Installing Velocity Web Services Client using the Web Installer

Installing Velocity Web Services Client using the Web Installer

To install Velocity Web Services Client (VWSC) after Velocity is installed:

  1. Search for the vwc2install.exe file in the Velocity folder. Typically, the file is installed in C:\Program Files (x86)\Identiv\Velocity\ path

  2. Right-click the vwc2install.exe file to Run as administrator

  3. The EULA screen appears. Read the License Agreement and scroll to the bottom, then click Accept

  4. In the Application Install Options screen, select the Install Velocity Web Service and IIS Client Website (Recommended) radio button

  5. Enter the Account and Password, then click Next
    For example, to specify a Domain Windows account name of "DOMAIN_NAME\VelocityServices" or a Local Windows account ".\VelocityServices" and the Password for the account.
    Note: The default service account that is used by the underlying VWSC service is “VelocityServices”

  6. The Velocity Web Services Client Installer will check the system for prerequisites

Starting with Velocity 3.8.5, the .NET Framework 4.8 runtime is bundled with Velocity, eliminating the need for downloading online.

Except for Windows Server 2022, older Server versions, such as Windows Server 2019/2016, do not come with the .NET Framework 4.8 pre-installed.

  1. After checking the System Prerequisites, the Service and Website Settings window for the service configuration appears

  1. In the Service and Website Settings window, you will need to select a Communication mode of HTTP (Deprecated) (unsecure) or HTTPS (Recommended) (secure)

  2. Keep the default Port number 2026, or enter a different value.

  3. Finally, you will need to choose an IIS Configuration of Use Forms Authentication (Recommended) or Use Windows Authentication, then click Next

  4. Wait until the installer completes the Velocity Web Services Client installation.

  5. In the Application Installation of the Velocity Web Services Client installer, click Next

  6. After the installation is complete, a completion screen like the one below appears, click Close to finish

The sections “Using HTTPS Communication” and “Using HTTP Communication” on this page explain the Forms Authentication and Windows Authentication IIS Configuration and SSL certificate fields supported in the Service and Website Settings window.

Using HTTPS Communication

Only servers configured with HTTPS and an SSL certificate from a trusted certificate authority can enable the newly introduced two-factor authentication feature, offering users additional security benefits. Due to security restrictions, servers configured with HTTP or self-signed certificates will have this option disabled to maintain system integrity and protect user security.

Forms Authentication

  1. Configuring HTTPS and Forms Authentication in IIS with an SSL certificate:
    Forms authentication is commonly used for IIS websites that require user logins, such as web applications, portals, or intranet sites.

    • Select the Communication type option HTTPS (Recommended)

    • The default port number, 2026, should be selected

    • Select the Use Forms Authentication (Recommended) option in IIS Configuration

    • Choose your SSL certificate, or if you do not have one, select the Identiv Velocity Web Services self-signed certificate from the SSL certificate drop-down menu

  2. Click Next. The VWSC installation is now complete, as shown in step 3

Windows Authentication

  1. Configuring HTTPS and Windows Authentication in IIS with an SSL certificate:
    Windows authentication is often used in intranet environments where the web server and users' computers are part of the exact Windows Active Directory Domain or Workgroup.

    • Select the Communication type option HTTPS (Recommended)

    • The default port number, 2026, should be selected

    • Select the Use Windows Authentication option in IIS Configuration

    • Choose your SSL certificate, or if you do not have one, select the Identiv Velocity Web Services self-signed certificate from the SSL certificate drop-down menu

  2. Click Next. The VWSC installation is now complete, as shown in step 3

Using HTTP Communication

Note that HTTP communication has been deprecated as of the 3.8.6 release and will no longer be supported from VWSC v3.9 onwards. Please switch to HTTPS for more secure communication.

For the IIS setting that is configured using Forms Authentication or Windows Authentication using HTTP, you should be viewing a screen like the one below:

Forms Authentication

  1. Configuring HTTP and Forms Authentication in IIS:

    • Select the Communication type option HTTP (Deprecated)

    • The default port number, 2026, should be selected

    • Select the Use Forms Authentication (Recommended) option in IIS Configuration

    • Click Next. As in step 3, you will see a screen showing that the VWSC installation is completed

Windows Authentication

  1. Configuring HTTP and Windows Authentication in IIS:

  2. Select the Communication type option HTTP (Deprecated)

    • The default port number, 2026, should be selected

    • Select the Use Windows Authentication option in IIS Configuration

    • Click Next. As in step 3, you will see a screen showing that the VWSC installation is completed

  3. The Application Installation window appears; wait until the installer completes the VWSC Website installation

  1. Click Next to view the completed installation screen

  1. Click Close. A pop-up screen will launch the Velocity Web Services Client application in your default browser

  1. Click on a supported browser and click OK to access your local machine's Velocity Web Services Client login page


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