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Viewing Demographic Events

Monitoring Recent Demographics Events in the Monitor Panel

The OpCenter Monitor panel allows you to view events as they happen. You can specify which cameras to view, and what types of events are displayed. Use the following steps to view recent events generated by the Demographics plug-in:

  1. In 3VR OpCenter, click the Monitor tab to go to the Monitor panel.

  2. Click camera numbers to select the cameras associated with the Demographics plug-in.

  3. Click the arrow below the camera selector to open the event type drop-down menu.

  4. Select [ ]Demographics to display events of that type and click OK.

  5. The Monitor panel will update to display only Demographics events from the selected cameras.
    To view an event, click the event card. The event card will turn blue, indicating it is currently selected.

About Demographics Event Cards

A Demographics event will be generated in OpCenter whenever a person is identified on a camera bound to the Demographics plugin.
Demographics event cards contain pictures, video, and information about the person. They appear in the Monitor panel for recent
events and in the Search panel for search results.

Each Demographics event card contains the following information in storyboard view:

  1. Thumbnail image

  2. Camera number and name

  3. Time of event

  4. Event type

  5. Length of event

  6. Demographics zone name (or “None”)

  7. Estimated age

  8. Gender with additional information displayed on mouse-over:

    1. Date of event

Viewing Demographic Events

When a Demographics event card is selected, the video clip associated with the event will play back in the video player. Details about the event may be viewed in the event editor, located below the video player.
In addition to the tabs available for all event types, such as Notes and Images, Demographics events include the following information in the Details tab:

  • Demographics Zone Name: The name of the Demographics zone generating the
    event (or “None”)

  • Age Group: The estimated age of the person

  • Gender: The gender of the person

Searching for Demographic Events

Use the Search panel to find Demographics events recorded days, weeks, or months ago.

  1. To go to the Search panel, click the Search tab.

  2. Define the dates, days of the week, and time ranges to search for events.

  3. Under Cameras, select one or more cameras bound to the Demographics plug-in.

  4. Under Events, select [ ]Demographics to search for events generated by the Demographics plug-in.

  5. The following options are available when searching for Demographics events:

    Click ( )All Demographics to search for all Demographics events generated during the specified time range.

  6. To search using Demographics properties, click ( )Specify.

    • Type some text in the Demographics Zone box to locate events in a specific zone.

    • To search by estimated age, adjust the Minimum Age and Maximum Age slider bars to represent the age(s) of interest.

    • To search by gender, open the Gender drop-down and select Male or Female.

When searching for a specific zone, only exact matches (case-insensitive) will be returned.

6. When you are finished defining the criteria for the search, click the Search button.

7. Demographics events matching your criteria will be displayed in the Search panel results screen.

8. Select an event card to view the video clip and details
associated with the event.

Creating Alerts for Demographics Events

In the Alerts panel, you can instruct the 3VR appliance to perform a specified action when video is recorded that matches certain
Use the following steps to set up an alert that will perform an action, such as sending an email, in response to an event generated by
the Demographics plug-in.

  1. To go to the Alerts panel, click the Alerts tab.

  2. To create a new alert, click New.
    In the alert editing screen, define the criteria for the alert:

  3. Type a name for the new alert.

  4. Select a color for the alert. The color will be displayed on event cards that trigger the alert.

  5. Specify the day of the week and hours that the alert should be active.

  6. Under Cameras, select a camera configured for Demographics events.

  7. Check the boxes next to one or more alert Actions to carry out when the alert is triggered.

  8. If desired, type an alert response procedure. This text will be included with the alert and posted on events that trigger the alert.

  9. Under Events, select [ ]Demographics.

    1. The following options are available when alerting for Demographics events:

      1. Click ( )All Demographics to generate an alert for all Demographics events occurring during the specified time range.

      2. To generate alerts for specific Demographics properties, click ( )Specify. The options under ( )Specify are identical to the event selector in the Search panel. Please refer to the previous section for more information.

