (series 2 or 3).
Each RQE Input is Factory set to OFF.
The RQE input may be set to trigger the relay, for use with magnetic locks, if required. The RQE will trigger the relay once unless it is set to retrigger the relay for as long as it is activated, such as when using a motion sensor for automatic RQE activation. While the relay is triggered, the associated line module input will be masked. If Auto-Relock is off, CMD 85, the RQE will mask the input for the entire Door Mode time. The door may be opened and closed any number of times during this time without causing a Forced Door alarm. To allow only a single use of the door, Auto-Relock must be enabled.
For RQE devices to work properly (normally open on secure), the input must be enabled (factory default is enabled) by CMD 70 if it has been disabled with CMD 71. For functions 3 and 4 to operate properly, function 1 must first be selected.
If the RQE is disabled, either by default or by 73*5, using 73*3 or 73*4 will automatically do the equivalent of 73*1.
START 73 * 1 * 1 #
Change RQE On Door 1 To Trigger Relay
START 73 * 3 * 1 #
Change RQE On Door 1 To Retrigger While Actuated By A Motion Detector For Automatic Exit Control
Related CMDs:
π CMD 88*10 – Print Door Setups and Status
π CMD 188*12 – Print Setup Changes for Alarm & Sense Inputs
Alarm Setups
CMD 70-72 – Enable, Disable, Change Selected Line Module Input
CMD 74 – Change Door-Open-Too-Long Interval
CMD 75 – Door-Open-Too-Long Active While Door Unlocked (Yes/No)
CMD 76 – Mask Line Module Input During Time Zone
CMD 173 – Change Expansion RQE (Request To Exit)
CMD 270 – Change Line Module Type for Line Module Input
Relay Setups
CMD 80 – Change Door Time of Relay
START 74 * DOTL Timer * Inputs #
Use this command to define the DOTL interval for an input. A DTLM/MELM is required for this command.
The unauthorized opening of a door is reported as a forced entry. The door is also monitored if held open-too-long beyond an adjustable time delay of 0-8100 (0=Off) seconds. Both door alarm conditions print and trigger the alarm relay.
The DOTL Timer starts when its associated relay deactivates.
START 74 * 15 * 12 #
Define DOTL Alarm Delay To 15 Seconds For Doors 1 & 2
12 seconds
Related CMDs:
π CMD 88*10 – Print Door Setups and Status
π CMD 188*12 – Print Setup Changes for Alarm & Sense Inputs
Alarm Setups
CMD 70-72 – Enable, Disable, Change Selected Line Module Input
CMD 73 – Change Selected RQEs (Request to Exit)
CMD 75 – Door-Open-Too-Long Active While Door Unlocked (Yes/No)
CMD 76 – Mask Line Module Input During Time Zone
CMD 174 – Change Expansion Door Open Too Long Time
CMD 270 – Change Line Module Type for Line Module Input
Relay Setups
CMD 80 – Change Door Time of Relay
CMD 282 – Define Special Needs Unlock Extension Time
START 75 * N * Input #
0 NO
Use this command to define a DOTL condition even if the door is unlocked legally. A DTLM/MELM is required.
The door-held-open condition normally does not report on a door unlocked by time zone or unlock code. It may be made to report on an unlocked door by making DOTL active when unlocked.
If the input associated with the door is masked by code or masked by a time zone, then a DOTL alarm will not report even if the DOTL is active while the door is unlocked. When you set the auto-relock of a door to OFF using CMD 85, the DOTL timer does not start until the door mode timer goes to zero.
If Auto-Relock On Open is enabled (also using CMD 85), the DOTL timer starts as soon as the door is opened.
START 75 * 1 * 1 #
Sets door-open-too-long alarm reporting always on even when a door is legally unlocked by an unlock code or by a time zone. Protects fire doors from being propped open when unlocked.
No (NN = 0 or 2)
Related CMDs:
π CMD 88*10 – Print Door Setups and Status
π CMD 188*12 – Print Setup Changes for Alarm & Sense Inputs
Alarm Setups
CMD 70-72 – Enable, Disable, Change Selected Line Module Input
CMD 73 – Change Selected RQEs (Request to Exit)
CMD 74 – Change Door-Open-Too-Long Interval
CMD 76 – Mask Line Module Input During Time Zone
CMD 174 – Change Expansion Door Open Too Long Time
CMD 175 – Expansion DOTL Active While Input Unlocked
CMD 270 – Change Line Module Type for Line Module Input
Relay Setups
CMD 80 – Change Door Time of Relay
START 76 * Line Module Input * Time Zone #
Use this command to mask an alarm input (line module input) during a specified time zone. A DTLM/MELM is required for this command.
Line module inputs may be automatically masked during specific times of the day to dis- able alarm reporting. Line trouble reporting is not disabled during alarm masking.
