Velocity Video Plug-in Installation and Configuration_v3.8.5

Velocity Video Plug-in Installation and Configuration_v3.8.5

System Requirements

Besides this Velocity Video Integration (and a supported plug-in), your system must include the following components:

  • A physical access control system with various hardware components controlled by version 3.8.5 of the Hirsch Velocity security management system software
  • A video surveillance system with cameras connected to a supported DVR or NVR.

Licensing and Installing this Product

Before installing the Velocity Video Integration (and supported plug-in) on your Velocity system, you must obtain a separate license and activate it using Velocity’s License Manager.  After installing the integration, you must also perform a few configuration and setup tasks.

NOTE:  The Velocity Video Integration (and a supported plug-in) must only be installed on your Velocity Server.  Any remote Velocity Clients will automatically be updated the next time they are restarted and connected to the updated Velocity Server.  However, the client update will fail with an “Access Denied” message unless the Velocity operator is a member of the Velocity Administrators group and has the Windows local Administrator privilege to install software on that computer.

Licensing the Velocity Video Integration and DVR Plug-in

Prerequisites:  To license the Velocity Video Integration, you will need a licensed Velocity 3.8.5 system and a personal computer with email access so you can provide Identiv with information about your Velocity system and receive a license key.

1. Contact Identiv’s Sales department to purchase a license for this video integration (and the desired plug-in).

2. They will ask you to send them an email message containing the Server ID of your Velocity Server.  (Exchanging this information via email instead of by phone ensures that it is correct and provides us with an email address so we can send you the license key.)  The Server ID is obtained from the Velocity License Manager.

  • Open the Velocity License Manager.
    • If the Velocity Service Control Manager icon is displayed in the Windows taskbar, right-click on it and choose Velocity License Manager from the pop-up menu.

  • If the Velocity Service Control Manager icon is not displayed in the Windows taskbar, click the upwards-pointing triangle on the left side of the taskbar to show the hidden icons for additional programs.

The Velocity License Manager displays information about the licenses for the installed components.  The critical piece of information needed to obtain a license for the Velocity Video Integration is the Server ID.

  • Click the button after the Server ID to copy that information to the Windows Clipboard, and then paste it into an email message to Identiv so we can create your license key.  (If you do not have email access on your Velocity Server, you can paste the information into a text file and transfer it between computers using a USB drive.)

  • Close the Velocity License Manager.

3. After you receive an email containing your license key, copy all the characters between the  -- License Key Start --  and the  
-- License Key End --  lines (shown in the following screen capture).

Note that the license key is only valid on the computer with the specified Server ID; it cannot be used on a different computer.

  1. If your Velocity Server is on a different computer, paste your license key into the Windows Notepad accessory, save it as a text file, and transfer it between computers using a USB drive.
  2. Paste the complete license key information into the Add / Renew License pane and click the Add / Renew button.

The following dialog should be displayed.

  1. Click OK to close this dialog and verify that the Velocity License Manager shows a new row of information about your DVR component.
  2. Licensing of the Video Integration (and selected Plug-in) is now complete so that you can close the Velocity License Manager.

Installing the Video Integration and Supported Plug-in

1. Launch the installer program for the Video Integration Plug-in. The installer first verifies that your Velocity Server has a valid license for the Video Integration (and selected plug-in).

2. The installer displays various status messages while the installation proceeds.

3. Select the appropriate choice in the dialog windows.  Clicking Yes will make a backup of the database before any changes are done.

4. The following dialogue will prompt if you want to start the services automatically after the installation is complete.


5. The following dialogue will prompt if you want the Velocity application to start after the installation is complete.

6. When the following dialog is displayed, click the Install button.  This will install the FrameWork for the Video Plug-in.

7. When the following screen is displayed, type in the name and password of the Velocity Services user account, and click the OK button.  (The name and password of the Velocity Services account were specified when Velocity was installed.)

The installer displays various status messages until the installation has been completed.

NOTE:  If you are installing the American Dynamics plug-in, you must also install the American Dynamics SDK.  For details, see Installing the American Dynamics SDK.

8. When the following dialog is displayed, click the OK button.

A  progress bar in the Velocity Update Wizard indicates the progress of the Plug-in installation.

Completing the Velocity main window loads and takes you to the Velocity Application.

To verify that the plug-in was successfully installed, click on the Velocity menu button (in the upper-left corner of the window), choose Help > About Velocity from the drop-down menu, and view the contents of the Applied Updates table.

9. To verify that the name and password you entered for the Velocity Services account were correct, verify the Velocity Video Service was started after the installer was completed by right-clicking on the Velocity Service Control Manager icon.

The new service will start automatically if the name and password are correct.  If there is a problem with the name or password, the following dialog is displayed:

Post-Installation Tasks

After installing the Velocity Video Integration (and supported plug-in), you must perform the following configuration and setup tasks.

  • Add your DVR or NVR to Velocity
  • Synchronize the Time for your DVR or NVR and Velocity
  • Manage Role Properties
  • Optional: Prevent the display of a triggered Video Explorer window (on Velocity Client computers that will never be used to view security videos)
  • Define and manage trigger-action pairs (using the Trigger Action Manager)

For details about these tasks, see the context-sensitive help system installed with the software.

Uninstalling the Identiv Video Framework and DVR Plug-in

NOTE:  The Identiv Video Integration and DVR plug-in were designed to be installed on a Velocity Server, with any remote Velocity Clients being automatically updated the next time they are restarted and connected to the Velocity Server.  If you ever need to uninstall the integration and plug-in, you should do it first on the server and then on the clients.

To uninstall the Identiv Video Integration and DVR plug-in, perform the following steps.

