Updating from Velocity v3.6 (or higher) to Velocity v3.8.4_v3.8.4

Updating from Velocity v3.6 (or higher) to Velocity v3.8.4_v3.8.4

The Velocity Update Wizard must be used to update Velocity v3.6 (or higher) to Velocity v3.8.4 release.

The Velocity Update must be used to update an existing Velocity 3.6 (or higher) release to version 3.8.4, instead of the Velocity Installer. The Update must be ran on your licensed Velocity Server, then your Velocity Clients will automatically be updated.


  1. Run the Velocity_Update_3.8.4(build-3.8.4.xxx).exe file for Velocity or contact your certified Hirsch/Identiv dealer to obtain the appropriate version of the Velocity Update Wizard.

  2. Copy the Velocity Update Wizard to your licensed Velocity Server, and run it on that computer.

  3. When prompted, choose whether or not to back up your existing Velocity database before starting the update, by clicking either the Yes or the No button.

  4. When prompted, choose whether or not to automatically restart the Velocity services after the update has finished, by clicking either the Yes or the No button.

  5. When prompted, choose whether or not to start Velocity after the update has finished, by clicking either the Yes or the No button.
    After you have answered the initial questions, a series of progress dialogs are displayed.

  6. If Velocity was running when you started the Velocity Update Wizard, it will be closed and its services will be stopped.

    • The following dialog shows the progress while the compressed files are being extracted. If necessary, you can use the buttons to Pause or Cancel the update.

    • The following dialog shows the progress while the update for Velocity is being applied.

    • Scroll down to the bottom to click the Accept button in EULA.

    • If your existing Velocity system includes the optional Velocity Web Services Client, the following dialog shows the progress while it is being updated.

    • When all of the updates have been completed, the following dialog is displayed.

  7. If you chose not to automatically restart the Velocity services, then start them when you are ready.

  8. If you chose not to automatically restart Velocity, then start it when you are ready.

As each Velocity Client reconnects to the updated Velocity Server, that client will restart and automatically be updated.