Automatic masking is removed by setting the masking time zone of an input to time zone 0 (zero), never.
START 76 * 1 * 1 #
Masks Line Module Input Reporting On Door 1 During Time Zone 1
Time Zone 0
Related CMDs:
π CMD 88*3, 88*4, 88*14 – Print Standard, Master, Grand Master Time Zones
π CMD 88*8 – Print Alarm Setups and Status
π CMD 188*12 – Print Setup Changes for Alarm & Sense Inputs
Time Zone Setups
CMD 52, 54, 56 – Define/Clear Standard, Master Time Zones
CMD 270 – Change Line Module Type for Line Module Input
Alarm Setups
CMD 70-72 – Enable, Disable, Change Selected Line Module Input
CMD 176 – Mask Expansion Line Module Input during Time Zone
Relay Setups
CMD 82 – Time Zone Control of Relay
START 77 * N * Time #
0 Minutes to lock out the reader
1 Time penalty in seconds for each invalid code (default)
2 Alarm threshold in seconds to exceed for tamper alarm
1 - 100 minutes/seconds depending on N selection
The controller detects invalid code entries at ScramblePads or card readers. An invalid code is one that does not exist in the controller's memory or is being used at the wrong door or at the wrong time. Code tampering is reported on the printer and trips the tamper alarm relay if 3 invalid codes are entered on a ScramblePad or at a card reader within 1 minute.
In V7.0 and later, the controller can be set to specify the amount of time in minutes that a reader is locked out after a code tamper alarm has been invoked. No entry at this keypad/ reader will be recognized for the specified time period. If additional incorrect entries are attempted, this extends the lock-out interval. When this switch is selected (N = 0), the time argument is calculated in minutes rather than seconds. The default value is 1 minute.
The controller may be adjusted to alarm on a single invalid code, or more than three, through adjusting the invalid Code Tamper Alarm Penalty timer, factory set at 20 seconds, or the Alarm Threshold timer, set at 50 seconds. On start-up, the controller alarms once three invalid codes are entered within approximately a minute. Setting the penalty timer more than the threshold or the threshold less than the penalty will cause the alarm to trip on a single invalid code entry.
To disable Code Tamper alarms, set the penalty timer to 1 and the threshold to 100.
Once a Code Tamper alarm occurs, the controller reports the ScramblePad/MATCH Reader involved, locks out the ScramblePad keypad and any attached MATCH Reader from further code entry attempts and sounds its tone steadily while flashing its red status LED for about a minute. Any additional invalid code entries at that ScramblePad or card reader will immediately regenerate a code tamper alarm condition. Tamper mode remains in effect for the duration of the penalty time designated by the Time variable.
START 77 * 0 * 2 #
Sets reader lock-out time to 2 minutes
START 77 * 1 * 45 #
Changes Code Tamper Time Penalty To 45 Seconds To Trip Code Tamper Alarm On One Invalid Code Entry At Any ScramblePad/MATCH Reader.
Code Tamper Time Penalty = 20
Code Tamper Alarm Threshold = 50
Related CMDs:
π CMD 88*2 – Print System Information
π CMD 188*12 – Print Setup Changes for Alarm & Sense Inputs
Alarm Setups
CMD 79 – Change Time For Alarm Relay
START 78 * RY1 [* RY2 * RY3 * RY4] #
RY1 General Alarms
RY2 Duress Alarms
RY3 Tamper Alarms
RY4 Trouble Alarms
DIGI*TRAC M2, M8, M16, and MSP/M64 controllers have one to four dedicated alarm relays; however, the M1N controller does not have dedicated alarm relays. This command enables a control relay to trigger when one of the dedicated alarm relays would normally fire.
If only one base relay number is specified, it applies to all four alarm relays. Default set- ting for the Model 1N is “78 * 4 #” – any alarm relay will trigger control relay 4.
The numbers to which you can set RY1 – RY4 are in the range of 0 – 72:
0 the Alarm Relay does not trigger any other relays
1 – 8 the Alarm Relay triggers a Base Relay (1-8)
9– 72 the Alarm Relay triggers an Expansion or Virtual Relay (1-64)
This command is active in V6.6 or later.
START 78 * 1 #
Changes all four Alarm Relays to trigger Relay 1.
START 78 * 2 * 3 * 2 * 1 #
Changes Alarm Relays to trigger Relay 2 for General, Relay 3 for Duress, Relay 2 for Tamper, and Relay 1 for Trouble.
78 * 4 # for M1N
Related CMDs:
π CMD 88*2 - Print System Information
π CMD 188*14 - Print Setup Changes for Relays
Alarm Setups
CMD 08 - Change Duress Alarm Mode
CMD 77 - Change Code/ID Tamper
CMD 261 - Define Action Control Block
START 79 * Time * NN #
NN (Dedicated Alarm Relay)
1 General Alarms
2 Duress Alarms
3 Tamper Alarms
4 Trouble Alarms
DIGI*TRAC controllers have four dedicated alarm relay types. The Timer can be set for each relay, from 0 (zero), do not actuate on alarm, to 8100 seconds.
