Installing and Configuring Demographics Plug-in

Installing and Configuring Demographics Plug-in


Refer Guidelines for Facial Image Surveillance document for assistance positioning cameras for Demographics. The Demographic analysis requires carefully placed cameras with adequate resolution and lighting.

Demographics Plug-In

Installing the Plug-In

  1. Launch 3VR System Manager.

  2. In the Configure panel, click the plus sign beside the appliance name.

  3. Right-click the Plug-ins folder and select Add Plug-in.

  4. In the resulting Confirm dialog box, click Install to proceed.

  5. Navigate to the folder containing the plug-in file (Plugins.Demographics-Release-7.0.xxxxx.3pg) and click to highlight the file.

  6. Click OK. The plug-in will now begin installing.

  7. When the plug-in is installed, it will appear below Plug-ins in System Manager.

System License Key

Prior to installing and configuring analytics, enter the system-specific license key that was provided to you at the time of purchase.

If you do not have access to the original order confirmation email, you can look up the license key by appliance serial number on the 3VR Partner Portal, go to http://partners.3VR.com and sign in with your Partner Portal account, then click the Obtain System License Key link.

After obtaining the license key, enter it in the License Settings dialog in 3VR System Manager:

  1. In the Configure tab of System Manager, select the appliance name. The system settings will appear to the right.

  2. Click Common Operations, then click License Settings.

  3. In the License Settings dialog, click Add/Update License Key.

  4. Type the license key in the pop-up box.

  5. Click the Add/Update License Key button.

  6. The License Settings window will update to reflect that a license key was applied.

  7. Click Close to return to the Configure tab.

Binding Cameras to Plug-in

  1. Click the plug-in name to view its settings.

  2. On the right side of System Manager, select the Bound Cameras field and click the ... button.

  3. In the Bind Plug-in to Cameras dialog box, click the [√] beside each camera that should have Demographics.

  4. Click OK to return to the Configure panel.

Configuring Per-Camera Plug-in Settings

Drawing Demographics Inclusion Zone

For each camera that is bound to the Demographics plug-in, you may define one or more zones that will be used for Demographics analysis. The zone name will be appended to the Demographics event that appears in OpCenter. Drawing a zone becomes essential when:

  • The camera covers an area where Demographics analysis is not desired. For example, if the camera covers a checkout line, you might draw a zone that excludes the cashier.

  • You wish to isolate areas in the field of view that might generate different demographics data. For example, a store with a camera covering two end-cap displays might want to compare the demographics of people attracted to each display. Note: this use case is typically only relevant when using a megapixel camera with a wide field of view.

  • Faces appearing in front of the camera are in the field of view for a long time, as in a long hallway. In this case, you might draw an inclusion zone only for the closest half of the camera to avoid
    accidentally counting the same person twice. The image to the right exhibits this use of a zone.

If no inclusion zones are specified, the plug-in will default to analyzing the full frame.

Zones are specified in the Zones tab of the Edit Settings window. To create a new zone:

  1. Click the polygon icon.

  2. Click the video player to begin drawing a zone. Each click of the mouse will create a new line segment. To complete the polygon,
    click the mouse over your start position.

  3. Edit the polygon by clicking and dragging its end points. Sections of the polygon may not overlap.
    In this example, we have drawn a Demographics zone in the center of the hallway.

  4. When the zone has been created, edit the Name of the zone and make sure that [√]Enabled is checked.

  5. Repeat for any remaining zones you wish to draw in the field of view. The area outside of an inclusion zone will be ignored.

Setting the Eye Distance

The Eye-to-Eye Distance setting should be configured on each camera bound to the plug-in. This setting helps the Demographics
plug-in identify and analyze faces. It can also be used to filter out background faces, if the faces in the foreground are substantially
larger. To set the Eye-to-Eye Distance:

  1. In the Edit Settings window, click the Parameters tab.

  2. Wait until a person appears on camera, then click the pause button.

  3. Click and drag the orange box until it covers both of the person’s eyes. The positioning of the box in the video player is irrelevant.

Save Settings

When you are finished editing the Demographics settings for the current camera, click the OK button at the bottom of the Edit Settings dialog. Repeat the steps in this section for any remaining cameras bound to the Demographics plug-in.

Final Configuration

Restarting System Software

  1. In the Configure panel, right-click the appliance name and select Restart 3VR Software.

  2. In the pop-up box that appears, click Restart to proceed. Wait 1-2 minutes for the software to restart.

Verifying Successful Configuration

To verify that the Demographics plug-in has been correctly configured, check for recent Demographics events in 3VR OpCenter:

  1. In 3VR OpCenter, click the Monitor tab to go to the Monitor panel.

  2. Click camera numbers to select the cameras bound to the Demographics plug-in.

  3. Click the arrow below the camera selector to open the event type drop-down menu.

  4. Select [√]Demographics Event.

  5. Click OK.

  6. If the plug-in has been correctly configured, Demographics events will appear in the Monitor panel as they occur in real-time.

Fine Tuning Plug-in Performance with Optimal Settings

The remaining settings in the Edit Settings dialog should only be modified from their defaults if Demographics results are unsatisfactory.

Parameters Tab

Event Time



Event Time




0.2 seconds

0-10 seconds

Face Confidence











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