Adding Command Set

  1. In the Device Control tab, expand the Velocity Configuration to display the Command Sets folder.

  2. Click the Add Command Set button.

The Add Command Set window includes the following:


Enter a name to describe this command set (up to 32 characters). This is a required field.


Select a Controller from the drop-down list or type to narrow down your selection list then select the controller. The command string you define within this command set will be sent to this controller.


Select a function from the drop-down list to define the type of function this command set will perform.

Points / Control Zone

This field changes according to the function selected in the 'Function' drop-down list.

  • If you select an Access function (such as Access, Unlock, Relock or Toggle Lock) this field displays a Points list and all the available points relevant to the selected controller are listed.

  • If you select a Control function (such as Control Trigger, Alarm Mask, or Force On) this field displays a Control Zone list and all control zones relevant to the selected controller are listed.


The system automatically supplies the command values in this text field according to the values you entered in the previous three fields.

If required, you can modify the command displayed in this field by entering different arguments.  

Only one command with required arguments is allowed per string; however, you can add more strings to include more commands in this command set, if needed.

Add Command

Click this button to add the command string defined into the Command Strings pane.  It is now part of the command set.

Save Changes

Click the Save Changes button to save this Command Set and exit out of the Add Command Set window.


Click the Cancel button to ignore any changes made to the Command Set and exit out of the Add Command Set window.

Editing Command Set

To Edit a Command Set:

  1. Select or Right Click on a Command Set entry so the Action Menu activates to let you choose Edit.
    The Edit Command Set window is displayed.

  1. The Edit Command Set is the same as the Add Command Set, except that an additional Edit and Remove button option is displayed which allows you to edit or remove an already added command from the Command Strings pane.


When multiple commands are added for the same controller they will be grouped into one line separated by commas.

When multiple commands are added for the same controller they will be grouped into one line separated by commas.