Controllers with a single alarm relay use the same four separate alarm timers to trip the relay. Each timer is set individually. If any of the 4 alarm timers is active the relay will actuate. If one or more of the four conditions is not meant to trip the relay, set its timer to 0 (Zero).
This setup is used for special interface capability to digital communicators that transmit any of the four system alarm conditions:
βΎGeneral Alarms on Relay 1
βΎDuress Alarms on Relay 2
βΎTamper Alarms on Relay 3
βΎTrouble Alarms on Relay 4
to a monitored central station alarm company or to trip local annunciation systems at a central guard station.
The General Alarm Relay is tripped by Door Forced or Held Opens, Input Tamper, Input Shorted, Noisy, Open, and Out-of-Spec, Occupancy and Passback Violations, and Dead- man Timer Expired.
The Duress Alarm Relay is tripped by a user entering their code with a duress digit at a keypad.
The Tamper Alarm Relay is triggered by Box Tamper, ScramblePad/MATCH Reader Physical Tamper and Code Tampering.
The Trouble Alarm Relay is tripped by Power Failures, Battery Problems, Network Inactive, Keypad, MATCH, Printer and Modem Off-Lines, Report Buffer Threshold Exceeded, and Tag Alerts.
START 79 * 10 * 1 #
Changes Alarm Relay 1 Actuation Time On Alarm To 10 Seconds
General Alarms = 60
Duress Alarms = 60
Tamper Alarms = 60
Trouble Alarms = 60
Related CMDs:
π CMD 88*2 – Print System Information
π CMD 188*14 – Print Setup Changes for Relays
CMD 08 – Change Duress Alarm Mode
CMD 77 – Change Code/ID Tamper
CMD 261 – Define Alarm Actions
START 80 * Seconds * Relay 1 * [Relays 2 - 8] #
Each of a controller's base relays can be set up with simultaneous, yet different timers: Door Timer and Control Timer.
The Door Timer can be momentary with an adjustable time of 1-8100 seconds. It can also toggle its relay ON and OFF on consecutive Access Code or RQE entries if the time is set to 0 (zero) seconds. A Relay's Door Timer is used by both access codes and the RQE input.
The Door Timer only applies to the controller's door relays. On the M1N, this means that only Relay 1 has a Door Timer.
Door Mode Time applies to the alarm as well. If your relay/alarms are not set up to operate as Doors, this Door Mode Time only applies to the alarm input, not to the relay.
In Version 6.5 and earlier, you can only specify one relay per command. In Version 6.6 and later, you can specify up to 8 relays with the same command, where each relay is separated by asterisks. The second through eighth relay arguments are optional.
For information on the Control Timer, see CMD 81.
This command is not available on either M16 or MSP controllers.
START 80 * 6 * 3 #
Change Door Unlock Timer To 6 Seconds For Door 3
START 80 * 6 * 3 * 5 * 6 #
Change Door Unlock Timer To 6 Seconds For Doors 3, 5, and 6
6 seconds
Related CMDs:
π CMD 88*7 – Print Relay Setups and Status
π CMD 88*10 – Print Door Setups and Status
π CMD 188*14 – Print Setup Changes for Relays
Adding Users
CMD 10, 19-22, 220, 311-315, 320-322 – Add Access Users
Alarm Setups
CMD 73 – Change Selected RQEs (Request to Exit)
CMD 74 – Change Door-Open-Too-Long Interval
CMD 75 – Door-Open-Too-Long Active While Door Unlocked (Yes/No)
Relay Setups
CMD 81 – Change Control Time of Relay
CMD 85 – Change Operation for Selected Relays
CMD 280 – Change Door Delay for Relay
CMD 282 – Define Special Needs Unlock Extension Time
START 81 * Seconds * Relay 1 * [Relays 2 - 8] #
Each of a controller's base relays can be set up with simultaneous yet different, timers: Control Timer and Door Timer.
The Control Timer can be momentary with an adjustable time of 1-8100 seconds. It can also toggle a relay ON and OFF on consecutive Control Trigger Code entries if its time is set to 0 (zero) seconds. A Relay's Control Time is used by Control Trigger Codes as well as by a line module input or relay to trigger a Control Zone.
In Version 6.6 and later, you can specify up to 8 relays with the same command, where each relay is separated by asterisks. The second through eighth relay arguments are optional.
For more information on the Door Timer see CMD 80.
This command is not available on M16 or MSP controllers.
