
If you have a larger facility requiring multiple clients, you must first install the Velocity Server on the system and then install the Velocity clients.

Before installing a Velocity client, ensure that you are logged into the client computer as a Velocity Operator who belongs to the Administrator Role and has Local Administrator privileges.

If you have a larger facility requiring multiple clients, you must first install the Velocity Server on the system and then install the Velocity clients.

Before installing a Velocity client, ensure that you are logged into the client computer as a Velocity Operator who belongs to the Administrator Role and has Local Administrator privileges.

To install a Velocity Client, perform the steps in this procedure:

  1. Make sure you are logged onto Windows as an Administrator

  2. Run the Velocity_Installer_3.8.6( file:

    1. If you have a Velocity 3.8.6 installation DVD, insert it into your DVD drive, and the auto-start feature should automatically start the Velocity Installer

    2. If you downloaded the files to install Velocity 3.8.6, use Windows Explorer to navigate to the folder and double-click on Velocity_Installer_3.8.6(

  3. After the Velocity Installer’s Welcome (or splash) screen appears, click Next

  4. On the resulting End-User License Agreement page, select the “I agree to the terms in the License Agreement” option to continue or “I do not accept the License Agreement” to exit the setup. If you would like to print the EULA, press the Print button. When finished, click Next.

  5. Select Client at the Install Options screen and either accept the currently displayed Velocity Server and SQL Server location options or select a different one and then click Next

    Note: The Velocity Client cannot function unless you have specified a Velocity Server and SQL Server location.

    Note: If the SQL Server Browser service is not running, a dialog is displayed which enables you to remedy the problem.

  6. At the resulting System Inspection screen, click Next

  7. At the resulting Application Installation screen, either accept the default location where Velocity will be installed or specify a different location, then click Next

    The Prerequisite Gathering screen appears. After a few minutes, the Prerequisite Gathering Complete screen appears.

  8. At the Prerequisite Gathering Complete screen, review the displayed information about the various program components that either will be installed or are already installed, then click Next

  9. If necessary, the Installing Prerequisites screen appears. Follow the onscreen prompts to install software such as the Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Native Client, the Microsoft SQL Server 2018 Management Studio Express, and the Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Express with Tools.
    If you encounter problems discovering or connecting to an SQL server during client installation, refer to the Troubleshooting section.

  10. A message like this might appear:

  11. After all the prerequisites are installed, the Application Installation (Progress) screen appears and keeps you informed as the Velocity Installer installs all of the files required for the Velocity program. When the navigation buttons are enabled, click Next.

  12. When the Velocity installation is completed, and the Installation Complete screen appears, select the desired closing options, then click Close

The Velocity Client installation on this computer is complete. If necessary, repeat this installation on other Velocity Client computers.

For a flowchart of the installation process, refer to the Installation Flow Charts.


New Velocity installations come with a 90-day demonstration license. You will have to contact Identiv to:

New Velocity installations come with a 90-day demonstration license. You will have to contact Identiv to: