Installing Velocity Web Services Client using vwc2install Application_v3.8.4

Installing Velocity Web Services Client using vwc2install Application_v3.8.4

To install VWSC after Velocity is installed:

  1. Search for vwc2install.exe file in the Velocity folder path. Typically, the file is installed in C:\Program Files (x86)\Identiv\Velocity\vwc2install.exe path.

  2. Run the vwc2install.exe file. The Velocity Web Services Client Installer window opens.

    • Choose whether to install both the Velocity Web Service and the IIS Client Website or only the Velocity Web Service

      • Choosing the option to Install Velocity Web Service only enables the last option on this window to Create a Website bundle for a separate machine. This enables you to install the Web site on a different computer than your Velocity Server. Refer to VWSC Installation on Remote System for more details.

      • Choose whether to enable Secure Socket Layer (SSL) communication for the Velocity Web Service

    • If you chose the option to install only the Velocity Web Service on this computer, then you can choose whether to create a Website bundle for installing the Web site on a different computer than your Velocity Server

  3. After you click the Next button, the following screen appears:


  4. On this Service and Website Settings screen:

    1. In the Service Account field, verify or change the user account (by default in the Velocity Services group) that the underlying service for the Velocity Web Services Client will use to log on to Velocity. The default information is automatically obtained for you.

    2. In the Password field, enter the password that the specified Service Account will use to log on to Velocity. (Enter the same password that was used on the Application Network and Security page of the Velocity Installer wizard.)

    3. In the Port number field, enter the network port number that will be used for communication between Velocity and the Velocity Web Services Client.

  5. Click Next to proceed further till you get a screen like the below.

  6. Click Next and to view the final completion window like the one below.


  7. Click Close. A pop-up screen appears to launch VWSC in the default Microsoft Edge browser as shown.


  8. Click OK to proceed and connect to VWSC from your local machine.