  1. On the Velocity Server where the Video Integration and the DVR plug-in are installed, use the Velocity Service Control Manager to stop the Velocity Video Service, and close the Velocity Client if it is open on that computer.
  2. Open the Windows Control Panel.
  3. Locate the feature to uninstall a program, which varies depending on the setting of the View by option.
  • If you are viewing the Control Panel’s items as icons, then click on the Programs and Features link:

  • If you are viewing the Control Panel’s items by Category, then click on the Uninstall a program link in the Programs category:

The window is updated to show all the installed programs on this computer.

4. Scroll down in the table until the Identiv Video Plug-in is visible in the Name column, and click on it.

5. Click on the Uninstall button that now appears above the table.

6. In the resulting message dialog asking if you want to remove the selected program, click the Yes button.  For example:

A confirmation message box will follow; click OK.

7. Now Uninstall the Identiv Video Framework program following the same process as the Plug-in

    1. Scroll down in the table until the Identiv Video Framework item is visible in the Name column and click on it.
    2. Click Uninstall button above the table.
    3. In the resulting message dialog, click on the Yes button.

8. Close the Windows Control Panel.

Adding 3VR VMS to Velocity

Prerequisites:  To add your 3VR integration to Velocity, the video integration must be licensed and installed, the Velocity Video Service must be running, the NVR must be set up and running at the proper IP address, you must know a username and optional password for the 3VR NVR, and you must know the port number used for the 3VR Web Services Port.

Role Permissions:  To add your NVR to Velocity, you must have the following role permissions: Application Permissions > Administration Window > Administration Window - Use, and Application Permissions > DVR Unit > Add (which automatically also selects Save, View, View General Tab, DVR Event History Viewer – Use and All Video Events – Use).  For more information, see the Configuring Velocity for Your DVR > Managing Role Properties for the Hirsch Video Integration topic in the Video Integration help system.

To add a 3VR NVR to Velocity:

1. In Velocity's Administration window, select the Configuration > Interfaces Configuration > Video Integration folder in the system tree.

2. Double-click the Add New DVR/NVR item in the Components pane.

3. In the resulting dialog, select _3VR from the Vendor drop-down list.

4. In this dialog, enter the appropriate values for each field.  Note that areas with a red asterisk are required.

For a 3VR NVR or HVR, this dialog has the following elements.




Enter is a unique name for this DVR/NVR, which will be displayed in the system tree of Velocity's Administration window.  (Additional information can be entered in the optional Description field.)

This name has a maximum length of 64 characters.  The allowed characters are alphanumeric (uppercase letters A through Z, lowercase letters a through z, and numbers 0 through 9), space, underscore (_), dash (-), and apostrophe (').

This name must NOT include any other special characters.


This optional field enables you to provide additional information about this DVR/NVR, such as its location, purpose, model number, serial number, or installation date.

Because this optional text is only displayed when you open the DVR's Properties dialog, you can enter any characters.


This drop-down list enables you to select from the available DVR/NVR plug-ins that have been installed.  For a 3VR NVR or HVR, select _3VR.

Time Zone

This field allows you to choose the appropriate time zone for this DVR/NVR.

The default value is determined by the current time zone setting of the computer where you are logged into.


Enter the unique numeric IP address of this DVR/NVR.  (This IP address is a standard 4-part 32-bit version 4 Internet Protocol Address.)

User Name

Enter the user name required to access this DVR/NVR.

Rules and limitations for this field are determined by your DVR/NVR software; the Video Integration passes this information to your DVR/NVR, which determines whether it is valid.

The default User Name for a 3VR NVR or HVR is techrep


3VR NVR, or HVR requires a password for the specified User Name, so enter it in this field.

Rules and limitations for this field are determined by your DVR/NVR software; the Video Integration passes this information to your DVR, which determines whether it is valid.

The default Password for a 3VR NVR or HVR is 3MeDeee


Enables you to specify the integer number of the network port that will be used for the 3VR Web Services Port.  The value of this field must match the value specified for the Web Services Port in the 3VR System Manager application.

The default Port for a 3VR NVR or HVR is 8080


This option determines whether the DVR/NVR being added will be enabled (and immediately activated in Velocity) or will be added to Velocity but not be activated (so you have time to fully configure it, synchronize its time with the Velocity Server, and test its operation).

This option is checked by default. 

Test Connection

Click this button to test the connection to your DVR/NVR.  For more information, see the Configuring Velocity for Your DVR > Testing the Connection to Your DVR topic in the Video Integration help system.

You must enter the correct values in the IP, Port Video, User Name, and Password fields to successfully connect to your DVR/NVR.


Click this button to display this help topic.


Click this button to finish adding the DVR/NVR to Velocity.


Click this button if you don't want to add the DVR/NVR to Velocity now.

5. If you want to test the connection to your DVR/NVR, click the Test Connection button and click OK to close the resulting success or failure dialog.

6. When you are finished, click OK.

Don't forget to close this Add New DVR/NVR dialog (or the DVR's Properties dialog).  Because this dialog is modal, you might have a problem closing the Trigger Action Manager or the Search Video window when it is open.

  • For information about viewing live video, see the Viewing Videos > Viewing Live Video from Your Cameras section of topics.
  • For information about retrieving recorded video, see the Viewing Videos > Searching for Video Events section of topics.
  • For information about viewing videos from Velocity’s Alarm Manager, see the Viewing Videos > Viewing Video Associated with an Alarm section of topics.

If you use maps containing camera objects, some related information is provided in the Velocity main help system.

  • For information about using a Camera icon on a map, see the Badge & Graphic Designer > Operator Functions > Monitoring Placed Objects topic.
  • For information about using maps with Camera icons that generate alarms, see the Badge & Graphic Designer > Operator Functions > Acknowledging Alarms topic.