3VR Plug-in Configuration for Velocity Video Integration_v3.8.4

3VR Plug-in Configuration for Velocity Video Integration_v3.8.4

The 3VR VMS Appliance must be configured properly for the 3VR plug-in to Velocity's video integration framework. For information about the 3VR by Identiv Network Video Recorders and Hybrid Video Recorders, see Network and Hybrid Recorders. For demo and illustration purposes, the 3VR Video Intelligence 5000 Series Platform Smart Recorder for Illustra Camera is shown in the following sections.

Prerequisite: Log in to the system or laptop and install the 3VR Client Application for System Manager. Refer to the http://partners.3vr.com portal for details on installing the 3VR Client Application.

Connecting 3VR VMS Appliances to System

The following option allows connecting the system to a local area network (LAN) behind the 3VR VMS Appliance.

  • Connect the PS/2 peripherals before the appliance boots up to function properly. If a PS/2 mouse or keyboard is not responding, restart the system
  • The 2000-Series, 2100-Series, 3000-Series, 4000-Series, and 5500-Series support USB peripherals only
  • The 2000-Series Appliances support monitors with HDMI outputs
  1. Connect the monitor, mouse, and keyboard to the corresponding ports on the back of the appliance, as shown in the next figure.


  • Ensure that the monitor is capable of the minimum supported resolution: 1024x768
  • The mouse and keyboard must be a wired USB or PS/2 model that does not require special drivers

Connecting 3VR VMS Appliances to Laptop

  1. Connect the system to the 3VR VMS Appliance using one of the following methods as shown in the next figure.

When the LAN connection is identified, the LAN icon appears in the system tray display to indicate successful connection.

Connecting with the Laptop or System in Windows 10

  1. Go to the Windows Start menu and select Settings.
  2. Click on Networks and Internet.
  3. Select Wi-Fi on the left pane as shown in the next figure.

  4. Click on Change adapter options.
  5. Right-click on the Wi-Fi adapter and choose Disable.

Enabling Dynamic Host Control Protocol (DHCP)

Enabling DHCP on your system/laptop allows the dynamic allocation of an IP address. To enable DHCP:

  1. Go to Control Panel-> All Control Panel Items-> Network and Sharing Center.
  2. Click Change adapter settings.
  3. Right-click the Local Area Connection and select Properties from the pop-up menu.
  4. In the Local Area Connection Properties window, select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and click Properties.
  5. Make sure that the Obtain an IP address automatically and Obtain DNS server address automatically options are selected.

Disable any firewalls and all virus, adware, or spyware detection software running on the laptop/system.

End User License Agreement

The first time that the 3VR VMS Installer is run, it prompts you to accept the End User License Agreement.

  1. Read the agreement carefully and select I accept the terms in the license agreement radio button.
  2. Click Next.

Launching the 3VR System Manager

The below steps describe the launching of System Manager for 3VR VMS Appliances from remote.

  1. Double-click the 3VR System Manager Client Application from the installed location. 

    The System Manager log in screen displays

2. Enter the user name and password:
User Name: techrep (default)
Password: 3MeDeee (default)

3. Select the Appliance you want to connect from the Appliance drop-down and click Sign In.

4. If you want to connect to  any other Appliance, Select Edit Connect List… as shown in the figure.

In the resulting Edit Connect List dialog, a list of 3VR VMS Appliances that relate to the System displays.

5. Select the desired 3VR VMS Appliance and click the Add… button, as shown in the figure.

6. You can click Close if you are sure the Appliance you are connecting is still the same or you do not want to make any changes.

When the system or laptop is directly connected to the 3VR VMS Appliance, a 3VRAdministration Console window displays a set of options as shown below.

7. Click System Manager in the 3VR Administration Console to go to the System Manager Log-in screen.

Starting the 3VR Web Services

  1. If necessary, log into the 3VR System Manager.

  2. Select the Configure tab and right-click on your 3VR Appliance.
  3.  Select Start Web Services… from the pop-up menu.

    The 3VR Web Services must be running in order to configure the cameras and their associated channels with the 3VR VMS Appliances.

Setting Time Zone, Date, and Time

For the proper functioning of the 3VR VMS Appliances with the Camera and video recording to take place, the time zone, date, and time in 3VR System Manager must be synchronized with the Velocity Server (using a common NTP Server).