START 81 * 60 * 5 #
Change Control Time To 60 Seconds For Relay 5
START 81 * 0 * 7 #
Change Control Time To Latch ON/Latch OFF For Relay 7
START 81 * 0 * 5 * 6 * 7 #
Change Control Time To Latch ON/Latch OFF For Relays 5, 6, and 7
6 seconds
Related CMDs:
π CMD 88*7 – Print Relay Setups and Status
π CMD 188*14 – Print Setup Changes for Relays
Adding Control Users
CMD 15 – Add Keypad Unlock/Relock User (IDF 1)
CMD 40 – Add Keypad Relay Control User
CMD 41 – Add Keypad Top-Priority Relay Control User (IDF 1)
Relay Setups
CMD 80 – Change Door Time of Relay
CMD 82 – Time Zone Control of Relay
CMD 86 – Change Relay & Alarm Operating & Reporting Modes
CMD 85 – Change Operation for Selected Relays
CMD 87 – Relay Triggers Control Zone
CMD 181 – Change Control Time for Expansion Relay
CMD 281 – Change Control Delay for Relay
START 82 * N * Relay * Time Zone #
1 Actuate Relay During Time Zone
2 Disable Relay During Time Zone
3 Clear Relay At End Of Time Zone
Relays may be actuated (door unlocked) during a time zone, going on at the start time of the zone and off at the end time of the zone.
Relays may be disabled during a time zone, becoming disabled at the start of the zone and reenabled at the end of the zone.
During the time a relay is disabled, all access functions, including RQE, are disabled.
The current state of any relay may be auto-cleared at the end of a time zone to insure the automatic reversal of a code activated relay without the need for a manual resetting of the relay. This feature is most often used in combination with a manual Unlock by Code to ensure an automatic Relock by Time Zone.
This feature will not affect relays controlled by a code of higher priority than a time zone, such as Lock Down and Lock Open.
Use CMD 88 * 7 to print the current status of all controller relays. This is the best method to determine why a relay may not be performing the way it is expected to on a Code entry or other event. See Chapter 5 for more information.
START 82 * 1 * 1 * 1 #
Auto-Unlock Door 1 During Time Zone 1
START 82 * 2 * 1 * 5 #
Auto-Disable Relay 1 (No Access) During Time Zone 5
START 82 * 3 * 6 * 1 #
Automatically Lock Door 6 At The End Of Time Zone 1
Time Zone = 0 (Never)
Related CMDs:
π CMD 88*3, 88*4, 88*14 – Print Standard, Master, Grand Master Time Zones
π CMD 88*7 – Print Relay Setups and Status
π CMD 88*10 – Print Door Setups and Status
π CMD 188*14 – Print Setup Changes for Relays
Adding Control Users
CMD 15 – Add Keypad Unlock/Relock User (IDF 1)
CMD 40 – Add Keypad Relay Control User
CMD 41 – Add Keypad Top-Priority Relay Control User (IDF 1)
Time Zone Setups
CMD 52, 54, 56 – Define/Clear Standard, Master Time Zones
Alarm Setups
CMD 76 – Mask Line Module Input During Time Zone
Relay Setups
CMD 83 – Clear Time Zone Control of Relay
CMD 85 – Change Operation for Selected Relays
CMD 182 – Time Zone Control of Expansion Relay
START 83 * Relay #
Time Zone control of any relay may be cleared (reset to none) with this command.
Use CMD 88 * 7 to print the current status of all controller relays. This is the best method to determine why a relay may not be performing the way it is expected to on a code entry or other event. See Chapter 5 for more information.
START 83 * 1 #
Clear Time Zone Control Of Door 1 To None
Related CMDs:
π CMD 88*7 – Print Relay Setups and Status
π CMD 88*10 – Print Door Setups and Status
π CMD 188*14 – Print Setup Changes for Relays
Relay Setups
CMD 82 – Time Zone Control of Relay
CMD 83 – Clear Time Zone Control of Relay
CMD 183 – Clear Time Zone Control of Expansion Relay
Time Zone Setups
CMD 52, 54, 56 – Define/Clear Standard, Master Time Zones
START 84 * NN * Line Module Input * Control Zone #
1 Trigger
2 Retrigger
3 Actuate
4 Disable
Any line module input can trigger any control zone. To cancel an alarm trigger of a control zone set the specified input to trigger control zone 0 (none).
To trigger a control zone means to start the zone's relay control timers at the moment the alarm occurs. The relay timers will start and time out even if the alarm stays active.
To retrigger means that the relay timers are not started until the alarm event restores.
To actuate a control zone means to actuate its relays for as long as the alarm is active and release them the moment the alarm restores. The Relay Timers are ignored when “Actuate” is used.
To disable means the relays are disabled while the alarm is active. Once it restores the dis- abled state is cleared.
If the relays have control delays programmed, they will be recognized by the trigger and retrigger controls but not by the actuate and disable controls.
