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Table of Contents

3VR Realtime Dashboard

The 3VR Realtime Dashboard collects the number of visitors passing through a defined area through People Counter Sensors. The people counter sensors operate to track the data even when several visitors are simultaneously passing across the area where they are installed.

The 3VR Real-time Dashboard provides Live Occupancy of people count entering in buildings, on all entrances and on each floor. This helps the building authorities or administrators to monitor, track and manage visitor traffic. The 3VR Realtime Dashboard collects the number of visitors passing through a defined area through People Counter Sensors. The People Counter Sensors operate to track the data even when several visitors are simultaneously passing across the area where they are installed.

3VR Realtime Dashboard and 3VR VMS System

The 3VR Realtime Dashboard communicates with 3VR VMS system to collect the people counter data. The People counter sends data or notification to the VMS at regular intervals.
The VMS process the people counter data and sends the data to the subscribed Realtime dashboard users as notification or RSS feed.


The Online status in the Realtime Dashboard in the above Figure shows that the VMS system is in online or offline.

Installing Real-time Dashboard Application

  1. Run the RealtimeSetup-X.XX.XX setup that is given to you.

    You will see a Welcome screen as shown below:

  2. Click Next to proceed to the destination folder screen. Do not try to change the destination folder that is chosen by default.
  3. Click Next to proceed till you get to see your Installation Complete screen like the one shown below.
  4. Click Close after you are done. The Real-time Dashboard is installed in your system.

Upgrading your Realtime Dashboard

Before Upgrading

  • Close your Browser window. If you forget to close and run the installer, you may run into problem. Under such scenario, delete the C:\app_log folder and run the Installer again.
  1. Run the Realtime Dashboard Patch Upgrade exe file. You will observe a screen as shown below.
  2. Press “Enter” and you will find the upgrade running successful. Press “Esc” to exit.

Recommended Browser

For best Realtime Dashboard experience, we recommend using Google Chrome.

Configuring Port Number

The communication requests over the Realtime Dashboard travels over a default secured Web port: 9999. If you want to change the port number:

  1. Stop the “RealTimeDashboard Service" From Windows Services.
  2. Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\3VR\RealtimeDashboard folder path.
  3. Open the RealTimePeopleCounting.exe.config file and edit the port key value to the value that you want to set.
  4. Save the file and restart the RealTimeDashboard Service.

    Access the Realtime Dashboard with the new port number. For example: http://<MachineIP>:<New Port Number>

Enabling Secure Socket Layer (SSL) for Realtime Dashboard

To enable SSL for Realtime Dashboard stop the “RealTimeDashboard Service” and follow the steps:


Restart the RealTimeDashboard services and try to access the application with https://<MachineIP>:<PortNumber>. Refer Restarting Realtime Dashboard Services for details.

Auto Resetting the Counters

To reset the counters automatically at the periodic time, follow the below procedures.


For example, if the default value everyday 12.00 am it will reset the counters. If you want to change the value generate the cron expression and replace it here. Refer to build cron expressions. After you are done, restart the RealTimeDashboard Services. Refer Restarting Realtime Dashboard Services for details.

Starting the Real-Time Dashboard Application

  1. Open Google Chrome Browser and type https://localhost:9999/ and hit enter. The 3VR Live Occupancy Dashboard window.


    If you want to access Realtime Dashboard installed in another system. You need to enter the IP of the machine you are accessing, for example https:// Refer Adding Exceptions to your Firewall if you face trouble.


    If you have trouble in logging into the Application, try to stop the Real-time Dashboard services, restart it again and then try logging in again. If still you are unable to login, reinstall your Real-time Setup and try to launch it again. Refer Restarting Realtime Dashboard Services for details.

  2. Enter the Username as admin and Password as admin. Click Login.


The home page displays as shown.


As an Administrator you have the permission to set your store occupancy level at specific working hours to denote the percentage levels mapped to Red zones or Orange zones.
Click Administration-> Settings tab. The window displays as shown.

  • The Red Zone (%) field indicates the maximum allowed percentage of occupancy.
  • The Orange Zone (%) field indicates the percentage of occupancy that is reaching full capacity.
  • Store Hours allows to set your store working hours.


    The working hours is entered in 24-hour format. If incorrect working hours are entered, an error pop-up window is displayed.

  • In the 3VR VMS System IP Address field, enter your valid 3VR VMS IP Address.


     Realtime Dashboard is only supported at VMS level and not at Enterprise

  • The 3VR VMS System Time Zone drop-down field allows to select your store time zone based on your store hours configured in VMS
  • The User Name allows to enter your 3VR Appliance username. Here, the default username is techrep.
  • Password allows to enter your 3VR Appliance password.
  • Save button allows to save your entered details with a confirmation pop-up.

