Table of Contents | ||||||||||
Click on the Access navigation tab.
Click on the User Access Groups, Floor Access Groups or Guest Access Groups link.
In the Actions bar, click on Add Access Group. The following screen is displayed:
Enter a Name and a Description.
Select the Risk Levels during which this group will have access: Low, Guarded, Elevated, High or Severe (the current risk level is always displayed at the top of the Primis screen)
For more information on Risk Levels see the Alert Level Managementsection.Select a Controlled Area for this group.
Select a Schedule for the Controlled Area. If that controlled area is not going to be accessed by that User Access Group, leave the schedule as Always Off.
If you need an additional line for extra Controlled Areas and/or Schedules, click the + button beside the current line. To delete a line, click the x button.
Click Save.
Global User Access Groups
Create a new Controlled Area with the elevator reader.
In the new Controlled Area’s Floor tab, select all the associated Floor Areas; specify the desired activation time and click +.
Create a Floor Access Group
Click on the Events navigation tab. The following screen is displayed:
Check the boxes above the grid to display the following options:
Live Update: check this box to update the table when there is live data or pause it for discussion and/or troubleshooting.
Local Time: the local monitoring time of the system.
Category: the final category of what is occurring.
Event Code: the events that are supposed to occur.
Current Site Only: the current site; leave unchecked to show data for all sites.
Access Events Only: only show access-related events. To see all I/O and logic leave this box unchecked.From the Display dropdown box, select Today, Last 3 days, This Week or This Month.
Select the number of entries to Show on one page.
You can filter the view by entering Search criteria and/or selecting the Type of event you’d like to view from the dropdown box. Type in the search text and hit Enter.
As user is entering search content, Primis will provide type-ahead hints for the user. If the user prefers using a wildcard search, type ‘*’ to suspend type-ahead and continue to enter search text.
Primis version 11 allows search criteria to contain multiple search categories. Implicate OR gate is applied to search criteria of the same category and an implicit AND gate is applied to search criteria of different categories. In the following example, the criteria reads: “Last Name is ‘Lee’ or Last Name is ‘Hudson’ AND controlled area is ‘Front Internal Door’”.
Click on the Events navigationtab.
On the left, click on the Reports link.
Click on the Attendance sub link.
Enter a From/To date and time.
Select the Zone Group(s) of interest.
Optionally select User Category of interest.
Optionally provide a Suite number, Card number, First or a Last name.
Select either CSV or PDF report type. The two additional types – CSV summary and PDF Summary reports would show daily card holder attendance summaries. All access transaction details are omitted.
Click the Search button.
Backup & Restore
Manual Backup and Restore Configuration (Data)
It is recommended that regular backups of the database are made. Backup files should be stored on digital media such as flash drives or CDs and preferably kept in a secure place. Because the backup files can contain sensitive information they should be protected from unauthorized access.
Manually Backup Data
Click on the System navigation tab.
Virtual Devices allows admin users to create virtual IO points. These IO points are not tied to physical devices but can be used as logical flags (e.g., Set / Reset) for Port Trigger Action operations. This device type is also used to work with custom applications.
To add a Virtual Device:
Go to System->Devices
At the bottom, click the submenu button and click “Add Virtual Device”
In the next page. A unique Device ID will be populated automatically. Please do not alter this ID unless it is used by customer applications. Enter the name of the virtual device and click “Save”:
A virtual device has 1 virtual reader, 2 inputs, and 4 outputs. They can be added to a controlled area as if it were a regular bridge/EG-2 device. Such a setup can be used by custom applications.
A virtual device output can be used by Port Triggered Action as a flag to trigger other actions:
In the above example, when Front Door Relay 1 is activated, the port trigger action will set “My Virtual Device” output 1 to the “Set/On” state. This new state can be used by other port-triggered actions to take further actions.
Backup & Restore
Manual Backup and Restore Configuration (Data)
It is recommended that regular backups of the database are made. Backup files should be stored on digital media such as flash drives or CDs and preferably kept in a secure place. Because the backup files can contain sensitive information they should be protected from unauthorized access.