This feature allows special control capabilities such as turning on perimeter lights when a line module input is triggered, or for annunciation of a specific line module input, or control of HVAC and lighting systems. When using a master control zone in this command, master control zones can only be triggered, not retriggered, actuated or disabled.
See CMD 260, 261 and 262 to have alarm conditions trigger control zones.
START 84 * 1 * 4 * 8 #
Line Module Input 4 Triggers Control Zone 8
Related CMDs:
π CMD 88*8 – Print Alarm Setups and Status
π CMD 88*16 – Print Master Control Zone Setups
π CMD 188*12 – Print Setup Changes for Alarm & Sense Inputs
Control Zone Setups
CMD 45 – Define Standard Control Zone
CMD 184 – Expansion Line Module Input Triggers Control Zone
Relay Setups
CMD 81 – Change Control Time of Relay
START 85 * NN * Relays #
1 Relay Rests ON
2 Relay Rests OFF
3 Auto-Relock On Door Close
4 Auto-Relock On Door Open
5 Auto-Relock OFF
Using this command, you can invert the operation and outputs of each relay.
On controller start-up, relays are set to Rest OFF in the de-energized state and the outputs are as marked on the circuit board. However, using this command, each relay can be changed to Rest ON in the energized state effectively inverting the meaning of the outputs: the normally open contact becomes the normally closed contact.
For example, when controlling elevators always change the relays to Rests ON. This is to ensure that if the control system power fails, the relay coil will be de-energized, thus allowing the elevator to be used.
Auto-Relock occurs 1/2 second after the door opens if the door is equipped with a door switch reporting to a DTLM or MELM. Auto-Relock may be set to activate on door closure for use with special lock and door control systems or turned off for use with mag locks with internal door status sensors.
START 85 * 1 * 45678 #
Change Relays 4 5 6 7 & 8 To Fail Safe For Elevator Control
START 85 * 5 * 1 #
Change Auto-Relock OFF For Mag Lock With Sensor For Door 1
START 85 * 3 * 2 #
Change Auto-Relock To Relock Lock 1/2 Second After Door 2 Is Closed To Allow For Door To Settle Before Relocking
Relay Rests OFF
Auto-Relock on Door Opening
Related CMDs:
π CMD 88*7 – Print Relay Setups and Status
π CMD 88*8 – Print Alarm Setups and Status
π CMD 88*10 – Print Door Setups and Status
π CMD 88*17 – Print Detailed Relay Status Only
π CMD 188*14 – Print Setup Changes for Relays
Alarm Setups
CMD 70-72 – Enable, Disable, Change Selected Line Module Input
CMD 73 – Change Selected RQEs (Request to Exit)
Relay Setups
CMD 81 – Change Control Time of Relay
CMD 185 – Change Function of Expansion Relay
START 86 * NN * Relay/Line Module Input #
1 Relay operates as a control relay / Alarm reports as an alarm
2 Relay operates as a door / Alarm reports as a forced door
Changing the operation of a door redefines line module input reporting and access code operation. Line module inputs on non-doors will print out as an alarm, not as Door Forced Open, whenever they are tripped.
Access codes or IDs entered at ScramblePad/MATCH readers of ‘non-doors’ will not actuate a relay when entered. A valid access code/ID will only mask the alarm associated with the ScramblePad/MATCH reader from which it is entered. This gives individual alarm zone control by code and by ScramblePad/MATCH reader. This is not possible with alarm control codes which can mask any input from any ScramblePad/MATCH Reader. This capability gives passback control to alarm management on non-doors.
Any relay/line module input can be changed to report as an alarm and not a door. Relay/ Line Module Input 1 can be a door and Relay/Line Module Input 2 can be an alarm-only input.
START 86 * 1 * 4 #
Defines Relay 4 As A Non-Door Relay & Alarm Reports As An Alarm.
Relays operate as door/alarm reports at forced door.
Related CMDs:
π CMD 88*7 – Print Relay Setups and Status
π CMD 188*14 – Print Setup Changes for Relays
Adding Users
CMD 10, 19-22, 311-315, 320-322 – Add Access Users
CMD 15, 40-42, 44 – Add Control Users
Alarm Setups
CMD 70-72 – Enable, Disable, Change Selected Line Module Input
CMD 186 – Change Expansion Line Module Input Reporting Mode
Relay Setups
CMD 79 – Change Time For Alarm Relay
CMD 80 – Change Door Time of Relay
START 87 * NN * Relay * Control Zone #
1 Trigger
2 Retrigger
Use this command to enable a specified relay to trigger or retrigger another relay or set of relays through a control zone. This is used for such tasks as shunting a door alarm switch monitored by another controller.
When using a master control zone in this command, master control zones may only be triggered, not retriggered, actuated, or disabled.