Store / Room Administration

The tab allows to add, update, and remove your store names based on your location and maximum occupancy preferences.

Adding Store/Room

  1. Click Administration-> Store/Room Administration tab. The window displays as shown.
  2. Click Add. The Add Store / Room window appears.
  3. Select the Location drop-down. The location can either be External / Internal based your store.
  4. Enter your Store Location Name.
  5. Enter the Maximum Occupancy of your Store Location.
  6. Click Add.

A pop-up window displays the store/room name added successfully. After you have added your store name with location the screen looks like below:

Editing Store/Room

  1. Select the Store/Room you wish to edit.
  2. Click Edit in the Store / Room Configuration window. The screen appears as shown:
  3. Make the required changes and click Save.

Deleting Store/Room

  1. Select the Store/Room you wish to remove.
  2. Click Delete to remove the Store/Room from your settings.
  3. A Delete Store/Room confirmation dialog displays. Click Delete.

Gate/Counter Administration

The tab enables to configure all your people counters that are installed in your entrance/exit of your counter/gate in your store/building.

Adding Counter Configuration

  1. Click Administration-> Gate/Counter Administration tab. The window displays as shown.
  2. Click Add. The Add/Edit Counter window displays.

Resetting People Count


Clicking Reset in the Realtime Dashboard home page as shown in 3VR Realtime Dashboard and alters the people counter to zero. For example, the people counter may show ten visitors, but the user may find twelve visitors who are physically present inside the location. The user must manually reset the value to accommodate the twelve visitors.
The Reset All in Counter Administration→Counter Configuration alters the people counter value of all locations to zero at one click.


It is recommended that while resetting the people counter, no visitor must be inside the counter group location, since this leads to negative value. For example, if you reset the people counter with two visitors inside the counter group location, this leads to negative value after two visitors exit from the counter group location.

Appendix A: Troubleshooting

To check if the Realtime dashboard service is running.

  1. Type Services.msc
  2. In the service pane, check if Realtime service is running.

If Realtime Dashboard Installer on your system is not working, ensure that a supported version of .NET framework is installed.

Appendix B

A case of APS-180 model People Sensors with the Gate Name Configuration that ought to be arranged the equivalent in 3VR Realtime Dashboard in given as a screen capture reference below.

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If you are unable to access the Realtime Dashboard from another system within your premises, except localhost, then you can add Port Exceptions and Program Exceptions to the Windows Firewall by following the below steps:


  1. Enter the Gate Name.
  2. Enter the valid Counter IP Address.
    Select the appropriate Counter Model from the drop-down.


    Under specific conditions, if the event is not received from 3VR VMS, check if the Realtime counter configuration Gate name and People Counter Gate name are the same for APS counter model that you have chosen. Refer to Gate Name Configuration in Troubleshooting section for more details.

  3. Select the Location drop-down of your Gate Name.

  4. Select the Location Store/Room Name from the drop-down.

  5. Click Add after you are done. A confirmation dialog appears.

Editing Counter Configuration

After adding Counters to your Real-time Dashboard, the screen looks like below:

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  1. Click Administration-> Gate/Counter Administration.
  2. Select the Gate Name you want to update and click Edit. The Add/Edit Counter window displays as shown.
    Image Added
  3. Make the required changes and click Save.

Deleting Counter Configuration

  1. Select the Gate Name radio button you wish to remove and click Delete.
  2. A confirmation dialog window appears as shown below. You can click Delete to remove the Gate Name or Close to come out.

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Resetting People Count

Under certain conditions, the people count may show inconsistent data or sometime negative value when the store visitors by pass the people counter sensors.

Clicking Reset in the Realtime Dashboard home page as shown in 3VR Realtime Dashboard and alters the people counter to zero. For example, the people counter may show ten visitors, but the user may find twelve visitors who are physically present inside the location. The user must manually reset the value to accommodate the twelve visitors.


It is recommended that while resetting the people counter, no visitor must be inside the counter group location, since this leads to negative value. For example, if you reset the people counter with two visitors inside the counter group location, this leads to negative value after two visitors exit from the counter group location.

To Reset Counter for each Gate Name:

  1. Clicking the Reset button in Gate/Counter Administration→Counter Configuration alters the people counter value of all locations to zero at one click as shown.
    Image Added
  2. You can also click Reset All button to reset all your counters at single click.

User Administration

The User Administration tab allows to add users, edit, and remove users.

