Upgrading or Updating Velocity_v3.8.4

Upgrading or Updating Velocity_v3.8.4

If you have an existing installation of Velocity, you can upgrade or update it instead of performing the new install as described in the Updating from v3.6 (or higher) to v3.8.4 section.

Upgrades versus Updates

In the past, moving an existing Velocity system to the next major release required an upgrade, which typically included some changes to the structure of the Velocity database. An upgrade was indicated by an increase in the major release number, such as from 3.5 to 3.6 or 3.7 to 3.8 or 3.8 to 3.8.1 or 3.8.1 to 3.8.2 or 3.8.3 or 3.8.4.

Starting with version 3.5, minor releases were called Service Packs, and these updates could be applied more easily to an existing system (within the same major release) using a Velocity Update Wizard (instead of the full Velocity Installer). An update was indicated by an increase in the minor release number, such as from 3.5 SP1 to 3.5 SP1.1, or from 3.6 SP2.1 to 3.6 SP3.

Starting with Velocity 3.6 you are now able to update to newer major releases (in addition to minor releases) of Velocity using the Velocity Update Wizard instead of the full Velocity Installer.

This means that moving from any Velocity 3.6 release (such as 3.6 SP3) to a 3.7 release (such as 3.7 SP1) is actually just an update, instead of an upgrade. To better understand this change, look at the following diagram, which shows the upgrade paths from some earlier versions of Velocity to the initial 3.7 release. Note that when moving from 3.6 to 3.7, you must use the Velocity Update Wizard instead of the Velocity Installer.

Existing Velocity users moving from 3.6 or 3.7 to 3.8/3.8.1/3.8.2/3.8.3/3.8.4 use the Velocity Update Wizard. This wizard simplifies the effort required to upgrade and uses smaller installation files than the Upgrade Wizards provided for previous versions of Velocity.

Upgrade Paths

There are specific upgrade paths you can choose from. In the following diagram, locate your existing version of Velocity, then follow the best available upgrade path to Velocity 3.8.4:

Your upgrade path to the Velocity 3.8.4 release depends on which older version of Velocity you are currently running. To summarize your options (as shown in the previous diagram):

  • If you are still running an older version of Velocity which is not shown in the diagram, you must start by upgrading to the 3.1 KB640 release. Then you should upgrade to the 3.5 SP2.1 release, upgrade to the 3.6 SP3 release, then update to the 3.7 or 3.8 release.

  • If you are running any 3.5 release, you must upgrade to the 3.6 SP3 release, and then update to the 3.7 or 3.8 release.

Microsoft no longer supports Windows XP, Velocity 3.6 (or later) no longer supports that version of Windows. If you have a Velocity 3.5 Client running on Windows XP, you will have to either upgrade the operating system on that computer before upgrading the Velocity Client from 3.5 to 3.6 or replace that computer with one that has a supported version of Windows and then perform a new installation of the Velocity 3.6 Client.

  • If you are running any 3.6 release, you should update to the 3.7/3.8/3.8.1/3.8.2/3.8.3/3.8.4 release.

  • Starting with the Velocity 3.7 release, customers will need to obtain a software license when updating an existing system. Refer to section: Obtaining and Adding Velocity License.

Preparing to Upgrade

Before you start the upgrade process, you must perform these required tasks:

  • Backup your database before attempting any upgrade. Doing so enables you to get back to an earlier working state if a mistake is made somewhere in the upgrade process.

  • Before updating to Velocity 3.8.4 from a Velocity 3.7 release, you must register your Velocity software and obtain the necessary license(s). See the Velocity Licensing topic for details.

  • Existing Velocity users moving from 3.6 or 3.7 to 3.8 or 3.8.1 or 3.8.2 or 3.8.3 or 3.8.4 use the Velocity Update Wizard. This wizard simplifies the effort required to upgrade and uses smaller installation files than the Upgrade Wizards provided for previous versions of Velocity.

  • New installations of Velocity 3.8.4 provide you with the option to install the free Express edition of SQL Server 2019. If this Express edition is not adequate for your needs, then you must install a licensed edition of a supported version (2016, 2017, or 2019) of SQL Server, before doing a new Server installation of Velocity 3.8.4.

  • If you already have SQL Server 2016, 2017, or 2019 installed on your server, the Velocity 3.8.4 Installer detects and uses your full edition of SQL Server for the Velocity database.

  • Make sure the available Hard Disk free space is at least twice the size of your Velocity database. This requirement applies regardless of whether you have the Express edition of SQL Server or a licensed full edition.

  • Make sure that you are logged in with an appropriate administrator account. You must be a Domain Administrator for a networked Domain account or a Local Administrator account for a stand-alone workstation installation.