START 87 * 1 * 4 * 8 #
Relay 4 Triggers Control Zone 8
Related CMDs:
π CMD 88*7 – Print Relay Setups and Status
π CMD 88*16 – Print Master Control Zone Setups
π CMD 188*14 – Print Setup Changes for Relays
Control Zone Setups
CMD 45 – Define Standard Control Zone
Relay Setups
CMD 81 – Change Control Time of Relay
Alarm Setups
CMD 84 – Line Module Input Triggers Control Zone
CMD 187 – Expansion Relay Triggers Control Zone
START 88 * NN #
(Version 6.6 or earlier)
START 88 * NN [* First * Last] #
(Version 7)
0 Complete System Setups and Status
1 Date, Time, Version Number
2 System Information
3 Standard Time Zones
4 Master Time Zones
5 Standard Access Zones
6 Standard Control Zones
7 Relays
8 Alarm / RQE Inputs
9 Alarm Special Setups and Status
10 Doors
11 Keypads / MATCH
13 Holidays
14 Grand Master Time Zones
15 Master Access Zones
16 Master Control Zones
17 Detailed Relay Status Only
18 Expansion Relays
19 Detailed Expansion Relay Status Only
20 Expansion Alarm / RQE Inputs
21 Expansion Alarm Special Setups and Status
22 Expansion Line Module Input Door Setups
23 Reporting Setups
24 Remote Site Management Setups
25 System Power Status (of AC power, standby battery, and memory battery)
26 Transactions Since Midnight
27 Occupancy, Passback, Two-Person Rule Controls
28 Virtual Relays
29 Detailed Virtual Relay Status
30 HEC Factory Diagnostics
31 Special Needs Unlock Extension Times
32 Special Keypad / MATCH Setups
33 Special MATCH card mapping
First / Last
All NN subcommands that support this option are marked in italics above.
Printing a full or partial system status report lists setups, internal status, and event summaries. This report is auto-generated on every Sunday at midnight. An abbreviated version is automatically printed each day at midnight unless disabled by command.
Printing the date, time and version prints the current date, time and the controller’s CCM Version Number. It also reports the number of users inside and the total number of users in the controller's database.
Printing controller information prints all of the controller's setup parameters.
Printing the standard time zones prints a list of standard time zones with their starting time, ending time and days, and their current active or inactive state. Printing the master time zones prints a list of any of the master time zones which have been assigned standard time zones and their current active or inactive state.
Printing the access zones or control zones prints their time zone and door/relay setups.
Printing the relays & doors prints the relay setup tables and the relay status display. The detailed report shows the exact current status of each relay for troubleshooting assistance.
Printing the line module inputs prints the line module input setup tables and their current state.
Printing the keypads/MATCH prints the keypads/MATCH reader setup tables.
Printing the holidays prints the Holiday list.
Printing the HEC Factory Diagnostics prints a list of numerical tables useful to Hirsch factory engineers in diagnosing the internal performance of the controller and its attached system.
No sensitive information is contained in these printouts.
Several extensions have been added to V6.6 enabling the user to specify only a range of components from that device group. These optional arguments apply to the following command arguments:
88 * 5 * First * Last # – Prints a range of Standard Access Zones
88 * 6 * First * Last # – Print a range of Standard Control Zones
88 * 15 * First * Last # – Print a range of Master Access Zones
88 * 16 * First * Last # – Print a range of Master Control Zones
88 * 18 * First * Last # – Print a range of Expansion Relays
88 * 19 * First * Last # – Print a range of Detailed Expansion Relay Status.
88 * 28 * First * Last # – Print a range of Virtual Relays
88 * 29 * First * Last # – Print a range of Detailed Virtual Relay Status
For a complete list of values generated when you use one or more of these command variations, refer to Chapter 5.
In V6.6, the 88*0 printout prints the various sections in a different order than V6.5. An 88*0 printout is composed of most of the individual printouts put together, 88*1 and up. Since V6.6, they print out in numeric order (that is, Grand Master Time Zones, 88*14, prints out after Holidays, 88*13, instead of after the Master Time Zones, 88*4).
If you have a specific need for the V6.5 format, use 88*0*1 to print the sections in the old arrangement.
In V6.6, options 5, 6, 15, 16, 18, 19, 28, and 29 may take up to two additional arguments. If present, only the indicated item or items will be printed.
There's a variant option, 88*0*2#, which prints options 1, 2, 3, 4, 14, 5, 15, 6, 16, 7, 8, 11, 13, 18, 28, 20, 23, 24, 27, 31, 33.
In V7, 88*11 and 88*12 send the same message which does not include the MATCH LED1/LED2 settings.
START 88 * 1 #
Prints Time, Date, Controller CCM Version, Number Of Users Inside & Total Users
START 88 * 16 * 193 #
In V6.6 and later, prints Master Control Zone #193.
START 88 * 28 * 20 * 30 #
In V6.6 and later, prints Virtual Relays 20 through 30.
