Environment Specifications
Prior to installing and configuring the Customer Not Present (CNP) plug-in, you must first install and configure the Dwell plug-in and an appropriate Point of Sale (PoS) plug-in.
Each PoS device requires a camera configured with the Dwell plug-in. Overhead cameras are strongly recommended. If a camera cannot be placed directly above the PoS device, care must be taken to avoid both foreground and background obstructions in the customer zone.
Refer the https://identivdocs.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/HSA/pages/80150728/Dwell+Installation+and+Configuration#Getting-Started for general environmental specification information for
the Dwell plug-in.
Pre-Installation Checklist
Ensure that you have purchased the CNP plug-in for the correct number of cameras for the installation.
Please see the https://identivdocs.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/HSA/pages/80150728/Dwell+Installation+and+Configuration#Getting-Started guide for more information on the configuration of the Dwell plug-in. You will need to obtain a https://identivdocs.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/HSA/pages/80150728/Dwell+Installation+and+Configuration#Entering-Dwell-License-Key for the Dwell plug-in .
Installing and Configuring Prerequisite Plug-Ins
Refer the https://identivdocs.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/HSA/pages/80150728/Dwell+Installation+and+Configuration#Getting-Started guide for instructions on installing the Dwell plug-in.
Draw a dwell zone in the area where customers normally stand during PoS transactions. Refer https://identivdocs.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/HSA/pages/80150728/Dwell+Installation+and+Configuration#Drawing-Dwell-Zone for further instructions.
Do not include the area where the employee will stand during the transaction.Give the dwell zone a name and identify it as a CNP customer dwell zone using a keyword, such as “Register 1 Customer”.
Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each Point of Sale device to be configured with the CNP plug-in.
Give each dwell zone a name using the same keyword as in step 2, e.g. “Register 2 Customer”, “Register 3 Customer”, etc.
Installing PoS Transaction Plug-In
Refer to your PoS Plug-In for Installation and Configuration.
Make sure the PoS terminals are mapped to the correct video channels.
Install CNP Plug-In