Edge EVO (For Velocity)_v3.8.4

Edge EVO (For Velocity)_v3.8.4


uTrust Premises Solution with Edge EVO

Installation Guide of the Edge EVO Integration


This document provides information about the integration to Velocity that completes the uTrust Premises Solution with Edge EVO. This integration is an optional software component that provides the interface between Velocity and one or more Edge single-door controllers. This integration enables you to configure and manage your Edge controllers (and their associated Edge holidays, holiday groups, schedules, and door groups) from Velocity.

The following table shows the compatible version of this integration for Velocity’s recent releases.


Compatible version for Velocity 3.8

Compatible version for Velocity 3.8.1

Compatible version for Velocity 3.8.2

Compatible version for Velocity 3.8.3


Compatible version for Velocity 3.8

Compatible version for Velocity 3.8.1

Compatible version for Velocity 3.8.2

Compatible version for Velocity 3.8.3

Edge EVO Controller Integration

The following diagram shows the key components of a uTrust Premises Solution with Edge EVO for a new protected area:

Although the previous diagram shows an example of a protected area secured by a metal door, an Edge controller can be used for other applications where only a single entry reader is needed, such as a private parking area, a storage room for confidential documents, or a server cage in a data center. Note that power can be provided through a Power Over Ethernet (POE) connection, or a separate 12 VDC or 24 VDC power supply. The uTrust Premises Solution with Edge EVO uses a migration uTrust TS card reader that supports a variety of low-frequency or high-frequency credentials.

After you install this optional integration, it extends the Velocity user interface to include numerous features which are documented in a context-sensitive help system that is delivered in a file named EdgeIntegration.chm. Be sure to read that help system for important information about how to configure and use your Edge EVO system.

In this document, there is information about:

System Requirements

Besides this Edge EVO Integration, your system must include the following components:

  • A physical access control system with various hardware components controlled by the uTrust Velocity security management system software

  • An Edge EVO system with a single-door controller, a card reader, and some card credentials

  • A network with a Power Over Ethernet (POE) connection for the Edge controller, or a separate 12 VDC or 24 VDC power supply

Installing this Integration

The optional Edge EVO Controller Integration must be installed after the Velocity installation. After installing the integration, you must also perform a few configuration and setup tasks.

Prerequisites: To install the Edge EVO Controller Integration, you must be logged into Windows using an account that has Administrator privileges, and you must know the name and password of the Velocity services account (which were specified when Velocity was installed).

The Edge EVO Controller Integration only needs to be installed on your Velocity Server. Any remote Velocity Clients will automatically try to be updated the next time they are restarted and connect to the updated Velocity Server. However, the client update will fail with an “Access Denied” message unless the Velocity operator is both a member of the Velocity Administrators group and has the Windows local Administrator privilege to install software on that computer.

Installing the Edge EVO Controller Integration

To install the Edge EVO integration after Velocity 3.6 SP2 has been installed, perform the following steps.

1.Go to the Technical Support page at https://support.identiv.com/products/physical-access/hirsch/ click on the Velocity 3.6 — Documents and Downloads link, then on the resulting page click on the Download link for Velocity 3.6 Edge EVO Integration (version

2. Open the folder where you downloaded the integration, and run the installation program for the Edge EVO integration. For example: Velocity_EdgeEVO_Integration_1.0.3.3.exe

You might see the following message displayed while the Velocity Update Wizard checks that you have the administrative privileges needed for this installation.

3. When the following dialog is displayed:

  • If you want to back up your Velocity database now, click the Yes button.

  • If you want to skip the database backup (and continue with the installation), click the No button.

4. When the following dialog is displayed:

  • If you want to have all the Velocity services (including the Edge EVO service) started after the installation has completed, click the Yes button.

  • If you want to wait and manually start the Velocity services at a later time, click the No button.

Progress messages such as the following are displayed next:

5. When the following Application Settings screen appears, enter the Service Account and the Password, and click the OK button.

This is the same account information that was specified (on the Application Network and Security screen) during the Velocity installation.

  • The Service Account is the user account that is used to start all the Velocity Services, including the new EdgeService of the Edge EVO Controller Integration.

  • The Password is the password that the specified Service Account will use to log on.

TIP: The default Velocity services account is named "VelocityServices". Be sure to prefix the account name with the computer name or domain name where you previously installed Velocity, and a backslash character (such as "VelocityServer\VelocityServices").
If you're not sure what the name of the Velocity services account is on your system, you can find out by using the Computer Management administrative tool to view the Log On As property of the Velocity Services:

Progress messages such as the following are displayed next:

6. When the following screen appears, click Install.

Progress messages such as the following are displayed next:

7. When the following screen appears, click Close.

8. Because the necessary version of Java was just installed, you can close the Verify Java Version tab of your Web browser (which was opened by the Java Setup program).

The final progress messages should be displayed next:

9. Click the OK button to close these two dialogs.

After the integration has finished installing, ensure that:

Ensuring that the Edge EVO System is Allowed Through Your Firewalls

Because the Edge EVO system communicates across a shared network (instead of a dedicated physical security network), you will have to work with your network administrator to ensure that the EdgeService program is allowed through your firewalls, and that network ports 4050, 4070, and 4999 are not blocked by your firewalls. Some networks use the software firewall provided with Microsoft Windows, other networks use a software firewall provided by a different vendor (as shown in the following image), and high-security networks include hardware firewalls.

Because the firewalls on a network can vary so much, we cannot provide a detailed procedure for your specific network. But the following example for the Windows Firewall should help illustrate the general process.

  1. Open the Windows Control Panel, and in the System and Security section, click on the link to Allow a program through Windows Firewall.

2. In the resulting dialog, click the Allow another program... button.

3. In the resulting Add a Program dialog, click the Browse... button.

4. In the resulting Browse dialog, navigate to the folder where Velocity was installed, select the EdgeService.exe program, and click the Open button.

5. Back in the Add a Program dialog, click the Add button.

6. Verify that EdgeService appears in the list of Allowed programs and features, and click OK.

7. Navigate to the Windows Firewall page of the Control Panel, and click on the Advanced settings link.

8. In the resulting Windows Firewall with Advanced Security dialog, define any necessary Inbound Rules and Outbound Rules for the EdgeService to use network ports 4050, 4070, and 4999.

Ensuring that the Edge EVO Service is Running

Role Permissions: To check the status of the Edge EVO service, you must have the following Role Permission: Application Permissions ▶ Service Control Manager ▶ Service Control Manager - Use.

After you install the Edge EVO Controller Integration, you should use Velocity's Service Control Manager to verify that the Edge EVO service is running. The state of the Velocity Services after the installation depends on your response to this question during the installation:

Right-click on the Velocity Service Control Manager icon in the Windows taskbar, and look at the commands on the pop-up menu:

  • If you see a command to Start Velocity Edge EVO Service, click on it.

  • If you see a command to Stop Velocity Edge EVO Service, the service is already running, and you should click outside the pop-up menu to close it.

If necessary, restart the other Velocity Services.

Release Notes for version

New Features

The release of this integration contains the following new feature.

Support for 26-bit prox cards

Previously, the Edge EVO Integration only supported card data passthru, and could not handle the MATCH code generated by the 26-bit Wiegand card format. This meant that separate credentials were required for the Edge controllers.

Now 26-bit prox cards are supported by the Edge EVO Integration, so the same credentials can be used at either Mx controllers or Edge controllers. If this is what you want to do, then specify it as a system-wide setting by selecting the Std 26-bit Wiegand option from the Card Type drop-down list on the Edge Configuration dialog.

To configure the Edge EVO Controller Integration, you must have the following role permissions:

  • Application Permissions ▶Service Control Manager ▶Service Control Manager - Use

  • Application Permissions ▶Velocity ▶Edge - Use Configuration

To reach the Edge Configuration dialog, in the Administration pane of Velocity's main window, select the Configuration ▶ Edge EVO Configuration folder in the system tree, and then double-click the Edge Configuration item in the Components pane.

Bug Fixes

The release of this integration contains the following bug fix.

Reference ID



Reference ID




Change Login Password link (on the Advanced Network Setup page) in the Edge controller's browser-based configuration utility was not working

Previously, clicking on the Change Login Password link at the bottom of the Advanced Network Setup page in the Edge controller’s browser-based configuration utility displayed the page source, instead of enabling you to change the password.

This issue has been fixed in version 3.5.X (and newer) of the Edge firmware, which should be available in the Technical Support section of the Identiv Web site.