Related CMDs:
π CMD 36 – Print Users with Codes
π CMD 188 – Print List of All Changes since cold start
π CMD 260 – Print Alarm Action(s)
START 90 * NN #
1 Controller Reset and Memory Check
2 Controller Maintenance (enable CMD 97)
4 Manual Holiday
Perform a CMD 90 * 2 before issuing a CMD 97. For more about CMD 97, refer to page 4-115.
CMD 90 * 4, Manual Holiday, places the controller in a holiday schedule for the balance of the current day. This is useful for a half-day holiday shutdown schedule such as on Christmas Eve day when many businesses close at noon. It is also useful during emergency situations—such as snow, major power outage, floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, or other unforeseen events—when employees need to be sent home suddenly during normal working hours.
START 90 * 2 #
START 97 * 9 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 #
Enable CMD 97 then enable midnight reports
Related CMDs:
Hidden Commands (90*2)
CMD 97*1 – Change SCIB Setups
CMD 97*2 – Set Default Encryption Key
CMD 97*4 – Set Host Password
CMD 97*5 – Change Buffer Control
CMD 97*6 – Change System Code Reset
CMD 97*7 – Enable/Disable Command Echo
CMD 97*8 – Set Host Timeout
CMD 97*9 – Set No Midnight Report
Manual Holiday (90*4)
CMD 57-59 – Define, Clear Holidays
START 96 #
This command is used to terminate the programming command currently in progress. This command is used to terminate batch-add commands or a long report or printout if required.
START 96 #
Terminates Current Command in Process
Related CMDs:
START 90 * 2 #
START 97 * NN * P1 * P2 * P3 * P4 #
1 - Set Up Serial Printer
2 - Set Default Encryption Key
4 - Set Host Password
5 - Change Buffer Control
6 - Enable/Disable System Code Reset
7 - Enable/Disable Command Echo
8 - Set Host Timeout
9 - Set No Midnight Report
10 - Set SCIB extension options (Version 6.6 and later)
This command provides a way to change several important controller features. Each of these variables requires a slightly different syntax and is explained in more detail on the following pages.
Version 7.0 includes several new sets of system parameters, including dynamic allocation of memory expansion boards, code record databases, event buffers, network buffers, and printer buffers.
CMD 97 must always be immediately preceded by CMD 90 * 2.
Related CMDs:
CMD 97*1 – Set Up Serial Printer
CMD 97*2 – Set Default Encryption Key
CMD 97*4 – Set Host Password
CMD 97*5 – Change Buffer Control
CMD 97*6 – Enable/Disable System Code Reset
CMD 97*7 – Enable/Disable Command Echo
CMD 97*8 – Set Host Timeout
CMD 97*9 – Set No Midnight Report
CMD 97*10 – Set SCIB extension options
START 90 * 2 #
START 97 * 1 * Baud Rate * Parity * Data Bits * Stop Bit #
Baud Rate/Parity/Data Bits/Stop Bits
Baud Rates | 0 | 300 Baud |
| 1 | 600 Baud |
| 2 | 1200 Baud |
| 3 | 2400 Baud |
| 4 | 4800 Baud |
| 5 | 9600 Baud |
Parity | 0 | No Parity |
| 1 | Odd Parity |
| 2 | Even Parity |
Data Bits | 7 | 7 Data Bits |
| 8 | 8 Data Bits |
Stop Bits | 1 | 1 Stop Bit |
| 2 | 2 Stop Bits |
This Command is used to change the SCIB settings to match the serial printer's or terminal's capabilities. Make sure the serial printer's dip switches if available, match the selected settings.
The command START 90 * 2 # must be issued each time just before using CMD 97.
START 90 * 2 #
START 97 * 1 * 3 * 1 * 8 * 1 #
Sets the SCIB For 2400 Baud, Odd Parity, 8 Data Bits, 1 Stop Bit
Related CMDs:
π CMD 88*2 – Print System Information
CMD 90 – Maintenance Command
START 90 * 2 #
START 97 * 2 * P1 * P2 * P3 * P4 #
P1 – Bits 0-15
P2 – Bits 16-31
P3 – Bits 32-47
P4 – Bits 48-63
Sets default HES encryption key.
The command START 90 * 2 # must be issued each time just before using CMD 97.
START 90 * 2 #
START 97 * 2 * 123 * 123 * 123 * 123 #
Defines the default encryption key
Related CMDs:
CMD 97*4 – Set Host Password
START 90 * 2 #
START 97 * 4 * P1 * P2 * P3 * P4 #
P1 – Bits 0-15
P2 – Bits 16-31
P3 – Bits 32-47
P4 – Bits 48-63
Sets host communications password.
The command START 90 * 2 # must be issued each time just before using CMD 97.