Adding User Configuration

To add users:

  1. Click Administration-> User Administration tab. The User Configuration window displays.
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  2. Click Add. The Add screen appears.


    The Default Admin may not view store/Room Names that are added. As a word around refer Viewing Stores by Administrator section in Trouble Shooting.

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  3. Enter the User Name of your choice.
  4. Enter the Password and repeat the password you entered.
  5. Select the Role the user plays in the store from the drop-down.


    The Role can be of type Admin, User, and Customer. The Admin user has got all the privileges to configure users and store settings. The User role has got permission only to view the People Counter charts that they are eligible for the stores. The customer roles refer to customers visiting the stores and only can view the charts/alert messages.

    For more details refer:

    • Adding a User with Single View
    • Adding Store Admin User
  6. Select the Default view that you want to view. The View is either Single Store/Multi Store.
  7. Select the Default Chart Type you wish to view. The chart type is either Gauge/Traffic.
  8. Select the Store Name you want to give the user to access. Click Add after you are done.

Editing User Configuration

  1. Click Administration-> User Administration The User Configuration window displays.
  2. Select the user you want to edit and Click Edit.
  3. The Edit window displays.
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  4. Edit the changes you want to make and click Save.

    Deleting User Configuration

  1. Like editing user configuration, you can remove users. Click Administration-> User Administration The User Configuration window displays.
  2. Select the user you want to remove and Click Delete.
  3. The Delete window displays.
    Image Added
  4. Click Delete to remove the user you want.


The Message tab stores Standard Message Format that the user can view on the browser in the form of Alert text.

  1. Click Administration-> Message tab. The Configure Custom Message window displays.
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  2. Edit the message you want to display to the user and click Save.

Configuring Custom Messages

As an Admin user you can create custom and localized messages based on your user store location.

To Create Custom Localized Messages:

  1. Go to Administration->Message and select Sample Message Format.
  2. Copy the text you want to translate from the Custom Message Format as shown.
    Image Added
  3. Paste the text you want to localize in Google Translator to get the desired result.
    Image Added
  4. Copy the desired result back to your custom message window and click Save. Login again to see the desired results in the home page.
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  5. You can view your customized messages after you relog-in again as shown.
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Configuring Customized HTML Styles

Like your customized messages, the Admin has the permission to customize the HTML style of the elements that appear in the custom message in tag format. You can use any online free HTML generator. To have your own style:

  1. Go to Administration->Message and select Sample Message Format.
  2. Copy the html code snippet you want to change to your style as shown.
    1. Image Added
  3. Search Google for online free HTML generator, for example:
  4. Paste the HTML code as shown.
    Image Added
  5. Change the HTML tag elements in the code to have your desired output.
  6. Copy the desired HTML code to paste in your Custom Message window and click Save.
  7. Login again to see the desired results in the home page.

Adding Users

For demonstration and example purpose in screen captures in this documentation users “Store 1 Entrance Incharge” and “Store admin” are used in setting up stores. In real store setup, you can add username of your choice. The following prerequisites are listed before creating the “Store 1 Entrance Incharge” and “Storeadmin” user.

  1. Add a sample IP Address for VMS settings to the recommended percentage for Red zone as 95% and Orange zone as 80%.
  2. Create an external store for “Store 1 Entrance Incharge” user with maximum occupancy of 50 store visitors or 60 store visitors.
  3. Add a single counter with the sample IP address and assign it to the external store.

Adding a User with Single View

To add a Store 1 Entrance Incharge user with a customer role permission:

  1. Select Administration->User Administration. Click Add. The screen appears as shown below.
    Image Added
  2. Enter the User Name as Store 1 Entrance Incharge.
  3. Enter the Password and repeat the same Password again.
  4. Select the Role as Customer from the drop-down.
  5. Select the Default View as Single Store.


    Single Store is chosen if the user wants to display the people count of specific store as in Viewing Chart as Store 1 Entrance In charge and Multi Store is chosen if the user wants to display people count of all stores as in Viewing Multi Stores.

  6. The Default Chart Type can either be chosen as Gauge or Traffic.
  7. Click Add. The Store 1 Entrance Incharge user is now added.
    Image Added
  8. Click Logout to exit.

Viewing Chart as Store 1 Entrance In charge

  1. Login as Store 1 Entrance In charge user.
    Image Added
  2. The moment you login, you will see the occupancy chart for the store you have configured as shown.
    Image Added
  3. Click the 3VR icon that you will see at the bottom of page to enter a full screen.
    Image Added
  4. On clicking the 3VR icon the second time, the user will exit from Store 1 Entrance Incharge and get to the login page.

