How do I reset encryption on a Controller?

How do I reset encryption on a Controller?

  1. Disable the Port, Xbox, Controller in DIGI*TRAC Configuration

  2. Check the address number inside the Xbox and controller on Velocity, and verify they are the same

  3. Power down the controller

  4. Set the address on the controller to the address number set inside Velocity

  5. Set switch 1 on switch bank 2 to the ON position.

  6. Power the controller on.

  7. Wait for P1 SNIB light to toggle green and amber (could be green and red)

  8. Open port properties > check reset encryption > check enable this port > press OK

  9. Enable the xbox, then the controller

  10. Verify communication is established between Velocity and controller by seeing controller event dump in event buffer.

  11. Turn off switch 1 on SW2 once communication is confirmed.

See below for a Troubleshooting Flowchart


Resetting Encryption Flowchart (5)-20240617-190308.png