Video Viewer

Video Viewer

How to install and use video viewer?

3VR VideoViewer (previously known as 3VR VideoPlayer) is a standalone video player that was made to be run from the command line. The purpose of it was to incorporate it into Redner's XBR transaction software, but it can be used with other central monitor/central station software. It allows you to open a "Video Panel" without OpCenter to play live or stored video. You can set channels, start/end times, etc.

VideoViewer comes in its own installer and is not included in the general Client Applications package. Despite the program only being 36kb, it requires .NET and other system files, so the installer is roughly 70MB. Simply double-click the installer to run it. The user will have to accept the EULA and specify the installation path. The default is C:\Program Files\3VR Security\3VR VideoPlayer\.

After VideoViewer is installed, it is run from the command line. The installer includes the 3VR VideoPlayer Command Line Generator program that is accessed through the Start Menu->All Programs->3VR Security->3VR VideoPlayer. This program has help text and tools for creating the command line prompt.

A screenshot of the command line command generator:

An example command run on the command line would be:

C:\Program Files\3VR Security\3VR VideoPlayer\3VRVideoPlayer.exe  -h -u techrep -p 3MeDeee -c "1,2,3" --starttime "12:00am" --endtime "1:00pm"

When VideoViewer loads, it will display the specified channels in an interface that looks like the OpCenter Video panel:


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