Velocity Certificate Checking Service For FICAM Solutions_v3.8.4

Velocity Certificate Checking Service For FICAM Solutions_v3.8.4


The Velocity Certificate Checking Service is a key software component of Identiv’s Federal Identity, Credential, and Access Management (FICAM) Solution. The latest version of Identiv’s FICAM Solution includes the following hardware and software components:

  • The current release of the FED Unlimited Edition of Velocity (running on a Windows server and Windows client PCs)

  • The Velocity Certificate Checking Service (running on a Windows server)

  • M2, M8, Mx, or Mx-1 controllers

  • A SNIB3 Communications Expansion Board (or the equivalent functionality built onto the Mx-1's main board), for each controller running in FICAM mode

  • An RS-485 Readers Expansion Board (RREB) (or the equivalent functionality built onto the Mx-1's main board), for each controller running in FICAM mode

  • FICAM-capable OSDP/RS-485 card readers (such as Identiv’s uTrust TS Government readers, or Veridt’s Stealth Bio or Stealth Dual readers)

  • To enroll PIV, PIV-I, or TWIC cards into Velocity, you need a FICAM-capable smart card reader with contacts; to do fingerprint authentication during enrollment, your enrollment station also needs to include a fingerprint scanner

Installing and Licensing this Service

Part of setting up Identiv’s FICAM Solution involves installing and licensing the Velocity Certificate Checking Service, which consists of the following three tasks:

  1. Contact Identiv to purchase the Velocity Cert Check Service, and then install it (on the same computer as your Velocity Server).

  2. Obtain a license for the Velocity Cert Check Service from Identiv.

  3. Add the license key for the Velocity Cert Check Service to the Velocity License Manager.
    After installing the service, you must also perform a few configuration and setup tasks.

Contact Identiv to purchase the Velocity Cert Check Service, and then install it.

  1. Obtain the installation file for the Velocity Cert Check Service from Identiv, and copy it to your Velocity Server.

  2. Locate the installation file (such as VelocityCertService_x.x.x.xxx.exe), then right-click on it and choose the “Run as administrator” command from the pop-up menu.

  3. Start the Velocity Cert Check Service, to populate the Velocity database with the Validation Engine’s System ID (license key).

If your Velocity system is already running the previous certificate checking service provided by Identiv’s Global Services (IGS), the installer will automatically upgrade your system to use the new Velocity Cert Check Service (VCCS), and your existing configuration settings will be migrated from the config.xml file into the Velocity database.

Obtain a license for the Velocity Cert Check Service from Identiv.

  1. Right-click on the icon for Velocity’s Service Control Manager (in the Windows tray), and choose Settings.

  2. In the resulting Velocity Settings dialog, click on the Velocity Cert Check Service entry in the left-hand pane

    On the resulting Velocity Cert Check Service Settings page, click on the Configure button

  3. On the General page of the resulting Velocity Cert Check Service Configuration dialog, copy the value in the System ID field to the Windows Clipboard, then paste it into an email message.

  4. Right-click on the icon for Velocity’s Service Control Manager (in the Windows tray), and choose Velocity License Manager.

  5. On the resulting Velocity License Manager window, copy the value of the Velocity Server ID field (on the top line) to the Windows Clipboard, then paste it into the email message.

  6. Compose your email message so that:

    • It is addressed to vlas@identiv.com.

    • It has a Subject such as “License Request for Velocity Cert Check Service“.

    • The Body includes the System ID value and the Server ID value.

  7. Send the email and close for Velocity License Manager.

After Identiv sends you a license key for the Velocity Cert Check Service, add it to the Velocity License Manager.

  1. Right-click on the icon for Velocity’s Service Control Manager (in the Windows tray), and choose Velocity License Manager.

  2. Copy the license key (which is a large block of letters and numbers) in the email message from Identiv to the Windows Clipboard.

  3. On the Velocity License Manager window, paste the license key into the Add / Renew License field, then click the Add / Renew button.

    The following dialog should be displayed:

  4. Click the OK button to close this dialog, and then close the Velocity License Manager.

You must perform many other steps when upgrading an existing Velocity system to be FICAM-capable.  Be sure to see the FICAM Solution > Checklist for Installing and Configuring Identiv’s FICAM Solution topic in the Velocity Help system.