  10. When you are finished defining the criteria for the alert, click the Save button.

  11. The alert will be added to the list of alerts displayed in the main view of the Alerts panel. Click the check box next to the alert to enable it.

Demographics Reporting

Unlike 3VR’s other analytics plug-ins, the Demographics plug-in has its own reporting application, the Demographics Reporter. The
Demographics Reporter allows you to visualize Demographics data in aggregate and over time.

Installing Demographics Reporter

  1. Double-click Installer-Demographics-7.0.1.XXXXX.exe to begin the installation process. Test Demographics

The Demographics installer was included in the Demographics download package. If you no longer have access to
this file, please contact 3VR Technical Support at to request it.

2. The 3VR Client Applications require the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 to function.

If Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 is not present on your PC, the
InstallShield Wizard will install it as the first step in the installation

3. Click Install to proceed.

It may take up to 5 minutes to install Microsoft .NET
Framework 4.0.

4. At the InstallShield Wizard Welcome screen, click Next.

5. The InstallShield Wizard will display the 3VR Client Applications End User License Agreement.

6. Read the agreement, then click ( ) I accept the terms in the license agreement and click Next.

7. Specify the folder where Demographics Reporter should be installed.

8. Click Install to begin the installation.

9. When installation is complete, click Finish to exit the wizard.

Signing In to Demographics Reporter

  1. Double-click DemographicsReporter.exe to launch the application.

  2. At the sign in screen, enter the User Name and Password of your
    3VR user account.

  3. Select an appliance to connect to:

    • If this is your first time signing in to Demographics Reporter on this PC, type the IP address of the 3VR appliance in the Appliance box

    • If you have signed into Demographics Reporter previously on this PC, open the Appliance drop-down menu and select the system to connect to.

  4. Click Sign In.

Loading Data

Use the following steps to load data from the appliance into Demographics Reporter:

  1. Double-click to select each Demographics camera you wish to view.

  2. Click the calendar icon next to Start and End to specify the date range of Demographics data to load into the Reporter, and then adjust the start and end times if necessary.

  3. Click Load Events.
    Wait while data loads; a progress bar will appear indicating the progress of the transfer. This process may take few seconds or up to several minutes, depending on the number of cameras and the date range requested.

    When the application is ready, the progress bar will disappear and the Histogram and Time Series buttons will become enabled.

Viewing Demographics Data

Two kinds of charts may be generated in the Demographics Reporter: Histogram and Time Series.

A histogram is a simple bar chart showing a frequency distribution. In the Demographics Reporter, the histogram shows the total number of Demographics events in the data set, grouped by age range and color-coded for gender.
A time series shows the same data as the histogram, but over time. The X-axis of the time series chart will span the date range of the
data set.

Time Series

  1. To view the time series, click the Time Series button.

  2. The Time Series displays the Demographics data over time, with
    one bar for every hour in the dataset.
    Each bar is then split into smaller bars which are color-coded
    for age and gender.
    As with the Histogram, the age groupings are based on the values in the Age Group Cutoffs box. To change the grouping, edit the values in this box, then click Reload to re-display the chart with the new groupings.

  3. If desired, save the Demographics data to your computer:

  • Select Image from the drop-down menu and then click Save to save the current chart as a .png image.

  • Select CSV and click Save to export the underlying data in a .csv file.


  1. To view the histogram, click the Histogram button.

  2. The default histogram displays all Demographics results, from age 0-100.
    The age groupings in Histogram are based on the values in the
    Age Group Cutoffs box.
    To change the groupings, edit the values in this box. For example,
    you might enter “18, 25, 35, 45, 55, 65” to split the results
    into age groups for market research.

  1. After editing the Age Group Cutoffs box, click Reload to re display
    the chart with the new groupings.

  2. If desired, save the Demographics data to your computer:

  • Select Image from the drop-down menu and then click Save to save the current chart as a .png image.

  • Select CSV and click Save to export the underlying data in a .csv file.

  • No labels