Use this dropdown menu in the combo box to select from the pre-defined list of components. Once the component is selected, it will show a detailed view. Click ⌃ to expand and ⌄ to collapse the component.
| |
Door | Door Name: The name assigned to this door. Clicking the (+) symbol will display the number of access granted, and access denied transactions for the day. Address: The address assigned to this Door. Status: The status of the points associated with this door (i.e., secure, active, inactive, open circuit, masked, etc.). Alarm: Indicates whether this door is currently in alarm (Yes) or No (-). Masked: Indicates whether this door's input is currently masked (Yes) or NO (-). Enabled: Indicates whether this door is enabled (Yes/No). 1ALRM: The status of this door's line module Alarm point. All line modules have the first point for Alarms. If no point is detected, a dash (-) appears. 2RQE: The status of this door's line module RQE point. All LM2s and LM3s have a second point for RQEs. If no point is detected, a dash (-) appears. 3TMPR: The status of this door's line module Tamper point. All LM3s have a third point for tamper. If no point is detected, a dash (-) appears. LM: The type of line module associated with this door, where:
1 = DTLM1/MELM1 2 = DTLM2/MELM2 3 = DTLM3/MELM3 LM Volts: The voltage level for this door's line module. Relay: Whether the relay associated with this door is currently ON or OFF. R Details: If this relay is not in its normal state, this column indicates why. If none exists, the word 'None' appears in this column. 2PR: Is this door enabled for 2-person rule (Yes/No). Updated: The date and time when the status of this Door was last refreshed.
Inputs | Input Name: The name assigned to this input. Address: The address assigned to this Input. Status: The current status of this input (i.e., active, inactive, etc.). Alarm: Indicates whether this input is currently alarmed (Yes) or not (-). Masked: Indicates whether this input is currently masked (Yes) or unmasked (-). Enabled: Is this input currently enabled? (Yes/No). 1ALRM: The status of this line module's Alarm point. All LMs have the first point for Alarms. If no point is detected, a dash (-) appears. 2RQE: The status of this line module's RQE point. All LM2s and LM3s have a second point for RQEs. If no point is detected, a dash (-) appears. 3TMPR: The status of this line module's Tamper point. All LM3s have a third point for tamper. If no point is detected, a dash (-) appears. LM: The type of line module this input uses, where:
1 = LM1 2 = LM2 3 = LM3 |
Relays | Relay Name: The name assigned to this relay. Address: The address Velocity generated for this relay. Status: The current status of this relay (i.e., active, inactive, etc.). R Details: If this relay is not in its normal state, this column indicates why. If none exists, the word 'none' appears in this column. Updated: The date and time when the status of this relay was last refreshed.
Readers | Reader Name: The name assigned to this reader. Address: The address assigned to this reader. Status: The current status of this reader. Threat Level: Indicates whether this reader is set for a specific threat level. Code Tamper: Indicates whether this reader is currently experiencing a code tamper. If a code tamper condition exists, the word 'yes' appears in this column. If no tamper condition exists, a dash (-) appears. Physical Tamper: Indicates whether this reader is currently experiencing a physical tamper. If a physical tamper condition exists, the word 'yes' appears in this column. If no tamper condition exists, a dash (-) appears. Updated: The date and time when the status of this reader was last refreshed.
Controller | Controller Name: The name given to this controller. Address: The address assigned to this controller. Status: The current status of this controller (online, inactive, etc.). Threat Level: Indicates current Threat Level for this controller. Enclosure: The enclosure status for this controller. This can indicate one of three conditions: Secure (closed), Tamper (open), or blank if the system does not know. Enabled: Indicates if this controller is currently enabled for communication (Yes/No). Terminal: Indicates whether this controller is using a SCIB to connect to a terminal (Logged ON/Logged OFF). AC Power: The current status of this controller's AC power (OK/FAIL). UPS Battery: The current status of this controller's UPS (OK/Weak/Failed). Local Programming: Whether this controller is currently being programmed by an attached keypad (OFF/ON).