START 90 * 2 #
START 97 * 4 * 123 * 123 * 123 * 123 #
Defines host password
Related CMDs:
CMD 97*2 – Set Default Encryption Key
START 90 * 2 #
START 97 * 5 * N * 0 * 0 * 0 #
0 Close Buffer
1 Open Buffer, No Printout of Status
This command is used to change the state of the communications and printer buffers.
When set to Close Buffer, the buffer will not send its contents to a local printer (if one is installed).
When set to Open Buffer, the contents of the buffer are sent in real time to the local printer.
The command START 90 * 2 # must be issued each time just before using CMD 97.
START 90 * 2 #
START 97 * 5 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 #
Closes the buffer
Related CMDs:
π CMD 88*2 – Print System Information
CMD 90 – Maintenance Command
START 90 * 2 #
START 97 * 6 * N * 0 * 0 * 0 #
0 Disable
1 Enable, No Printout of Status
This command is used to disable the controller’s reset button. Normally when the reset switch is pressed for 5 seconds the current system code is deleted and returned to the factory default of 123. When this command is used to disable this function, it is not possible to reset the system code without a cold start.
Pressing the System Code Reset switch for 30 seconds causes a cold start which erases all codes and setups in memory and resets the system code to 123. This command does not disable the cold start capability of the System Code Reset switch.
The command START 90 * 2 # must be issued each time just before using CMD 97.
START 90 * 2 #
START 97 * 6 * 1 * 0 * 0 * 0 #
System Code Reset to 123 is Enabled
START 90 * 2 #
START 97 * 6 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 #
System Code Reset to 123 is Disabled
Related CMDs:
π CMD 88*2 – Print System Information
CMD 90 – Maintenance Command
START 90 * 2 #
START 97 * 7 * N * 0 * 0 * 0 #
0 Disable
1 Enable
Use this command to enable or disable a command echo. This can be useful when establishing communications with certain types of terminals or panels.
The command START 90 * 2 #
must be issued each time just before using CMD 97.
START 90 * 2 #
START 97 * 7 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 #
The command echo is disabled.
Related CMDs:
π CMD 88 – Print System Setups and Status
START 90 * 2 #
START 97 * 8 * 10-255 * 0 * 0 * 0 #
Use this command to reset the host timeout from a value between 10 and 255 seconds. This means that if the attached host PC does not receive any input from the controller within the specified interval, the PC will issue an alarm.
The command START 90 * 2 #
must be issued each time just before using CMD 97.
START 90 * 2 #
START 97 * 8 * 100 * 0 * 0 * 0 #
Resets the host timeout to 100 seconds.
10 seconds
Related CMDs:
π CMD 88*2 – Print System Information
CMD 90 – Maintenance Command
START 90 * 2 #
START 97 * 9 * N * 0 * 0 * 0 #
0 Midnight Reports
1 No Midnight Reports
This command is used to disable or re-enable the default midnight report. Normally the controller will send a complete report to the system printer every day at midnight. However, there may be occasions – like extended holidays or building shutdowns – when generating such a report is unnecessary or inconvenient.
This does not disable an attached PC from receiving a report from the controller.
Note: The command START 90 * 2 #
must be issued each time just before using CMD 97.
Before using this command, you must disable the standard CMD 107.
START 90 * 2 #
START 97 * 9 * 1 * 0 * 0 * 0 #
Disables midnight report generation.
In V6.6, all midnight reports are disabled by default. In V6.6 and later, enabled is the default.
Related CMDs:
π CMD 88*2 – Print System Information
CMD 90 – Maintenance Command
START 90 * 2 #
START 97 * 10 * 0 * Reader * AZ * 0 #
1-16 to identify annunciator-equipped DS47 ScramblePad associated with this SCIB.
Access Zone for self-enrolled users.
Use this command to set SCIB extension options. Additional hardware may be required.
The command START 90 * 2 #
must be issued each time just before using CMD 97.
START 90 * 2 #
START 97 * 10 * 0 * 1 * 65 * 0 #
START 98 * 31 * 1 * 0 * 0 * 0#
Self-enrolled users are enrolled with Access Zone 65. Auto-generated CODEs will appear on DS47 reader #1, hardware permitting.
SCIB extensions disabled.
Related CMDs:
CMD 88 – Print System Setups and Status
START 99 #
To quit the current programming session enter CMD 99. The controller will automatically quit programming mode after 8 minutes without programming activity on the programming Scramblepad keypad.
Change the programming mode timeout using CMD 192.
When in programming mode at a ScramblePad keypad, the ScramblePad will not scramble its display. It will display normal telephone keypad positions for ease of data entry during programming. Once the session is over and CMD 99 is entered, the ScramblePad keypad will return to Scramble Secure mode, unless the scramble feature has previously been turned off.
START 99 #
Quits Programming Mode.
Related CMDs:
CMD 192 – Change Programming Mode Timeout Interval