Door Groups allow you to decide what door(s) (readers/keypads) and at what time people are allowed access.


After you have defined and named all doors connected to a controller and created the required Time Zones (but before you add people/credentials), you should create Door Groups.

After you have defined and named all doors connected to a controller and created the required Time Zones (but before you add people/credentials), you should create Door Groups.

Adding a Door Group

  1. In the Device Control tab, expand the Velocity Configuration tree to display the Door Group folder.

  1. Click the Add Door Group button. The Add Door Group window displays.

  1. In the Name field enter a name for this Door Group (up to 64 characters).

  2. In the Time Zones field, either type to narrow the selection or use the drop-down menu to select a time zone from the list.

  3. To specify individual Time Zones for individual doors;

An Operator can select multiple Controllers at one time and the associated doors will be listed on the right side. Once added the reader appears in the lower pane with its designated address, door name, and time one. 


The select all/none checkbox allows you to automatically check or uncheck all options under its associated section or using the search field to type the controller, door, or reader name will narrow the selection. Please refer to the Search & Sort Arrows to know more about the Search function. 

The select all/none checkbox allows you to automatically check or uncheck all options under its associated section or using the search field to type the controller, door, or reader name will narrow the selection. Please refer to the Search & Sort Arrows to know more about the Search function. 

  1. At the 'Display my network layout' checkbox, do one of the following:


When you uncheck the ‘Display my network layout’ a select all/none checkbox next to Address allows you to automatically check all doors or you can also manually check only the doors you need.

When you uncheck the ‘Display my network layout’ a select all/none checkbox next to Address allows you to automatically check all doors or you can also manually check only the doors you need.

  1. When the Tag checkbox is enabled, it automatically sends a Tag Alarm to the Alarm Viewer each time a credential associated with this Door Group is used, regardless of whether access was granted or denied.

  2. When the Alert checkbox is enabled, an audible alert sounds at the door each time a credential associated with this Door Group is used, regardless of whether access was granted or denied.

  3. When the Disable checkbox is enabled, it will disable ALL credentials associated with this Door Group.

  4. To remove a reader from the current Door Group, select the door in the lower panel and click Remove.  The selected door is removed from the bottom pane and is returned to the available doors pane.

  5. Click Save Changes to add the Door Group or Cancel to dismiss your changes and exit.

Editing Door Group

To Edit a Door Group:

  1. In the Device Control tab, expand the Velocity Configuration tree to display the Door Group folder.

  2. Click the checkbox to select a door group then click the Action menu and select Edit or right-click on a row (not over the checkbox) and select Edit, the Edit Door Group window is displayed.


If you check to select more than one Door Group, the Edit & Rename options from the Action button or menu will be greyed out and only the Delete option is highlighted. This is because some actions are only available for single selections.

If you check to select more than one Door Group, the Edit & Rename options from the Action button or menu will be greyed out and only the Delete option is highlighted. This is because some actions are only available for single selections.

  1. At this point you can either add more door/time zone combinations, edit an already added door/time zone combination or remove them.


You must select at least one or more doors before you can click the Edit or Remove buttons.

You must select at least one or more doors before you can click the Edit or Remove buttons.

  1. Select the door for which you want to edit the Time Zone and click Edit.

The Edit Time Zone windows displays.

  1. Select the Time Zone from the drop-down you want to assign for the door and click OK for the changes to take place.

  2. Click Save Changes to save the configuration.

Adding Master Door Group (MDG)

You can combine Door Groups into a Master Door Group in the same way as you create Master Time Zones from Standard Time Zones.  Creating Master Door Groups enables qualified operators to group Door Groups from the various controllers and different locations.

To Add Master Door Group:

  1. In the Device Control tab, expand the Velocity Configuration tree to display the Door Group folder.

  2. Click the Add Master Door Group button. The Add Master Door Group window is displayed. 

  3. Enter a name for this Master Door Group in the ‘Name’ field (up to 64 characters).
    All currently defined Door Groups are displayed in the 'Does not contain' pane.

  4. If needed, check the Tag and/or Alert boxes to tag or alert this Master Door Group.

  5. If required, check the Disable checkbox, it will disable ALL credentials associated with this Master Door Group.

  6. In the 'Does not contain' panel, select one or more Door Groups then click the image-20240510-062817.png button.
    All selected door groups are moved to the 'Contains' panel. To select all the Door Groups click the select/unselect all checkbox image-20240510-062902.png .

  1. Click Save Changes when you are done or Cancel to discard changes and exit.