Viewing Multi Stores

Like a Store 1 Entrance In charge user, if you add a Multi Store Entrance In charge user with customer role having multiple stores configured you can view multiple store occupancy view as shown below.

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  1. Click the 3VR icon that you will see at the bottom of page to enter a full screen.
  2. On clicking the 3VR icon the second time, the user will exit from Multi Store Entrance In charge and get to the login page.

Adding Store Admin User

Please follow these steps before creating admin user.

  1. Create few more external Store Entrance In charge stores with max occupancy of 50 people or 60 people
  2. Add more counter/gates with sample IP address and assign it to the above external Store Entrance In charge stores.

To Add store admin user with an admin role permission:

  1. Click Administration->User Administration. Click Add. The screen looks like below.
    Image Added
  2. Enter the User Name as Storeadmin
  3. Enter the Password and repeat the same Password.
  4. Select the Role as Admin from the drop-down.
  5. Select the Multi store View as Single Store.


    Single Store is chosen if the user wants to display the people count of specific store and Multi Store is chosen if the user wants to display people count of all stores.

  6. The Default Chart Type can either be chosen as Gauge or Traffic.
  7. Click Add. The Storeadmin user is now added as shown below.
    Image Added
  8. Click Logout to exit.

Viewing an Admin User

  1. Login as Storeadmin user.
    Image Added
  2. The moment you login, you will see the occupancy chart for the Multi store you have configured as shown.
    Image Added
  3. You can also change your View Type/ Chart Type to view your occupancy levels.
    Image Added
  4. Click Logout after you have finished.

Viewing Chart Types as Storeadmin

Logging in as Storeadmin user allows you to view the Gauge and Traffic chart types based on view type.

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Appendix A

To check if the Realtime dashboard service is running.

  1. Type Services.msc
  2. In the service pane, check if Realtime service is running.
    In case of problems, you can try right click on Realtime service → stop→ start again.

If Realtime Dashboard Installer on your system is not working, ensure that a supported version of .NET framework is installed.

Appendix B

A case of APS-180 model People Sensors with the Gate Name Configuration that ought to be arranged the equivalent in 3VR Realtime Dashboard in given as a screen capture reference below.

Image Added

Appendix c

Realtime Dashboard is Inaccessible

If you are unable to access the Realtime Dashboard from another system within your premises, except localhost, then you can add Port Exceptions and Program Exceptions to the Windows Firewall by following the below steps:

Adding Port Exceptions to Windows Firewall in Windows 10

  1. Right-click the Windows Start button and select Control Panel.
  2. Click Windows Firewall.
  3. Click Advanced Settings.
  4. Click Inbound Rules, then New Rule.
  5. Select Port for the Rule Type, then click Next.
  6. Select TCP for Does this rule apply to TCP or UDP.
  7. Select Specific local ports, and enter the TCP port to allow, then click Next.
  8. Ensure Allow the connection is selected, then click Next.
  9. Select When to apply the rule (Domain, Private, or Public), then click Next.
  10. Enter a Name and optional Description, then click Finish.

Adding Program Exceptions to Windows Firewall in Windows 10

  1. Right-click the Windows Start button and select Control Panel.
  2. Click Windows Firewall.
  3. Click Advanced Settings.
  4. Click Inbound Rules, then New Rule.
  5. Select Port for Program from the Rule Type window, then click Next.
  6. Select TCP for Does this rule apply to TCP or UDP.
  7. Select Specific local ports, and enter the TCP port to allowClick Browse below This program path to select the program executable file, then click Next.
  8. Ensure Allow the connection is selected, then click Next.
  9. Select When to apply the rule (Domain, Private, or Public), then click Next.
  10. Enter a Name and optional Description, then click Finish.

Adding Program Exceptions to Windows Firewall in Windows 10

  1. Right-click the Windows Start button and select Control Panel.
  2. Click Windows Firewall.
  3. Click Advanced Settings.
  4. Click Inbound Rules, then New Rule.
  5. Select Program from the Rule Type window, then click Next.
  6. Click Browse below This program path to select the program executable file, then click Next.
  7. Ensure Allow the connection is selected, then click Next.
  8. Select When to apply the rule (Domain, Private, or Public), then click Next.
  9. Enter a Name and optional Description, then click Finisha Name and optional Description, then click Finish.

Appendix D

Viewing Stores by Administrator

The default Admin user cannot view the new stores that are added in Store / Room Configuration. As a word around, the Admin user must explicitly follow the steps:

  1. Go to User Administration tab-> select the Admin User Name and click Edit.
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  2. In the Edit window, select the Store/Room Name you want to view as shown.

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  3. Click Save after you are done.