Watching Video with Object Overlays
The cameras configured with Advanced Object Tracking feature tracking overlays that highlight the object in the video. Tracking overlays can be enabled in OpCenter for the playback of both live and stored video.
Tracking Overlays in the Video Panel
To turn on object tracking overlays when watching live or stored video in the Video panel, right-click the video player select Overlays > Show Object Tracks.
All objects identified in the screen will be shown with translucent gray overlay
Tracking Overlays in Event Video
To turn on object tracking overlays when watching an event video clip in the Monitor panel or Search panel results screen, right-click the video player select Overlays > Show Object Tracks
The tracked object will be identified with a translucent blue overlay
Any other objects moving in the scene will appear with gray overlays
Viewing Advanced Object Events
Monitoring Recent Advanced Object Events in the Monitor Panel
The OpCenter Monitor panel allows you to view events as they happen. You can specify which cameras to view, and what types of events are displayed.
Use the following steps to view recent events generated by the Advanced Object Tracking plug-in:
In 3VR OpCenter, click the Monitor tab.
Click camera numbers to select the cameras associated with the Advanced Object Tracking plug-in.
Click the arrow below the camera selector to open the event type drop-down menu.
Select [ ]Advanced Object and click OK.
The Monitor panel will update to display only Advanced Object events from the selected cameras.
To view an event, click the event card. The event card will turn blue, indicating it is currently selected.
Advanced Object Event Cards
An Advanced Object event will be generated in OpCenter whenever an object is captured on a camera bound to the Advanced Object Tracking plug-in.
Advanced Object event cards contain pictures, video, and information about each tracked object. They appear in the Monitor panel for recent events and in the Search panel search results.
Each Advanced Object event card contains the following information in storyboard view:
Thumbnail image
Camera number and name
Time of event
Event type
Length of the event video clip
Color bar (Displays the object’s three most prominent colors)
Direction icon
Event details (Lists the properties of an event card. The Colors are referred to by their color IDs. To cross-reference an ID with its corresponding color, see the Search panel color selector)
with additional information displayed on mouse-over:
Date of event
Viewing Advanced Object Event Video Clip
To view the video clip and other details of an Advanced Object event, click the event card. The video clip will play back in the video player.
To display an overlay identifying the tracked object, right-click the video player and select Overlays-> Show Object Tracks. Refer Watching Video with Object Overlays section for more details.
Viewing Event Details
When an Advanced Object event card is selected, details about the event may be viewed in the event editor, located below the video player.
In addition to the tabs available for all event types, such as Notes and Images, Advanced Object events include the following information in the Details tab:
Colors: The object’s three most prominent colors
Directions: The direction the object was traveling it
Speed: The speed of the object
Size: The size of the object relative to the rest of the field of view
Aspect: The aspect ratio of the object
Searching for Advance Object Events
Setting up the Search
<<Include Video>>
Sorting Search Results
There are two ways to sort the results of a search: by Time and by Similarity. Although the default sort order for standard motion events is by time, when searching for Advanced Object events using the options under ( )Specify it is recommended to sort by similarity. This will place the Advanced Object events that best match your criteria at the top of the Search panel results screen.
Sort order is specified when setting up the criteria for a search. To change the sorting of Advanced Object events:
Under Events, check the box next to [ ]Advanced Object to search for events generated by the Advanced Object Tracking plug-in.
Click ( )Specify.
Change the Sort Results By radio button to ( )Similarity.
Modify the ( )Specify search options as desired. The following options will produce meaningful results when sorting by similarity: