Velocity Acuant AssureID Scanner Installation and Configuration_v3.8.5

Velocity Acuant AssureID Scanner Installation and Configuration_v3.8.5



This document describes how to install and configure Acuant AssureID in Velocity. Step-by-step instructions on enabling the Acuant AssureID scanner in Velocity Enrollment Manager and mapping the data collected from a document to UDF fields.


Downloading Acuant AssureID

Visit https://support.acuant.com to download the Acuant software. You must be a registered user to use the support portal.

To download the software:

  1. Login to the support portal.

  2. Click Downloads link on the top of the page.

  3. The list displays the software to be downloaded.

  4. The installation files are listed under AssureID Sentinel -> Install.

  5. Click on the file to begin the download.

Contact Acuant Technical Support ( 213 ) 867-2625 or submit a request through the Acuant Technical Support Portal if you encounter problems downloading the Acuant AssureID software.

System Requirements

  1. Velocity v3.8.3.3284 or later

  2. Supported Operating Systems:

    • Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit)

  3. Download the driver file, i-Dentify_Drivers_x64.exe

  4. Download the Sentinel software file that is available in both zip and .msi packages: AssureID_Sentinel_V5.2.106_Install.msi

Use the installed Reveal-ID Application to check if your scanner is working.

Configuring Acuant Scanner in Velocity

Creating the User Defined Fields for Acuant Scanner ID Document

To map the data for Acuant Scanner ID fields in the Velocity database and use it for Acuant Scanner:

  1. From the Enrollment Manager’s menu bar, choose the Tools > User Defined Fields…

  2. On the User Defined Fields tab create the user-defined fields needed for the data of a Acuant Scanner, with the Caption and Type specified.

  3. When you are finished creating the user-defined fields, click the OK button.

  4. From the Enrollment Manager’s menu bar, choose Tools > Preferences.

  5. On the General tab of the resulting Preferences dialog, click on the drop-down list in the UDF Name Parsing section and select the user-defined field you created earlier for the Full Name, then click the OK button. (This text data will be parsed into separate First Name, Middle Name, and Last Name fields.)

  6. Click the OK button on the message dialog informing you that these changes will not take effect until after the Enrollment Manager has been restarted, then close and reopen the Enrollment Manager.

Enabling Acuant AssureID Scanner

  1. Open Enrollment Manager and go to Tools Device Configuration. The default tab is Credential Enrollment.

  2. Select the Scanners tab in Device Configuration and click Add.

    The Add New Scanner Properties window display.

  3. Select Acuant AssureID Scanner from the Model drop-down and check Enable.

  4. Configure the Settings according to your choice.

    1. Check Auto accept scanned data(On passed result only) to automatically allow the form to accept the result that is in a passing state.

    2. Check Capture photo if available to instruct the scanner to scan any pictures included on the document. If left unchecked, any photos detected by the scanner are ignored, and only text data is collected. The default is unchecked.

    3. Check Capture signature if available to instruct the scanner to scan any signature included on the document. If left unchecked, any signatures detected by the scanner are ignored, and only text data is collected. The default is unchecked.

  5. Click OK to map the UDF fields for the document.

Mapping UDF Fields

Scanned data must be mapped to Enrollment Manager UDF fields.

To map the scanned data to UDF fields:

  1. Open the Device Configuration screen and click the Scanners. The Scanners page of the Device Configuration dialog appears.

  2. Click Map UDF Fields… The Map UDF Fields dialog appears.

  3. In the 'Fields for:' pick list, select the type of document this mapping applies to. In this case, it is the Acuant AssureID Document.

  4. Map the fields in the Document Field pane to the fields in the UDF Field pane in one of two ways:

    • Click Auto Map.  All identically named fields are automatically matched, indicated by a network of match lines.

    • Manually map fields by dragging a field from the Document Field pane to the corresponding area in the UDF Field pane.  Notice that an icon and line follow the cursor as you pull until the intended field is identified.  A match line forms between the document and the UDF field items.

A combination of auto and manual mapping techniques can be used to map all the fields that are needed.

The matched fields are joined by match lines, as shown.

Scanning Enrollment Data

To import data from a scanner:

  1. Open Enrollment Manager.

  2. Select a person to display the information for an existing person. The Personal Information form for that person appears. Click Scan.

  3. If a document scanner is configured, the Verify Scanner Data dialog appears with its fields auto-populated after a valid document type, as shown.

The below table describes the fields, tabs, and buttons in the Verify Scanner Data window.

Field Types


Field Types


Document Type

Specifies the document types such as ID cards, driver’s licenses, passports, etc., processed by supported Acuant AssureID, scanner models.


Specifies the issuing authority in the document type. For example, Montreal, Canada.


Specifies date of document issue.


Specifies the class category of the document. For example, Driver’s License, Passport, Visas, etc.


  • Ready

  • Document was removed

  • Scanning document...

  • Please flip over the document...

  • Document was inserted

  • You may remove document now

  • Scan complete


Refers to the result types such as:

Passed: No indication that the document is fraudulent, therefore the document passed the authentication process. This result does not provide a guarantee of authenticity as some types of documents have very few or no security features.

Failed: One or more authentication tests have failed that indicate that the document may be fraudulent, therefore the document failed the authentication process. This result does not guarantee that the document is fraudulent; however, further investigation should be conducted, either by manual inspection or by using other means to verify the identity of the bearer.

Attention: Document passed the authentication process, however, there is something of note that the user should be aware of. Most commonly this result is returned when an expired document is encountered. In this case, the document may be authentic, but has expired.

Unknown: Document type could not be determined; therefore, it cannot be authenticated. This result may occur when a document is inserted incorrectly, overly skewed, or moved during the image capture process. Less commonly, it may also be encountered when a new type of document is captured that is not yet supported by the AssureID document library. This result does not indicate that the document is fraudulent, however further investigation should be conducted, either by manual inspection or by using other means to verify the identity of the bearer.

Skipped: Authentication process skipped entirely. Note, this result should only be seen when using the Data Capture license edition of AssureID.

Caution: IMPORTANT! A Caution result will only be returned as an individual test result (not as an overall result). It indicates a borderline test result between Passed and Failed, which means that an authentication's finding is not ideal but is also not a strong indicator of a problem.


Displays the Photo of the person captured from the document.


Displays the signature of the person captured from the document field.

Field caption

Lists the labels associated with the different document types. For example, Address, City, State, Birth Date, Birthplace etc.


Specifies the authentication tests conducted for the selected document type. For example, Document Classification, Birth Date Crosscheck, Full Name Crosscheck, etc.,


This button is enabled only for documents that are scanned successfully.

4. The scanned results in the Enrollment Manager window looks like the one below.