Starting Velocity_v3.8.5

Starting Velocity_v3.8.5

If you are running a Velocity Server or a Velocity Workstation, the instance of SQL Server that manages your Velocity database is automatically started every time you start Windows. Velocity's Service Control Manager (SCM) loads automatically every time you start Windows.

It may take up to one minute to start Velocity's SCM after the Windows desktop appears.

You can tell that the SCM is running by looking at the icon located in the system tray. The SCM enables you to start and stop various Velocity-related services. If you are running Velocity Client, the SCM is not loaded during Windows startup.

To start Velocity:

  • If, during Velocity installation, you selected the option to put the Velocity shortcut icon on your Windows desktop, then double-click the icon.

  • If the Velocity shortcut icon does not exist on your Windows desktop, then click on the Windows Start button and select either Programs > Hirsch Electronics Velocity > Velocity (for an existing system that was upgraded from 3.5) or Programs > Hirsch Velocity > Velocity (for a new installation).

After a few seconds, the Velocity splash screen appears.

The VSCM must be run as a privileged account to stop and start Velocity Services. One way to accomplish this is by running the VSCM to “Run as Administrator.”