ONVIF stands for Open Network Video Interface Forum. The goal of ONVIF is to create a standard for how IP Products within video surveillance and other physical security areas can communicate with each other. Standardization, Interoperability, and Openness are the cornerstones of ONVIF allowing for greater flexibility and quality. ONVIF allows the 3VR appliance to support a wider range IP devices while helping to minimize development time for new camera drivers.
Utilizing the ONVIF Driver
The ONVIF Driver is assigned to an ONVIF supported camera in the same manner as normal IP Camera drivers:
In System Manager under the Configure Tab, select or add the camera that will be using the ONVIF Driver.
Select Type which will open the Edit Camera Type window.
Choose Network Camera from the list of Camera Types.
Choose ONVIF from the Camera Driver. The ONVIF driver may be populated by default.
Input the Network Address for the camera as well as username and password if applicable. Note: For Multi channel camera, Input the camera line number in Video Server Port.
Choose Populate ONVIF Settings. System Manager will take a few moments to query the camera for ONVIF settings. If successful, the camera settings window will now be populated with the relevant settings downloaded from the network camera.
After sometime, a successful message for populating ONVIF configuration settings displays.To repopulate ONVIF settings, the Populate ONVIF Settings must be clicked every time a network related setting is changed on the camera to ensure the camera works properly with the 3VR.
The most common cause of the 3VR failing to Populate ONVIF Settings are as follows:
The camera is not supported
System timed out while contacting the camera
The credentials for logging into the camera are incorrect
There is a networking issue preventing successful completion
All ONVIF Settings are found under the IP Camera Settings. ONVIF has three streams for use. Once these streams have been configured, they can be assigned to the following:
Analytic Stream
Stored Stream
Default Live Stream
Alternate Live Stream
In case of ONVIF multichannel camera, the specific camera line must be specified under Video Server Port.
ONVIF with Axis Camera!! In order for Axis cameras to successfully use the ONVIF settings on the camera UI, user credentials must first be manually added to the ONVIF account list within the camera UI. Once this has been completed, ONVIF settings should be populate to the camera correctly.