Log into Primis.
Click on the Users tab.
On the left, click on the Badging link.
In the Actions bar, click the Add Badging Template.
Enter the Name MainBadgeTemplate and the Description as Double-sided template.
Click on Save.
A default template is created with the site name (Main is the default), first name, last name, and card expiry date, all of which are defined when creating a user. Click on Edit Badge. The following screen is displayed:
Click on the Users link from within the Users tab.
In the Actions bar, click Add User.
Enter the Name of the user, as well as a Wiegand Card Number anda Telephone number.
Click the HostUAG User Access Group to move it to selected.
Note how Badge lists the templates (MainBadgetemplate and BackTemplate) we created before.
5. Click Save.
6. Stay on the same screen and note how its title has changed to View/Edit. Confirm that the Badge is set to MainBadgeTemplate and the Category is set to (the previously created) Hosts (see Appendix A for more details on Categories.)
Even though the default ribbon type on your printer driver is Full Color/Resin Black/Overlay it might print green on one side and black on the other as opposed to green on both sides as expected above.
We will now create a Visitor User:
Click on the Users link.
In the Actions bar, click on Add User.
Enter a Name for the user as well as Wiegand Card Number and a Telephone number.
Select MainBadgeTemplate in the Badge dropdown box.
Select VisitorUAG as its User Access Group.
Click Save.
Edit the User and select Visitor from the Category dropdown box.
Set the Expire date to 201826, August 2023.
Click Save.
Click on the Users link. Note how we’ve created two users each with different card #s and different access groups
Facility Friend with Primis - Configuration
Log in to Primis.
Click on the System tab and then on the Devices link on the left and make sure you have at least one device configured.
Click on the Schedules tab and make sure you have at least one schedule configured.
Click on the Controlled Areas tab and make sure you have at least one control area representing a door configured:
Click on the controlled area displayed in Step 4 (ControlArea1) and make sure it uses the device you configured at the beginning of this appendix.
Click on the Access tab and create two User Access Groups: HostUAG and VisitorUAG
Select each Access Group and make sure that they are both using an existing controlled area and schedule.
Tip |
Normally it’s considered best practice to import users from Primis so that they don’t have to be created twice and they can be kept synchronized. |
Alert Levels
Alert Level Management
In this example, the Controlled Area is set to open during office hours only when the alert level is Low or Guarded. To configure alert levels for controlled areas, go to the Unlock Schedule tab in on the View/Edit Controlled Area page.