Manually Backup Data
Click on the System navigation tab.
On the left, click on the Administration link.
Click on the Backup Data sub link.
Find the location to store the file on the local computer.
Click Save
Configure the firewall to allow incoming connections on port 31415.
Login to the Primis administration software using the system user. Call Identiv Support if you need the system password.
Click on the System navigation tab.
On the left, click on the Administration link.
Click on the System Parameters sub link.
Click on the siteEngine.ini file to edit it.
Edit the line that reads DBMode=single and change it to DBMode=master principal
Click Save.
Select and edit a different System Parameters file called start.ini
Edit the line that reads #sds.service=no and change it to sds.service=yes
Click Save and Reboot the server.
Once the system is rebooted, log back in with the system user and go to the System tab.
In the scope pane on the left, click on Utilities.
Click DB Replication.
Fill in the text boxes on the screen.
Host Name: This is the IP address of the master principal server.
Sync Name: Name for the configuration. Enter something that will identify the master principal server. This field must be alpha-numeric.
Sync Protocol: Select http or https. In order to use https, additional configurations are required to install SSL certificate on the master principal and slave replica server.
Sync Port Number: Select the TCP port number that slave replica servers will be connecting to. The TCP port number selected must be configured in the firewall to allow incoming connection. The Primis server is preconfigured to support port 31415, additional configurations on the server are required if other port number is used.
Click the Save button. The master principal node configuration will be displayed in the Master Principal Node section. The Delete button of the master principal node allows users to remove the master principal configuration from the server. It will be disabled if there are slave replica nodes attached to the masterprincipal. The Stop Replication button allows users to stop the database replication process. The Restart Replication button allows users to restart the database replication process. The Refresh Server Cache button allows users to refresh the Primis server cache to the slave replica nodes.
Replica Server
Login to the Primis administration software using the system user. Call Identiv Support if you need the system password.
Click on the System navigation tab.
On the left, click on the Administration link.
Click on the System Parameters sub link.
Click on the siteEngine.ini file to edit it.
Edit the line that reads DBMode=single and change it to DBMode=slave replica
Click Save.
Select and edit a different System Parameters file called start.ini
Edit the line that reads #sds.service=no and change it to Change to sds.service=yes
Click Save and Reboot the server.
Once the system is rebooted, log back in with the system user and go to the System tab.
In the scope pane on the left, click on Utilities.
Click DB Replication.
Fill in the text boxes on the screen.
Master Principal Node Registration URL: The URL that the slave replica server will be connecting to for data replication. The URL should be set to the Sync URL configured on the master principal server.
Sync Name: Name for the configuration. Enter something that will identify the slave replica server. This field must be alpha-numeric.
Click the Attach button. The slave replica node configuration will be displayed in the Node section. The Detach button allows users to remove the node from the data replication. Detaching a slave replica node is a two steps process, refer to the Detaching Slave Replica Server section below for details. The Stop Replication button allows users to stop the database replication process. The Restart Replication button allows users to restart the database replication process.
To verify the slave replica server is configured properly, login to the master principal server and go to the System tab. Click on Utilities on the left and select DB Replication. The client node should be listed.
To verify that the configuration is good, add a controlled area on the master principal node and verify that it appears on the slavereplica.
Replica Server
Detaching a slave replica server from the master principal server is a two steps process.
Logon to the slave replica server with the system user and go to the System tab.
In the scope pane on the left, click on Utilities.
Click DB Replication.
Click the Detach button to detach the node from the masterprincipal.
Logon to the master principal server with the system user and go to the System tab.
In the scope pane on the left, click on Utilities.
Click DB Replication.
Find the client node and click the Delete button to detach the slave replica server.
Microsoft Active Directory (AD) Integration
To remove a Certificate Policy OID:
Click theX button next to the OID.
Extended Key Usage Extensions
To remove an extended key usage extension constraint:
Click the X button next to the OID.
PKI Fault Options