Known Issues with the Edge EVO Integration (or the Edge controller’s firmware)

Reference ID



Reference ID




Help file not updated

Because there has been only one new feature since the initial release, the help file (EdgeIntegration.chm) was not updated.


Reader LED turns green during reboot of Edge controller

During a reboot of an Edge controller, the reader LED turns green about 5 seconds after the first beep. This incorrectly indicates that the door relay is unlocked, when it actually is locked during the reboot and then returns to its pre-boot state about 5 seconds after the first beep.

There is no workaround for this issue with the Edge controller’s firmware, but the reader’s LED color is corrected after the first access grant.



Door Forced alarm stops when the door is closed

The Edge controller’s beeping sound for a Door Forced alarm stops when the door is closed, instead of continuing for the specified period of time.

There is no workaround for this issue with the Edge controller’s firmware.


In some situations, an Edge controller fails to send events to Velocity for at least 20 seconds

When Velocity sends a “Silence Door Forced Alarm” command to an Edge controller, that controller does not send any events back to Velocity for at least 20 seconds. When the Edge controller reconnects to Velocity, the queued events are sent.

There is no workaround for this issue with the Edge controller’s firmware.


After the network data connection between Velocity and an Edge controller is lost, the Edge controller sometimes does not automatically reconnect when the network connection is restored

Velocity provides several HereIAm Configuration options for an Edge controller, to periodically test the network data connection and attempt to automatically reestablish it after a failure. But after a prolonged outage, an offline Edge controller might need to be manually disabled and then Enabled to reestablish the connection.

There is no workaround for this issue with the Edge controller’s firmware.


Edge controller is not rated for Life-Safety applications

By itself, an Edge controller cannot handle Life-Safety applications where a magnetic door lock must fail safe to an unlocked state during certain emergency situations.

The workaround is to install a “fire relay” (which is controlled by a remote fire panel) between the Edge controller’s door relay and the magnetic door lock, so the door can be unlocked during an emergency.


First use of new credential generates “Access Denied: Expired”

The first time a new credential is presented to the reader connected to an Edge controller, it might generate an “Access Denied: Expired” event.

The workaround is to present the credential to the reader again, which will grant access.


Changing the TimeZone of an Edge controller (on the General tab of its Properties dialog) does not automatically update that controller’s date/time

After you change the TimeZone of an Edge controller (on the General tab of its Properties dialog), that controller’s date/time is not automatically updated.
The workaround is to manually update the date/time by right-clicking on the controller (in the Components pane of Velocity’s Administration window when the Configuration ▶ Edge EVO Configuration ▶ Edge Controllers folder is selected in the system tree) and choosing the Download ▶ Date/Time command from the pop-up menu.


An Edge controller that fails the OEM ID verification process still reports events

During startup, an Edge controller undergoes an OEM ID verification process After being verified, the Edge controller can establish communication with Velocity and go online. An Edge controller which fails the OEM ID verification process is shown in Velocity as being offline, but it still reports events.

There is no workaround for this issue.


The Delete and Rename right-click commands are not disabled for the <Always> and <Never> schedules

The Edge EVO Integration provides special schedules named <Always> and <Never>, which cannot be renamed or deleted. But the Delete and Rename right-click commands are not disabled for those schedules.
If you do try to rename or delete either of these schedules, the following dialog is displayed:



“Cannot open the file...” error occurs when trying to display help for the Edge Discovery / Update Application window immediately after install

If you try to display help for the Edge Discovery / Update Application window (using its Help ▶ Help Topics command) immediately after installing the Edge EVO Integration, then an error message is displayed stating that the program cannot open the file. (This issue only occurs immediately after installation, when the program is still using a temporary working directory.)
The workaround is to either restart Velocity, or to locate and open the EdgeIntegration.chm help file.


On some Edge controllers, updating to the firmware EH400-3.5.1-1483.arm causes the LED of the attached reader to always be green

Updating some Edge controllers to the EH400-3.5.1-1483.arm firmware causes the LED of the attached reader to always be green.
The workaround is to update the controller’s firmware to EH400-3.5.1-1483-default.arm.rpm. (This file should be available in the Technical Support section of the Identiv Web site.) See the Managing Your Edge Controllers ▶Updating the Firmware of an Edge Controller topic in the online help for the Edge EVO Controller Integration.