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Installation and Configure Video Services

Video Services have 3 main components for configuration:

  • Freedom Primis Software:  Requests video streaming from the video service with no drivers required for the UI.

  • Video Service: Connects to the DVRs using the information provided by the freedom Primis system and gathers the list of cameras from the DVR system.

  • Selected DVR:  The DVR is where the video clips are stored for retention purposes.

The video service may be installed on the Freedom Primis server on a dedicated machine.  It is recommended that if there are more than 16 cameras that there be a dedicated server for the streaming of the video cameras.



Primis Video Service

  1. Download the most recent file from the partner portal.

  2. Using WinSCP or another tool install the video service.

  3. Run the installation of the .rpm file by:

freedomPrimis-server# rpm –ivh fvid-service.rpm

4. Start the freedom Primis video service:    

freedomPrimis-server# service fvid start

Configure Video Service

Once the video service is installed the next step is to configure Freedom Primis to connect to the freedom Primis video service.

  1. Click on the System navigation tab.

  2. On the left, click on the Video, and then the Video Service link.

  3. Enter the required IP, port, and video data.

  4. In the Actions bar, click on Save.

  5. To test the service connection in the actions bar click Test Connection. If successful you have


  1. set up the connection!  If not check your setting and attempt to connect again.

Adding an NVR Server

  1. Click on the System navigation tab.

  2. On the left, click on the Video, and then the NVR Servers link.

  3. In the Actions bar, click on Add NVR Server.

  4. Enter a Name and a Description for the NVR server. This is simply an identifier.

  5. Enter the IP Address of the server. The server needs to be on the same network as the Mesh Server

  6. Enter the Port number for the NVR server. The default port is 80; however, this can be verified from the NVR server configuration.

  7. Enter a Username and Password. This can also be accessed from the NVR server’s settings or the NVR server’s manual.

  8. Select the type of NVR Server from the Type dropdown menu.

  9. Click the Save button once all the fields are completed.


Once the NVR Server is added all fields except the Type field can be changed. To change the type of the NVR Server, the added server must be deleted and re-added.

 Assign Camera to Controlled Area

In order to show a camera associated with a controlled area you must assign it in the controlled area. 

  1. Click on the Controlled Area navigation tab.

  2. On the left, click on the Controlled Area link that you wish to add camera to.

  3. In the Controlled Area, click on Cameras tab.

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  4. Enter a Camera Name and click the add button.

  5. Set the first time in seconds. This marks the number of seconds of video that will be displayed in the event window.

  6. Set the second number; that is set to the post-event video length in seconds.

  7. When more than one camera is added select Primary on the camera that you want to display event video for when the controlled area generates an alarm.

  8. Select the + button to save the camera to the controlled area.

Video Display Configuration Options

You must set a system configuration flag in order to use AMS Lite.

To configure AMS Lite:

  1. Log in to


  1. Primis as a system administrator.

  2. Click on the System navigation tab.

  3. On the left, click on the AMS link. The following screen appears:


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  2. Select AMS Lite.

  3. When Enabled is checked on the Database Master server, the server will listen to and collect Access Events from remote node servers in real time. The fields that follow: Host Name, Port, and Protocol - specify the address that remote nodes are reporting to. Generally, this is the same IP address of the main server, or the server’s external IP that is visible to remote nodes. This feature allows the Database Master Server to work as a centralized Log Events repository.

  4. Check the View Monitor box to have the Monitor navigation tab appear at the top of the screen.

  5. Check the Display Video box to enable the video display panel on the right-hand side of the monitor tab.

  6. Click Save.

Video Performance Optimization Considerations

Should there be performance issues due to the number of live streams, the default course of action will be to install the video services on a remote dedicated machine to manage the DVRs. 

The Freedom Primis application will be able to stream to 16 IP cameras.  The first course of action if performance on the desktop is an issue is to look at adjusting the frame rate for streaming live video. Often this can be decreased , and will use less memory on the CPU.

Badge Printer Setup

Facility Friend is an easy-to-use, web-based, Enterprise-class, visitor and parcel management system. A receptionist, concierge, or security officer can register and sign in visitors to track who, and where they are visiting within a facility.

Facility Friend now ships as a Freedom Primis module; Facility Friend logins sync with FreedomPrimis. Hosts are integrated from Freedom Primis into Facility Friend to sync the cardholder database as your list of hosts with Site Support. You can sync Visitors within Facility Friend to a Default Access Group within FreedomPrimis.

Currently Supported Printers:

  • HID Fargo DTC4500

  • HID Fargo DTC4500e

  • Evolis Tattoo

  • Evolis  Pebble

Badge Printer Service Setup


Primis Setup with Facility Friend

The Freedom Primis system must have some basic configuration completed before you can use the Facility Friend module. Please refer to Appendix A – Basic Freedom Primis Setup with Facility Friend to ensure you have set up the Freedom Primis system for using Facility Friend.

Printer Setup

Some printer and driver configuration configurations must be done before you can proceed with printing Facility Friend Badge Cards. However, no special licensing is required.