Local keypad programming is an old feature which is supported only by DIGI*TRAC controllers such as the M1N, M2, and M8; it is not supported by Mx series controllers. An Mx controller does not include a parallel port for a local printer. S Printer: The current state of any serial printer connected through an installed SCIB or serial printer harness (Offline/Online). Tamper Pending: The current tamper state (Pending/Not Pending). Updated: The date and time when the status of this controller was last refreshed, in dd/mm/yyyy format. CCM Firmware Version: The current CCM Firmware version. CCM BIOS Version: The current CCM BIOS. SNIB2 Firmware Version: The current SNIB2 Firmware version. SNIB3 Firmware Version: The current SNIB3 Firmware version. SNIB3 OS Version: The current SNIB3 OS version. SNIB3 Driver Version: The current SNIB3 Driver version.
The firmware versions will display accordingly depending on the type of SNIB used. |
XBoxes | Xbox Name: The name assigned to this Xbox. Address: The address assigned to this Xbox. Controller Name: The name assigned to this controller. Controller Address: The address assigned to this controller. Status: The current status of the Xbox (Online/Offline). Enabled: Indicates if this Xbox is currently enabled for communication (Yes/No). Rev: Reversion number of this Xbox detected by Velocity. Updated: The date and time when the status of this Xbox was last refreshed.
Ports | Port Name: The name given to this port. Address: The address assigned to this port. Status: The current status of the port (Online/Offline). Enabled: Indicates if this port is currently enabled for communication (Yes/No). Updated: The date and time when the status of this Port was last refreshed.
Ports with Network Global IO | Port Name: The name assigned to this port. Address: The address assigned to this port. Updated: The date and time when the status of this port was last refreshed. IP Address: The IP Address of the Port. Status: The current online/offline status of the Port. Enabled: Is this port currently active? (Yes/No) CM Group: The name of the global Credential Management Group. CM Server: The current status of the global Credential Management server for the group. Values are: Active, Inactive, or “Not Configured”.
An empty space indicates this port is not a server for global Credential Management. GIO servers are automatically configured to be clients to themselves. MCZ Group: The name given to the Global Master Control Zone Group. MCZ Server: The current status of the global Master Control Zone server for the group. Values are: Active, Inactive, or “Not Configured.”
An empty space indicates this port is not a server for the Global Master Control Zone. GIO servers are automatically configured to be clients to themselves. |
Pagination | Click the link to learn more about Pagination functions. |
Sort | Click this Image Modified icon to sort the column in ascending or descending orders respectively. |
Status Groups
When you first open Status Viewer, you have only one Status Group: None. This displays the status of no devices. To view the status of any specific devices or points, you must define one or more Status Groups.
Enter a name for this new Status Group (up to 50 characters).
For the Component field, use the drop-down list and select the type of component you want to include in this Status Group.
The 'Does not contain' pane is populated with all devices/points corresponding to the selected Filter. The 'Contains' pane is empty.
From the 'Does not contain’ pane, either type in the Search field to narrow the selection or select those system elements you want to view on the Status Viewer for this Status Group. By clicking the index button, it will select all the elements.
Click the right arrow (>)button to move the selected elements to the 'Contains' pane.
To remove elements from the 'Contains' pane, either type in the search field to narrow down the selection or select those system elements you want to remove. Click the left arrow (<)button to move those elements back into the 'Does not contain’ pane.
Click Save Changes to save the configuration or click Cancel to ignore any changes and return to the Status Viewer.
Once the Status Group is created, click on the Status Groups radio button to be able to select an existing Status Group.
Use the dropdown to select either one of the Status Groups to view in the Status Viewer.
A + symbol will appear to the left of the Door name when the chosen Status Group contains a Door component. Click the + symbol to expand and display the total number of Access Granted and Access Denied transactions for the day.
You can see the edit, delete and Configure Column Headers icons on the Status Groups ribbon.
Clicking the edit button will take you back to the configuration page and allow you to add or remove elements.
The delete button will delete the currently listed Status Group.
Click this radio button to display ALL points currently masked in the Status pane. A simplified screen appears, like in this example:
Name | Displays the name of the component. |
Address | Displays the unique address as assigned by the system. |
Reason Masked | Displays the reason why the point is masked. |
Updated | The date and time when the status of this door was last refreshed. |
Pagination | Click the link to learn more about Pagination functions. |