  1. Log into the 3VR System Manager and click the Configure

  2. Right-click the Common Operations link on the right pane as shown in the figure.

  3. Select Date and Time Settings… from the pop-up menu.

  4. In the resulting Date and Time Settings dialog, select your time zone from the System Time Zone drop-down list.

    By default, the Automatically adjust time for daylight saving changes check box is enabled for time zone regions where daylight savings is applicable.

  5. Select the radio button to Automatically set time from a remote server, enter the NTP Server Address, and click Synchronize Now.

    The System Manager page refreshes with the saved changes.

  6. Click the Save button.

    The Velocity Server must be synchronized to the same Network Time Protocol (NTP) server as the VMS 3VR Appliance. Refer How to Configure NTP Server in Windows Server 2016 for more information.

Discovering IP Cameras

There are different settings and options that can be configured in the 3VR VMS Appliance using the Discover Network/IP Cameras… option of the 3VR System Manager.

You can either discover IP cameras and add them as explained in the steps below, or you can manually add a camera.

  1. To discover the IP Camera through 3VR VMS Appliance, log into the 3VR System Manager.

  2. Select the Configure.

  3. Select your 3VR Appliance on the left pane.

  4. Right-click the Common Operations link on the right pane of the 3VR System Manager window.

  5. Select Discover Network/IP Cameras… from the pop-up menu, as shown in the figure.

    The Discover Network/IP Cameras window displays, as shown in the figure.

    The discovery process loads the initial camera configuration and displays the connected devices details, as shown in the next figure.

    For a complete list of the IP Cameras supported by 3VR, see Supported IP Camera List.

  6. Select your camera Model in the list and click Apply, as shown in the figure. (In this example, the camera Model is Illustra Essentials.)

    Some other camera models require you to specify a value for the Username and/or Password fields.  For example, Arecont cameras have a default username of admin and a default password of admin, while Axis cameras have a default username of root and a default password of root.

    Click Exit anytime to come out of Discovery Network/IP Cameras screen.

    A progress bar is displayed while the Camera Configuration for the selected channel settings are being applied.

    A confirmation dialog displays to indicate the successful Channel configuration with the selected camera’s settings.

  7. Click OK to complete the Camera Configuration

Manually Adding Camera and Driver Type

If you know the camera type and specific model (so you can select the correct camera driver), you can manually add a camera by performing these steps.

  1. Log into the 3VR System Manager.

  2. Select the Configure.

  3. On the left pane, right-click on the Cameras item and select Add Camera… from the pop-up menu, as shown in the next figure.

    The 3VR System Manager refreshes to display the camera description on the right pane.

  4. Click the Unknown link in the Camera Description, as shown in the figure.
  5. In the resulting Edit Camera Type window:

    1. For the Camera Type, select the Network Camera radio button.
    2. If necessary, select * All * from the Provider drop-down list to show all the camera drivers.
    3. Select the appropriate Camera Driver.
    4. Click Save.

      The Camera Description gets refreshed to display the Camera Type and the Network Address.

  6. Click the Populate Default Settings link, as shown in the next figure.

  7. In the resulting Camera Configuration dialog, click Yes.

    The camera’s General properties are applied, as shown in the figure.

  8. Click the Save button (near the upper right corner of the 3VR System Manager window).

Configuring Camera Settings in 3VR VMS Appliances

  • Selecting the Enable Demand Video Recording option in the Camera’s settings is important. That option allows events sent from Velocity to trigger playback recording on the 3VR VMS Appliances.
  • Setting the Stream 1 Encoding option to MJPEG is required for computing camera analytics and setting the Stream 2 Encoding option to 264 is required for viewing live and recorded video streams.

The following steps describe how these options are configured in the General settings of the Camera.

  1. Select a Camera on the left pane and click its Populate Default Settings link on the right pane, as shown in the figure.

  2. In the Name field of the Camera Description, enter a brief description (such as lobby, front desk, or parking area), and click Save as shown in the figure.

  3. In the resulting Camera Configuration dialog, click Yes.

  4. After the settings have been applied, scroll down in the camera’s properties on the right pane to display the General section.

  5. Select Yes from the Enable Demand Video Recording drop-down list, as shown in the figure.

  6. Scroll down to the IP Cameras section, select MJPEG for the Stream 1 Encoding option, and select 264 for the Stream 2 Encoding option, as shown below.

  7. Click the Save button (near the upper right corner of the 3VR System Manager window).

Refer Velocity Video Plug-in Installation and Configuration page for more details.