To download the Facility Friend Print Utility installer:

  1. Log into


  1. Primis.

  2. Click on the System navigation tab.

  3. On the left, click the Utilities link.

  4. Click the Download sub link.

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  5. You will find the Print Utility installer (PrintUtilSetup92b.exe) under Downloads. If not there please contact technical support. Save it to a Windows folder such as c:\tmp.

Note that the following instructions use Windows 10; the instructions should be very similar if you are currently running Windows 8.1 or slightly different in Windows 7. Windows XP and Windows Vista are no longer supported.


After installing the driver install the printer:

  1. Click on the Search button at the bottom left of your computer and look for “Printers & Scanners”.

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  2. Click on Add Printers & Scanners.

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  3. Choose Add a local printer or network printer with manual settings

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  4. Select Create a new port and select DTC… in the Type of port dropdown box. Click Next.

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  5. Enter the TCP/IP Printer Port address of the printer you will be using to print the badge cards and click Next.

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  6. Click Next again.

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  7. Click Finish.

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  8. If you installed the printer driver successfully it will be listed under Manufacturer.
    Note: If installing a DTC4500 choose Fargo (not HID) and the desired printer model. In this case DTC4500e. Click Next.

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  9. Select Use the driver that is currently installed (recommended) and click Next.

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  10. Enter a name for the printer or keep the default. Make a note of the printer name – you will need to add this name to the Facility Friend Printer Utility later. Click Next.

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  11. Select Share this printer so that others on your network can find and use it and enter its Share name. Click Next.

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  12. Go back to the folder where you downloaded the Facility Friend Print Utility installer (ffPrintUtilSetup.exe), e.g. c:\tmp, and double-click on it.

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  13. Click on Next when you see the Welcome screen.

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  14. Choose an installation folder or stay with the program files default and click Next.


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  2. Click Install.

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  3. Once you see the final screen click Finish.

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  4. Click on the Show Hidden Icon that is located in the bottom right-hand corner of your screen. It looks something like this:


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  2. Right-click on the taskbar and click Taskbar settings and click on Select Which Icons appear on the taskbar.

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  3. Locate the (


  1. Identiv) ffPrintUtil.exe print utility and toggle the radio button to ON

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  2. Its icon will now appear on the bottom right where the other notification icons are displayed.


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  2. Right-click on it and choose Open.


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  2. In the Select Printer dropdown box, select the name of the printer you entered in Step 10 of these instructions.

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  3. Click on the Configuration tab and note the port number (1024 is the default).

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  4. Click the white x to close the Facility Friend Print Utility.


Primis Badging


Primis Badging Configuration

Please make sure that you have completed the basic Freedom Primis configuration as outlined in Appendix A so that you have a Freedom Primis device, a controlled area, a schedule, two user access groups, and two user categories called 0050C2CC37F2, ControlArea1, 24x7, HostUAG and VisitorUAG, and Visitors and Hosts respectively.

Badging Template

The Freedom Primis Badging tool is similar to other Vector drawing tools such as Illustrator and CorelDraw.

To create a Badging Template:

  1. Log into


  1. Primis.

  2. Click on the Users tab.

  3. On the left, click on the Badging link.

  4. In the Actions bar, click the Add Badging Template.

  5. Enter the Name MainBadgeTemplate and the Description as Double-sided template.


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  2. Click on Save.


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  2. A default template is created with the site name (Main is the default), first name, last name, and card expiry date, all of which are defined when creating a user. Click on Edit Badge. The following screen is displayed:

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It is recommended that you use a full screen in your browser while editing a badging template.

8. Just like other vector drawing tools, in order to edit the template you must first click on one of the icons on the left and then execute the desired action. I.e. To enter text, click on the A icon on the left of the screen, click anywhere on the template you are editing, and add the text:


9. In the same manner you can add a standard Freedom Primis user data field. To enter a data field click on the A icon again, click anywhere on the template you are editing, and select a data field from its drop-down near the top of the screen:


The following data fields are supported:

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Freedom Primis Site (the default site is Main)

  • Photograph

  • User Category

  • Telephone

  • Start Date

  • Expiry Date


 12. Click on the Badging link and then the Add Badging Template button to create another template for the back of the double-sided card i.e. BackTemplate. Click Save.


17. Click on the MainBadgeTemplate and select the second template, BackTemplate, from the Back Side dropdown box to create a double-sided badge template.


18. Click Save.

Adding and Printing Badges for Users

We will now create a Host user with some of the data fields used to create the badges we defined.

  1. Click on the Users link from within the Users tab.

  2. In the Actions bar, click Add User.

  3. Enter the Name of the user, as well as a Wiegand Card Number anda Telephone number.

  4. Click the HostUAG  User Access Group to move it to selected.
    Note how Badge lists the templates (MainBadgetemplate and BackTemplate) we created before.

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5. Click Save.

6. Stay on the same screen and note how its title has changed to View/Edit. Confirm that the Badge is set to MainBadgeTemplate and the Category is set to (the previously created) Hosts (see Appendix A for more details on Categories.)


If you don’t get a Connection Test Successful! message, double-check the IP address and the port number, and make sure that you can access the Windows workstation from the Freedom Primis Linux server or from another computer. If you believe that the IP address and the port number are correct and the Test button fails, double-check the Firewall on your Windows workstation.


We will now create a Visitor User:

  1. Click on the Users link.

  2. In the Actions bar, click on Add User.

  3. Enter a Name for the user as well as Wiegand Card Number and a Telephone number.

  4. Select MainBadgeTemplate in the Badge dropdown box.

  5. Select VisitorUAG as its User Access Group.

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  6. Click Save.

  7. Edit the User and select Visitor from the Category dropdown box.

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  8. Set the Expire date to 2018.

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  9. Click Save.

  10. Click on the Users link. Note how we’ve created two users each with different card #s and different access groups

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Facility Friend with


Primis - Configuration

Overview of Integration

Freedom Primis is not integrated to pass Visitor information into freedom Primis so that it may be used for a single site as a visitor management system.  The freedom Primis server will connect to the Facility Friend system and sync.  Allowing the following:

  • Freedom Primis will be able to push the existing card holders cardholders into Freedom Primis as “Hosts”

  • Freedom Primis will be able to push the visitors into the freedom Primis system to belong to a default Visitor Access Group , and will allow them access to that controlled area to the length that they are visiting a facility.

Setup of


Primis For Facility Friend Integration

The Freedom Primis system must have some basic configuration completed before you can use the Facility Friend module. Configure your Freedom Primis system from right to left starting with the System tab as follows:


  1. Log in to


  1. Primis.

  2. Click on the System tab and then on the Devices link on the left and make sure you have at least one device configured.

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  3. Click on the Schedules tab and make sure you have at least one schedule configured.

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  4. Click on the Controlled Areas tab and make sure you have at least one control area representing a door configured:

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  5. Click on the controlled area displayed in Step 4 (ControlArea1) and make sure it uses the device you configured at the beginning of this appendix.

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  6. Click on the Access tab and create two User Access Groups: HostUAG and VisitorUAG

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  7. Select each Access Group and make sure that they are both using an existing controlled area and schedule.

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8. Click on the Users tab and select the User Categories link. Add a Visitors category and click the + add button to add another category for Hosts:


So that your two categories are displayed as follows:


Your Freedom Primis setup for Facility Friend is complete.

Setup Of Facility Friend For Sync To



You can use the Facility Friend Import tool to import users from Freedom Primis into Facility Friend.

  1. Log in to Facility Friend. The main screen is displayed.

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  2. Make sure the


  1. Primis server you are trying to connect to in order to import its users is accessible. In this example, both the


  1. Primis and the Facility Friend servers are running on a server with IP, so they are accessed by typing or into the browser. The following screen is displayed:

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    If this screen does not appear, make sure your Linux


  1. Primis server is configured to have the API module running and its firewall allows access to port 9000 from the outside.

  2. Go back to Facility Friend and click on Account Settings (top right) and


  1. Primis Servers.

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  2. Click on Add a


  1. Primis Server (top right).

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  2. Enter a Name for the


  1. Primis server you are connecting to and add the required fields and click on Save.

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  2.  Wait a few minutes and click on Account Settings (top right) and


  1. Primis Servers again.

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If the connection is successful you will see Online displayed in the Host line.


The default site (Main) from the Freedom Primis server we are configuring will be displayed.


8. Click on the Visitor tab. The user ‘Willy Visitor’ was imported from Freedom Primis because it belongs to the VisitorUAG access group.


 11. Click on Continue. You can see two types of visitor users: the one imported from Freedom Primis and the one created locally.


Normally it’s considered best practice to import users from Freedom Primis so that they don’t have to be created twice and they can be kept synchronized.


14. Click on Continue. You can see two types of host users: the one imported from Freedom Primis and the one created locally.


Normally it’s considered best practice to import users from Freedom Primis so that they don’t have to be created twice and they can be kept synchronized.


Alert Levels

Alert Level Management

Alert Levels allow the Freedom Primis server to adjust its access control behaviour globally. Controlled Area Schedules and Access Groups can be restricted by alert levels. As a security level escalates, the Freedom Primis server can restrict access accordingly. For example, a front entrance of a building is open during office hours. However, when the alert level is escalated to HIGH, the system can automatically lockdown the front entrance by overriding the open schedule.

Alerts Levels


When enabled in the license file Freedom Primis Admin, the current alert level is always shown at the top of the page.


In this example, Access Groups Standard Employees have no access when the alert level is “High” or “Severe”.


Controlled Area Configuration of Alert Levels

In this example, the Controlled Area is set to open during office hours only when alert level is Low or Guarded. To configure alert levels for controlled areas, go to the Unlock Schedule tab in the View/Edit Controlled Area page.



Please refer to Chapter Controlled Areas for more information. 

Change of Alert Level

Freedom Primis Administrators can set the current Alert Level by going to the System tab under Administration and clicking Risk Level.
